import os import zipfile from import gfile from keras_core.api_export import keras_core_export from keras_core.saving import saving_lib from keras_core.saving.legacy import legacy_h5_format try: import h5py except ImportError: h5py = None @keras_core_export( ["keras_core.saving.load_model", "keras_core.models.load_model"] ) def load_model(filepath, custom_objects=None, compile=True, safe_mode=True): """Loads a model saved via ``. Args: filepath: `str` or `pathlib.Path` object, path to the saved model file. custom_objects: Optional dictionary mapping names (strings) to custom classes or functions to be considered during deserialization. compile: Boolean, whether to compile the model after loading. safe_mode: Boolean, whether to disallow unsafe `lambda` deserialization. When `safe_mode=False`, loading an object has the potential to trigger arbitrary code execution. This argument is only applicable to the Keras v3 model format. Defaults to True. Returns: A Keras model instance. If the original model was compiled, and the argument `compile=True` is set, then the returned model will be compiled. Otherwise, the model will be left uncompiled. Example: ```python model = keras_core.Sequential([ keras_core.layers.Dense(5, input_shape=(3,)), keras_core.layers.Softmax()])"model.keras") loaded_model = keras_core.saving.load_model("model.keras") x = np.random.random((10, 3)) assert np.allclose(model.predict(x), loaded_model.predict(x)) ``` Note that the model variables may have different name values (`` property, e.g. `"dense_1/kernel:0"`) after being reloaded. It is recommended that you use layer attributes to access specific variables, e.g. `model.get_layer("dense_1").kernel`. """ from keras_core.saving import saving_lib is_keras_zip = str(filepath).endswith(".keras") and zipfile.is_zipfile( filepath ) # Support for remote zip files if ( saving_lib.is_remote_path(filepath) and not gfile.isdir(filepath) and not is_keras_zip ): local_path = os.path.join( saving_lib.get_temp_dir(), os.path.basename(filepath) ) # Copy from remote to temporary local directory gfile.copy(filepath, local_path, overwrite=True) # Switch filepath to local zipfile for loading model if zipfile.is_zipfile(local_path): filepath = local_path is_keras_zip = True if is_keras_zip: return saving_lib.load_model( filepath, custom_objects=custom_objects, compile=compile, safe_mode=safe_mode, ) else: raise ValueError( "The file you are trying to load does not appear to " "be a valid `.keras` model file. If it is a legacy " "`.h5` or SavedModel file, do note that these formats " "are not supported in Keras Core." ) def load_weights(model, filepath, skip_mismatch=False, **kwargs): if str(filepath).endswith(".keras"): if kwargs: raise ValueError(f"Invalid keyword arguments: {kwargs}") saving_lib.load_weights_only( model, filepath, skip_mismatch=skip_mismatch ) elif str(filepath).endswith(".weights.h5"): if kwargs: raise ValueError(f"Invalid keyword arguments: {kwargs}") saving_lib.load_weights_only( model, filepath, skip_mismatch=skip_mismatch ) elif str(filepath).endswith(".h5") or str(filepath).endswith(".hdf5"): by_name = kwargs.pop("by_name", False) if kwargs: raise ValueError(f"Invalid keyword arguments: {kwargs}") if not h5py: raise ImportError( "Loading a H5 file requires `h5py` to be installed." ) with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as f: if "layer_names" not in f.attrs and "model_weights" in f: f = f["model_weights"] if by_name: legacy_h5_format.load_weights_from_hdf5_group_by_name( f, model, skip_mismatch ) else: legacy_h5_format.load_weights_from_hdf5_group(f, model) else: raise ValueError( f"File format not supported: filepath={filepath}. " "Keras Core only supports V3 `.keras` and `.weights.h5` " "files." )