package subprocess import ( "testing" "" ) type ShellQuoteTestCase struct { Given []string Expected []string } func (c *ShellQuoteTestCase) Assert(t *testing.T) { actual := ShellQuote(c.Given) assert.Equal(t, c.Expected, actual, "tools: expected ShellQuote(%q) to equal %#v (was %#v)", c.Given, c.Expected, actual, ) } func TestShellQuote(t *testing.T) { for desc, c := range map[string]ShellQuoteTestCase{ "simple": {[]string{"foo", "bar", "an_id"}, []string{"foo", "bar", "an_id"}}, "leading space": {[]string{" foo", "bar"}, []string{"' foo'", "bar"}}, "trailing space": {[]string{"foo", "bar "}, []string{"foo", "'bar '"}}, "internal space": {[]string{"foo bar", "baz quux"}, []string{"'foo bar'", "'baz quux'"}}, "backslash": {[]string{`foo\bar`, `b\az`}, []string{`'foo\bar'`, `'b\az'`}}, "quotes": {[]string{`foo"bar`, "b'az"}, []string{`'foo"bar'`, "'b'\\''az'"}}, "mixed quotes": {[]string{`"foo'ba\"r\"'"`}, []string{`'"foo'\''ba\"r\"'\''"'`}}, } { t.Run(desc, c.Assert) } } type FormatForShellQuotedArgsTestCase struct { GivenCmd string GivenArgs []string ExpectedArgs []string } func (c *FormatForShellQuotedArgsTestCase) Assert(t *testing.T) { actualCmd, actualArgs := FormatForShellQuotedArgs(c.GivenCmd, c.GivenArgs) assert.Equal(t, "sh", actualCmd, "tools: expected FormatForShell command to equal 'sh' (was #%v)", actualCmd) assert.Equal(t, c.ExpectedArgs, actualArgs, "tools: expected FormatForShell(%q, %v) to equal %#v (was %#v)", c.GivenCmd, c.GivenArgs, c.ExpectedArgs, actualArgs, ) } func TestFormatForShellQuotedArgs(t *testing.T) { for desc, c := range map[string]FormatForShellQuotedArgsTestCase{ "simple": {"foo", []string{"bar", "baz"}, []string{"-c", "foo bar baz"}}, "spaces": {"foo quux", []string{" bar", "baz "}, []string{"-c", "foo quux ' bar' 'baz '"}}, "backslashes": {"bin/foo", []string{"\\bar", "b\\az"}, []string{"-c", "bin/foo '\\bar' 'b\\az'"}}, } { t.Run(desc, c.Assert) } } type FormatForShellTestCase struct { GivenCmd string GivenArgs string ExpectedArgs []string } func (c *FormatForShellTestCase) Assert(t *testing.T) { actualCmd, actualArgs := FormatForShell(c.GivenCmd, c.GivenArgs) assert.Equal(t, "sh", actualCmd, "tools: expected FormatForShell command to equal 'sh' (was #%v)", actualCmd) assert.Equal(t, c.ExpectedArgs, actualArgs, "tools: expected FormatForShell(%q, %v) to equal %#v (was %#v)", c.GivenCmd, c.GivenArgs, c.ExpectedArgs, actualArgs, ) } func TestFormatForShell(t *testing.T) { for desc, c := range map[string]FormatForShellTestCase{ "simple": {"foo", "bar", []string{"-c", "foo bar"}}, "spaces": {"foo quux", "bar baz", []string{"-c", "foo quux bar baz"}}, "quotes": {"bin/foo", "bar \"baz quux\" 'fred wilma'", []string{"-c", "bin/foo bar \"baz quux\" 'fred wilma'"}}, } { t.Run(desc, c.Assert) } }