apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: {{ include "gitea.fullname" . }}-init labels: {{- include "gitea.labels" . | nindent 4 }} type: Opaque stringData: init_directory_structure.sh: |- #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail {{- if .Values.initPreScript }} # BEGIN: initPreScript {{- with .Values.initPreScript -}} {{ . | nindent 4}} {{- end -}} # END: initPreScript {{- end }} set -x {{- if not .Values.image.rootless }} chown 1000:1000 /data {{- end }} mkdir -p /data/git/.ssh chmod -R 700 /data/git/.ssh [ ! -d /data/gitea ] && mkdir -p /data/gitea/conf # prepare temp directory structure mkdir -p "${GITEA_TEMP}" chown 1000:1000 "${GITEA_TEMP}" chmod ug+rwx "${GITEA_TEMP}" # Copy config file to writable volume cp /etc/gitea/conf/app.ini /data/gitea/conf/app.ini chmod a+rwx /data/gitea/conf/app.ini configure_gitea.sh: |- #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail {{- if include "db.servicename" . }} # Connection retry inspired by https://gist.github.com/dublx/e99ea94858c07d2ca6de function test_db_connection() { local RETRY=0 local MAX=30 echo 'Wait for database to become avialable...' until [ "${RETRY}" -ge "${MAX}" ]; do nc -vz -w2 {{ include "db.servicename" . }} {{ include "db.port" . }} && break RETRY=$[${RETRY}+1] echo "...not ready yet (${RETRY}/${MAX})" done if [ "${RETRY}" -ge "${MAX}" ]; then echo "Database not reachable after '${MAX}' attempts!" exit 1 fi } test_db_connection {{- end }} echo '==== BEGIN GITEA CONFIGURATION ====' gitea migrate {{- if or .Values.gitea.admin.existingSecret (and .Values.gitea.admin.username .Values.gitea.admin.password) }} function configure_admin_user() { local ACCOUNT_ID=$(gitea admin user list --admin | grep -e "\s\+${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}\s\+" | awk -F " " "{printf \$1}") if [[ -z "${ACCOUNT_ID}" ]]; then echo "No admin user '${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}' found. Creating now..." gitea admin user create --admin --username "${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" --password "${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" --email {{ .Values.gitea.admin.email | quote }} --must-change-password=false echo '...created.' else echo "Admin account '${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}' already exist. Running update to sync password..." gitea admin user change-password --username "${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" --password "${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" echo '...password sync done.' fi } configure_admin_user {{- end }} function configure_ldap() { {{- if .Values.gitea.ldap }} {{- range $idx, $value := .Values.gitea.ldap }} local LDAP_NAME={{ (printf "%s" $value.name) | squote }} local GITEA_AUTH_ID=$(gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars | grep -E "\|${LDAP_NAME}\s+\|" | grep -iE '\|LDAP \(via BindDN\)\s+\|' | awk -F " " "{print \$1}") if [[ -z "${GITEA_AUTH_ID}" ]]; then echo "No ldap configuration found with name '${LDAP_NAME}'. Installing it now..." gitea admin auth add-ldap {{- include "gitea.ldap_settings" (list $idx $value) | indent 1 }} echo '...installed.' else echo "Existing ldap configuration with name '${LDAP_NAME}': '${GITEA_AUTH_ID}'. Running update to sync settings..." gitea admin auth update-ldap --id "${GITEA_AUTH_ID}" {{- include "gitea.ldap_settings" (list $idx $value) | indent 1 }} echo '...sync settings done.' fi {{- end }} {{- else }} echo 'no ldap configuration... skipping.' {{- end }} } configure_ldap {{- if .Values.gitea.oauth.enabled }} function configure_oauth() { local OAUTH_NAME={{ (printf "%s" .Values.gitea.oauth.name) | squote }} local AUTH_ID=$(gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars | grep -E "\|${OAUTH_NAME}\s+\|" | grep -iE '\|OAuth2\s+\|' | awk -F " " "{print \$1}") if [[ -z "${AUTH_ID}" ]]; then echo "No oauth configuration found with name '${OAUTH_NAME}'. Installing it now..." gitea admin auth add-oauth {{- include "gitea.oauth_settings" . | indent 1 }} echo '...installed.' else echo "Existing oauth configuration with name '${OAUTH_NAME}': '${AUTH_ID}'. Running update to sync settings..." gitea admin auth update-oauth --id "${AUTH_ID}" {{- include "gitea.oauth_settings" . | indent 1 }} echo '...sync settings done.' fi } configure_oauth {{- end }} echo '==== END GITEA CONFIGURATION ===='