import collections from tensorflow import nest from keras_core.backend import KerasTensor from keras_core.operations.operation import Operation from keras_core.utils.naming import auto_name class Function(Operation): def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, name=None): super().__init__(name=name) self._inputs_struct = nest.map_structure(lambda x: x, inputs) self._outputs_struct = nest.map_structure(lambda x: x, outputs) self._inputs = nest.flatten(inputs) self._outputs = nest.flatten(outputs) (nodes, nodes_by_depth, operations, operations_by_depth) = _map_graph( self._inputs, self._outputs ) self._nodes = nodes self._nodes_by_depth = nodes_by_depth self._operations = operations self._operations_by_depth = operations_by_depth @property def inputs(self): return self._inputs @property def outputs(self): return self._outputs def compute_output_spec(self, inputs): self._assert_input_compatibility(inputs) # Check if input shapes are identical to ref input shapes, # if so take a shortcut. shortcut = True for x, x_ref in zip(nest.flatten(inputs), self._inputs): if x.shape != x_ref.shape: shortcut = False break if shortcut: return nest.map_structure( lambda x: KerasTensor(shape=x.shape, dtype=x.dtype), self._outputs_struct, ) # No luck; take the long road through the graph. # Original Keras used a cache to avoid recomputing all this # when known input shapes where seen again. Perhaps a good # idea to bring that back. return self._run_through_graph( inputs, operation_fn=lambda op: op.compute_output_spec ) def call(self, inputs): """Computes output tensors for new inputs.""" self._assert_input_compatibility(inputs) return self._run_through_graph(inputs, operation_fn=lambda op: op) def _run_through_graph(self, inputs, operation_fn): """Execute the graph. At each node we compute outputs via `operation_fn(node.operation)(*args, **kwargs)`. """ inputs = nest.flatten(inputs) # Dictionary mapping reference tensors to computed tensors. tensor_dict = {} for x, y in zip(self.inputs, inputs): tensor_dict[x] = y nodes_by_depth = self._nodes_by_depth depth_keys = list(nodes_by_depth.keys()) depth_keys.sort(reverse=True) for depth in depth_keys: nodes = nodes_by_depth[depth] for node in nodes: if not node.operation: continue # Input tensors already exist. if any(x not in tensor_dict for x in node.input_tensors): continue # Node is not computable, try skipping. args, kwargs = node.arguments.fill_in(tensor_dict) outputs = operation_fn(node.operation)(*args, **kwargs) # Update tensor_dict. for x, y in zip(node.outputs, nest.flatten(outputs)): tensor_dict[x] = y output_tensors = [] for x in self.outputs: output_tensors.append(tensor_dict[x]) return nest.pack_sequence_as(self._outputs_struct, output_tensors) def get_config(self): # TODO(fchollet) raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def from_config(self, config): # TODO(fchollet) raise NotImplementedError def _assert_input_compatibility(self, inputs): try: nest.assert_same_structure( inputs, self._inputs_struct, check_types=False ) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Function was called with an invalid input structure. " f"Expected input structure: {self._inputs_struct}\n" f"Received input structure: {inputs}" ) for x, x_ref in zip(nest.flatten(inputs), self._inputs): if len(x.shape) != len(x_ref.shape): raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} was passed incompatible inputs. " f"For input '{}', expected shape {x_ref.shape}, " f"but received instead a tensor with shape {x.shape}." ) for dim, ref_dim in zip(x.shape, x_ref.shape): if ref_dim is not None and dim is not None: if dim != ref_dim: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} was passed incompatible inputs. " f"For input '{}', expected shape {x_ref.shape}, " f"but received instead a tensor with shape {x.shape}." ) def _make_node_key(op_name, node_index): return op_name + "_ib-" + str(node_index) def _map_graph(inputs, outputs): """Validates a graph's topology and gather its operations and nodes. Args: inputs: List of input tensors. outputs: List of outputs tensors. Returns: A tuple `(nodes, nodes_by_depth, operations, operations_by_depth)`. - nodes: list of Node instances. - nodes_by_depth: dict mapping ints (depth) to lists of node instances. - operations: list of Operation instances. - operations_by_depth: dict mapping ints (depth) to lists of Operation instances. """ # "depth" is number of operations between output Node and the Node. # Nodes are ordered from inputs -> outputs. nodes_in_decreasing_depth, operation_indices = _build_map(outputs) network_nodes = { _make_node_key( str(id(node.operation)), node.operation._inbound_nodes.index(node) ) for node in nodes_in_decreasing_depth } nodes_depths = {} # dict {node: depth value} operations_depths = {} # dict {operation: depth value} for node in reversed(nodes_in_decreasing_depth): # If the depth is not set, the node has no outbound nodes (depth 0). depth = nodes_depths.setdefault(node, 0) # Update the depth of the corresponding operation previous_depth = operations_depths.get(node.operation, 0) # If we've seen this operation before at a higher depth, # we should use that depth instead of the node depth. # This is necessary for shared operations that have inputs at different # depth levels in the graph. depth = max(depth, previous_depth) operations_depths[node.operation] = depth nodes_depths[node] = depth # Update the depth of inbound nodes. # The "depth" of a node is the max of the depths # of all nodes it is connected to + 1. for node_dep in node.parent_nodes: previous_depth = nodes_depths.get(node_dep, 0) nodes_depths[node_dep] = max(depth + 1, previous_depth) # Handle inputs that are not connected to outputs. # We do not error out here because the inputs may be used to compute losses # and metrics. for input_t in inputs: input_operation = input_t._keras_history[0] if input_operation and input_operation not in operations_depths: operations_depths[input_operation] = 0 operation_indices[input_operation] = -1 nodes_depths[input_operation._inbound_nodes[0]] = 0 network_nodes.add(_make_node_key(, 0)) # Build a dict {depth: list of nodes with this depth} nodes_by_depth = collections.defaultdict(list) for node, depth in nodes_depths.items(): nodes_by_depth[depth].append(node) # Build a dict {depth: list of operations with this depth} operations_by_depth = collections.defaultdict(list) for operation, depth in operations_depths.items(): operations_by_depth[depth].append(operation) # Get sorted list of operation depths. depth_keys = list(operations_by_depth.keys()) depth_keys.sort(reverse=True) # Set self.operations ordered by depth. operations = [] for depth in depth_keys: operations_for_depth = operations_by_depth[depth] # Network.operations needs to have a deterministic order: # here we order them by traversal order. operations_for_depth.sort(key=lambda x: operation_indices[x]) operations.extend(operations_for_depth) # Get sorted list of node depths. depth_keys = list(nodes_by_depth.keys()) depth_keys.sort(reverse=True) # Check that all tensors required are computable. # computable_tensors: all tensors in the graph # that can be computed from the inputs provided. computable_tensors = set() for x in inputs: computable_tensors.add(x) operations_with_complete_input = [] # To provide a better error msg. for depth in depth_keys: for node in nodes_by_depth[depth]: for x in nest.flatten(node.input_tensors): if x not in computable_tensors: operation = node.operation raise ValueError( "Graph disconnected: cannot find parent for " f"tensor {x} at operation '{operation}'. " "The following previous operations were accessed " f"without issue: {operations_with_complete_input}" ) operations_with_complete_input.append( for x in nest.flatten(node.outputs): computable_tensors.add(x) # Ensure name unicity, which will be crucial for serialization # (since serialized nodes refer to operations by their name). all_names = [ for operation in operations] for name in all_names: if all_names.count(name) != 1: raise ValueError( f'The name "{name}" is used {all_names.count(name)} ' "times in the model. All operation names should be unique." ) return network_nodes, nodes_by_depth, operations, operations_by_depth def _build_map(outputs): """Topologically sort nodes in order from inputs to outputs. It uses a depth-first search to topologically sort nodes that appear in the _keras_history connectivity metadata of `outputs`. Args: outputs: the output tensors whose _keras_history metadata should be walked. This may be an arbitrary nested structure. Returns: A tuple like (ordered_nodes, operation_to_first_traversal_index) ordered_nodes: list of nodes appearing in the keras history, topologically sorted from original inputs to the `outputs`. (If outputs have different sets of ancestors, the inputs to one output may appear after a different output). operation_to_first_traversal_index: A dict mapping operation to the traversal index in the DFS where it is seen. Note: if a operation is shared by several nodes, the dict will only store the index corresponding to the *first* time the operation seen. """ finished_nodes = set() nodes_in_progress = set() nodes_in_decreasing_depth = [] # nodes from inputs -> outputs. operation_indices = {} # operation -> in traversal order. for output in nest.flatten(outputs): _build_map_helper( output, finished_nodes, nodes_in_progress, nodes_in_decreasing_depth, operation_indices, ) return nodes_in_decreasing_depth, operation_indices def _build_map_helper( tensor, finished_nodes, nodes_in_progress, nodes_in_decreasing_depth, operation_indices, ): """Recursive helper for `_build_map`.""" ( operation, node_index, _, ) = tensor._keras_history if not operation: return node = operation._inbound_nodes[node_index] # Don't repeat work for shared subgraphs if node in finished_nodes: return # Prevent cycles. if node in nodes_in_progress: raise ValueError( f'Tensor {tensor} from operation "{}" is part of a cycle.' ) # Store the traversal order for operation sorting. if operation not in operation_indices: operation_indices[operation] = len(operation_indices) # Propagate to all previous tensors connected to this node. nodes_in_progress.add(node) if not node.is_input: for tensor in node.input_tensors: _build_map_helper( tensor, finished_nodes, nodes_in_progress, nodes_in_decreasing_depth, operation_indices, ) finished_nodes.add(node) nodes_in_progress.remove(node) nodes_in_decreasing_depth.append(node)