# Pushes all deb and rpm files from ./repos to PackageCloud. packagecloud_user = ENV["PACKAGECLOUD_USER"] || "github" packagecloud_token = ENV["PACKAGECLOUD_TOKEN"] || begin puts "PACKAGECLOUD_TOKEN env required" exit 1 end require "json" packagecloud_ruby_minimum_version = "1.0.4" begin gem "packagecloud-ruby", ">=#{packagecloud_ruby_minimum_version}" require "packagecloud" puts "Using packagecloud-ruby:#{Gem.loaded_specs["packagecloud-ruby"].version}" rescue LoadError puts "Requires packagecloud-ruby >=#{packagecloud_ruby_minimum_version}" puts %(gem install packagecloud-ruby) exit 1 end credentials = Packagecloud::Credentials.new(packagecloud_user, packagecloud_token) $client = Packagecloud::Client.new(credentials) # matches package directories built by docker to one or more packagecloud distros # https://packagecloud.io/docs#os_distro_version $distro_name_map = { "centos/5" => %w( el/5 ), "centos/6" => %w( el/6 ), "centos/7" => %w( el/7 fedora/22 fedora/23 fedora/24 fedora/25 ), "debian/7" => %w( debian/wheezy ubuntu/precise ), "debian/8" => %w( debian/jessie linuxmint/sarah linuxmint/rebecca linuxmint/rafaela linuxmint/rosa ubuntu/trusty ubuntu/vivid ubuntu/wily ubuntu/xenial ), "debian/9" => %W( debian/stretch linuxmint/sarah linuxmint/serena ubuntu/yakkety ubuntu/zesty ), } # caches distro id lookups $distro_id_map = {} def distro_names_for(filename) $distro_name_map.each do |pattern, distros| return distros if filename.include?(pattern) end raise "no distro for #{filename.inspect}" end package_files = Dir.glob("repos/**/*.rpm") + Dir.glob("repos/**/*.deb") package_files.each do |full_path| next if full_path =~ /repo-release/ pkg = Packagecloud::Package.new(:file => full_path) distro_names = distro_names_for(full_path) distro_names.map do |distro_name| distro_id = $distro_id_map[distro_name] ||= $client.find_distribution_id(distro_name) if !distro_id raise "no distro id for #{distro_name.inspect}" end puts "pushing #{full_path} to #{$distro_id_map.key(distro_id).inspect}" result = $client.put_package("git-lfs", pkg, distro_id) result.succeeded || begin raise "packagecloud put_package failed, error: #{result.response}" end end end package_files.each do |full_path| next if full_path.include?("SRPM") || full_path.include?("i386") || full_path.include?("i686") next unless full_path =~ /\/git-lfs[-|_]\d/ os, distro = case full_path when /debian\/7/ then ["Debian 7", "debian/wheezy"] when /debian\/8/ then ["Debian 8", "debian/jessie"] when /centos\/5/ then ["RPM RHEL 5/CentOS 5", "el/5"] when /centos\/6/ then ["RPM RHEL 6/CentOS 6", "el/6"] when /centos\/7/ then ["RPM RHEL 7/CentOS 7", "el/7"] end next unless os puts "[#{os}](https://packagecloud.io/#{packagecloud_user}/git-lfs/packages/#{distro}/#{File.basename(full_path)}/download)" end