package commands import ( "crypto/sha256" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "os" "regexp" "strings" "" "" "" ) var ( porcelain = false statusJson = false ) func statusCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { requireInRepo() // tolerate errors getting ref so this works before first commit ref, _ := git.CurrentRef() scanIndexAt := "HEAD" if ref == nil { scanIndexAt = git.RefBeforeFirstCommit } scanner, err := lfs.NewPointerScanner() if err != nil { scanner.Close() ExitWithError(err) } if porcelain { porcelainStagedPointers(scanIndexAt) return } else if statusJson { jsonStagedPointers(scanner, scanIndexAt) return } statusScanRefRange(ref) staged, unstaged, err := scanIndex(scanIndexAt) if err != nil { ExitWithError(err) } Print("\nGit LFS objects to be committed:\n") for _, entry := range staged { switch entry.Status { case lfs.StatusRename, lfs.StatusCopy: Print("\t%s -> %s (%s)", entry.SrcName, entry.DstName, formatBlobInfo(scanner, entry)) default: Print("\t%s (%s)", entry.SrcName, formatBlobInfo(scanner, entry)) } } Print("\nGit LFS objects not staged for commit:\n") for _, entry := range unstaged { Print("\t%s (%s)", entry.SrcName, formatBlobInfo(scanner, entry)) } Print("") if err = scanner.Close(); err != nil { ExitWithError(err) } } var z40 = regexp.MustCompile(`\^?0{40}`) func formatBlobInfo(s *lfs.PointerScanner, entry *lfs.DiffIndexEntry) string { fromSha, fromSrc, err := blobInfoFrom(s, entry) if err != nil { ExitWithError(err) } from := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", fromSrc, fromSha) if entry.Status == lfs.StatusAddition { return from } toSha, toSrc, err := blobInfoTo(s, entry) if err != nil { ExitWithError(err) } to := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", toSrc, toSha) return fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s", from, to) } func blobInfoFrom(s *lfs.PointerScanner, entry *lfs.DiffIndexEntry) (sha, from string, err error) { var blobSha string = entry.SrcSha if z40.MatchString(blobSha) { blobSha = entry.DstSha } return blobInfo(s, blobSha, entry.SrcName) } func blobInfoTo(s *lfs.PointerScanner, entry *lfs.DiffIndexEntry) (sha, from string, err error) { var name string = entry.DstName if len(name) == 0 { name = entry.SrcName } return blobInfo(s, entry.DstSha, name) } func blobInfo(s *lfs.PointerScanner, blobSha, name string) (sha, from string, err error) { if !z40.MatchString(blobSha) { s.Scan(blobSha) if err := s.Err(); err != nil { if git.IsMissingObject(err) { return "", "?", nil } return "", "", err } var from string if s.Pointer() != nil { from = "LFS" } else { from = "Git" } return s.ContentsSha()[:7], from, nil } f, err := os.Open(name) if err != nil { return "", "", err } defer f.Close() shasum := sha256.New() if _, err = io.Copy(shasum, f); err != nil { return "", "", err } return fmt.Sprintf("%x", shasum.Sum(nil))[:7], "File", nil } func scanIndex(ref string) (staged, unstaged []*lfs.DiffIndexEntry, err error) { uncached, err := lfs.NewDiffIndexScanner(ref, false) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } cached, err := lfs.NewDiffIndexScanner(ref, true) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } seenNames := make(map[string]struct{}, 0) staged, err = drainScanner(seenNames, cached) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } unstaged, err = drainScanner(seenNames, uncached) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return } func drainScanner(cache map[string]struct{}, scanner *lfs.DiffIndexScanner) ([]*lfs.DiffIndexEntry, error) { var to []*lfs.DiffIndexEntry for scanner.Scan() { entry := scanner.Entry() key := keyFromEntry(entry) if _, seen := cache[key]; !seen { to = append(to, entry) cache[key] = struct{}{} } } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return to, nil } func keyFromEntry(e *lfs.DiffIndexEntry) string { var name string = e.DstName if len(name) == 0 { name = e.SrcName } return strings.Join([]string{e.SrcSha, e.DstSha, name}, ":") } func statusScanRefRange(ref *git.Ref) { if ref == nil { return } Print("On branch %s", ref.Name) remoteRef, err := git.CurrentRemoteRef() if err != nil { return } gitscanner := lfs.NewGitScanner(func(p *lfs.WrappedPointer, err error) { if err != nil { Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS objects") return } Print("\t%s (%s)", p.Name) }) defer gitscanner.Close() Print("Git LFS objects to be pushed to %s:\n", remoteRef.Name) if err := gitscanner.ScanRefRange(ref.Sha, "^"+remoteRef.Sha, nil); err != nil { Panic(err, "Could not scan for Git LFS objects") } } type JSONStatusEntry struct { Status string `json:"status"` From string `json:"from,omitempty"` } type JSONStatus struct { Files map[string]JSONStatusEntry `json:"files"` } func jsonStagedPointers(scanner *lfs.PointerScanner, ref string) { staged, unstaged, err := scanIndex(ref) if err != nil { ExitWithError(err) } status := JSONStatus{Files: make(map[string]JSONStatusEntry)} for _, entry := range append(unstaged, staged...) { _, fromSrc, err := blobInfoFrom(scanner, entry) if err != nil { ExitWithError(err) } if fromSrc != "LFS" { continue } switch entry.Status { case lfs.StatusRename, lfs.StatusCopy: status.Files[entry.DstName] = JSONStatusEntry{ Status: string(entry.Status), From: entry.SrcName, } default: status.Files[entry.SrcName] = JSONStatusEntry{ Status: string(entry.Status), } } } ret, err := json.Marshal(status) if err != nil { ExitWithError(err) } Print(string(ret)) } func porcelainStagedPointers(ref string) { staged, unstaged, err := scanIndex(ref) if err != nil { ExitWithError(err) } seenNames := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, entry := range append(unstaged, staged...) { name := entry.DstName if len(name) == 0 { name = entry.SrcName } if _, seen := seenNames[name]; !seen { Print(porcelainStatusLine(entry)) seenNames[name] = struct{}{} } } } func porcelainStatusLine(entry *lfs.DiffIndexEntry) string { switch entry.Status { case lfs.StatusRename, lfs.StatusCopy: return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s -> %s", entry.Status, entry.SrcName, entry.DstName) case lfs.StatusModification: return fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s", entry.Status, entry.SrcName) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", entry.Status, entry.SrcName) } func init() { RegisterCommand("status", statusCommand, func(cmd *cobra.Command) { cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&porcelain, "porcelain", "p", false, "Give the output in an easy-to-parse format for scripts.") cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&statusJson, "json", "j", false, "Give the output in a stable json format for scripts.") }) }