/** * Sensor for mouse input * * * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): José I. Romero (cleanup and fixes) * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "SCA_MouseSensor.h" #include "SCA_EventManager.h" #include "SCA_MouseManager.h" #include "SCA_LogicManager.h" #include "SCA_IInputDevice.h" #include "ConstExpr.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Native functions */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SCA_MouseSensor::SCA_MouseSensor(SCA_MouseManager* eventmgr, int startx,int starty, short int mousemode, SCA_IObject* gameobj, PyTypeObject* T) : SCA_ISensor(gameobj,eventmgr, T), m_pMouseMgr(eventmgr), m_x(startx), m_y(starty) { m_mousemode = mousemode; m_triggermode = true; UpdateHotkey(); Init(); } void SCA_MouseSensor::Init() { m_val = (m_invert)?1:0; /* stores the latest attribute */ m_reset = true; } SCA_MouseSensor::~SCA_MouseSensor() { /* Nothing to be done here. */ } void SCA_MouseSensor::UpdateHotkey() { // gosh, this function is so damn stupid // its here because of a design mistake in the mouse sensor, it should only // have 3 trigger modes (button, wheel, move), and let the user set the // hotkey separately, like the other sensors. but instead it has a mode for // each friggin key and i have to update the hotkey based on it... genius! switch (m_mousemode) { case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_LEFTBUTTON: m_hotkey = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LEFTMOUSE; break; case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_MIDDLEBUTTON: m_hotkey = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MIDDLEMOUSE; break; case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_RIGHTBUTTON: m_hotkey = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_RIGHTMOUSE; break; case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_WHEELUP: m_hotkey = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WHEELUPMOUSE; break; case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_WHEELDOWN: m_hotkey = SCA_IInputDevice::KX_WHEELDOWNMOUSE; break; default: ; /* ignore, no hotkey */ } } CValue* SCA_MouseSensor::GetReplica() { SCA_MouseSensor* replica = new SCA_MouseSensor(*this); // this will copy properties and so on... CValue::AddDataToReplica(replica); replica->Init(); return replica; } bool SCA_MouseSensor::IsPositiveTrigger() { bool result = (m_val != 0); if (m_invert) result = !result; return result; } short int SCA_MouseSensor::GetModeKey() { return m_mousemode; } SCA_IInputDevice::KX_EnumInputs SCA_MouseSensor::GetHotKey() { return m_hotkey; } bool SCA_MouseSensor::Evaluate(CValue* event) { bool result = false; bool reset = m_reset && m_level; SCA_IInputDevice* mousedev = m_pMouseMgr->GetInputDevice(); m_reset = false; switch (m_mousemode) { case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_LEFTBUTTON: case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_MIDDLEBUTTON: case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_RIGHTBUTTON: case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_WHEELUP: case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_WHEELDOWN: { const SCA_InputEvent& event = mousedev->GetEventValue(m_hotkey); switch (event.m_status){ case SCA_InputEvent::KX_JUSTACTIVATED: m_val = 1; result = true; break; case SCA_InputEvent::KX_JUSTRELEASED: m_val = 0; result = true; break; case SCA_InputEvent::KX_ACTIVE: if (m_val == 0) { m_val = 1; if (m_level) result = true; } break; default: if (m_val == 1) { m_val = 0; result = true; } break; } break; } case KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_MOVEMENT: { const SCA_InputEvent& eventX = mousedev->GetEventValue(SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MOUSEX); const SCA_InputEvent& eventY = mousedev->GetEventValue(SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MOUSEY); if (eventX.m_status == SCA_InputEvent::KX_JUSTACTIVATED || eventY.m_status == SCA_InputEvent::KX_JUSTACTIVATED || eventX.m_status == SCA_InputEvent::KX_ACTIVE || eventY.m_status == SCA_InputEvent::KX_ACTIVE) { m_val = 1; result = true; } else if (eventX.m_status == SCA_InputEvent::KX_JUSTRELEASED || eventY.m_status == SCA_InputEvent::KX_JUSTRELEASED ) { m_val = 0; result = true; } else //KX_NO_IMPUTSTATUS { if (m_val == 1) { m_val = 0; result = true; } } break; } default: ; /* error */ } if (reset) // force an event result = true; return result; } void SCA_MouseSensor::setX(short x) { m_x = x; } void SCA_MouseSensor::setY(short y) { m_y = y; } bool SCA_MouseSensor::isValid(SCA_MouseSensor::KX_MOUSESENSORMODE m) { return ((m > KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_NODEF) && (m < KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_MAX)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Python functions */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //Deprecated functions ------> /* get x position ---------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_MouseSensor::GetXPosition_doc[] = "getXPosition\n" "\tReturns the x-coordinate of the mouse sensor, in frame coordinates.\n" "\tThe lower-left corner is the origin. The coordinate is given in\n" "\tpixels\n"; PyObject* SCA_MouseSensor::PyGetXPosition(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getXPosition()", "the position property"); return PyInt_FromLong(m_x); } /* get y position ---------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_MouseSensor::GetYPosition_doc[] = "getYPosition\n" "\tReturns the y-coordinate of the mouse sensor, in frame coordinates.\n" "\tThe lower-left corner is the origin. The coordinate is given in\n" "\tpixels\n"; PyObject* SCA_MouseSensor::PyGetYPosition(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getYPosition()", "the position property"); return PyInt_FromLong(m_y); } //<----- Deprecated KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC_O(SCA_MouseSensor, getButtonStatus, "getButtonStatus(button)\n" "\tGet the given button's status (KX_NO_INPUTSTATUS, KX_JUSTACTIVATED, KX_ACTIVE or KX_JUSTRELEASED).\n") { if (PyInt_Check(value)) { int button = PyInt_AsLong(value); if ((button < SCA_IInputDevice::KX_LEFTMOUSE) || (button > SCA_IInputDevice::KX_MIDDLEMOUSE)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "invalid button specified!"); return NULL; } SCA_IInputDevice* mousedev = m_pMouseMgr->GetInputDevice(); const SCA_InputEvent& event = mousedev->GetEventValue((SCA_IInputDevice::KX_EnumInputs) button); return PyInt_FromLong(event.m_status); } Py_Return; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Python Integration Hooks */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PyTypeObject SCA_MouseSensor::Type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type) 0, "SCA_MouseSensor", sizeof(SCA_MouseSensor), 0, PyDestructor, 0, __getattr, __setattr, 0, //&MyPyCompare, __repr, 0, //&cvalue_as_number, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; PyParentObject SCA_MouseSensor::Parents[] = { &SCA_MouseSensor::Type, &SCA_ISensor::Type, &SCA_ILogicBrick::Type, &CValue::Type, NULL }; PyMethodDef SCA_MouseSensor::Methods[] = { //Deprecated functions ------> {"getXPosition", (PyCFunction) SCA_MouseSensor::sPyGetXPosition, METH_VARARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetXPosition_doc}, {"getYPosition", (PyCFunction) SCA_MouseSensor::sPyGetYPosition, METH_VARARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetYPosition_doc}, //<----- Deprecated KX_PYMETHODTABLE_O(SCA_MouseSensor, getButtonStatus), {NULL,NULL} //Sentinel }; PyObject* SCA_MouseSensor::_getattr(const STR_String& attr) { if (attr == "position") return Py_BuildValue("[ii]", m_x, m_y); if (attr == "mode") return PyInt_FromLong(m_mousemode); _getattr_up(SCA_ISensor); } int SCA_MouseSensor::_setattr(const STR_String& attr, PyObject *value) { if (attr == "mode") { if (!PyInt_Check(value)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected an integer"); return 1; } int val = PyInt_AsLong(value); if ((val < KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_NODEF) || (val > KX_MOUSESENSORMODE_MAX)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "invalid mode specified!"); return 1; } m_mousemode = val; UpdateHotkey(); return 0; } if (attr == "position") { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "'position' is a read-only property!"); return 1; } return SCA_ISensor::_setattr(attr, value); } /* eof */