package lfs import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strings" ) func (c *Configuration) NTLMSession(creds Creds) ntlm.ClientSession { if c.ntlmSession != nil { return c.ntlmSession } splits := strings.Split(creds["username"], "\\") var session, _ = ntlm.CreateClientSession(ntlm.Version2, ntlm.ConnectionOrientedMode) session.SetUserInfo(splits[0], creds["password"], splits[1]) c.ntlmSession = session return session } func DoNTLMRequest(request *http.Request, retry bool) (*http.Response, error) { handReq := cloneRequest(request) res, nil := InitHandShake(handReq) //If the status is 401 then we need to re-authenticate, otherwise it was successful if res.StatusCode == 401 { creds, _ := getCredsForNTLM(request) negotiateReq := cloneRequest(request) challengeMessage := negotiate(negotiateReq, getNegotiateMessage()) challengeReq := cloneRequest(request) res, _ := challenge(challengeReq, challengeMessage, creds) //If the status is 401 then we need to re-authenticate if res.StatusCode == 401 && retry == true { return DoNTLMRequest(challengeReq, false) } saveCredentials(creds, res) return res, nil } return res, nil } func InitHandShake(request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error){ var response, err = Config.HttpClient().Do(request) if err != nil { return nil, Error(err) } return response, nil } func negotiate(request *http.Request, message string) []byte{ request.Header.Add("Authorization", message) var response, err = Config.HttpClient().Do(request) if err != nil{ panic(err.Error()) } ret := parseChallengeResponse(response) //Always close negotiate to keep the connection alive //We never return the response from negotiate so we //can't trust decodeApiResponse to close it io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, response.Body) response.Body.Close() return ret; } func challenge(request *http.Request, challengeBytes []byte, creds Creds) (*http.Response, error){ challenge, err := ntlm.ParseChallengeMessage(challengeBytes) if err != nil { return nil, Error(err) } Config.NTLMSession(creds).ProcessChallengeMessage(challenge) authenticate, err := Config.NTLMSession(creds).GenerateAuthenticateMessage() if err != nil { return nil, Error(err) } authenticateMessage := concatS("NTLM ", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(authenticate.Bytes())) request.Header.Add("Authorization", authenticateMessage) response, err := Config.HttpClient().Do(request) return response, nil } func parseChallengeResponse(response *http.Response) []byte{ if headers, ok := response.Header["Www-Authenticate"]; ok{ //parse out the "NTLM " at the beginning of the response challenge := headers[0][5:] val, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(challenge) if err != nil{ panic(err.Error()) } return []byte(val) } panic("www-Authenticate header is not present") } func cloneRequest(request *http.Request) *http.Request { var rdr1, rdr2 myReader var clonedReq *http.Request if request.Body != nil { //If we have a body (POST/PUT etc.) //We need to do some magic to copy the request without closing the body stream buf, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(request.Body) rdr1 = myReader{bytes.NewBuffer(buf)} rdr2 = myReader{bytes.NewBuffer(buf)} request.Body = rdr2 // OK since rdr2 implements the io.ReadCloser interface clonedReq, _ = http.NewRequest(request.Method, request.URL.String(), rdr1) }else{ clonedReq, _ = http.NewRequest(request.Method, request.URL.String(), nil) } for k, v := range request.Header { clonedReq.Header.Add(k,v[0]) } clonedReq.ContentLength = request.ContentLength return clonedReq } func getNegotiateMessage() string{ return "NTLM TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAB7IIogwADAAzAAAACwALACgAAAAKAAAoAAAAD1dJTExISS1NQUlOTk9SVEhBTUVSSUNB" } func concatS(ar ...string) string { var buffer bytes.Buffer for _, s := range ar{ buffer.WriteString(s) } return buffer.String() } func concat(ar ...[]byte) []byte { return bytes.Join(ar, nil) } type myReader struct { *bytes.Buffer } // So that myReader implements the io.ReadCloser interface func (m myReader) Close() error { return nil }