# README # ## TL;DR version ## 1. Run the dockers ./docker/run_dockers.bsh 2. **Enjoy** all your new package files in ./repos/ ### Slightly longer version ### 1. Generate GPG keys for everything (See GPG Signing) 2. `export REPO_HOSTNAME=repo.something.com` 4. Generate git-lfs/repo packages and sign all packages ./docker/run_dockers.bsh 5. Host the `/repo` on the `REPO_HOSTNAME` server 6. Test the repos and git-lfs in a client environment ./docker/test_dockers.bsh ## Using the Dockers ## All docker commands need to either be run as root **or** as a user with docker permissions. Adding your user name to the docker group (or setting up boot2docker environment) is probably the easiest. For Mac and Windows users, the git-lfs repo needs to be in your Users directory or else boot2docker magic won't work. Alternatively, you could add addition mount points like [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26639968/boot2docker-startup-script-to-mount-local-shared-folder-with-host) ### Running Dockers ### In order to run the dockers, the docker has to be run with a lot of arguments to get the mount points right, etc... A convenient script is supplied to make this all easy. Simply run ./docker/run_docker.bsh All the images are pulled automatically, and then run. To only run certain docker images, supply them as arguments, e.g. ./docker/run_docker.bsh debian_7 ./docker/run_docker.bsh centos_7 debian_8 ./docker/run_docker.bsh centos_{6,7} And only those images will be run. ### Development in Dockers ### Sometimes you don't want to just build git-lfs and destroy the container, you want to get in there, run a lot of command, debug, develop, etc... To do this, the best command to run is bash, and then you have an interactive shell to use ./docker/run_docker.bsh {image name(s)} -- bash After listing the image(s) you want to run, add a double dash (--) and then any command (and arguments) you want executed in the docker. Remember, the command you are executing has to be in the docker image. ## Docker images ## There are currently three type of docker images: 1. Building images: `{OS NAME}_{OS VERSION}` - These build git-lfs and save the package/repository in the `/repo` direrctory. This image also signs all rpms/debs if gpg signing is setup 2. Environment building images: `{OS_NAME}_{OS_VERSION}_env` - These build or install the environment (dependencies) for building git-lfs. These are mostly important for CentOS because without these, many dependencies have to be built by a developer. These containers should create packages for these dependencies and place them in `/repo` 3. Testing images: `{OS_NAME}_{OS_VERSION}_test` - These images should install the repo and download the git-lfs packages and dependencies to test that everything is working, including the GPG signatures. Unlike the first two types, testing images are not guaranteed to work without GPG signatures. They should also run the test and integration scripts after installing git-lfs to verify everything is working in a **non-developer** setup. (With the exception that go is needed to build the tests...) This default behavior for `./docker/run_dockers.bsh` is to run all of the _building images_. These containers will use the currently checked-out version of git-lfs and copy it into the docker, and run `git clean -xdf` to remove any non-tracked files, (but non-committed changes are kept). git-lfs is built, and a packages/repo is created for each container. These are all a developer would need to test the different OSes. And create the git-lfs rpm or deb packages in the `/repo` directory. In order to distribute git-lfs **and** build dependencies, the dependencies that that were built to create the docker images need to be saved too. Most of these are downloaded by yum/apt-get and do not need to be saved, but a few are not. In order to save the necessary dependencies, call `./docker/run_dockers.bsh` on `{OS_NAME}_{OS_VERSION}_env` and the rpms will be extracted from the images and saved in the `./repo` directory. (This _can_ be done in one command) ./docker/run_dockers.bsh centos_6_env centos_6 This isn't all that important anymore, unless you want ruby2 and the gems used to make the man pages for CentOS 6 where ruby2 is not natively available. Calling the environment building images only needs to be done once, they should remain in the `./repo` directory afterwards. ### Run Docker Environment Variables ### There are a few environment variables you can set to easily adjust the behavior of the `run_docker.bsh` script. `export` before calling `run_docker.bsh` `REPO_HOSTNAME` - Override the hostname for all the repos generated/tested (see below) `DOCKER_AUTOPULL` - Default 1. `run_docker.bsh` always pulls the latest version of the lfs dockers. If set to 0, it will not check to see if a new pull is needed, and you will always run off of your currently cached images docker images. `AUTO_REMOVE` - Default 1. Docker containers are automatically deleted on exit. If set to 0, the docker containers will not be automatically deleted upon exit. This can be useful for a post mortem analysis (using other docker commands not covered here). Just make sure you clean up the docker containers manually. `DOCKER_OTHER_OPTIONS` - Any additional arguments you may want to pass to the docker run command. This can be particularly useful when having to help docker with dns, etc... For example `DOCKER_OTHER_OPTIONS="--dns"` If for some reason on Windows, you need to add a -v mount, folder names need to start with `//driveleter/dir...` instead of `/driveleter/dir...` to fool MINGW32 ## Deploying/Building Repositories ## When `./docker/run_dockers.bsh` is done building git-lfs and generating packages, it automatically creates a repository for distribution too. Each distro gets a repo generated in `./repos/{DISTRO_NAME}/{VERSION #}`. Just drop the repo directory onto a webserver and you have a fully functioning Linux repo. (See Testing the Repositories below for more detail) The two major packages included are: `git-lfs-....*` - the git-lfs package `git-lfs-repo-release....*` - A package to install the repo. When building, all **untracked** files are removed during RPM generation (except any stray directories containing a .git folder will not be cleared. This shouldn't be the case, unless you are temporarily storing another git repo in the git repo. This is a safety mechanism in git, so just keep in mind if you are producing packages.) ### Setting the website URL ### The git-lfs-repo-release must contain the URL where the repo is to be hosted. The current default value is `git-lfs.github.com` but this can be overridden using the `REPO_HOSTNAME` env var, e.g. export REPO_HOSTNAME=www.notgithub.uk.co ./docker/run_dockers.bsh Now all the `git-lfs-repo-release....*` files will point to that URL instead _Hint_: `REPO_HOSTNAME` can also be `www.notgithub.uk.co:2213/not_root_dir` ### Testing the Repositories ### To test that all the OSes can download the packages, install, and run the tests again, run ./test_dockers.bsh (which is basically just `./docker/run_dockers.bsh ./docker/git-lfs-test_*`) Remember to set `REPO_HOSTNAME` if you changed it for `./docker/build_docker.bsh` This can also be used to run a local test (on `localhost:{Port Number}`, for example) An easy way to test the repositories locally, is to run them on a simple webserver such as cd ./repos python -m SimpleHTTPServer {Port number} or cd ./repos ruby -run -ehttpd . -p{Port Number} ## GPG signing ### For private repo testing, GPG signing can be skipped. apt-get and yum can install .deb/.rpm directly without gpg keys and everything will work (with certain flags). This section is for distribution in a repo. Most if not all this functionality is automatically disabled when there is no signing key (`./docker/git-lfs_*.key`). In order to sign packages, you need to generate and place GPG keys in the right place. The general procedure for this is gpg --gen-key 1. 4 - RSA 2. 4096 bits 3. Some length of time or 0 for infinite 4. y for yes 5. Signer name (Will become part of the key and uid) 6. Email address (Will become part of the key and uid) 7. Comment (Will become part of the key) 8. O for Okay 9. Enter a secure password, make sure you will not forget it 10. Generate Entropy! gpg --export-secret-key '!' > filename.key e.g. `gpg --export-secret-key '547CF247!' > ./docker/git-lfs_centos_7.key` *NOTE*: the **!** is important in this command Keep in mind, .key files must NEVER be accidentally committed to the repo. _What if you don't have gpg handy?_ Just enter one of the dockers (-- bash) and generate them in there, and save them in the /src dir to get them out of the docker. Or `docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/key OS_NAME:OS_VERSION bash`, and generate in that docker and save to the `/key` directory ### GPG Agent ### To prevent MANY passphrase entries at random times, a gpg-agent docker is used to cache your signing key. This is done automatically for you, whenever you call `./docker/run_dockers.bsh` on a building image (`git-lfs_*.dockerfile`). It can be manually preloaded by calling `./docker/gpg-agent_preload.bsh`. It will ask you for your passphrase, once for each unique key out of all the dockers. So if you use the same key for every docker, it will only prompt once. If you have 5 different keys, you'll have prompts, with only the the key ID to tell you which is which. The gpg agent TTL is set to 1 year. If this is not acceptable for you, set the `GPG_MAX_CACHE` and `GPG_DEFAULT_CACHE` environment variables (in seconds) before starting the gpg-agent daemon. `./docker/gpg-agent_start.bsh` starts the gpg-agent daemon. It is called automatically by `./docker/gpg-agent_preload.bsh` `./docker/gpg-agent_stop.bsh` stops the gpg-agent daemon. It is called automatically by `./docker/gpg-agent_preload.bsh` `./docker/gpg-agent_preload.bsh` is called automatically by `./docker/run_dockers.bsh` when running any of the signing dockers. `./docker/gpg-agent_preload.bsh -r` - Stops and restarts the gpg agent daemon. This is useful for reloading keys when you update them in your host. ### GPG capabilities by Distro ### Every distro has its own GPG signing capability. This is why every signing docker (`git-lfs_*.dockerfile`) can have an associated key (`git-lfs_*.key`) Debian **will** work with 4096 bit RSA signing subkeys like [1] suggests, but will also work with 4096 bit RSA signing keys. CentOS will **not** work with subkeys[3]. CentOS 6 and 7 will work with 4096 bit RSA signing keys You can make a 4096 RSA key for Debian and CentOS 6/7 (4 for step 1 above, and 4096 for step 2). And only have two keys... Or optionally a 4096 RSA subkey for Debain [1]. Or a key for each distro. Dealers choice. [1] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-reprepro-for-a-secure-package-repository-on-ubuntu-14-04 [2] https://iuscommunity.org/pages/CreatingAGPGKeyandSigningRPMs.html#exporting-the-public-gpg-key [3] http://www.redhat.com/archives/rpm-list/2006-November/msg00105.html ## Adding additional OSes ## To add another operating system, it needs to be added to the lfs_dockers repo and uploaded to docker hub. Then all that is left is to add it to the IMAGES list in `run_dockers.bsh` and `test_dockers.bsh` Follow the already existing pattern `{OS NAME}_{OS VERSION #}` where **{OS NAME}** and **{OS VERSION #}** should not contain underscores (\_). ## Docker Cheat sheet ## Install https://docs.docker.com/installation/ * list running dockers docker ps * list stopped dockers too docker ps -a * Remove all stopped dockers docker rm $(docker ps --filter=status=exited -q) * List docker images docker images * Remove unused docker images docker rmi $(docker images -a --filter=dangling=true -q) * Run another command (like bash) in a running docker docker exec -i {docker name} {command} * Stopping a docker (signal 15 to the main pid) docker stop {docker name} * Killing a docker (signal 9 to the main pid) docker kill {docker name} # Troubleshooting # 1. I started one of the script, and am trying to stop it with Ctrl+C. It is ignoring many Ctrl+C's This happens a lot when calling programs like apt-get, yum, etc... From the host, you can still use ps, pgrep, kill, pkill, etc... commands to kill the PIDs in a docker. You can also use `docker ps` to find the container name/id and then used `docker stop` (signal 15) or `docker kill` (signal 9) to stop the docker. You can also use 'docker exec' to start another bash or kill command inside that container 2. How do I re-enter a docker after it failed/succeeded? Dockers are immediately deleted upon exit. The best way to work in a docker is to run bash (See Development in Dockers). This will let you to run the main build command and then continue. 3. That answer's not good enough. How do I resume a docker? Well, first you have to set the environment variable `AUTO_REMOVE=0` before running the image you want to resume. This will keep the docker around after stopping. (Be careful! They multiply like rabbits.) Then docker commit {container name/id} {new_name} Then you can `docker run` that new image.