#!BPY """ Name: 'Self Shadow VCols (AO)...' Blender: 245 Group: 'VertexPaint' Tooltip: 'Generate Fake Ambient Occlusion with vertex colors.' """ __author__ = "Campbell Barton aka ideasman42" __url__ = ["www.blender.org", "blenderartists.org", "www.python.org"] __version__ = "0.1" __bpydoc__ = """\ Self Shadow This usript uses the angles between faces to shade the mesh, and optionaly blur the shading to remove artifacts from spesific edges. """ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Script copyright (C) Campbell J Barton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Blender import Scene, Draw, sys, Window, Mathutils, Mesh import bpy import BPyMesh def vertexFakeAO(me, PREF_BLUR_ITERATIONS, PREF_BLUR_RADIUS, PREF_MIN_EDLEN, PREF_CLAMP_CONCAVE, PREF_CLAMP_CONVEX, PREF_SHADOW_ONLY, PREF_SEL_ONLY): Window.WaitCursor(1) Ang= Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs BPyMesh.meshCalcNormals(me) vert_tone= [0.0] * len(me.verts) vert_tone_count= [0] * len(me.verts) min_tone=0 max_tone=0 for i, f in enumerate(me.faces): fc= f.cent fno = f.no for v in f.v: vno=v.no # get a scaled down normal. dot= vno.dot(v.co) - vno.dot(fc) vert_tone_count[v.index]+=1 try: a= Ang(vno, fno) except: continue # Convex if dot>0: a= min(PREF_CLAMP_CONVEX, a) if not PREF_SHADOW_ONLY: vert_tone[v.index] += a else: a= min(PREF_CLAMP_CONCAVE, a) vert_tone[v.index] -= a # average vert_tone_list into vert_tonef for i, tones in enumerate(vert_tone): if vert_tone_count[i]: vert_tone[i] = vert_tone[i] / vert_tone_count[i] # BLUR TONE edge_lengths= [ ed.length for ed in me.edges] for i in xrange(PREF_BLUR_ITERATIONS): orig_vert_tone= list(vert_tone) for ii, ed in enumerate(me.edges): i1= ed.v1.index i2= ed.v2.index l= edge_lengths[ii] f=1.0 if l > PREF_MIN_EDLEN and l < PREF_BLUR_RADIUS: f= l/PREF_BLUR_RADIUS len_vert_tone_list_i1 = vert_tone_count[i1] len_vert_tone_list_i2 = vert_tone_count[i2] if not len_vert_tone_list_i1: len_vert_tone_list_i1=1 if not len_vert_tone_list_i2: len_vert_tone_list_i2=1 val1= (orig_vert_tone[i2]/len_vert_tone_list_i1)/ f val2= (orig_vert_tone[i1]/len_vert_tone_list_i2)/ f vert_tone[i1]+= val1 vert_tone[i2]+= val2 min_tone= min(vert_tone) max_tone= max(vert_tone) #print min_tone, max_tone tone_range= max_tone-min_tone if max_tone==min_tone: return for f in me.faces: if not PREF_SEL_ONLY or f.sel: f_col= f.col for i, v in enumerate(f): col= f_col[i] tone= vert_tone[v.index] tone= (tone-min_tone)/tone_range col.r= int(tone*col.r) col.g= int(tone*col.g) col.b= int(tone*col.b) Window.WaitCursor(0) def main(): sce= bpy.data.scenes.active ob= sce.objects.active if not ob or ob.type != 'Mesh': Draw.PupMenu('Error, no active mesh object, aborting.') return me= ob.getData(mesh=1) PREF_BLUR_ITERATIONS= Draw.Create(1) PREF_BLUR_RADIUS= Draw.Create(0.05) PREF_MIN_EDLEN= Draw.Create(0.01) PREF_CLAMP_CONCAVE= Draw.Create(90) PREF_CLAMP_CONVEX= Draw.Create(20) PREF_SHADOW_ONLY= Draw.Create(0) PREF_SEL_ONLY= Draw.Create(0) pup_block= [\ 'Post AO Blur',\ (' Iterations:', PREF_BLUR_ITERATIONS, 0, 40, 'Number times to blur the colors. (higher blurs more)'),\ (' Blur Radius:', PREF_BLUR_RADIUS, 0.01, 40.0, 'How much distance effects blur transfur (higher blurs more).'),\ (' Min EdgeLen:', PREF_MIN_EDLEN, 0.00001, 1.0, 'Minimim edge length to blur (very low values can cause errors).'),\ 'Angle Clipping',\ (' Highlight Angle:', PREF_CLAMP_CONVEX, 0, 180, 'Less then 180 limits the angle used in the tonal range.'),\ (' Shadow Angle:', PREF_CLAMP_CONCAVE, 0, 180, 'Less then 180 limits the angle used in the tonal range.'),\ ('Shadow Only', PREF_SHADOW_ONLY, 'Dont calculate highlights for convex areas.'),\ ('Sel Faces Only', PREF_SEL_ONLY, 'Only apply to UV/Face selected faces (mix vpain/uvface select).'),\ ] if not Draw.PupBlock('SelfShadow...', pup_block): return PREF_BLUR_ITERATIONS= PREF_BLUR_ITERATIONS.val PREF_BLUR_RADIUS= PREF_BLUR_RADIUS.val PREF_MIN_EDLEN= PREF_MIN_EDLEN.val PREF_CLAMP_CONCAVE= PREF_CLAMP_CONCAVE.val PREF_CLAMP_CONVEX= PREF_CLAMP_CONVEX.val PREF_SHADOW_ONLY= PREF_SHADOW_ONLY.val PREF_SEL_ONLY= PREF_SEL_ONLY.val if not me.vertexColors: me.vertexColors= 1 t= sys.time() vertexFakeAO(me, PREF_BLUR_ITERATIONS, PREF_BLUR_RADIUS, PREF_MIN_EDLEN, PREF_CLAMP_CONCAVE, PREF_CLAMP_CONVEX, PREF_SHADOW_ONLY, PREF_SEL_ONLY) if ob.modifiers: me.update() print 'done in %.6f' % (sys.time()-t) if __name__=='__main__': main()