import math import re import shutil import rich import rich.console import rich.markup # See # for below imports import rich.table import tree from keras_core import backend from keras_core.utils import dtype_utils from keras_core.utils import io_utils def count_params(weights): shapes = [v.shape for v in weights] return int(sum( for p in shapes)) def weight_memory_size(weights): """Compute the memory footprint for weights based on their dtypes. Args: weights: An iterable contains the weights to compute weight size. Returns: The total memory size (in Bytes) of the weights. """ unique_weights_ids = set(id(w) for w in weights) unique_weights = [w for w in weights if id(w) in unique_weights_ids] total_memory_size = 0 for w in unique_weights: weight_shape = dtype = backend.standardize_dtype(w.dtype) per_param_size = dtype_utils.dtype_size(dtype) total_memory_size += weight_shape * per_param_size return total_memory_size def readable_memory_size(weight_memory_size): """Convert the weight memory size (Bytes) to a readable string.""" units = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"] scale = 1024 for unit in units: if weight_memory_size / scale < 1: return "{:.2f} {}".format(weight_memory_size, unit) else: weight_memory_size /= scale return "{:.2f} {}".format(weight_memory_size, units[-1]) def highlight_number(x): """Themes numbers in a summary using rich markup. We use a separate color for `None`s, e.g. in a layer shape. """ if x is None: return f"[color(45)]{x}[/]" else: return f"[color(34)]{x}[/]" def highlight_symbol(x): """Themes keras symbols in a summary using rich markup.""" return f"[color(33)]{x}[/]" def bold_text(x, color=None): """Bolds text using rich markup.""" if color: return f"[bold][color({color})]{x}[/][/]" return f"[bold]{x}[/]" def format_layer_shape(layer): if not layer._inbound_nodes: return "?" def format_shape(shape): highlighted = [highlight_number(x) for x in shape] return "(" + ", ".join(highlighted) + ")" for i in range(len(layer._inbound_nodes)): outputs = layer._inbound_nodes[i].output_tensors output_shapes = tree.map_structure( lambda x: format_shape(x.shape), outputs ) if len(output_shapes) == 1: return output_shapes[0] out = str(output_shapes) out = out.replace("'", "") return out def print_summary( model, line_length=None, positions=None, print_fn=None, expand_nested=False, show_trainable=False, layer_range=None, ): """Prints a summary of a model. Args: model: Keras model instance. line_length: Total length of printed lines (e.g. set this to adapt the display to different terminal window sizes). positions: Relative or absolute positions of log elements in each line. If not provided, defaults to `[0.3, 0.6, 0.70, 1.]`. print_fn: Print function to use. It will be called on each line of the summary. You can set it to a custom function in order to capture the string summary. It defaults to `print` (prints to stdout). expand_nested: Whether to expand the nested models. If not provided, defaults to `False`. show_trainable: Whether to show if a layer is trainable. If not provided, defaults to `False`. layer_range: List or tuple containing two strings, the starting layer name and ending layer name (both inclusive), indicating the range of layers to be printed in the summary. The strings could also be regexes instead of an exact name. In this case, the starting layer will be the first layer that matches `layer_range[0]` and the ending layer will be the last element that matches `layer_range[1]`. By default (`None`) all layers in the model are included in the summary. """ from keras_core.models import Functional from keras_core.models import Sequential if not print_fn and not io_utils.is_interactive_logging_enabled(): print_fn = io_utils.print_msg if isinstance(model, Sequential): sequential_like = True layers = model.layers elif not isinstance(model, Functional): # We treat subclassed models as a simple sequence of layers, for logging # purposes. sequential_like = True layers = model.layers else: layers = model._operations sequential_like = True nodes_by_depth = model._nodes_by_depth.values() nodes = [] for v in nodes_by_depth: if (len(v) > 1) or ( len(v) == 1 and len(tree.flatten(v[0].input_tensors)) > 1 ): # if the model has multiple nodes # or if the nodes have multiple inbound_layers # the model is no longer sequential sequential_like = False break nodes += v if sequential_like: # search for shared layers for layer in model.layers: flag = False for node in layer._inbound_nodes: if node in nodes: if flag: sequential_like = False break else: flag = True if not sequential_like: break if sequential_like: default_line_length = 84 positions = positions or [0.45, 0.84, 1.0] # header names for the different log elements header = ["Layer (type)", "Output Shape", "Param #"] alignment = ["left", "left", "right"] else: default_line_length = 108 positions = positions or [0.3, 0.56, 0.70, 1.0] # header names for the different log elements header = ["Layer (type)", "Output Shape", "Param #", "Connected to"] alignment = ["left", "left", "right", "left"] relevant_nodes = [] for v in model._nodes_by_depth.values(): relevant_nodes += v if show_trainable: default_line_length += 12 positions = [p * 0.90 for p in positions] + [1.0] header.append("Trainable") alignment.append("center") # Compute columns widths default_line_length = min( default_line_length, shutil.get_terminal_size().columns - 4 ) line_length = line_length or default_line_length column_widths = [] current = 0 for pos in positions: width = int(pos * line_length) - current if width < 4: raise ValueError("Insufficient console width to print summary.") column_widths.append(width) current += width # Render summary as a rich table. columns = [] # Right align parameter counts. for i, name in enumerate(header): column = rich.table.Column( name, justify=alignment[i], width=column_widths[i], ) columns.append(column) table = rich.table.Table(*columns, width=line_length, show_lines=True) def get_connections(layer): connections = "" for node in layer._inbound_nodes: if relevant_nodes and node not in relevant_nodes: # node is not part of the current network continue for kt in node.input_tensors: keras_history = kt._keras_history inbound_layer = keras_history.operation node_index = highlight_number(keras_history.node_index) tensor_index = highlight_number(keras_history.tensor_index) if connections: connections += ", " connections += ( f"{}[{node_index}][{tensor_index}]" ) if not connections: connections = "-" return connections def get_layer_fields(layer, prefix=""): output_shape = format_layer_shape(layer) name = prefix + cls_name = layer.__class__.__name__ name = rich.markup.escape(name) name += f" ({highlight_symbol(rich.markup.escape(cls_name))})" if not hasattr(layer, "built"): params = highlight_number(0) elif not layer.built: params = highlight_number(0) + " (unbuilt)" else: params = highlight_number(f"{layer.count_params():,}") fields = [name, output_shape, params] if not sequential_like: fields.append(get_connections(layer)) if show_trainable: if layer.weights: fields.append( bold_text("Y", color=34) if layer.trainable else bold_text("N", color=9) ) else: fields.append(bold_text("-")) return fields def print_layer(layer, nested_level=0): if nested_level: prefix = " " * nested_level + "└" + " " else: prefix = "" fields = get_layer_fields(layer, prefix=prefix) rows = [fields] if expand_nested and hasattr(layer, "layers") and layer.layers: nested_layers = layer.layers nested_level += 1 for i in range(len(nested_layers)): rows.extend( print_layer(nested_layers[i], nested_level=nested_level) ) return rows # Render all layers to the rich table. layer_range = get_layer_index_bound_by_layer_name(layers, layer_range) for layer in layers[layer_range[0] : layer_range[1]]: for row in print_layer(layer): table.add_row(*row) # After the table, append information about parameter count and size. if hasattr(model, "_collected_trainable_weights"): trainable_count = count_params(model._collected_trainable_weights) trainable_memory_size = weight_memory_size( model._collected_trainable_weights ) else: trainable_count = count_params(model.trainable_weights) trainable_memory_size = weight_memory_size(model.trainable_weights) non_trainable_count = count_params(model.non_trainable_weights) non_trainable_memory_size = weight_memory_size(model.non_trainable_weights) total_count = trainable_count + non_trainable_count total_memory_size = trainable_memory_size + non_trainable_memory_size # Create a rich console for printing. Capture for non-interactive logging. if print_fn: console = rich.console.Console( highlight=False, force_terminal=False, color_system=None ) console.begin_capture() else: console = rich.console.Console(highlight=False) # Print the to the console. console.print(bold_text(f'Model: "{rich.markup.escape(}"')) console.print(table) console.print( bold_text(" Total params: ") + highlight_number(f"{total_count:,}") + f" ({readable_memory_size(total_memory_size)})" ) console.print( bold_text(" Trainable params: ") + highlight_number(f"{trainable_count:,}") + f" ({readable_memory_size(trainable_memory_size)})" ) console.print( bold_text(" Non-trainable params: ") + highlight_number(f"{non_trainable_count:,}") + f" ({readable_memory_size(non_trainable_memory_size)})" ) # Output captured summary for non-interactive logging. if print_fn: print_fn(console.end_capture(), line_break=False) def get_layer_index_bound_by_layer_name(layers, layer_range=None): """Get the layer indexes from the model based on layer names. The layer indexes can be used to slice the model into sub models for display. Args: model: `Model` instance. layer_names: a list or tuple of 2 strings, the starting layer name and ending layer name (both inclusive) for the result. All layers will be included when `None` is provided. Returns: The index value of layer based on its unique name (layer_names). Output will be [first_layer_index, last_layer_index + 1]. """ if layer_range is not None: if len(layer_range) != 2: raise ValueError( "layer_range must be a list or tuple of length 2. Received: " f"layer_range = {layer_range} of length {len(layer_range)}" ) if not isinstance(layer_range[0], str) or not isinstance( layer_range[1], str ): raise ValueError( "layer_range should contain string type only. " f"Received: {layer_range}" ) else: return [0, len(layers)] lower_index = [ idx for idx, layer in enumerate(layers) if re.match(layer_range[0], ] upper_index = [ idx for idx, layer in enumerate(layers) if re.match(layer_range[1], ] if not lower_index or not upper_index: raise ValueError( "Passed layer_names do not match the layer names in the model. " f"Received: {layer_range}" ) if min(lower_index) > max(upper_index): return [min(upper_index), max(lower_index) + 1] return [min(lower_index), max(upper_index) + 1]