# http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/go/ language: go go: 1.7.1 os: - linux - osx env: global: - GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR="$HOME/git-lfs-tests" - GIT_SOURCE_REPO="https://github.com/git/git.git" - GIT_SOURCE_BRANCH="master" matrix: fast_finish: true include: - env: git-from-source os: linux before_script: - > git clone $GIT_SOURCE_REPO git-source; cd git-source; git checkout $GIT_SOURCE_BRANCH; make --jobs=2; make install; cd ..; - env: git-latest os: linux addons: apt: sources: - git-core packages: - git - env: git-latest os: osx # The 'before_install' phase cannot be used here as we would override the # default 'before_install' phase. The 'before_script' phase is sufficient # for the Git install since the Git binary is only used in the tests. before_script: - > brew update; brew ls --versions git && brew upgrade git || brew install git; before_install: - > repo=`basename $PWD`; localDir=`dirname $PWD`; cfDir="`dirname $localDir`/github"; if [[ "$localDir" != "$cfDir" ]]; then mv "$localDir" "$cfDir"; cd ../../github/$repo; export TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=`dirname $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR`/$repo; fi; install: true script: script/cibuild notifications: email: false