import shutil class TextTable: def __init__( self, header, rows, positions, alignments=None, max_line_length=80 ): if len(header) != len(positions): raise ValueError("header and positions should be the same length.") if not all(p <= 1.0 for p in positions): raise ValueError("All positions should be <= 1.") self.alignments = alignments or ["center" for _ in header] if len(self.alignments) != len(header): raise ValueError("header and alignments should be the same length.") last_p = 0.0 for p in positions: if p <= last_p: raise ValueError( "All consecutive positions should be greater than the last." ) last_p = p self.header = header self.rows = rows # Compute columns widths line_length = min( max_line_length, shutil.get_terminal_size().columns - 4 ) column_widths = [] current = 0 for pos in positions: width = int(pos * line_length) - current if width < 4: raise ValueError("Insufficient console width to print summary.") column_widths.append(width) current += width self.column_widths = column_widths def make_separator(self, left, mid, right, horizontal): line = mid.join(horizontal * width for width in self.column_widths) return f"{left}{line}{right}" @staticmethod def format_field(field): field = str(field) field = field.replace("\n", " ") return field @staticmethod def maybe_pad(field, alignment): if alignment == "left": return " " + field if alignment == "right": return field + " " return field def print_row( self, fields, vertical_separator="│", alignments=None, highlight=False, ): alignments = alignments or ["center" for _ in fields] lines = [] line_break_chars_post = ("),", "],") line_break_chars_pre = ("(", "[") for field, width, alignment in zip( fields, self.column_widths, alignments ): field = self.format_field(field) buffered_width = width - 1 if len(field) < buffered_width: lines.append([self.maybe_pad(field, alignment)]) continue subfields = [] while len(field) >= buffered_width: # Break on certain characters candidate_cutoffs_pre = [ field.find(x) for x in line_break_chars_pre if 0 < field.find(x) < buffered_width ] candidate_cutoffs_post = [ field.find(x) + len(x) for x in line_break_chars_post if 0 < field.find(x) + len(x) < buffered_width ] cutoffs = candidate_cutoffs_pre + candidate_cutoffs_post if cutoffs: cutoff = max(cutoffs) else: cutoff = buffered_width - 1 subfield = field[:cutoff] field = field[cutoff:] subfields.append(self.maybe_pad(subfield, alignment)) if field: subfields.append(self.maybe_pad(field, alignment)) lines.append(subfields) max_subfield_count = max(len(subs) for subs in lines) rendered_lines = [] for i in range(max_subfield_count): fields = [] for subfields in lines: if len(subfields) < i + 1: field = "" else: field = subfields[i] fields.append(field) aligned_fields = [ self.align_field(field, width, alignment) for field, width, alignment in zip( fields, self.column_widths, alignments ) ] if highlight: aligned_fields = [ highlight_msg(field) for field in aligned_fields ] line = vertical_separator.join(aligned_fields) line = f"{vertical_separator}{line}{vertical_separator}" rendered_lines.append(line) return "\n".join(rendered_lines) @staticmethod def align_field(field, width, alignment): if alignment == "center": return if alignment == "left": return field.ljust(width) if alignment == "right": return field.rjust(width) def make(self): lines = [] # Print header lines.append(self.make_separator(*"┏┳┓━")) lines.append( self.print_row(self.header, vertical_separator="┃", highlight=True) ) lines.append(self.make_separator(*"┡╇┩━")) # Print rows for i, row in enumerate(self.rows): lines.append(self.print_row(row, alignments=self.alignments)) if i < len(self.rows) - 1: lines.append(self.make_separator(*"├┼┤─")) lines.append(self.make_separator(*"└┴┘─")) return "\n".join(lines) def highlight_msg(msg): return f"\x1b[1m{msg}\x1b[0m"