diff --git a/.ci/build.sh b/.ci/build.sh index 677923b923..30a318489d 100755 --- a/.ci/build.sh +++ b/.ci/build.sh @@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ function build() { # was green before. This is usually checked via a local build, see ./do-release.sh if pmd_ci_maven_isReleaseBuild; then PMD_MAVEN_EXTRA_OPTS+=(-DskipTests=true) + # note: skipping pmd in order to avoid failures due to #4757 + PMD_MAVEN_EXTRA_OPTS+=(-Dpmd.skip=true -Dcpd.skip=true) fi if [ "$(pmd_ci_utils_get_os)" != "linux" ]; then diff --git a/do-release.sh b/do-release.sh index ac43cffdb5..a2a95a3893 100755 --- a/do-release.sh +++ b/do-release.sh @@ -194,7 +194,8 @@ echo "Change version in the POMs to ${RELEASE_VERSION} and update build timestam echo "Transform the SCM information in the POM" sed -i "s|.\+|pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}|" pom.xml echo "Run the project tests against the changed POMs to confirm everything is in running order (skipping cli and dist)" -./mvnw clean verify -Dskip-cli-dist -Pgenerate-rule-docs +# note: skipping pmd in order to avoid failures due to #4757 +./mvnw clean verify -Dskip-cli-dist -Dpmd.skip=true -Dcpd.skip=true -Pgenerate-rule-docs echo "Commit and create tag" git commit -a -m "[release] prepare release pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}" git tag -m "[release] copy for tag pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}" "pmd_releases/${RELEASE_VERSION}"