#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id$ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2006, Blender Foundation # All rights reserved. # # The Original Code is: all of this file. # # Contributor(s): Nathan Letwory. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # Main entry-point for the SCons building system # Set up some custom actions and target/argument handling # Then read all SConscripts and build import platform as pltfrm if pltfrm.architecture()[0] == '64bit': bitness = 64 else: bitness = 32 import sys import os import os.path import string import shutil import glob import re from tempfile import mkdtemp import tools.Blender import tools.btools import tools.bcolors EnsureSConsVersion(1,0,0) BlenderEnvironment = tools.Blender.BlenderEnvironment btools = tools.btools B = tools.Blender ### globals ### platform = sys.platform quickie = None quickdebug = None nsis_build = None ##### BEGIN SETUP ##### B.possible_types = ['core', 'player', 'intern', 'extern'] B.binarykind = ['blender' , 'blenderplayer'] ################################## # target and argument validation # ################################## # XX cheating for BF_FANCY, we check for BF_FANCY before args are validated use_color = ARGUMENTS.get('BF_FANCY', '1') if platform=='win32': use_color = None if not use_color=='1': B.bc.disable() #on defaut white Os X terminal, some colors are totally unlegible if platform=='darwin': B.bc.OKGREEN = '\033[34m' B.bc.WARNING = '\033[36m' # arguments print B.bc.HEADER+'Command-line arguments'+B.bc.ENDC B.arguments = btools.validate_arguments(ARGUMENTS, B.bc) btools.print_arguments(B.arguments, B.bc) # targets print B.bc.HEADER+'Command-line targets'+B.bc.ENDC B.targets = btools.validate_targets(COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS, B.bc) btools.print_targets(B.targets, B.bc) ########################## # setting up environment # ########################## # handling cmd line arguments & config file # first check cmdline for toolset and we create env to work on quickie = B.arguments.get('BF_QUICK', None) quickdebug = B.arguments.get('BF_QUICKDEBUG', None) if quickdebug: B.quickdebug=string.split(quickdebug, ',') else: B.quickdebug=[] if quickie: B.quickie=string.split(quickie,',') else: B.quickie=[] toolset = B.arguments.get('BF_TOOLSET', None) if toolset: print "Using " + toolset if toolset=='mstoolkit': env = BlenderEnvironment(ENV = os.environ) env.Tool('mstoolkit', ['tools']) else: env = BlenderEnvironment(tools=[toolset], ENV = os.environ) # xxx commented out, as was supressing warnings under mingw.. #if env: # btools.SetupSpawn(env) else: env = BlenderEnvironment(ENV = os.environ) if not env: print "Could not create a build environment" Exit() cc = B.arguments.get('CC', None) cxx = B.arguments.get('CXX', None) if cc: env['CC'] = cc if cxx: env['CXX'] = cxx if env['CC'] in ['cl', 'cl.exe'] and sys.platform=='win32': if bitness == 64: platform = 'win64-vc' else: platform = 'win32-vc' elif env['CC'] in ['gcc'] and sys.platform=='win32': platform = 'win32-mingw' env.SConscriptChdir(0) crossbuild = B.arguments.get('BF_CROSS', None) if crossbuild and platform not in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc'): platform = 'linuxcross' env['OURPLATFORM'] = platform configfile = 'config'+os.sep+platform+'-config.py' if os.path.exists(configfile): print B.bc.OKGREEN + "Using config file: " + B.bc.ENDC + configfile else: print B.bc.FAIL + configfile + " doesn't exist" + B.bc.ENDC if crossbuild and env['PLATFORM'] != 'win32': print B.bc.HEADER+"Preparing for crossbuild"+B.bc.ENDC env.Tool('crossmingw', ['tools']) # todo: determine proper libs/includes etc. # Needed for gui programs, console programs should do without it env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-mwindows']) userconfig = B.arguments.get('BF_CONFIG', 'user-config.py') # first read platform config. B.arguments will override optfiles = [configfile] if os.path.exists(userconfig): print B.bc.OKGREEN + "Using user-config file: " + B.bc.ENDC + userconfig optfiles += [userconfig] else: print B.bc.WARNING + userconfig + " not found, no user overrides" + B.bc.ENDC opts = btools.read_opts(optfiles, B.arguments) opts.Update(env) if not env['BF_FANCY']: B.bc.disable() SetOption('num_jobs', int(env['BF_NUMJOBS'])) print "Build with %d parallel jobs" % (GetOption('num_jobs')) # disable elbeem (fluidsim) compilation? if env['BF_NO_ELBEEM'] == 1: env['CPPFLAGS'].append('-DDISABLE_ELBEEM') env['CXXFLAGS'].append('-DDISABLE_ELBEEM') env['CCFLAGS'].append('-DDISABLE_ELBEEM') if env['WITH_BF_OPENMP'] == 1: if env['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc'): env['CCFLAGS'].append('/openmp') env['CPPFLAGS'].append('/openmp') env['CXXFLAGS'].append('/openmp') else: if env['CC'][-3:] == 'icc': # to be able to handle CC=/opt/bla/icc case env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-openmp', '-static-intel']) env['CCFLAGS'].append('-openmp') env['CPPFLAGS'].append('-openmp') env['CXXFLAGS'].append('-openmp') else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fopenmp']) env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-fopenmp']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-fopenmp']) # env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-fprofile-generate']) #check for additional debug libnames if env.has_key('BF_DEBUG_LIBS'): B.quickdebug += env['BF_DEBUG_LIBS'] printdebug = B.arguments.get('BF_LISTDEBUG', 0) # see if this linux distro has libalut if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'linux2' : if env['WITH_BF_OPENAL']: mylib_test_source_file = """ #include "AL/alut.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { alutGetMajorVersion(); return 0; } """ def CheckFreeAlut(context,env): context.Message( B.bc.OKGREEN + "Linux platform detected:\n checking for FreeAlut... " + B.bc.ENDC ) env['LIBS'] = 'alut' result = context.TryLink(mylib_test_source_file, '.c') context.Result(result) return result env2 = env.Clone( LIBPATH = env['BF_OPENAL'] ) sconf_temp = mkdtemp() conf = Configure( env2, {'CheckFreeAlut' : CheckFreeAlut}, sconf_temp, '/dev/null' ) if conf.CheckFreeAlut( env2 ): env['BF_OPENAL_LIB'] += ' alut' del env2 root = '' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sconf_temp, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) if root: os.rmdir(root) if len(B.quickdebug) > 0 and printdebug != 0: print B.bc.OKGREEN + "Buildings these libs with debug symbols:" + B.bc.ENDC for l in B.quickdebug: print "\t" + l # remove stdc++ from LLIBS if we are building a statc linked CXXFLAGS if env['WITH_BF_STATICCXX']: if 'stdc++' in env['LLIBS']: env['LLIBS'].remove('stdc++') else: print '\tcould not remove stdc++ library from LLIBS, WITH_BF_STATICCXX may not work for your platform' # check target for blenderplayer. Set WITH_BF_PLAYER if found on cmdline if 'blenderplayer' in B.targets: env['WITH_BF_PLAYER'] = True if 'blendernogame' in B.targets: env['WITH_BF_GAMEENGINE'] = False if 'blenderlite' in B.targets: target_env_defs = {} target_env_defs['WITH_BF_GAMEENGINE'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_OPENAL'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_OPENEXR'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_ICONV'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_INTERNATIONAL'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_OPENJPEG'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_FFMPEG'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_QUICKTIME'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_REDCODE'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_DDS'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_ZLIB'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_SDL'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_JPEG'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_PNG'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_ODE'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_BULLET'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_SOLID'] = False target_env_defs['WITH_BF_BINRELOC'] = False target_env_defs['BF_BUILDINFO'] = False target_env_defs['BF_NO_ELBEEM'] = True target_env_defs['WITH_BF_PYTHON'] = False # Merge blenderlite, let command line to override for k,v in target_env_defs.iteritems(): if k not in B.arguments: env[k] = v if env['WITH_BF_SDL'] == False and env['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win32-ming', 'win64-vc'): env['PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS'].remove('/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup') env['PLATFORM_LINKFLAGS'].append('/ENTRY:main') # lastly we check for root_build_dir ( we should not do before, otherwise we might do wrong builddir #B.root_build_dir = B.arguments.get('BF_BUILDDIR', '..'+os.sep+'build'+os.sep+platform+os.sep) B.root_build_dir = env['BF_BUILDDIR'] B.doc_build_dir = env['BF_DOCDIR'] if not B.root_build_dir[-1]==os.sep: B.root_build_dir += os.sep if not B.doc_build_dir[-1]==os.sep: B.doc_build_dir += os.sep # We do a shortcut for clean when no quicklist is given: just delete # builddir without reading in SConscripts do_clean = None if 'clean' in B.targets: do_clean = True if not quickie and do_clean: if os.path.exists(B.doc_build_dir): print B.bc.HEADER+'Cleaning doc dir...'+B.bc.ENDC dirs = os.listdir(B.doc_build_dir) for entry in dirs: if os.path.isdir(B.doc_build_dir + entry) == 1: print "clean dir %s"%(B.doc_build_dir+entry) shutil.rmtree(B.doc_build_dir+entry) else: # remove file print "remove file %s"%(B.doc_build_dir+entry) os.remove(B.root_build_dir+entry) if os.path.exists(B.root_build_dir): print B.bc.HEADER+'Cleaning build dir...'+B.bc.ENDC dirs = os.listdir(B.root_build_dir) for entry in dirs: if os.path.isdir(B.root_build_dir + entry) == 1: print "clean dir %s"%(B.root_build_dir+entry) shutil.rmtree(B.root_build_dir+entry) else: # remove file print "remove file %s"%(B.root_build_dir+entry) os.remove(B.root_build_dir+entry) for confile in ['extern/ffmpeg/config.mak', 'extern/x264/config.mak', 'extern/xvidcore/build/generic/platform.inc', 'extern/ffmpeg/include']: if os.path.exists(confile): print "clean file %s"%confile if os.path.isdir(confile): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(confile): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) else: os.remove(confile) print B.bc.OKGREEN+'...done'+B.bc.ENDC else: print B.bc.HEADER+'Already Clean, nothing to do.'+B.bc.ENDC Exit() if not os.path.isdir ( B.root_build_dir): os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'source' ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'intern' ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'extern' ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'lib' ) os.makedirs ( B.root_build_dir + 'bin' ) if not os.path.isdir(B.doc_build_dir): os.makedirs ( B.doc_build_dir ) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) # default is new quieter output, but if you need to see the # commands, do 'scons BF_QUIET=0' bf_quietoutput = B.arguments.get('BF_QUIET', '1') if env['BF_QUIET']: B.set_quiet_output(env) else: if toolset=='msvc': B.msvc_hack(env) print B.bc.HEADER+'Building in '+B.bc.ENDC+B.root_build_dir env.SConsignFile(B.root_build_dir+'scons-signatures') B.init_lib_dict() ##### END SETUP ########## Export('env') BuildDir(B.root_build_dir+'/intern', 'intern', duplicate=0) SConscript(B.root_build_dir+'/intern/SConscript') BuildDir(B.root_build_dir+'/extern', 'extern', duplicate=0) SConscript(B.root_build_dir+'/extern/SConscript') BuildDir(B.root_build_dir+'/source', 'source', duplicate=0) SConscript(B.root_build_dir+'/source/SConscript') # now that we have read all SConscripts, we know what # libraries will be built. Create list of # libraries to give as objects to linking phase mainlist = [] for tp in B.possible_types: if not tp == 'player' and not tp == 'player2': mainlist += B.create_blender_liblist(env, tp) if B.arguments.get('BF_PRIORITYLIST', '0')=='1': B.propose_priorities() dobj = B.buildinfo(env, "dynamic") + B.resources thestatlibs, thelibincs = B.setup_staticlibs(env) thesyslibs = B.setup_syslibs(env) if 'blender' in B.targets or not env['WITH_BF_NOBLENDER']: #env.BlenderProg(B.root_build_dir, "blender", dobj , [], mainlist + thestatlibs + thesyslibs, [B.root_build_dir+'/lib'] + thelibincs, 'blender') env.BlenderProg(B.root_build_dir, "blender", dobj + mainlist, [], thestatlibs + thesyslibs, [B.root_build_dir+'/lib'] + thelibincs, 'blender') if env['WITH_BF_PLAYER']: playerlist = B.create_blender_liblist(env, 'player') env.BlenderProg(B.root_build_dir, "blenderplayer", dobj + playerlist, [], thestatlibs + thesyslibs, [B.root_build_dir+'/lib'] + thelibincs, 'blenderplayer') ##### Now define some targets #------------ INSTALL #-- binaries blenderinstall = [] if env['OURPLATFORM']=='darwin': for prg in B.program_list: bundle = '%s.app' % prg[0] bundledir = os.path.dirname(bundle) for dp, dn, df in os.walk(bundle): if 'CVS' in dn: dn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in dn: dn.remove('.svn') dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+dp[len(bundledir):] source=[dp+os.sep+f for f in df] blenderinstall.append(env.Install(dir=dir,source=source)) else: blenderinstall = env.Install(dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR'], source=B.program_list) #-- .blender #- dont do .blender and scripts for darwin, it is already in the bundle dotblendlist = [] dottargetlist = [] scriptinstall = [] if env['OURPLATFORM']!='darwin': for dp, dn, df in os.walk('bin/.blender'): if 'CVS' in dn: dn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in dn: dn.remove('.svn') for f in df: if not env['WITH_BF_INTERNATIONAL']: if 'locale' in dp: continue if f == '.Blanguages': continue if not env['WITH_BF_FREETYPE']: if f.endswith('.ttf'): continue dotblendlist.append(os.path.join(dp, f)) dottargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+dp[3:]+os.sep+f) dotblenderinstall = [] for targetdir,srcfile in zip(dottargetlist, dotblendlist): td, tf = os.path.split(targetdir) dotblenderinstall.append(env.Install(dir=td, source=srcfile)) if env['WITH_BF_PYTHON']: #-- .blender/scripts scriptpath='release/scripts' for dp, dn, df in os.walk(scriptpath): if 'CVS' in dn: dn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in dn: dn.remove('.svn') dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+'/.blender/scripts'+dp[len(scriptpath):] source=[dp+os.sep+f for f in df] scriptinstall.append(env.Install(dir=dir,source=source)) #-- .blender/ui scriptpath='release/ui' for dp, dn, df in os.walk(scriptpath): if 'CVS' in dn: dn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in dn: dn.remove('.svn') dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+'/.blender/ui'+dp[len(scriptpath):] source=[dp+os.sep+f for f in df] scriptinstall.append(env.Install(dir=dir,source=source)) #-- icons if env['OURPLATFORM']=='linux2': iconlist = [] icontargetlist = [] for tp, tn, tf in os.walk('release/freedesktop/icons'): if 'CVS' in tn: tn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in tn: tn.remove('.svn') for f in tf: iconlist.append(tp+os.sep+f) icontargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+tp[19:]+os.sep+f) iconinstall = [] for targetdir,srcfile in zip(icontargetlist, iconlist): td, tf = os.path.split(targetdir) iconinstall.append(env.Install(dir=td, source=srcfile)) # dlls for linuxcross # TODO - add more libs, for now this lets blenderlite run if env['OURPLATFORM']=='linuxcross': dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] source = ['../lib/windows/pthreads/lib/pthreadGC2.dll'] scriptinstall.append(env.Install(dir=dir, source=source)) #-- plugins pluglist = [] plugtargetlist = [] for tp, tn, tf in os.walk('release/plugins'): if 'CVS' in tn: tn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in tn: tn.remove('.svn') for f in tf: pluglist.append(tp+os.sep+f) plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR']+tp[7:]+os.sep+f) # header files for plugins pluglist.append('source/blender/blenpluginapi/documentation.h') plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] + os.sep + 'plugins' + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep +'documentation.h') pluglist.append('source/blender/blenpluginapi/externdef.h') plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] + os.sep + 'plugins' + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep +'externdef.h') pluglist.append('source/blender/blenpluginapi/floatpatch.h') plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] + os.sep + 'plugins' + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep +'floatpatch.h') pluglist.append('source/blender/blenpluginapi/iff.h') plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] + os.sep + 'plugins' + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep +'iff.h') pluglist.append('source/blender/blenpluginapi/plugin.h') plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] + os.sep + 'plugins' + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep +'plugin.h') pluglist.append('source/blender/blenpluginapi/util.h') plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] + os.sep + 'plugins' + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep +'util.h') pluglist.append('source/blender/blenpluginapi/plugin.DEF') plugtargetlist.append(env['BF_INSTALLDIR'] + os.sep + 'plugins' + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep + 'plugin.def') plugininstall = [] for targetdir,srcfile in zip(plugtargetlist, pluglist): td, tf = os.path.split(targetdir) plugininstall.append(env.Install(dir=td, source=srcfile)) textlist = [] texttargetlist = [] for tp, tn, tf in os.walk('release/text'): if 'CVS' in tn: tn.remove('CVS') if '.svn' in tn: tn.remove('.svn') for f in tf: textlist.append(tp+os.sep+f) textinstall = env.Install(dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR'], source=textlist) if env['OURPLATFORM']=='darwin': allinstall = [blenderinstall, plugininstall, textinstall] elif env['OURPLATFORM']=='linux2': allinstall = [blenderinstall, dotblenderinstall, scriptinstall, plugininstall, textinstall, iconinstall] else: allinstall = [blenderinstall, dotblenderinstall, scriptinstall, plugininstall, textinstall] if env['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win32-mingw', 'win64-vc'): if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'win64-vc': dllsources = [] else: dllsources = ['${LCGDIR}/gettext/lib/gnu_gettext.dll', '${BF_PNG_LIBPATH}/libpng.dll', '${BF_ZLIB_LIBPATH}/zlib.dll', '${BF_TIFF_LIBPATH}/${BF_TIFF_LIB}.dll'] dllsources += ['${BF_PTHREADS_LIBPATH}/${BF_PTHREADS_LIB}.dll'] if env['WITH_BF_SDL']: if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'win64-vc': pass # we link statically already to SDL on win64 else: dllsources.append('${BF_SDL_LIBPATH}/SDL.dll') if env['WITH_BF_PYTHON']: ver = env["BF_PYTHON_VERSION"].replace(".", "") dllsources.append('#release/windows/extra/python' + ver + '.zip') dllsources.append('#release/windows/extra/zlib.pyd') if env['BF_DEBUG'] and not env["BF_NO_PYDEBUG"]: dllsources.append('${BF_PYTHON_LIBPATH}/${BF_PYTHON_LIB}_d.dll') else: dllsources.append('${BF_PYTHON_LIBPATH}/${BF_PYTHON_LIB}.dll') if env['WITH_BF_ICONV']: if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'win64-vc': pass # we link statically to iconv on win64 else: dllsources += ['${BF_ICONV_LIBPATH}/iconv.dll'] if env['WITH_BF_FFMPEG']: dllsources += ['${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/avcodec-52.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/avformat-52.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/avdevice-52.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/avutil-50.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/libfaad-2.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/libfaac-0.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/libmp3lame-0.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/libx264-67.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/xvidcore.dll', '${LCGDIR}/ffmpeg/lib/swscale-0.dll'] windlls = env.Install(dir=env['BF_INSTALLDIR'], source = dllsources) allinstall += windlls installtarget = env.Alias('install', allinstall) bininstalltarget = env.Alias('install-bin', blenderinstall) nsisaction = env.Action(btools.NSIS_Installer, btools.NSIS_print) nsiscmd = env.Command('nsisinstaller', None, nsisaction) nsisalias = env.Alias('nsis', nsiscmd) if 'blender' in B.targets: blenderexe= env.Alias('blender', B.program_list) Depends(blenderexe,installtarget) if env['WITH_BF_PLAYER']: blenderplayer = env.Alias('blenderplayer', B.program_list) Depends(blenderplayer,installtarget) if not env['WITH_BF_GAMEENGINE']: blendernogame = env.Alias('blendernogame', B.program_list) Depends(blendernogame,installtarget) if 'blenderlite' in B.targets: blenderlite = env.Alias('blenderlite', B.program_list) Depends(blenderlite,installtarget) Depends(nsiscmd, allinstall) Default(B.program_list) if not env['WITHOUT_BF_INSTALL']: Default(installtarget) #------------ EPYDOC if env['WITH_BF_DOCS']: try: import epydoc except: epydoc = None if epydoc: SConscript('source/blender/python/api2_2x/doc/SConscript') SConscript('source/gameengine/PyDoc/SConscript') else: print "No epydoc install detected, Python API and Gameengine API Docs will not be generated "