# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Global settings used by all scripts in this dir. # XXX Before any use of the tools in this dir, please make a copy of this file # named "setting.py" # XXX This is a template, most values should be OK, but some you’ll have to # edit (most probably, BLENDER_EXEC and SOURCE_DIR). import os.path ############################################################################### # MISC ############################################################################### # The languages defined in Blender. LANGUAGES_CATEGORIES = ( # Min completeness level, UI english label. ( 0.95, "Complete"), ( 0.33, "In Progress"), ( -1.0, "Starting"), ) LANGUAGES = ( # ID, UI english label, ISO code. ( 0, "Default (Default)", "DEFAULT"), ( 1, "English (English)", "en_US"), ( 2, "Japanese (日本語)", "ja_JP"), ( 3, "Dutch (Nederlandse taal)", "nl_NL"), ( 4, "Italian (Italiano)", "it_IT"), ( 5, "German (Deutsch)", "de_DE"), ( 6, "Finnish (Suomi)", "fi_FI"), ( 7, "Swedish (Svenska)", "sv_SE"), ( 8, "French (Français)", "fr_FR"), ( 9, "Spanish (Español)", "es"), (10, "Catalan (Català)", "ca_AD"), (11, "Czech (Český)", "cs_CZ"), (12, "Portuguese (Português)", "pt_PT"), (13, "Simplified Chinese (简体中文)", "zh_CN"), (14, "Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)", "zh_TW"), (15, "Russian (Русский)", "ru_RU"), (16, "Croatian (Hrvatski)", "hr_HR"), (17, "Serbian (Српски)", "sr_RS"), (18, "Ukrainian (Український)", "uk_UA"), (19, "Polish (Polski)", "pl_PL"), (20, "Romanian (Român)", "ro_RO"), # XXX No po's yet. # Using the utf8 flipped form of Arabic (العربية). (21, "Arabic (ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟﺍ)", "ar_EG"), (22, "Bulgarian (Български)", "bg_BG"), (23, "Greek (Ελληνικά)", "el_GR"), (24, "Korean (한국 언어)", "ko_KR"), # XXX No po's yet. (25, "Nepali (नेपाली)", "ne_NP"), # Using the utf8 flipped form of Persian (فارسی). (26, "Persian (ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ)", "fa_IR"), (27, "Indonesian (Bahasa indonesia)", "id_ID"), (28, "Serbian Latin (Srpski latinica)", "sr_RS@latin"), (29, "Kyrgyz (Кыргыз тили)", "ky_KG"), (30, "Turkish (Türkçe)", "tr_TR"), (31, "Hungarian (Magyar)", "hu_HU"), (32, "Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil)", "pt_BR"), # Using the utf8 flipped form of Hebrew (עִבְרִית)). (33, "Hebrew (תירִבְעִ)", "he_IL"), (34, "Estonian (Eestlane)", "et_EE"), (35, "Esperanto (Esperanto)", "eo"), (36, "Spanish from Spain (Español de España)", "es_ES"), ) # Name of language file used by Blender to generate translations' menu. LANGUAGES_FILE = "languages" # The min level of completeness for a po file to be imported from /branches # into /trunk, as a percentage. -1 means "import everything". IMPORT_MIN_LEVEL = -1 # Languages in /branches we do not want to import in /trunk currently... IMPORT_LANGUAGES_SKIP = {'bg', 'ca', 'fi', 'el', 'ko', 'ne', 'pl', 'ro'} # The comment prefix used in generated messages.txt file. COMMENT_PREFIX = "#~ " # The comment prefix used to mark sources of msgids, in po's. COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE = "#: " # The comment prefix used in generated messages.txt file. CONTEXT_PREFIX = "MSGCTXT:" # Default context. CONTEXT_DEFAULT = "" # Undocumented operator placeholder string. UNDOC_OPS_STR = "(undocumented operator)" # The gettext domain. DOMAIN = "blender" # Our own "gettext" stuff. # File type (ext) to parse. PYGETTEXT_ALLOWED_EXTS = {".c", ".cpp", ".cxx", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".h"} # Where to search contexts definitions, relative to SOURCE_DIR (defined below). PYGETTEXT_CONTEXTS_DEFSRC = os.path.join("source", "blender", "blenfont", "BLF_translation.h") # Regex to extract contexts defined in BLF_translation.h # XXX Not full-proof, but should be enough here! PYGETTEXT_CONTEXTS = "#define\\s+(BLF_I18NCONTEXT_[A-Z_0-9]+)\\s+\"([^\"]*)\"" # Keywords' regex. # XXX Most unfortunately, we can't use named backreferences inside character sets, # which makes the regexes even more twisty... :/ _str_base = ( # Match void string "(?P<{_}1>[\"'])(?P={_}1)" # Get opening quote (' or "), and closing immediately. "|" # Or match non-void string "(?P<{_}2>[\"'])" # Get opening quote (' or "). "(?{capt}(?:" # This one is for crazy things like "hi \\\\\" folks!"... r"(?:(?!<\\)(?:\\\\)*\\(?=(?P={_}2)))|" # The most common case. ".(?!(?P={_}2))" ")+.)" # Don't forget the last char! "(?P={_}2)" # And closing quote. ) str_clean_re = _str_base.format(_="g", capt="P") # Here we have to consider two different cases (empty string and other). _str_whole_re = ( _str_base.format(_="{_}1_", capt=":") + # Optional loop start, this handles "split" strings... "(?:(?<=[\"'])\\s*(?=[\"'])(?:" + _str_base.format(_="{_}2_", capt=":") + # End of loop. "))*" ) _ctxt_re = r"(?P(?:" + _str_whole_re.format(_="_ctxt") + r")|(?:[A-Z_0-9]+))" _msg_re = r"(?P" + _str_whole_re.format(_="_msg") + r")" PYGETTEXT_KEYWORDS = (() + tuple((r"{}\(\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*\)").format(it) for it in ("IFACE_", "TIP_", "N_")) + tuple((r"{}\(\s*" + _ctxt_re + r"\s*,\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*\)").format(it) for it in ("CTX_IFACE_", "CTX_TIP_", "CTX_N_")) + tuple(("{}\\((?:[^\"',]+,){{1,2}}\\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*(?:\)|,)").format(it) for it in ("BKE_report", "BKE_reportf", "BKE_reports_prepend", "BKE_reports_prependf")) + tuple(("{}\\((?:[^\"',]+,){{3}}\\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*,").format(it) for it in ("BMO_error_raise",)) + tuple(("{}\\((?:[^\"',]+,)\\s*" + _msg_re + r"\s*(?:\)|,)").format(it) for it in ("modifier_setError",)) ) ESCAPE_RE = ( (r'((?