import math import numpy as np from tensorflow import nest def compute_pooling_output_shape( input_shape, pool_size, strides, padding="valid", data_format="channels_last", ): """Compute the output shape of pooling ops.""" strides = pool_size if strides is None else strides input_shape_origin = list(input_shape) input_shape = np.array(input_shape) if data_format == "channels_last": spatial_shape = input_shape[1:-1] else: spatial_shape = input_shape[2:] pool_size = np.array(pool_size) if padding == "valid": output_spatial_shape = ( np.floor((spatial_shape - pool_size) / strides) + 1 ) negative_in_shape = np.all(output_spatial_shape < 0) if negative_in_shape: raise ValueError( "Computed output size would be negative. Received: " f"`inputs.shape={input_shape}` and `pool_size={pool_size}`." ) elif padding == "same": output_spatial_shape = np.floor((spatial_shape - 1) / strides) + 1 else: raise ValueError( "`padding` must be either `'valid'` or `'same'`. Received " f"{padding}." ) output_spatial_shape = tuple([int(i) for i in output_spatial_shape]) if data_format == "channels_last": output_shape = ( (input_shape_origin[0],) + output_spatial_shape + (input_shape_origin[-1],) ) else: output_shape = ( input_shape_origin[0], input_shape_origin[1], ) + output_spatial_shape return output_shape def compute_conv_output_shape( input_shape, filters, kernel_size, strides=1, padding="valid", data_format="channels_last", dilation_rate=1, ): """Compute the output shape of conv ops.""" if data_format == "channels_last": spatial_shape = input_shape[1:-1] kernel_shape = kernel_size + (input_shape[-1], filters) else: spatial_shape = input_shape[2:] kernel_shape = kernel_size + (input_shape[1], filters) if len(kernel_shape) != len(input_shape): raise ValueError( "Kernel shape must have the same length as input, but received " f"kernel of shape {kernel_shape} and " f"input of shape {input_shape}." ) if isinstance(dilation_rate, int): dilation_rate = (dilation_rate,) * len(spatial_shape) if isinstance(strides, int): strides = (strides,) * len(spatial_shape) if len(dilation_rate) != len(spatial_shape): raise ValueError( "Dilation must be None, scalar or tuple/list of length of " "inputs' spatial shape, but received " f"`dilation_rate={dilation_rate}` and " f"input of shape {input_shape}." ) spatial_shape = np.array(spatial_shape) kernel_spatial_shape = np.array(kernel_shape[:-2]) dilation_rate = np.array(dilation_rate) if padding == "valid": output_spatial_shape = ( np.floor( (spatial_shape - dilation_rate * (kernel_spatial_shape - 1) - 1) / strides ) + 1 ) negative_in_shape = np.all(output_spatial_shape < 0) if negative_in_shape: raise ValueError( "Computed output size would be negative. Received " f"`inputs shape={input_shape}`, " f"`kernel shape={kernel_shape}`, " f"`dilation_rate={dilation_rate}`." ) elif padding == "same" or padding == "causal": output_spatial_shape = np.floor((spatial_shape - 1) / strides) + 1 output_spatial_shape = tuple([int(i) for i in output_spatial_shape]) if data_format == "channels_last": output_shape = ( (input_shape[0],) + output_spatial_shape + (kernel_shape[-1],) ) else: output_shape = (input_shape[0], kernel_shape[-1]) + output_spatial_shape return output_shape def compute_reshape_output_shape(input_shape, new_shape, new_shape_arg_name): """Converts `-1` in `new_shape` to either an actual dimension or `None`. This utility does not special case the 0th dimension (batch size). """ unknown_dim_count = new_shape.count(-1) if unknown_dim_count > 1: raise ValueError( "There must be at most one unknown dimension (-1) in " f"{new_shape_arg_name}. Received: {new_shape_arg_name}={new_shape}." ) # If there is a None in input_shape, we can't infer what the -1 is if None in input_shape: return tuple(dim if dim != -1 else None for dim in new_shape) input_size = # If the new_shape fully defined, return it if unknown_dim_count == 0: if input_size != raise ValueError( "The total size of the tensor must be unchanged. Received: " f"input_shape={input_shape}, {new_shape_arg_name}={new_shape}" ) return new_shape # We have one -1 in new_shape, compute the actual value known_output_size = 1 unknown_dim_index = None for index, dim in enumerate(new_shape): if dim == -1: unknown_dim_index = index else: known_output_size *= dim if known_output_size == 0 or input_size % known_output_size != 0: raise ValueError( "The total size of the tensor must be unchanged, however, the " "input size cannot by divided by the specified dimensions in " f"{new_shape_arg_name}. Received: input_shape={input_shape}, " f"{new_shape_arg_name}={new_shape}" ) output_shape = list(new_shape) output_shape[unknown_dim_index] = input_size // known_output_size return tuple(output_shape) def reduce_shape(shape, axis=None, keepdims=False): shape = list(shape) if axis is None: if keepdims: output_shape = [1 for _ in range(shape)] else: output_shape = [] return output_shape if keepdims: for ax in axis: shape[ax] = 1 return shape else: for ax in axis: shape[ax] = -1 output_shape = list(filter((-1).__ne__, shape)) return output_shape def get_source_inputs(tensor): """Returns the list of input tensors necessary to compute `tensor`. Output will always be a list of tensors (potentially with 1 element). Args: tensor: The tensor to start from. Returns: List of input tensors. """ if not hasattr(tensor, "_keras_history"): return tensor operation, node_index, _ = tensor._keras_history if not operation or not operation._inbound_nodes: return [tensor] else: node = operation._inbound_nodes[node_index] if node.is_input: # Reached input node, stop recursion. return nest.flatten(node.input_tensors) else: source_tensors = [] for tensor in node.input_tensors: previous_sources = get_source_inputs(tensor) # Avoid input redundancy. for x in previous_sources: if all(x is not t for t in source_tensors): source_tensors.append(x) return source_tensors