#!/usr/bin/env bash # Including in script/integration and every test/test-*.sh file. set -e UNAME=$(uname -s) IS_WINDOWS=0 IS_MAC=0 if [[ $UNAME == MINGW* || $UNAME == CYGWIN* ]] then IS_WINDOWS=1 elif [[ $UNAME == *Darwin* ]] then IS_MAC=1 fi resolve_symlink() { local arg=$1 if [ $IS_WINDOWS == "1" ]; then printf '%s' "$arg" elif [ $IS_MAC == "1" ]; then # no readlink -f on Mac local oldwd=$(pwd) local target=$arg cd `dirname $target` target=`basename $target` while [ -L "$target" ] do target=`readlink $target` cd `dirname $target` target=`basename $target` done local resolveddir=`pwd -P` cd "$oldwd" printf '%s' "$resolveddir/$target" else readlink -f "$arg" fi } # The root directory for the git-lfs repository by default. if [ -z "$ROOTDIR" ]; then ROOTDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0")/.. && pwd -P) fi # Where Git LFS outputs the compiled binaries BINPATH="$ROOTDIR/bin" # Put bin path on PATH PATH="$BINPATH:$PATH" # Always provide a test dir outside our git repo if not specified TEMPDIR_PREFIX="git-lfs_TEMP.XXXXXX" if [ -z "$GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR" ]; then GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t "$TEMPDIR_PREFIX") GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR=$(resolve_symlink $GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR) # cleanup either after single test or at end of integration (except on fail) RM_GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR=yes fi # create a temporary work space TMPDIR=$GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR # This is unique to every test file, and cleared after every test run. TRASHDIR="$TMPDIR/$(basename "$0")-$$" # The directory that the test Git server works from. This cleared at the # beginning of every test run. REMOTEDIR="$ROOTDIR/test/remote" # The directory that stores credentials. Credentials are stored in files with # the username:password with filenames identifying the host (port numbers are # ignored). # # # stores the credentials for* # $CREDSDIR/ # # # stores the credentials for http://git-server.com # $CREDSDIR/git-server.com # CREDSDIR="$REMOTEDIR/creds" # This is the prefix for Git config files. See the "Test Suite" section in # test/README.md LFS_CONFIG="$REMOTEDIR/config" # This file contains the URL of the test Git server. See the "Test Suite" # section in test/README.md LFS_URL_FILE="$REMOTEDIR/url" # This file contains the SSL URL of the test Git server. See the "Test Suite" # section in test/README.md LFS_SSL_URL_FILE="$REMOTEDIR/sslurl" # This file contains the self-signed SSL cert of the TLS endpoint of the test Git server. LFS_CERT_FILE="$REMOTEDIR/cert" # the fake home dir used for the initial setup TESTHOME="$REMOTEDIR/home" GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM=1 GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 export CREDSDIR export GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM mkdir -p "$TMPDIR" mkdir -p "$TRASHDIR" if [ $IS_WINDOWS == "1" ]; then # prevent Windows OpenSSH from opening GUI prompts SSH_ASKPASS="" fi . "test/testhelpers.sh"