diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript.md
index 84bbba4703..aea2b60be7 100644
--- a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript.md
+++ b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript.md
@@ -5,33 +5,30 @@ folder: pmd/rules
List of rulesets and rules contained in each ruleset.
-* [Basic Ecmascript](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html): Rules concerning basic ECMAScript guidelines.
-* [Braces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_braces.html): The Braces Ruleset contains a collection of braces rules.
-* [Controversial Ecmascript](pmd_rules_ecmascript_controversial.html): The Controversial ruleset contains rules that, for whatever reason, are considered controversial. They are held here to allow people to include them as they see fit within their custom rulesets.
-* [Unnecessary](pmd_rules_ecmascript_unnecessary.html): The Unnecessary Ruleset contains a collection of rules for unnecessary code.
+* [Best Practices](pmd_rules_ecmascript_bestpractices.html):
+* [Code Style](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html):
+* [Error Prone](pmd_rules_ecmascript_errorprone.html):
-## Basic Ecmascript
-* [AssignmentInOperand](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#assignmentinoperand): Avoid assignments in operands; this can make code more complicated and harder to read. This is s...
-* [AvoidTrailingComma](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#avoidtrailingcomma): This rule helps improve code portability due to differences in browser treatment of trailing comm...
-* [ConsistentReturn](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#consistentreturn): ECMAScript does provide for return types on functions, and therefore there is no solid rule as to...
-* [EqualComparison](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#equalcomparison): Using == in condition may lead to unexpected results, as the variables are automatically casted t...
-* [GlobalVariable](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#globalvariable): This rule helps to avoid using accidently global variables by simply missing the "var" declaratio...
-* [InnaccurateNumericLiteral](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#innaccuratenumericliteral): The numeric literal will have at different value at runtime, which can happen if you provide too ...
-* [ScopeForInVariable](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#scopeforinvariable): A for-in loop in which the variable name is not explicitly scoped to the enclosing scope with the...
-* [UnreachableCode](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#unreachablecode): A 'return', 'break', 'continue', or 'throw' statement should be the last in a block. Statements a...
-* [UseBaseWithParseInt](pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html#usebasewithparseint): This rule checks for usages of parseInt. While the second parameter is optional and usually defau...
+## Best Practices
+* [AvoidWithStatement](pmd_rules_ecmascript_bestpractices.html#avoidwithstatement): Avoid using with - it's bad news
+* [ConsistentReturn](pmd_rules_ecmascript_bestpractices.html#consistentreturn): ECMAScript does provide for return types on functions, and therefore there is no solid rule as to...
+* [GlobalVariable](pmd_rules_ecmascript_bestpractices.html#globalvariable): This rule helps to avoid using accidently global variables by simply missing the "var" declaratio...
+* [ScopeForInVariable](pmd_rules_ecmascript_bestpractices.html#scopeforinvariable): A for-in loop in which the variable name is not explicitly scoped to the enclosing scope with the...
+* [UseBaseWithParseInt](pmd_rules_ecmascript_bestpractices.html#usebasewithparseint): This rule checks for usages of parseInt. While the second parameter is optional and usually defau...
-## Braces
-* [ForLoopsMustUseBraces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_braces.html#forloopsmustusebraces): Avoid using 'for' statements without using curly braces.
-* [IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_braces.html#ifelsestmtsmustusebraces): Avoid using if..else statements without using curly braces.
-* [IfStmtsMustUseBraces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_braces.html#ifstmtsmustusebraces): Avoid using if statements without using curly braces.
-* [WhileLoopsMustUseBraces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_braces.html#whileloopsmustusebraces): Avoid using 'while' statements without using curly braces.
+## Code Style
+* [AssignmentInOperand](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#assignmentinoperand): Avoid assignments in operands; this can make code more complicated and harder to read. This is s...
+* [AvoidTrailingComma](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#avoidtrailingcomma): This rule helps improve code portability due to differences in browser treatment of trailing comm...
+* [ForLoopsMustUseBraces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#forloopsmustusebraces): Avoid using 'for' statements without using curly braces.
+* [IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#ifelsestmtsmustusebraces): Avoid using if..else statements without using curly braces.
+* [IfStmtsMustUseBraces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#ifstmtsmustusebraces): Avoid using if statements without using curly braces.
+* [NoElseReturn](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#noelsereturn): The else block in a if-else-construct is unnecessary if the 'if' block contains a return.Then the...
+* [UnnecessaryBlock](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#unnecessaryblock): An unnecessary Block is present. Such Blocks are often used in other languages tointroduce a new...
+* [UnnecessaryParentheses](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#unnecessaryparentheses): Unnecessary parentheses should be removed.
+* [UnreachableCode](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#unreachablecode): A 'return', 'break', 'continue', or 'throw' statement should be the last in a block. Statements a...
+* [WhileLoopsMustUseBraces](pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html#whileloopsmustusebraces): Avoid using 'while' statements without using curly braces.
-## Controversial Ecmascript
-* [AvoidWithStatement](pmd_rules_ecmascript_controversial.html#avoidwithstatement): Avoid using with - it's bad news
-## Unnecessary
-* [NoElseReturn](pmd_rules_ecmascript_unnecessary.html#noelsereturn): The else block in a if-else-construct is unnecessary if the 'if' block contains a return.Then the...
-* [UnnecessaryBlock](pmd_rules_ecmascript_unnecessary.html#unnecessaryblock): An unnecessary Block is present. Such Blocks are often used in other languages tointroduce a new...
-* [UnnecessaryParentheses](pmd_rules_ecmascript_unnecessary.html#unnecessaryparentheses): Unnecessary parentheses should be removed.
+## Error Prone
+* [EqualComparison](pmd_rules_ecmascript_errorprone.html#equalcomparison): Using == in condition may lead to unexpected results, as the variables are automatically casted t...
+* [InnaccurateNumericLiteral](pmd_rules_ecmascript_errorprone.html#innaccuratenumericliteral): The numeric literal will have a different value at runtime, which can happen if you provide too m...
diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/basic.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/basic.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9663b6c9d0..0000000000
--- a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/basic.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-title: Basic Ecmascript
-summary: Rules concerning basic ECMAScript guidelines.
-permalink: pmd_rules_ecmascript_basic.html
-folder: pmd/rules/ecmascript
-sidebaractiveurl: /pmd_rules_ecmascript.html
-editmepath: ../pmd-javascript/src/main/resources/rulesets/ecmascript/basic.xml
-keywords: Basic Ecmascript, AssignmentInOperand, UnreachableCode, InnaccurateNumericLiteral, ConsistentReturn, ScopeForInVariable, EqualComparison, GlobalVariable, AvoidTrailingComma, UseBaseWithParseInt
-## AssignmentInOperand
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium High (2)
-Avoid assignments in operands; this can make code more complicated and harder to read. This is sometime
-indicative of the bug where the assignment operator '=' was used instead of the equality operator '=='.
-//IfStatement[$allowIf = "false"]/child::node()[1]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
- //WhileLoop[$allowWhile = "false"]/child::node()[1]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
- //DoLoop[$allowWhile = "false"]/child::node()[2]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
- //ForLoop[$allowFor = "false"]/child::node()[2]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
- //ConditionalExpression[$allowTernary = "false"]/child::node()[1]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
- //ConditionalExpression[$allowTernaryResults = "false"]/child::node()[position() = 2 or position() = 3]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
-``` javascript
-var x = 2;
-// Bad
-if ((x = getX()) == 3) {
- alert('3!');
-function getX() {
- return 3;
-**This rule has the following properties:**
-|Name|Default Value|Description|
-|allowIf|false|Allow assignment within the conditional expression of an if statement|
-|allowFor|false|Allow assignment within the conditional expression of a for statement|
-|allowWhile|false|Allow assignment within the conditional expression of a while statement|
-|allowTernary|false|Allow assignment within the conditional expression of a ternary operator|
-|allowTernaryResults|false|Allow assignment within the result expressions of a ternary operator|
-|allowIncrementDecrement|false|Allow increment or decrement operators within the conditional expression of an if, for, or while statement|
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## AvoidTrailingComma
-**Since:** PMD 5.1
-**Priority:** High (1)
-This rule helps improve code portability due to differences in browser treatment of trailing commas in object or array literals.
-//ObjectLiteral[$allowObjectLiteral = "false" and @TrailingComma = 'true']
-//ArrayLiteral[$allowArrayLiteral = "false" and @TrailingComma = 'true']
-``` javascript
-function(arg) {
- var obj1 = { a : 1 }; // Ok
- var arr1 = [ 1, 2 ]; // Ok
- var obj2 = { a : 1, }; // Syntax error in some browsers!
- var arr2 = [ 1, 2, ]; // Length 2 or 3 depending on the browser!
-**This rule has the following properties:**
-|Name|Default Value|Description|
-|allowObjectLiteral|false|Allow a trailing comma within an object literal|
-|allowArrayLiteral|false|Allow a trailing comma within an array literal|
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## ConsistentReturn
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium High (2)
-ECMAScript does provide for return types on functions, and therefore there is no solid rule as to their usage.
-However, when a function does use returns they should all have a value, or all with no value. Mixed return
-usage is likely a bug, or at best poor style.
-**This rule is defined by the following Java class:** [net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ecmascript.rule.basic.ConsistentReturnRule](https://github.com/pmd/pmd/blob/master/pmd-javascript/src/main/java/net/sourceforge/pmd/lang/ecmascript/rule/basic/ConsistentReturnRule.java)
-``` javascript
-// Ok
-function foo() {
- if (condition1) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-// Bad
-function bar() {
- if (condition1) {
- return;
- }
- return false;
-**This rule has the following properties:**
-|Name|Default Value|Description|
-|rhinoLanguageVersion|VERSION_DEFAULT|Specifies the Rhino Language Version to use for parsing. Defaults to Rhino default.|
-|recordingLocalJsDocComments|true|Specifies that JsDoc comments are produced in the AST.|
-|recordingComments|true|Specifies that comments are produced in the AST.|
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## EqualComparison
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium (3)
-Using == in condition may lead to unexpected results, as the variables are automatically casted to be of the
-same type. The === operator avoids the casting.
-//InfixExpression[(@Image = "==" or @Image = "!=")
- and
- (child::KeywordLiteral[@Image = "true" or @Image = "false"]
- or
- child::NumberLiteral)
-``` javascript
-// Ok
-if (someVar === true) {
- ...
-// Ok
-if (someVar !== 3) {
- ...
-// Bad
-if (someVar == true) {
- ...
-// Bad
-if (someVar != 3) {
- ...
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## GlobalVariable
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** High (1)
-This rule helps to avoid using accidently global variables by simply missing the "var" declaration.
-Global variables can lead to side-effects that are hard to debug.
-//Assignment[Name/@GlobalName = 'true']
-``` javascript
-function(arg) {
- notDeclaredVariable = 1; // this will create a global variable and trigger the rule
- var someVar = 1; // this is a local variable, that's ok
- window.otherGlobal = 2; // this will not trigger the rule, although it is a global variable.
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## InnaccurateNumericLiteral
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium High (2)
-The numeric literal will have at different value at runtime, which can happen if you provide too much
-precision in a floating point number. This may result in numeric calculations being in error.
- @Image != @Number
- and translate(@Image, "e", "E") != @Number
- and concat(@Image, ".0") != @Number
- and @Image != substring-before(translate(@Number, ".", ""), "E")]
-``` javascript
-var a = 9; // Ok
-var b = 999999999999999; // Ok
-var c = 999999999999999999999; // Not good
-var w = 1.12e-4; // Ok
-var x = 1.12; // Ok
-var y = 1.1234567890123; // Ok
-var z = 1.12345678901234567; // Not good
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## ScopeForInVariable
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** High (1)
-A for-in loop in which the variable name is not explicitly scoped to the enclosing scope with the 'var' keyword can
-refer to a variable in an enclosing scope outside the nearest enclosing scope. This will overwrite the
-existing value of the variable in the outer scope when the body of the for-in is evaluated. When the for-in loop
-has finished, the variable will contain the last value used in the for-in, and the original value from before
-the for-in loop will be gone. Since the for-in variable name is most likely intended to be a temporary name, it
-is better to explicitly scope the variable name to the nearest enclosing scope with 'var'.
-``` javascript
-// Ok
-function foo() {
- var p = 'clean';
- function() {
- var obj = { dirty: 'dirty' };
- for (var p in obj) { // Use 'var' here.
- obj[p] = obj[p];
- }
- return x;
- }();
- // 'p' still has value of 'clean'.
-// Bad
-function bar() {
- var p = 'clean';
- function() {
- var obj = { dirty: 'dirty' };
- for (p in obj) { // Oh no, missing 'var' here!
- obj[p] = obj[p];
- }
- return x;
- }();
- // 'p' is trashed and has value of 'dirty'!
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## UnreachableCode
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** High (1)
-A 'return', 'break', 'continue', or 'throw' statement should be the last in a block. Statements after these
-will never execute. This is a bug, or extremely poor style.
- //ContinueStatement[following-sibling::node()]
- //BreakStatement[following-sibling::node()]
- //ThrowStatement[following-sibling::node()]
-``` javascript
-// Ok
-function foo() {
- return 1;
-// Bad
-function bar() {
- var x = 1;
- return x;
- x = 2;
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## UseBaseWithParseInt
-**Since:** PMD 5.0.1
-**Priority:** High (1)
-This rule checks for usages of parseInt. While the second parameter is optional and usually defaults
-to 10 (base/radix is 10 for a decimal number), different implementations may behave differently.
-It also improves readability, if the base is given.
-See also: [parseInt()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/parseInt)
- @Image = 'parseInt'
- and
- count(../*) < 3
-``` javascript
-parseInt("010"); // unclear, could be interpreted as 10 or 7 (with a base of 7)
-parseInt("10", 10); // good
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/bestpractices.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/bestpractices.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4cd1f0aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/bestpractices.md
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+title: Best Practices
+permalink: pmd_rules_ecmascript_bestpractices.html
+folder: pmd/rules/ecmascript
+sidebaractiveurl: /pmd_rules_ecmascript.html
+editmepath: ../pmd-javascript/src/main/resources/category/ecmascript/bestpractices.xml
+keywords: Best Practices, AvoidWithStatement, ConsistentReturn, GlobalVariable, ScopeForInVariable, UseBaseWithParseInt
+## AvoidWithStatement
+**Since:** PMD 5.0.1
+**Priority:** High (1)
+Avoid using with - it's bad news
+``` javascript
+with (object) {
+ property = 3; // Might be on object, might be on window: who knows.
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## ConsistentReturn
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium High (2)
+ECMAScript does provide for return types on functions, and therefore there is no solid rule as to their usage.
+However, when a function does use returns they should all have a value, or all with no value. Mixed return
+usage is likely a bug, or at best poor style.
+**This rule is defined by the following Java class:** [net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ecmascript.rule.bestpractices.ConsistentReturnRule](https://github.com/pmd/pmd/blob/master/pmd-javascript/src/main/java/net/sourceforge/pmd/lang/ecmascript/rule/bestpractices/ConsistentReturnRule.java)
+``` javascript
+// Ok
+function foo() {
+ if (condition1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Bad
+function bar() {
+ if (condition1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return false;
+**This rule has the following properties:**
+|Name|Default Value|Description|
+|rhinoLanguageVersion|VERSION_DEFAULT|Specifies the Rhino Language Version to use for parsing. Defaults to Rhino default.|
+|recordingLocalJsDocComments|true|Specifies that JsDoc comments are produced in the AST.|
+|recordingComments|true|Specifies that comments are produced in the AST.|
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## GlobalVariable
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** High (1)
+This rule helps to avoid using accidently global variables by simply missing the "var" declaration.
+Global variables can lead to side-effects that are hard to debug.
+//Assignment[Name/@GlobalName = 'true']
+``` javascript
+function(arg) {
+ notDeclaredVariable = 1; // this will create a global variable and trigger the rule
+ var someVar = 1; // this is a local variable, that's ok
+ window.otherGlobal = 2; // this will not trigger the rule, although it is a global variable.
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## ScopeForInVariable
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** High (1)
+A for-in loop in which the variable name is not explicitly scoped to the enclosing scope with the 'var' keyword can
+refer to a variable in an enclosing scope outside the nearest enclosing scope. This will overwrite the
+existing value of the variable in the outer scope when the body of the for-in is evaluated. When the for-in loop
+has finished, the variable will contain the last value used in the for-in, and the original value from before
+the for-in loop will be gone. Since the for-in variable name is most likely intended to be a temporary name, it
+is better to explicitly scope the variable name to the nearest enclosing scope with 'var'.
+``` javascript
+// Ok
+function foo() {
+ var p = 'clean';
+ function() {
+ var obj = { dirty: 'dirty' };
+ for (var p in obj) { // Use 'var' here.
+ obj[p] = obj[p];
+ }
+ return x;
+ }();
+ // 'p' still has value of 'clean'.
+// Bad
+function bar() {
+ var p = 'clean';
+ function() {
+ var obj = { dirty: 'dirty' };
+ for (p in obj) { // Oh no, missing 'var' here!
+ obj[p] = obj[p];
+ }
+ return x;
+ }();
+ // 'p' is trashed and has value of 'dirty'!
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## UseBaseWithParseInt
+**Since:** PMD 5.0.1
+**Priority:** High (1)
+This rule checks for usages of parseInt. While the second parameter is optional and usually defaults
+to 10 (base/radix is 10 for a decimal number), different implementations may behave differently.
+It also improves readability, if the base is given.
+See also: [parseInt()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/parseInt)
+ @Image = 'parseInt'
+ and
+ count(../*) < 3
+``` javascript
+parseInt("010"); // unclear, could be interpreted as 10 or 7 (with a base of 7)
+parseInt("10", 10); // good
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/braces.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/braces.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f67d6dcf7..0000000000
--- a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/braces.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-title: Braces
-summary: The Braces Ruleset contains a collection of braces rules.
-permalink: pmd_rules_ecmascript_braces.html
-folder: pmd/rules/ecmascript
-sidebaractiveurl: /pmd_rules_ecmascript.html
-editmepath: ../pmd-javascript/src/main/resources/rulesets/ecmascript/braces.xml
-keywords: Braces, IfStmtsMustUseBraces, IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces, WhileLoopsMustUseBraces, ForLoopsMustUseBraces
-## ForLoopsMustUseBraces
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium (3)
-Avoid using 'for' statements without using curly braces.
-``` javascript
-// Ok
-for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
- foo();
-// Bad
-for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++)
- foo();
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium (3)
-Avoid using if..else statements without using curly braces.
-//ExpressionStatement[parent::IfStatement[@Else = "true"]]
- [not(child::Scope)]
- [not(child::IfStatement)]
-``` javascript
-// Ok
-if (foo) {
- x++;
-} else {
- y++;
-// Bad
-if (foo)
- x++;
- y++;
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## IfStmtsMustUseBraces
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium (3)
-Avoid using if statements without using curly braces.
-//IfStatement[@Else = "false" and not(child::Scope)]
-``` javascript
-// Ok
-if (foo) {
- x++;
-// Bad
-if (foo)
- x++;
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## WhileLoopsMustUseBraces
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium (3)
-Avoid using 'while' statements without using curly braces.
-``` javascript
-// Ok
-while (true) {
- x++;
-// Bad
-while (true)
- x++;
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/codestyle.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/codestyle.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d0fcfb44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/codestyle.md
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+title: Code Style
+permalink: pmd_rules_ecmascript_codestyle.html
+folder: pmd/rules/ecmascript
+sidebaractiveurl: /pmd_rules_ecmascript.html
+editmepath: ../pmd-javascript/src/main/resources/category/ecmascript/codestyle.xml
+keywords: Code Style, AssignmentInOperand, AvoidTrailingComma, ForLoopsMustUseBraces, IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces, IfStmtsMustUseBraces, NoElseReturn, UnnecessaryBlock, UnnecessaryParentheses, UnreachableCode, WhileLoopsMustUseBraces
+## AssignmentInOperand
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium High (2)
+Avoid assignments in operands; this can make code more complicated and harder to read. This is sometime
+indicative of the bug where the assignment operator '=' was used instead of the equality operator '=='.
+//IfStatement[$allowIf = "false"]/child::node()[1]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
+ //WhileLoop[$allowWhile = "false"]/child::node()[1]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
+ //DoLoop[$allowWhile = "false"]/child::node()[2]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
+ //ForLoop[$allowFor = "false"]/child::node()[2]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
+ //ConditionalExpression[$allowTernary = "false"]/child::node()[1]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
+ //ConditionalExpression[$allowTernaryResults = "false"]/child::node()[position() = 2 or position() = 3]/descendant-or-self::node()[self::Assignment or self::UnaryExpression[$allowIncrementDecrement = "false" and (@Image = "--" or @Image = "++")]]
+``` javascript
+var x = 2;
+// Bad
+if ((x = getX()) == 3) {
+ alert('3!');
+function getX() {
+ return 3;
+**This rule has the following properties:**
+|Name|Default Value|Description|
+|allowIf|false|Allow assignment within the conditional expression of an if statement|
+|allowFor|false|Allow assignment within the conditional expression of a for statement|
+|allowWhile|false|Allow assignment within the conditional expression of a while statement|
+|allowTernary|false|Allow assignment within the conditional expression of a ternary operator|
+|allowTernaryResults|false|Allow assignment within the result expressions of a ternary operator|
+|allowIncrementDecrement|false|Allow increment or decrement operators within the conditional expression of an if, for, or while statement|
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## AvoidTrailingComma
+**Since:** PMD 5.1
+**Priority:** High (1)
+This rule helps improve code portability due to differences in browser treatment of trailing commas in object or array literals.
+//ObjectLiteral[$allowObjectLiteral = "false" and @TrailingComma = 'true']
+//ArrayLiteral[$allowArrayLiteral = "false" and @TrailingComma = 'true']
+``` javascript
+function(arg) {
+ var obj1 = { a : 1 }; // Ok
+ var arr1 = [ 1, 2 ]; // Ok
+ var obj2 = { a : 1, }; // Syntax error in some browsers!
+ var arr2 = [ 1, 2, ]; // Length 2 or 3 depending on the browser!
+**This rule has the following properties:**
+|Name|Default Value|Description|
+|allowObjectLiteral|false|Allow a trailing comma within an object literal|
+|allowArrayLiteral|false|Allow a trailing comma within an array literal|
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## ForLoopsMustUseBraces
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Avoid using 'for' statements without using curly braces.
+``` javascript
+// Ok
+for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
+ foo();
+// Bad
+for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++)
+ foo();
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Avoid using if..else statements without using curly braces.
+//ExpressionStatement[parent::IfStatement[@Else = "true"]]
+ [not(child::Scope)]
+ [not(child::IfStatement)]
+``` javascript
+// Ok
+if (foo) {
+ x++;
+} else {
+ y++;
+// Bad
+if (foo)
+ x++;
+ y++;
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## IfStmtsMustUseBraces
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Avoid using if statements without using curly braces.
+//IfStatement[@Else = "false" and not(child::Scope)]
+``` javascript
+// Ok
+if (foo) {
+ x++;
+// Bad
+if (foo)
+ x++;
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## NoElseReturn
+**Since:** PMD 5.5.0
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+The else block in a if-else-construct is unnecessary if the `if` block contains a return.
+Then the content of the else block can be put outside.
+See also:
+``` javascript
+// Bad:
+if (x) {
+ return y;
+} else {
+ return z;
+// Good:
+if (x) {
+ return y;
+return z;
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## UnnecessaryBlock
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+An unnecessary Block is present. Such Blocks are often used in other languages to
+introduce a new variable scope. Blocks do not behave like this in ECMAScipt, and using them can
+be misleading. Considering removing this unnecessary Block.
+//Block[not(parent::FunctionNode or parent::IfStatement or parent::ForLoop or parent::ForInLoop
+ or parent::WhileLoop or parent::DoLoop or parent::TryStatement or parent::CatchClause)]
+//Scope[not(parent::FunctionNode or parent::IfStatement or parent::ForLoop or parent::ForInLoop
+ or parent::WhileLoop or parent::DoLoop or parent::TryStatement or parent::CatchClause)]
+``` javascript
+if (foo) {
+ // Ok
+if (bar) {
+ {
+ // Bad
+ }
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## UnnecessaryParentheses
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium Low (4)
+Unnecessary parentheses should be removed.
+``` javascript
+var x = 1; // Ok
+var y = (1 + 1); // Ok
+var z = ((1 + 1)); // Bad
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## UnreachableCode
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** High (1)
+A 'return', 'break', 'continue', or 'throw' statement should be the last in a block. Statements after these
+will never execute. This is a bug, or extremely poor style.
+ //ContinueStatement[following-sibling::node()]
+ //BreakStatement[following-sibling::node()]
+ //ThrowStatement[following-sibling::node()]
+``` javascript
+// Ok
+function foo() {
+ return 1;
+// Bad
+function bar() {
+ var x = 1;
+ return x;
+ x = 2;
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## WhileLoopsMustUseBraces
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Avoid using 'while' statements without using curly braces.
+``` javascript
+// Ok
+while (true) {
+ x++;
+// Bad
+while (true)
+ x++;
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/controversial.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/controversial.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b73ea9d35b..0000000000
--- a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/controversial.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-title: Controversial Ecmascript
-summary: The Controversial ruleset contains rules that, for whatever reason, are considered controversial. They are held here to allow people to include them as they see fit within their custom rulesets.
-permalink: pmd_rules_ecmascript_controversial.html
-folder: pmd/rules/ecmascript
-sidebaractiveurl: /pmd_rules_ecmascript.html
-editmepath: ../pmd-javascript/src/main/resources/rulesets/ecmascript/controversial.xml
-keywords: Controversial Ecmascript, AvoidWithStatement
-## AvoidWithStatement
-**Since:** PMD 5.0.1
-**Priority:** High (1)
-Avoid using with - it's bad news
-``` javascript
-with (object) {
- property = 3; // Might be on object, might be on window: who knows.
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/errorprone.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/errorprone.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c5a48604d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/errorprone.md
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+title: Error Prone
+permalink: pmd_rules_ecmascript_errorprone.html
+folder: pmd/rules/ecmascript
+sidebaractiveurl: /pmd_rules_ecmascript.html
+editmepath: ../pmd-javascript/src/main/resources/category/ecmascript/errorprone.xml
+keywords: Error Prone, EqualComparison, InnaccurateNumericLiteral
+## EqualComparison
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Using == in condition may lead to unexpected results, as the variables are automatically casted to be of the
+same type. The === operator avoids the casting.
+//InfixExpression[(@Image = "==" or @Image = "!=")
+ and
+ (child::KeywordLiteral[@Image = "true" or @Image = "false"]
+ or
+ child::NumberLiteral)
+``` javascript
+// Ok
+if (someVar === true) {
+ ...
+// Ok
+if (someVar !== 3) {
+ ...
+// Bad
+if (someVar == true) {
+ ...
+// Bad
+if (someVar != 3) {
+ ...
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## InnaccurateNumericLiteral
+**Since:** PMD 5.0
+**Priority:** Medium High (2)
+The numeric literal will have a different value at runtime, which can happen if you provide too much
+precision in a floating point number. This may result in numeric calculations being in error.
+ @Image != @Number
+ and translate(@Image, "e", "E") != @Number
+ and concat(@Image, ".0") != @Number
+ and @Image != substring-before(translate(@Number, ".", ""), "E")]
+``` javascript
+var a = 9; // Ok
+var b = 999999999999999; // Ok
+var c = 999999999999999999999; // Not good
+var w = 1.12e-4; // Ok
+var x = 1.12; // Ok
+var y = 1.1234567890123; // Ok
+var z = 1.12345678901234567; // Not good
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/unnecessary.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/unnecessary.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c5c0f5ec0..0000000000
--- a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/ecmascript/unnecessary.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-title: Unnecessary
-summary: The Unnecessary Ruleset contains a collection of rules for unnecessary code.
-permalink: pmd_rules_ecmascript_unnecessary.html
-folder: pmd/rules/ecmascript
-sidebaractiveurl: /pmd_rules_ecmascript.html
-editmepath: ../pmd-javascript/src/main/resources/rulesets/ecmascript/unnecessary.xml
-keywords: Unnecessary, UnnecessaryParentheses, UnnecessaryBlock, NoElseReturn
-## NoElseReturn
-**Since:** PMD 5.5.0
-**Priority:** Medium (3)
-The else block in a if-else-construct is unnecessary if the `if` block contains a return.
-Then the content of the else block can be put outside.
-See also:
-``` javascript
-// Bad:
-if (x) {
- return y;
-} else {
- return z;
-// Good:
-if (x) {
- return y;
-return z;
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## UnnecessaryBlock
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium (3)
-An unnecessary Block is present. Such Blocks are often used in other languages to
-introduce a new variable scope. Blocks do not behave like this in ECMAScipt, and using them can
-be misleading. Considering removing this unnecessary Block.
-//Block[not(parent::FunctionNode or parent::IfStatement or parent::ForLoop or parent::ForInLoop
- or parent::WhileLoop or parent::DoLoop or parent::TryStatement or parent::CatchClause)]
-//Scope[not(parent::FunctionNode or parent::IfStatement or parent::ForLoop or parent::ForInLoop
- or parent::WhileLoop or parent::DoLoop or parent::TryStatement or parent::CatchClause)]
-``` javascript
-if (foo) {
- // Ok
-if (bar) {
- {
- // Bad
- }
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml
-## UnnecessaryParentheses
-**Since:** PMD 5.0
-**Priority:** Medium Low (4)
-Unnecessary parentheses should be removed.
-``` javascript
-var x = 1; // Ok
-var y = (1 + 1); // Ok
-var z = ((1 + 1)); // Bad
-**Use this rule by referencing it:**
-``` xml