git-lfs-migrate(1) - Migrate history to or from git-lfs ======================================================= ## SYNOPSIS `git lfs migrate` [options] [--] [branch ...] ## MODES * `info` Show information about repository size. ## OPTIONS * `-I` `--include=`: See [INCLUDE AND EXCLUDE]. * `-X` `--exclude=`: See [INCLUDE AND EXCLUDE]. * `--include-ref`=: See [INCLUDE AND EXCLUDE (REFS)]. * `--exclude-ref`=: See [INCLUDE AND EXCLUDE (REFS)]. * [branch ...]: Migrate only the set of branches listed. If not given, `git-lfs-migrate(1)` will migrate the currently checked out branch. If any of `--include-ref` or `--exclude-ref` are given, the checked out branch will not be appended, but branches given explicitly will be appended. ### IMPORT The 'import' mode migrates large objects present in the Git history to pointer files tracked and stored with Git LFS. If `--include` or `--exclude` (`-I`, `-X`, respectively) are given, the .gitattributes will be modified to include any new filepath patterns as given by those flags. If neither of those flags are given, the gitattributes will be incrementally modified to include new filepath extensions as they are rewritten in history. ### INFO The 'info' mode has these additional options: * `--above=` Only count files whose individual filesize is above the given size. 'size' may be specified as a number of bytes, or a number followed by a storage unit, e.g., "1b", "20 MB", "3 TiB", etc. If a set of files sharing a common extension has no files in that set whose individual size is above the given `--above` (or its default, 1mb), no files no entry for that set will be shown. * `--top=` Only include the top 'n' entries, ordered by how many total files match the given pathspec. * `--unit=` Format the number of bytes in each entry as a quantity of the storage unit provided. Valid units include: * b, kib, mib, gib, tib, pib - for IEC storage units * b, kb, mb, gb, tb, pb - for SI storage units If a --unit is not specified, the largest unit that can fit the number of counted bytes as a whole number quantity is chosen. ## INCLUDE AND EXCLUDE You can configure Git LFS to only migrate tree entries whose pathspec matches the include glob and does not match the exclude glob, to reduce total migration time or to only migrate part of your repo. Pattern matching is done as given to be functionally equivalent to pattern matching as in .gitattributes. ## INCLUDE AND EXCLUDE (REFS) You can configure Git LFS to only migrate commits reachable by references include by `--include-ref` and not reachable by `--exclude-ref`. D---E---F / \ A---B------C refs/heads/my-feature \ \ \ refs/heads/master \ refs/remotes/origin/master In the above configuration, the following commits are reachable by each ref: refs/heads/master: C, B, A refs/heads/my-feature: F, E, D, B, A refs/remote/origin/master: A The following configuration: --include-ref=refs/heads/my-feature --include-ref=refs/heads/master --exclude-ref=refs/remotes/origin/master Would, therefore, include commits: F, E, D, C, B, but exclude commit A. ## SEE ALSO Part of the git-lfs(1) suite.