import warnings from import gfile from keras_core import backend from keras_core import layers from keras_core.api_export import keras_core_export from keras_core.applications import imagenet_utils from keras_core.models import Functional from keras_core.operations import operation_utils from keras_core.utils import file_utils BASE_WEIGHT_PATH = ( "" ) WEIGHTS_HASHES = { "large_224_0.75_float": ( "765b44a33ad4005b3ac83185abf1d0eb", "40af19a13ebea4e2ee0c676887f69a2e", ), "large_224_1.0_float": ( "59e551e166be033d707958cf9e29a6a7", "07fb09a5933dd0c8eaafa16978110389", ), "large_minimalistic_224_1.0_float": ( "675e7b876c45c57e9e63e6d90a36599c", "ec5221f64a2f6d1ef965a614bdae7973", ), "small_224_0.75_float": ( "cb65d4e5be93758266aa0a7f2c6708b7", "ebdb5cc8e0b497cd13a7c275d475c819", ), "small_224_1.0_float": ( "8768d4c2e7dee89b9d02b2d03d65d862", "d3e8ec802a04aa4fc771ee12a9a9b836", ), "small_minimalistic_224_1.0_float": ( "99cd97fb2fcdad2bf028eb838de69e37", "cde8136e733e811080d9fcd8a252f7e4", ), } BASE_DOCSTRING = """Instantiates the {name} architecture. Reference: - [Searching for MobileNetV3]( (ICCV 2019) The following table describes the performance of MobileNets v3: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MACs stands for Multiply Adds |Classification Checkpoint|MACs(M)|Parameters(M)|Top1 Accuracy|Pixel1 CPU(ms)| |---|---|---|---|---| | mobilenet_v3_large_1.0_224 | 217 | 5.4 | 75.6 | 51.2 | | mobilenet_v3_large_0.75_224 | 155 | 4.0 | 73.3 | 39.8 | | mobilenet_v3_large_minimalistic_1.0_224 | 209 | 3.9 | 72.3 | 44.1 | | mobilenet_v3_small_1.0_224 | 66 | 2.9 | 68.1 | 15.8 | | mobilenet_v3_small_0.75_224 | 44 | 2.4 | 65.4 | 12.8 | | mobilenet_v3_small_minimalistic_1.0_224 | 65 | 2.0 | 61.9 | 12.2 | For image classification use cases, see [this page for detailed examples]( For transfer learning use cases, make sure to read the [guide to transfer learning & fine-tuning]( Note: each Keras Application expects a specific kind of input preprocessing. For MobileNetV3, by default input preprocessing is included as a part of the model (as a `Rescaling` layer), and thus `keras_core.applications.mobilenet_v3.preprocess_input` is actually a pass-through function. In this use case, MobileNetV3 models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the `[0-255]` range. At the same time, preprocessing as a part of the model (i.e. `Rescaling` layer) can be disabled by setting `include_preprocessing` argument to `False`. With preprocessing disabled MobileNetV3 models expect their inputs to be float tensors of pixels with values in the `[-1, 1]` range. Args: input_shape: Optional shape tuple, to be specified if you would like to use a model with an input image resolution that is not `(224, 224, 3)`. It should have exactly 3 inputs channels. You can also omit this option if you would like to infer input_shape from an input_tensor. If you choose to include both input_tensor and input_shape then input_shape will be used if they match, if the shapes do not match then we will throw an error. E.g. `(160, 160, 3)` would be one valid value. alpha: controls the width of the network. This is known as the depth multiplier in the MobileNetV3 paper, but the name is kept for consistency with MobileNetV1 in Keras. - If `alpha < 1.0`, proportionally decreases the number of filters in each layer. - If `alpha > 1.0`, proportionally increases the number of filters in each layer. - If `alpha == 1`, default number of filters from the paper are used at each layer. minimalistic: In addition to large and small models this module also contains so-called minimalistic models, these models have the same per-layer dimensions characteristic as MobilenetV3 however, they don't utilize any of the advanced blocks (squeeze-and-excite units, hard-swish, and 5x5 convolutions). While these models are less efficient on CPU, they are much more performant on GPU/DSP. include_top: Boolean, whether to include the fully-connected layer at the top of the network. Defaults to `True`. weights: String, one of `None` (random initialization), `"imagenet"` (pre-training on ImageNet), or the path to the weights file to be loaded. input_tensor: Optional Keras tensor (i.e. output of `layers.Input()`) to use as image input for the model. pooling: String, optional pooling mode for feature extraction when `include_top` is `False`. - `None` means that the output of the model will be the 4D tensor output of the last convolutional block. - `avg` means that global average pooling will be applied to the output of the last convolutional block, and thus the output of the model will be a 2D tensor. - `max` means that global max pooling will be applied. classes: Integer, optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if `include_top` is `True`, and if no `weights` argument is specified. dropout_rate: fraction of the input units to drop on the last layer. classifier_activation: A `str` or callable. The activation function to use on the "top" layer. Ignored unless `include_top=True`. Set `classifier_activation=None` to return the logits of the "top" layer. When loading pretrained weights, `classifier_activation` can only be `None` or `"softmax"`. include_preprocessing: Boolean, whether to include the preprocessing layer (`Rescaling`) at the bottom of the network. Defaults to `True`. Call arguments: inputs: A floating point `numpy.array` or backend-native tensor, 4D with 3 color channels, with values in the range `[0, 255]` if `include_preprocessing` is `True` and in the range `[-1, 1]` otherwise. Returns: A model instance. """ def MobileNetV3( stack_fn, last_point_ch, input_shape=None, alpha=1.0, model_type="large", minimalistic=False, include_top=True, weights="imagenet", input_tensor=None, classes=1000, pooling=None, dropout_rate=0.2, classifier_activation="softmax", include_preprocessing=True, ): if not (weights in {"imagenet", None} or gfile.exists(weights)): raise ValueError( "The `weights` argument should be either " "`None` (random initialization), `imagenet` " "(pre-training on ImageNet), " "or the path to the weights file to be loaded. " f"Received weights={weights}" ) if weights == "imagenet" and include_top and classes != 1000: raise ValueError( 'If using `weights="imagenet"` with `include_top` ' "as true, `classes` should be 1000. " f"Received classes={classes}" ) # Determine proper input shape and default size. # If both input_shape and input_tensor are used, they should match if input_shape is not None and input_tensor is not None: try: is_input_t_tensor = backend.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor) except ValueError: try: is_input_t_tensor = backend.is_keras_tensor( operation_utils.get_source_inputs(input_tensor) ) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "input_tensor: ", input_tensor, "is not type input_tensor. " f"Received type(input_tensor)={type(input_tensor)}", ) if is_input_t_tensor: if backend.image_data_format() == "channels_first": if input_tensor.shape[1] != input_shape[1]: raise ValueError( "When backend.image_data_format()=channels_first, " "input_shape[1] must equal " "input_tensor.shape[1]. Received " f"input_shape={input_shape}, " "input_tensor.shape=" f"{input_tensor.shape}" ) else: if input_tensor.shape[2] != input_shape[1]: raise ValueError( "input_shape[1] must equal " "input_tensor.shape[2]. Received " f"input_shape={input_shape}, " "input_tensor.shape=" f"{input_tensor.shape}" ) else: raise ValueError( "input_tensor specified: ", input_tensor, "is not a keras tensor", ) # If input_shape is None, infer shape from input_tensor if input_shape is None and input_tensor is not None: try: backend.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "input_tensor: ", input_tensor, "is type: ", type(input_tensor), "which is not a valid type", ) if backend.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor): if backend.image_data_format() == "channels_first": rows = input_tensor.shape[2] cols = input_tensor.shape[3] input_shape = (3, cols, rows) else: rows = input_tensor.shape[1] cols = input_tensor.shape[2] input_shape = (cols, rows, 3) # If input_shape is None and input_tensor is None using standard shape if input_shape is None and input_tensor is None: input_shape = (None, None, 3) if backend.image_data_format() == "channels_last": row_axis, col_axis = (0, 1) else: row_axis, col_axis = (1, 2) rows = input_shape[row_axis] cols = input_shape[col_axis] if rows and cols and (rows < 32 or cols < 32): raise ValueError( "Input size must be at least 32x32; Received `input_shape=" f"{input_shape}`" ) if weights == "imagenet": if ( not minimalistic and alpha not in [0.75, 1.0] or minimalistic and alpha != 1.0 ): raise ValueError( "If imagenet weights are being loaded, " "alpha can be one of `0.75`, `1.0` for non minimalistic " "or `1.0` for minimalistic only." ) if rows != cols or rows != 224: warnings.warn( "`input_shape` is undefined or non-square, " "or `rows` is not 224. " "Weights for input shape (224, 224) will be " "loaded as the default.", stacklevel=2, ) if input_tensor is None: img_input = layers.Input(shape=input_shape) else: if not backend.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor): img_input = layers.Input(tensor=input_tensor, shape=input_shape) else: img_input = input_tensor channel_axis = 1 if backend.image_data_format() == "channels_first" else -1 if minimalistic: kernel = 3 activation = relu se_ratio = None else: kernel = 5 activation = hard_swish se_ratio = 0.25 x = img_input if include_preprocessing: x = layers.Rescaling(scale=1.0 / 127.5, offset=-1.0)(x) x = layers.Conv2D( 16, kernel_size=3, strides=(2, 2), padding="same", use_bias=False, name="Conv", )(x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=channel_axis, epsilon=1e-3, momentum=0.999, name="Conv/BatchNorm" )(x) x = activation(x) x = stack_fn(x, kernel, activation, se_ratio) last_conv_ch = _depth(x.shape[channel_axis] * 6) # if the width multiplier is greater than 1 we # increase the number of output channels if alpha > 1.0: last_point_ch = _depth(last_point_ch * alpha) x = layers.Conv2D( last_conv_ch, kernel_size=1, padding="same", use_bias=False, name="Conv_1", )(x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=channel_axis, epsilon=1e-3, momentum=0.999, name="Conv_1/BatchNorm" )(x) x = activation(x) if include_top: x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(keepdims=True)(x) x = layers.Conv2D( last_point_ch, kernel_size=1, padding="same", use_bias=True, name="Conv_2", )(x) x = activation(x) if dropout_rate > 0: x = layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)(x) x = layers.Conv2D( classes, kernel_size=1, padding="same", name="Logits" )(x) x = layers.Flatten()(x) imagenet_utils.validate_activation(classifier_activation, weights) x = layers.Activation( activation=classifier_activation, name="Predictions" )(x) else: if pooling == "avg": x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(name="avg_pool")(x) elif pooling == "max": x = layers.GlobalMaxPooling2D(name="max_pool")(x) # Ensure that the model takes into account # any potential predecessors of `input_tensor`. if input_tensor is not None: inputs = operation_utils.get_source_inputs(input_tensor) else: inputs = img_input # Create model. model = Functional(inputs, x, name="MobilenetV3" + model_type) # Load weights. if weights == "imagenet": model_name = "{}{}_224_{}_float".format( model_type, "_minimalistic" if minimalistic else "", str(alpha) ) if include_top: file_name = "weights_mobilenet_v3_" + model_name + ".h5" file_hash = WEIGHTS_HASHES[model_name][0] else: file_name = "weights_mobilenet_v3_" + model_name + "_no_top_v2.h5" file_hash = WEIGHTS_HASHES[model_name][1] weights_path = file_utils.get_file( file_name, BASE_WEIGHT_PATH + file_name, cache_subdir="models", file_hash=file_hash, ) model.load_weights(weights_path) elif weights is not None: model.load_weights(weights) return model @keras_core_export("keras_core.applications.MobileNetV3Small") def MobileNetV3Small( input_shape=None, alpha=1.0, minimalistic=False, include_top=True, weights="imagenet", input_tensor=None, classes=1000, pooling=None, dropout_rate=0.2, classifier_activation="softmax", include_preprocessing=True, ): def stack_fn(x, kernel, activation, se_ratio): def depth(d): return _depth(d * alpha) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 1, depth(16), 3, 2, se_ratio, relu, 0) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 72.0 / 16, depth(24), 3, 2, None, relu, 1) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 88.0 / 24, depth(24), 3, 1, None, relu, 2) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 4, depth(40), kernel, 2, se_ratio, activation, 3 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(40), kernel, 1, se_ratio, activation, 4 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(40), kernel, 1, se_ratio, activation, 5 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 3, depth(48), kernel, 1, se_ratio, activation, 6 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 3, depth(48), kernel, 1, se_ratio, activation, 7 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(96), kernel, 2, se_ratio, activation, 8 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(96), kernel, 1, se_ratio, activation, 9 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(96), kernel, 1, se_ratio, activation, 10 ) return x return MobileNetV3( stack_fn, 1024, input_shape, alpha, "small", minimalistic, include_top, weights, input_tensor, classes, pooling, dropout_rate, classifier_activation, include_preprocessing, ) @keras_core_export("keras_core.applications.MobileNetV3Large") def MobileNetV3Large( input_shape=None, alpha=1.0, minimalistic=False, include_top=True, weights="imagenet", input_tensor=None, classes=1000, pooling=None, dropout_rate=0.2, classifier_activation="softmax", include_preprocessing=True, ): def stack_fn(x, kernel, activation, se_ratio): def depth(d): return _depth(d * alpha) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 1, depth(16), 3, 1, None, relu, 0) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 4, depth(24), 3, 2, None, relu, 1) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 3, depth(24), 3, 1, None, relu, 2) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 3, depth(40), kernel, 2, se_ratio, relu, 3) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 3, depth(40), kernel, 1, se_ratio, relu, 4) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 3, depth(40), kernel, 1, se_ratio, relu, 5) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 6, depth(80), 3, 2, None, activation, 6) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 2.5, depth(80), 3, 1, None, activation, 7) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 2.3, depth(80), 3, 1, None, activation, 8) x = _inverted_res_block(x, 2.3, depth(80), 3, 1, None, activation, 9) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(112), 3, 1, se_ratio, activation, 10 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(112), 3, 1, se_ratio, activation, 11 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(160), kernel, 2, se_ratio, activation, 12 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(160), kernel, 1, se_ratio, activation, 13 ) x = _inverted_res_block( x, 6, depth(160), kernel, 1, se_ratio, activation, 14 ) return x return MobileNetV3( stack_fn, 1280, input_shape, alpha, "large", minimalistic, include_top, weights, input_tensor, classes, pooling, dropout_rate, classifier_activation, include_preprocessing, ) MobileNetV3Small.__doc__ = BASE_DOCSTRING.format(name="MobileNetV3Small") MobileNetV3Large.__doc__ = BASE_DOCSTRING.format(name="MobileNetV3Large") def relu(x): return layers.ReLU()(x) def hard_sigmoid(x): return layers.ReLU(6.0)(x + 3.0) * (1.0 / 6.0) def hard_swish(x): return layers.Multiply()([x, hard_sigmoid(x)]) # This function is taken from the original tf repo. # It ensures that all layers have a channel number that is divisible by 8 # It can be seen here: # # slim/nets/mobilenet/ def _depth(v, divisor=8, min_value=None): if min_value is None: min_value = divisor new_v = max(min_value, int(v + divisor / 2) // divisor * divisor) # Make sure that round down does not go down by more than 10%. if new_v < 0.9 * v: new_v += divisor return new_v def _se_block(inputs, filters, se_ratio, prefix): x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D( keepdims=True, name=prefix + "squeeze_excite/AvgPool" )(inputs) x = layers.Conv2D( _depth(filters * se_ratio), kernel_size=1, padding="same", name=prefix + "squeeze_excite/Conv", )(x) x = layers.ReLU(name=prefix + "squeeze_excite/Relu")(x) x = layers.Conv2D( filters, kernel_size=1, padding="same", name=prefix + "squeeze_excite/Conv_1", )(x) x = hard_sigmoid(x) x = layers.Multiply(name=prefix + "squeeze_excite/Mul")([inputs, x]) return x def _inverted_res_block( x, expansion, filters, kernel_size, stride, se_ratio, activation, block_id ): channel_axis = 1 if backend.image_data_format() == "channels_first" else -1 shortcut = x prefix = "expanded_conv/" infilters = x.shape[channel_axis] if block_id: # Expand prefix = f"expanded_conv_{block_id}/" x = layers.Conv2D( _depth(infilters * expansion), kernel_size=1, padding="same", use_bias=False, name=prefix + "expand", )(x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=channel_axis, epsilon=1e-3, momentum=0.999, name=prefix + "expand/BatchNorm", )(x) x = activation(x) if stride == 2: x = layers.ZeroPadding2D( padding=imagenet_utils.correct_pad(x, kernel_size), name=prefix + "depthwise/pad", )(x) x = layers.DepthwiseConv2D( kernel_size, strides=stride, padding="same" if stride == 1 else "valid", use_bias=False, name=prefix + "depthwise", )(x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=channel_axis, epsilon=1e-3, momentum=0.999, name=prefix + "depthwise/BatchNorm", )(x) x = activation(x) if se_ratio: x = _se_block(x, _depth(infilters * expansion), se_ratio, prefix) x = layers.Conv2D( filters, kernel_size=1, padding="same", use_bias=False, name=prefix + "project", )(x) x = layers.BatchNormalization( axis=channel_axis, epsilon=1e-3, momentum=0.999, name=prefix + "project/BatchNorm", )(x) if stride == 1 and infilters == filters: x = layers.Add(name=prefix + "Add")([shortcut, x]) return x @keras_core_export("keras_core.applications.mobilenet_v3.preprocess_input") def preprocess_input(x, data_format=None): """A placeholder method for backward compatibility. The preprocessing logic has been included in the mobilenet_v3 model implementation. Users are no longer required to call this method to normalize the input data. This method does nothing and only kept as a placeholder to align the API surface between old and new version of model. Args: x: A floating point `numpy.array` or a tensor. data_format: Optional data format of the image tensor/array. `None` means the global setting `keras_core.config.image_data_format()` is used (unless you changed it, it uses `"channels_last"`). Defaults to `None`. Returns: Unchanged `numpy.array` or tensor. """ return x @keras_core_export("keras_core.applications.mobilenet_v3.decode_predictions") def decode_predictions(preds, top=5): return imagenet_utils.decode_predictions(preds, top=top) decode_predictions.__doc__ = imagenet_utils.decode_predictions.__doc__