#!/usr/bin/env bash . "test/testlib.sh" ensure_git_version_isnt $VERSION_LOWER "2.2.0" begin_test "clone" ( set -e reponame="$(basename "$0" ".sh")" setup_remote_repo "$reponame" clone_repo "$reponame" repo git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log # generate some test data & commits with random LFS data echo "[ { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -10d)\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file1.dat\",\"Size\":100}, {\"Filename\":\"file2.dat\",\"Size\":75}] }, { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -7d)\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file1.dat\",\"Size\":110}, {\"Filename\":\"file3.dat\",\"Size\":66}, {\"Filename\":\"file4.dat\",\"Size\":23}] }, { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -10d)\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file5.dat\",\"Size\":120}, {\"Filename\":\"file6.dat\",\"Size\":30}] } ]" | lfstest-testutils addcommits git push origin master # Now clone again, test specific clone dir cd "$TRASHDIR" newclonedir="testclone1" git lfs clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" 2>&1 | tee lfsclone.log grep "Cloning into" lfsclone.log grep "Git LFS:" lfsclone.log # should be no filter errors [ ! $(grep "filter" lfsclone.log) ] [ ! $(grep "error" lfsclone.log) ] # should be cloned into location as per arg [ -d "$newclonedir" ] # check a few file sizes to make sure pulled pushd "$newclonedir" [ $(wc -c < "file1.dat") -eq 110 ] [ $(wc -c < "file2.dat") -eq 75 ] [ $(wc -c < "file3.dat") -eq 66 ] [ ! -e "lfs" ] popd # Now check clone with implied dir rm -rf "$reponame" git lfs clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" 2>&1 | tee lfsclone.log grep "Cloning into" lfsclone.log grep "Git LFS:" lfsclone.log # should be no filter errors [ ! $(grep "filter" lfsclone.log) ] [ ! $(grep "error" lfsclone.log) ] # clone location should be implied [ -d "$reponame" ] pushd "$reponame" [ $(wc -c < "file1.dat") -eq 110 ] [ $(wc -c < "file2.dat") -eq 75 ] [ $(wc -c < "file3.dat") -eq 66 ] [ ! -e "lfs" ] popd ) end_test begin_test "cloneSSL" ( set -e if $TRAVIS; then echo "Skipping SSL tests, Travis has weird behaviour in validating custom certs, test locally only" exit 0 fi reponame="test-cloneSSL" setup_remote_repo "$reponame" clone_repo_ssl "$reponame" "$reponame" git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log # generate some test data & commits with random LFS data echo "[ { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -5d)\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file1.dat\",\"Size\":100}, {\"Filename\":\"file2.dat\",\"Size\":75}] }, { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -1d)\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file3.dat\",\"Size\":30}] } ]" | lfstest-testutils addcommits git push origin master # Now SSL clone again with 'git lfs clone', test specific clone dir cd "$TRASHDIR" newclonedir="testcloneSSL1" git lfs clone "$SSLGITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" 2>&1 | tee lfsclone.log grep "Cloning into" lfsclone.log grep "Git LFS:" lfsclone.log # should be no filter errors [ ! $(grep "filter" lfsclone.log) ] [ ! $(grep "error" lfsclone.log) ] # should be cloned into location as per arg [ -d "$newclonedir" ] # check a few file sizes to make sure pulled pushd "$newclonedir" [ $(wc -c < "file1.dat") -eq 100 ] [ $(wc -c < "file2.dat") -eq 75 ] [ $(wc -c < "file3.dat") -eq 30 ] popd # Now check SSL clone with standard 'git clone' and smudge download rm -rf "$reponame" git clone "$SSLGITSERVER/$reponame" ) end_test begin_test "clone ClientCert" ( set -e # if $TRAVIS; then # echo "Skipping SSL tests, Travis has weird behaviour in validating custom certs, test locally only" # exit 0 # fi reponame="test-cloneClientCert" setup_remote_repo "$reponame" clone_repo_clientcert "$reponame" "$reponame" git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log # generate some test data & commits with random LFS data echo "[ { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -5d)\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file1.dat\",\"Size\":100}, {\"Filename\":\"file2.dat\",\"Size\":75}] }, { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -1d)\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file3.dat\",\"Size\":30}] } ]" | lfstest-testutils addcommits git push origin master # Now clone again with 'git lfs clone', test specific clone dir cd "$TRASHDIR" newclonedir="testcloneClietCert1" git lfs clone "$CLIENTCERTGITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" 2>&1 | tee lfsclone.log grep "Cloning into" lfsclone.log grep "Git LFS:" lfsclone.log # should be no filter errors [ ! $(grep "filter" lfsclone.log) ] [ ! $(grep "error" lfsclone.log) ] # should be cloned into location as per arg [ -d "$newclonedir" ] # check a few file sizes to make sure pulled pushd "$newclonedir" [ $(wc -c < "file1.dat") -eq 100 ] [ $(wc -c < "file2.dat") -eq 75 ] [ $(wc -c < "file3.dat") -eq 30 ] popd # Now check SSL clone with standard 'git clone' and smudge download rm -rf "$reponame" git clone "$CLIENTCERTGITSERVER/$reponame" ) end_test begin_test "clone with flags" ( set -e reponame="$(basename "$0" ".sh")-flags" setup_remote_repo "$reponame" clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame" git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log # generate some test data & commits with random LFS data echo "[ { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -10d)\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file1.dat\",\"Size\":100}, {\"Filename\":\"file2.dat\",\"Size\":75}] }, { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -7d)\", \"NewBranch\":\"branch2\", \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"fileonbranch2.dat\",\"Size\":66}] }, { \"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -3d)\", \"ParentBranches\":[\"master\"], \"Files\":[ {\"Filename\":\"file3.dat\",\"Size\":120}, {\"Filename\":\"file4.dat\",\"Size\":30}] } ]" | lfstest-testutils addcommits git push origin master branch2 # Now clone again, test specific clone dir cd "$TRASHDIR" mkdir "$TRASHDIR/templatedir" newclonedir="testflagsclone1" # many of these flags won't do anything but make sure they're not rejected git lfs clone --template "$TRASHDIR/templatedir" --local --no-hardlinks --shared --verbose --progress --recursive "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" rm -rf "$newclonedir" # specific test for --no-checkout git lfs clone --quiet --no-checkout "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" if [ -e "$newclonedir/file1.dat" ]; then exit 1 fi rm -rf "$newclonedir" # specific test for --branch and --origin git lfs clone --branch branch2 --recurse-submodules --origin differentorigin "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" pushd "$newclonedir" # this file is only on branch2 [ -e "fileonbranch2.dat" ] # confirm remote is called differentorigin git remote get-url differentorigin popd rm -rf "$newclonedir" # specific test for --separate-git-dir gitdir="$TRASHDIR/separategitdir" git lfs clone --separate-git-dir "$gitdir" "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" # .git should be a file not dir if [ -d "$newclonedir/.git" ]; then exit 1 fi [ -e "$newclonedir/.git" ] [ -d "$gitdir/objects" ] rm -rf "$newclonedir" rm -rf "$gitdir" # specific test for --bare git lfs clone --bare "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" [ -d "$newclonedir/objects" ] # short flags git lfs clone -l -v -n -s -b branch2 "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$newclonedir" rm -rf "$newclonedir" ) end_test begin_test "clone (with include/exclude args)" ( set -e reponame="clone_include_exclude" setup_remote_repo "$reponame" clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame" git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log contents_a="a" contents_a_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents_a") printf "$contents_a" > "a.dat" printf "$contents_a" > "a-dupe.dat" printf "$contents_a" > "dupe-a.dat" contents_b="b" contents_b_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents_b") printf "$contents_b" > "b.dat" git add *.dat .gitattributes git commit -m "add a.dat, b.dat" 2>&1 | tee commit.log grep "master (root-commit)" commit.log grep "5 files changed" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 a.dat" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 a-dupe.dat" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 dupe-a.dat" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 b.dat" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 .gitattributes" commit.log git push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log grep "master -> master" push.log grep "Git LFS: (2 of 2 files)" push.log cd "$TRASHDIR" local_reponame="clone_with_includes" git lfs clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$local_reponame" -I "a*.dat" pushd "$local_reponame" assert_local_object "$contents_a_oid" 1 refute_local_object "$contents_b_oid" [ "a" = "$(cat a.dat)" ] [ "a" = "$(cat a-dupe.dat)" ] [ "$(pointer $contents_a_oid 1)" = "$(cat dupe-a.dat)" ] [ "$(pointer $contents_b_oid 1)" = "$(cat b.dat)" ] popd local_reponame="clone_with_excludes" git lfs clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$local_reponame" -I "b.dat" -X "a.dat" pushd "$local_reponame" assert_local_object "$contents_b_oid" 1 refute_local_object "$contents_a_oid" [ "$(pointer $contents_a_oid 1)" = "$(cat a.dat)" ] [ "b" = "$(cat b.dat)" ] popd ) end_test begin_test "clone (with .lfsconfig)" ( set -e reponame="clone_with_lfsconfig" setup_remote_repo "$reponame" clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame" git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log contents_a="a" contents_a_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents_a") printf "$contents_a" > "a.dat" contents_b="b" contents_b_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents_b") printf "$contents_b" > "b.dat" git add a.dat b.dat .gitattributes git commit -m "add a.dat, b.dat" 2>&1 | tee commit.log grep "master (root-commit)" commit.log grep "3 files changed" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 a.dat" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 b.dat" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 .gitattributes" commit.log git config -f ".lfsconfig" "lfs.fetchinclude" "a*" git add ".lfsconfig" git commit -m "config lfs.fetchinclude a*" 2>&1 | tee commit.log grep "master" commit.log grep "1 file changed" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 .lfsconfig" commit.log git push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log grep "master -> master" push.log grep "Git LFS: (2 of 2 files)" push.log pushd "$TRASHDIR" echo "test: clone with lfs.fetchinclude in .lfsconfig" local_reponame="clone_with_config_include" set +x git lfs clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$local_reponame" ok="$?" set -x if [ "0" -ne "$ok" ]; then # TEMP: used to catch transient failure from above `clone` command, as in: # https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/pull/1782#issuecomment-267678319 echo >&2 "[!] \`git lfs clone $GITSERVER/$reponame $local_reponame\` failed" git lfs logs last exit 1 fi pushd "$local_reponame" assert_local_object "$contents_a_oid" 1 refute_local_object "$contents_b_oid" popd echo "test: clone with lfs.fetchinclude in .lfsconfig, and args" local_reponame="clone_with_config_include_and_args" git lfs clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$local_reponame" -I "b.dat" pushd "$local_reponame" refute_local_object "$contents_a_oid" assert_local_object "$contents_b_oid" 1 popd popd git config -f ".lfsconfig" "lfs.fetchinclude" "b*" git config -f ".lfsconfig" "lfs.fetchexclude" "a*" git add .lfsconfig git commit -m "config lfs.fetchinclude a*" 2>&1 | tee commit.log grep "master" commit.log grep "1 file changed" commit.log git push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log grep "master -> master" push.log pushd "$TRASHDIR" echo "test: clone with lfs.fetchexclude in .lfsconfig" local_reponame="clone_with_config_exclude" git lfs clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$local_reponame" pushd "$local_reponame" cat ".lfsconfig" assert_local_object "$contents_b_oid" 1 refute_local_object "$contents_a_oid" popd echo "test: clone with lfs.fetchexclude in .lfsconfig, and args" local_reponame="clone_with_config_exclude_and_args" git lfs clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$local_reponame" -I "a.dat" -X "b.dat" pushd "$local_reponame" assert_local_object "$contents_a_oid" 1 refute_local_object "$contents_b_oid" popd popd ) end_test begin_test "clone with submodules" ( set -e # set up a doubly nested submodule, each with LFS content reponame="submod-root" submodname1="submod-level1" submodname2="submod-level2" setup_remote_repo "$reponame" setup_remote_repo "$submodname1" setup_remote_repo "$submodname2" clone_repo "$submodname2" submod2 git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log contents_sub2="Inception. Now, before you bother telling me it's impossible..." contents_sub2_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents_sub2") printf "$contents_sub2" > "sub2.dat" git add sub2.dat .gitattributes git commit -m "Nested submodule level 2" git push origin master clone_repo "$submodname1" submod1 git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log contents_sub1="We're dreaming?" contents_sub1_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents_sub1") printf "$contents_sub1" > "sub1.dat" # add submodule2 as submodule of submodule1 git submodule add "$GITSERVER/$submodname2" sub2 git submodule update git add sub2 sub1.dat .gitattributes git commit -m "Nested submodule level 1" git push origin master clone_repo "$reponame" rootrepo git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log contents_root="Downwards is the only way forwards." contents_root_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents_root") printf "$contents_root" > "root.dat" # add submodule1 as submodule of root git submodule add "$GITSERVER/$submodname1" sub1 git submodule update git add sub1 root.dat .gitattributes git commit -m "Root repo" git push origin master pushd "$TRASHDIR" local_reponame="submod-clone" git lfs clone --recursive "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$local_reponame" # check everything is where it should be cd $local_reponame # check LFS store and working copy assert_local_object "$contents_root_oid" "${#contents_root}" [ $(wc -c < "root.dat") -eq ${#contents_root} ] # and so on for nested subs cd sub1 assert_local_object "$contents_sub1_oid" "${#contents_sub1}" [ $(wc -c < "sub1.dat") -eq ${#contents_sub1} ] cd sub2 assert_local_object "$contents_sub2_oid" "${#contents_sub2}" [ $(wc -c < "sub2.dat") -eq ${#contents_sub2} ] popd ) end_test begin_test "clone in current directory" ( set -e reponame="clone_in_current_dir" setup_remote_repo "$reponame" clone_repo "$reponame" $reponame git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log grep "Tracking \*.dat" track.log contents="contents" contents_oid="$(calc_oid "$contents")" printf "$contents" > a.dat git add .gitattributes a.dat git commit -m "initial commit" 2>&1 | tee commit.log grep "master (root-commit)" commit.log grep "2 files changed" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 a.dat" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 .gitattributes" commit.log git push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log pushd $TRASHDIR mkdir "$reponame-clone" cd "$reponame-clone" git lfs clone $GITSERVER/$reponame "." 2>&1 | grep "Git LFS" assert_local_object "$contents_oid" 8 [ ! -f ./lfs ] popd ) end_test