# `t` This directory contains one of the two types of tests that the Git LFS project uses to protect against regression. The first, scattered in `*_test.go` files throughout the repository are _unit tests_, and written in Go, designed to uncover failures at the unit level. The second kind--and the one contained in this directory--are _integration tests_, which are designed to exercise Git LFS in an end-to-end fashion, running the `git`, and `git-lfs` binaries, along with a mock Git server. You can run all tests in this directory with any of the following: ```ShellSession $ make $ make test $ make PROVE_EXTRA_ARGS=-j9 test ``` Or run a single test (for example, `t-checkout.sh`) by any of the following: ```ShellSession $ make ./t-checkout.sh $ make PROVE_EXTRA_ARGS=-v ./t-checkout.sh $ ./t-checkout.sh ``` Alternatively, one can run a selection of tests (via explicitly listing them or making use of the built-in shell globbing) by any of the following: ```ShellSession $ make ./t-*.sh $ make PROVE_EXTRA_ARGS=-j9 ./t-*.sh $ ./t-*.sh ``` ## Test File(s) There are a few important kinds of files to know about in the `t` directory: - `cmd/`: contains the source code of binaries that are useful during test time, like the mocked Git server, or the test counting binary. For more about the contents of this directory, see [test lifecycle](#test-lifecycle) below. The file `t/cmd/testutils.go` is automatically linked and included during the build process of each file in `cmd`. - `fixtures/`: contains shell scripts that load fixture repositories useful for testing against. - `t-*.sh`: file(s) containing zero or more tests, typically related to a similar topic (c.f,. `t/t-push.sh`, `t/t-pull.sh`, etc.) - `testenv.sh`: loads environment variables useful during tests. This file is sourced by `testlib.sh`. - `testhelpers.sh`: loads shell functions useful during tests, like `setup_remote_repo`, and `clone_repo`. - `testlib.sh`: loads the `begin_test`, `end_test`, and similar functions useful for instantiating a particular test. ## Test Lifecycle When a test is run, the following occurs, in order: 1. Missing test binaries are compiled into the `bin` directory in the repository root. Note: this does _not_ include the `git-lfs` binary, which is re-compiled via `script/boostrap`. 2. An integration server is started by either (1) the `Makefile` or (2) the `cmd/lfstest-count-test.go` program, which keeps track of the number of running tests and starts an integration server any time the number of active tests goes from `0` to `1`, and stops the server when it goes from `n` to `0`. 3. After sourcing `t/testlib.sh` (& loading `t/testenv.sh`), each test is run in sequence per file. (In other words, multiple test files can be run in parallel, but the tests in a single file are run in sequence.) 4. An individual test will finish, and (if running under `prove`) another will be started in its place. Once all tests are done, `t/test_count` will go to `0`, and the test server will be torn down. ## Test Environment There are a few environment variables that you can set to change the test suite behavior: * `GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR=path` - This sets the directory that is used as the current working directory of the tests. By default, this will be in your temp dir. It's recommended that this is set to a directory outside of any Git repository. * `KEEPTRASH=1` - This will leave the local repository data in a `tmp` directory and the remote repository data in `test/remote`. Also ensure that your `noproxy` environment variable contains `` host, to allow git commands to reach the local Git server `lfstest-gitserver`. ## Writing new tests A new test file should be named `t/t-*.sh`, where `*` is the topic of Git LFS being tested. It should look as follows: ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash . "$(dirname "$0")/testlib.sh" begin_test "my test" ( set -e # ... ) end_test ```