// // Add object to the game world on action of this actuator. A copy is made // of a referenced object. The copy inherits some properties from the owner // of this actuator. // // $Id$ // // ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. // All rights reserved. // // The Original Code is: all of this file. // // Contributor(s): none yet. // // ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** // // Previously existed as: // \source\gameengine\GameLogic\SCA_AddObjectActuator.h // Please look here for revision history. #ifndef __KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator #define __KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator /* Actuator tree */ #include "SCA_IActuator.h" #include "SCA_LogicManager.h" #include "MT_Vector3.h" class SCA_IScene; class KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator : public SCA_IActuator { Py_Header; /// Time field: lifetime of the new object int m_timeProp; /// Original object reference (object to replicate) SCA_IObject* m_OriginalObject; /// Object will be added to the following scene SCA_IScene* m_scene; /// Linear velocity upon creation of the object. float m_linear_velocity[3]; /// Apply the velocity locally bool m_localLinvFlag; /// Angular velocity upon creation of the object. float m_angular_velocity[3]; /// Apply the velocity locally bool m_localAngvFlag; SCA_IObject* m_lastCreatedObject; public: /** * This class also has the default constructors * available. Use with care! */ KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator( SCA_IObject *gameobj, SCA_IObject *original, int time, SCA_IScene* scene, const float *linvel, bool linv_local, const float *angvel, bool angv_local, PyTypeObject* T=&Type ); ~KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator(void); CValue* GetReplica( ) ; virtual void ProcessReplica(); virtual bool UnlinkObject(SCA_IObject* clientobj); virtual void Relink(GEN_Map *obj_map); virtual bool Update(); virtual PyObject* py_getattro(PyObject *attr); virtual PyObject* py_getattro_dict(); virtual int py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject* value); SCA_IObject* GetLastCreatedObject( ) const ; void InstantAddObject(); /* 1. setObject */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_O(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,SetObject); /* 2. setTime */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_O(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,SetTime); /* 3. getTime */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,GetTime); /* 4. getObject */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_VARARGS(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,GetObject); /* 5. getLinearVelocity */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,GetLinearVelocity); /* 6. setLinearVelocity */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_VARARGS(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,SetLinearVelocity); /* 7. getAngularVelocity */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,GetAngularVelocity); /* 8. setAngularVelocity */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_VARARGS(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,SetAngularVelocity); /* 9. getLastCreatedObject */ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,GetLastCreatedObject); /* 10. instantAddObject*/ KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator,InstantAddObject); static PyObject* pyattr_get_object(void *self, const struct KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); static int pyattr_set_object(void *self, const struct KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value); static PyObject* pyattr_get_objectLastCreated(void *self, const struct KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef); }; /* end of class KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator : public KX_EditObjectActuator */ #endif