#!/usr/bin/env bash # assert_pointer confirms that the pointer in the repository for $path in the # given $ref matches the given $oid and $size. # # $ assert_pointer "master" "path/to/file" "some-oid" 123 assert_pointer() { local ref="$1" local path="$2" local oid="$3" local size="$4" gitblob=$(git ls-tree -lrz "$ref" | while read -r -d $'\0' x; do echo $x done | grep "$path" | cut -f 3 -d " ") actual=$(git cat-file -p $gitblob) expected=$(pointer $oid $size) if [ "$expected" != "$actual" ]; then exit 1 fi } # assert_local_object confirms that an object file is stored for the given oid & # has the correct size # $ assert_local_object "some-oid" size assert_local_object() { local oid="$1" local size="$2" local cfg=`git lfs env | grep LocalMediaDir` local f="${cfg:14}/${oid:0:2}/${oid:2:2}/$oid" actualsize=$(wc -c <"$f" | tr -d '[[:space:]]') if [ "$size" != "$actualsize" ]; then exit 1 fi } # refute_local_object confirms that an object file is NOT stored for an oid # $ refute_local_object "some-oid" refute_local_object() { local oid="$1" local cfg=`git lfs env | grep LocalMediaDir` local regex="LocalMediaDir=(\S+)" local f="${cfg:14}/${oid:0:2}/${oid:2:2}/$oid" if [ -e $f ]; then exit 1 fi } # delete_local_object deletes the local storage for an oid # $ delete_local_object "some-oid" delete_local_object() { local oid="$1" local cfg=`git lfs env | grep LocalMediaDir` local f="${cfg:14}/${oid:0:2}/${oid:2:2}/$oid" rm "$f" } # check that the object does not exist in the git lfs server. HTTP log is # written to http.log. JSON output is written to http.json. # # $ refute_server_object "reponame" "oid" refute_server_object() { local reponame="$1" local oid="$2" curl -v "$GITSERVER/$reponame.git/info/lfs/objects/$oid" \ -u "user:pass" \ -o http.json \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.git-lfs+json" 2>&1 | tee http.log grep "404 Not Found" http.log } # Delete an object on the lfs server. HTTP log is # written to http.log. JSON output is written to http.json. # # $ delete_server_object "reponame" "oid" delete_server_object() { local reponame="$1" local oid="$2" curl -v "$GITSERVER/$reponame.git/info/lfs/delete/$oid" \ -u "user:pass" \ -o http.json \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.git-lfs+json" 2>&1 | tee http.log grep "200 OK" http.log } # check that the object does exist in the git lfs server. HTTP log is written # to http.log. JSON output is written to http.json. assert_server_object() { local reponame="$1" local oid="$2" curl -v "$GITSERVER/$reponame.git/info/lfs/objects/$oid" \ -u "user:pass" \ -o http.json \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.git-lfs+json" 2>&1 | tee http.log grep "200 OK" http.log grep "download" http.json || { cat http.json exit 1 } } # assert that a lock with the given ID exists on the test server assert_server_lock() { local id="$1" curl -v "$GITSERVER/locks/" \ -u "user:pass" \ -o http.json \ -H "Accept:application/vnd.git-lfs+json" 2>&1 | tee http.log grep "200 OK" http.log grep "$id" http.json || { cat http.json exit 1 } } # refute that a lock with the given ID exists on the test server refute_server_lock() { local id="$1" curl -v "$GITSERVER/locks/" \ -u "user:pass" \ -o http.json \ -H "Accept:application/vnd.git-lfs+json" 2>&1 | tee http.log grep "200 OK" http.log [ $(grep -c "$id" http.json) -eq 0 ] } # pointer returns a string Git LFS pointer file. # # $ pointer abc-some-oid 123 # > version ... pointer() { local oid=$1 local size=$2 printf "version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 oid sha256:%s size %s " "$oid" "$size" } # wait_for_file simply sleeps until a file exists. # # $ wait_for_file "path/to/upcoming/file" wait_for_file() { local filename="$1" n=0 while [ $n -lt 10 ]; do if [ -s $filename ]; then return 0 fi sleep 0.5 n=`expr $n + 1` done return 1 } # setup_remote_repo intializes a bare Git repository that is accessible through # the test Git server. The `pwd` is set to the repository's directory, in case # further commands need to be run. This server is running for every test in a # script/integration run, so every test file should setup its own remote # repository to avoid conflicts. # # $ setup_remote_repo "some-name" # setup_remote_repo() { local reponame="$1" echo "set up remote git repository: $reponame" repodir="$REMOTEDIR/$reponame.git" mkdir -p "$repodir" cd "$repodir" git init --bare git config http.receivepack true git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore } # creates a bare remote repository for a local clone. Useful to test pushing to # a fresh remote server. # # $ setup_alternate_remote "$reponame-whatever" # $ setup_alternate_remote "$reponame-whatever" "other-remote-name" # setup_alternate_remote() { local newRemoteName=$1 local remote=${2:-origin} wd=`pwd` setup_remote_repo "$newRemoteName" cd $wd git remote rm "$remote" git remote add "$remote" "$GITSERVER/$newRemoteName" } # clone_repo clones a repository from the test Git server to the subdirectory # $dir under $TRASHDIR. setup_remote_repo() needs to be run first. Output is # written to clone.log. clone_repo() { cd "$TRASHDIR" local reponame="$1" local dir="$2" echo "clone local git repository $reponame to $dir" out=$(git clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$dir" 2>&1) cd "$dir" git config credential.helper lfstest echo "$out" > clone.log echo "$out" } # clone_repo_ssl clones a repository from the test Git server to the subdirectory # $dir under $TRASHDIR, using the SSL endpoint. # setup_remote_repo() needs to be run first. Output is written to clone_ssl.log. clone_repo_ssl() { cd "$TRASHDIR" local reponame="$1" local dir="$2" echo "clone local git repository $reponame to $dir" out=$(git clone "$SSLGITSERVER/$reponame" "$dir" 2>&1) cd "$dir" git config credential.helper lfstest echo "$out" > clone_ssl.log echo "$out" } # setup_remote_repo_with_file creates a remote repo, clones it locally, commits # a file tracked by LFS, and pushes it to the remote: # # setup_remote_repo_with_file "reponame" "filename" setup_remote_repo_with_file() { local reponame="$1" local filename="$2" setup_remote_repo "remote_$reponame" clone_repo "remote_$reponame" "clone_$reponame" git lfs track "$filename" echo "$filename" > "$filename" git add .gitattributes $filename git commit -m "add $filename" | tee commit.log grep "master (root-commit)" commit.log grep "2 files changed" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 $filename" commit.log grep "create mode 100644 .gitattributes" commit.log git push origin master 2>&1 | tee push.log grep "master -> master" push.log } # setup initializes the clean, isolated environment for integration tests. setup() { cd "$ROOTDIR" rm -rf "$REMOTEDIR" mkdir "$REMOTEDIR" if [ -z "$SKIPCOMPILE" ] && [ -z "$LFS_BIN" ]; then echo "compile git-lfs for $0" script/bootstrap || { return $? } fi echo "Git LFS: ${LFS_BIN:-$(which git-lfs)}" git lfs version git version if [ -z "$SKIPCOMPILE" ]; then for go in test/cmd/*.go; do GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 go build -o "$BINPATH/$(basename $go .go)" "$go" done # Ensure API test util is built during tests to ensure it stays in sync GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 go build -o "$BINPATH/git-lfs-test-server-api" "test/git-lfs-test-server-api/main.go" "test/git-lfs-test-server-api/testdownload.go" "test/git-lfs-test-server-api/testupload.go" fi LFSTEST_URL="$LFS_URL_FILE" LFSTEST_SSL_URL="$LFS_SSL_URL_FILE" LFSTEST_DIR="$REMOTEDIR" LFSTEST_CERT="$LFS_CERT_FILE" lfstest-gitserver > "$REMOTEDIR/gitserver.log" 2>&1 & # Set up the initial git config and osx keychain if applicable HOME="$TESTHOME" mkdir "$HOME" git lfs install git config --global credential.helper lfstest git config --global user.name "Git LFS Tests" git config --global user.email "git-lfs@example.com" git config --global http.sslcainfo "$LFS_CERT_FILE" grep "git-lfs clean" "$REMOTEDIR/home/.gitconfig" > /dev/null || { echo "global git config should be set in $REMOTEDIR/home" ls -al "$REMOTEDIR/home" exit 1 } # setup the git credential password storage mkdir -p "$CREDSDIR" printf "user:pass" > "$CREDSDIR/" echo echo "HOME: $HOME" echo "TMP: $TMPDIR" echo "CREDS: $CREDSDIR" echo "lfstest-gitserver:" echo " LFSTEST_URL=$LFS_URL_FILE" echo " LFSTEST_SSL_URL=$LFS_SSL_URL_FILE" echo " LFSTEST_CERT=$LFS_CERT_FILE" echo " LFSTEST_DIR=$REMOTEDIR" echo "GIT:" git config --global --get-regexp "lfs|credential|user" if [ "$OSXKEYFILE" ]; then # Only OS X will encounter this # We can't disable osxkeychain and it gets called on store as well as ours, # reporting "A keychain cannot be found to store.." errors because the test # user env has no keychain; so create one mkdir -p $HOME/Library/Preferences # required to store keychain lists security create-keychain -p pass "$OSXKEYFILE" security list-keychains -s "$OSXKEYFILE" security unlock-keychain -p pass "$OSXKEYFILE" security set-keychain-settings -lut 7200 "$OSXKEYFILE" security default-keychain -s "$OSXKEYFILE" echo "OSX Keychain: $OSXKEYFILE" fi wait_for_file "$LFS_URL_FILE" wait_for_file "$LFS_SSL_URL_FILE" wait_for_file "$LFS_CERT_FILE" echo } # shutdown cleans the $TRASHDIR and shuts the test Git server down. shutdown() { # every test/test-*.sh file should cleanup its trashdir [ -z "$KEEPTRASH" ] && rm -rf "$TRASHDIR" if [ "$SHUTDOWN_LFS" != "no" ]; then # only cleanup test/remote after script/integration done OR a single # test/test-*.sh file is run manually. if [ -s "$LFS_URL_FILE" ]; then curl "$(cat "$LFS_URL_FILE")/shutdown" fi if [ "$OSXKEYFILE" ]; then # explicitly clean up keychain to make sure search list doesn't look for it # shouldn't matter because $HOME is separate & keychain prefs are there but still security delete-keychain "$OSXKEYFILE" fi [ -z "$KEEPTRASH" ] && rm -rf "$REMOTEDIR" # delete entire lfs test root if we created it (double check pattern) if [ -z "$KEEPTRASH" ] && [ "$RM_GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR" = "yes" ] && [[ $GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR == *"$TEMPDIR_PREFIX"* ]]; then rm -rf "$GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR" fi fi } ensure_git_version_isnt() { local expectedComparison=$1 local version=$2 local gitVersion=$(git version | cut -d" " -f3) set +e compare_version $gitVersion $version result=$? set -e if [[ $result == $expectedComparison ]]; then echo "skip: $0 (git version $(comparison_to_operator $expectedComparison) $version)" exit fi } VERSION_EQUAL=0 VERSION_HIGHER=1 VERSION_LOWER=2 # Compare $1 and $2 and return VERSION_EQUAL / VERSION_LOWER / VERSION_HIGHER compare_version() { if [[ $1 == $2 ]] then return $VERSION_EQUAL fi local IFS=. local i ver1=($1) ver2=($2) # fill empty fields in ver1 with zeros for ((i=${#ver1[@]}; i<${#ver2[@]}; i++)) do ver1[i]=0 done for ((i=0; i<${#ver1[@]}; i++)) do if [[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]] then # fill empty fields in ver2 with zeros ver2[i]=0 fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]})) then return $VERSION_HIGHER fi if ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]})) then return $VERSION_LOWER fi done return $VERSION_EQUAL } comparison_to_operator() { local comparison=$1 if [[ $1 == $VERSION_EQUAL ]]; then echo "==" elif [[ $1 == $VERSION_HIGHER ]]; then echo ">" elif [[ $1 == $VERSION_LOWER ]]; then echo "<" else echo "???" fi } calc_oid() { printf "$1" | shasum -a 256 | cut -f 1 -d " " } # Get a date string with an offset # Args: One or more date offsets of the form (regex) "[+-]\d+[dmyHM]" # e.g. +1d = 1 day forward from today # -5y = 5 years before today # Example call: # D=$(get_date +1y +1m -5H) # returns date as string in RFC3339 format ccyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ssZ # note returns in UTC time not local time hence Z and not +/- get_date() { # Wrapped because BSD (inc OSX) & GNU 'date' functions are different # on Windows under Git Bash it's GNU if date --version >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then # GNU ARGS="" for var in "$@" do # GNU offsets are more verbose unit=${var: -1} val=${var:0:${#var}-1} case "$unit" in d) unit="days" ;; m) unit="months" ;; y) unit="years" ;; H) unit="hours" ;; M) unit="minutes" ;; esac ARGS="$ARGS $val $unit" done date -d "$ARGS" -u +%Y-%m-%dT%TZ else # BSD ARGS="" for var in "$@" do ARGS="$ARGS -v$var" done date $ARGS -u +%Y-%m-%dT%TZ fi } # Convert potentially MinGW bash paths to native Windows paths # Needed to match generic built paths in test scripts to native paths generated from Go native_path() { local arg=$1 if [ $IS_WINDOWS == "1" ]; then # Use params form to avoid interpreting any '\' characters printf '%s' "$(cygpath -w $arg)" else printf '%s' "$arg" fi } # escape any instance of '\' with '\\' on Windows escape_path() { local unescaped="$1" if [ $IS_WINDOWS == "1" ]; then printf '%s' "${unescaped//\\/\\\\}" else printf '%s' "$unescaped" fi } # As native_path but escape all backslash characters to "\\" native_path_escaped() { local unescaped=$(native_path "$1") escape_path "$unescaped" } # Compare 2 lists which are newline-delimited in a string, ignoring ordering and blank lines contains_same_elements() { # Remove blank lines then sort printf '%s' "$1" | grep -v '^$' | sort > a.txt printf '%s' "$2" | grep -v '^$' | sort > b.txt set +e diff -u a.txt b.txt 1>&2 res=$? set -e rm a.txt b.txt exit $res } is_stdin_attached() { test -t0 echo $? } has_test_dir() { if [ -z "$GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR" ]; then echo "No GIT_LFS_TEST_DIR. Skipping..." exit 0 fi }