diff --git a/pmd-web/src/ikko.rb b/pmd-web/src/ikko.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 3555a2847f..0000000000
--- a/pmd-web/src/ikko.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-# License
-# Ikko Fragment Manager - Templating engine
-# Copyright (C) 2002 InfoEther LLC
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# InfoEther LLC
-# 13526 Darter Court
-# Clifton, VA 20124, USA
-# http://www.infoether.com
-module Ikko
- ##
- # This class is used to build ML files (HTML, XML, WML) files using a
- # fragment management architecture.
- #
- # Fragment tag details:
- #
- #
- #
- # Example usage:
- #
- # require 'ikko'
- # fm = Ikko::FragmentManager.new
- # fm.base_path = "./frags"
- # hash = Hash.new
- # hash['Subject]='Meeting Request Alpha'
- # hash['Date=']='01/27/01'
- # hash[ 'Appointments'] = ['10am History','11am facts'] # Array creates iterator
- # puts fm["meetingRequest.frag", hash]
- #
- # Example meetingRequest.frag contents:
- #
- #
- #
- # Meeting request
- # Meeting Subject:
- # Meeting Time:
- # Schedule for the day:
- #
- #
- #
- class FragmentManager
- # The default attribute (Hash) for key/value replacement
- attr_reader :default_attributes
- # The base path (relative or fixed)
- attr_reader :base_path
- ##
- # Initialize the FragmentManager with the (optional)
- # default attribute hash.
- #
- # default_attributes:: [Hash] default attribute map if supplied hash does not contain key
- #
- def initialize(default_attributes=nil)
- @fragments = Hash.new
- @default_attributes = default_attributes
- self.base_path=nil
- end
- ##
- # Set the base path where fragments are located (relative or fixed).
- #
- # path:: [String] The path
- #
- def base_path=(path)
- path = "./" unless path
- @base_path = path
- @base_path = @base_path+"/" unless base_path[-1]==47
- end
- ##
- # Create a fully composed fragment from the supplied values
- #
- # fragName:: [String] The .frag file name (without the suffix)
- # values:: [Hash=nil] A hash of the key/values
- # return:: [String] The composed fragment
- #
- def [](fragName, values=nil)
- fragName = @base_path+fragName
- frag = @fragments[fragName]
- frag = build(fragName) unless frag
- return frag.compose(values) if frag
- end
- ##
- # Get the keys within a particular fragment.
- #
- # fragName:: [String] The .frag file name (without the suffix)
- # return:: [Array] Array of fragment names (as String).
- #
- def keys(fragName)
- fragName = @base_path+fragName
- frag = @fragments[fragName]
- frag = build(fragName) unless frag
- return frag.keys if frag
- end
- private
- ##
- # Build an instance of the Fragment class to represent the
- # fragment file.
- #
- # fragname:: [String] The .frag file name (without the suffix)
- # return:: [ICE::Util::Fragment] The fragment that represents the file
- #
- def build(fragName)
- frag = Fragment.new(fragName, self)
- frag.parse
- @fragments[frag.name]=frag
- frag
- end
- end
- ##
- # Class that represents a .frag file.
- #
- class Fragment
- # The name of the .frag file
- attr_reader :name
- ##
- # initialize this fragment with the supplied fragment name.
- #
- # fragName:: [String] The name of the .frag file without the suffix
- # mgr: [ICE::Util::FragmentManager] The fragment manager creating this fragment
- #
- def initialize(fragName, mgr)
- @name = fragName
- @mgr = mgr
- end
- ##
- # Parse the .frag file and build internal fragment map
- #
- def parse
- first = true
- @tags = []
- @lines = []
- @timestamp = File.mtime(@name)
- IO.foreach(@name, "')
- @tags.push(FragmentTag.new(line[0,j]))
- line = line[j+3, line.length-(j+3)]
- end
- @lines.push(line)
- first = false
- end
- end
- ##
- # Compose a composite of the fragment merged with the keys supplied
- #
- # values:: [Hash] The values of the keys {key => value(.to_s)}
- # return:: [String] The composit fragment
- #
- def compose(values)
- parse unless @timestamp==File.mtime(@name)
- result = ""
- @tags.length.times {|i| result+=@lines[i]+@tags[i].fill(values, @mgr.default_attributes)}
- result+=@lines[-1]
- return result
- end
- ##
- # Generate a list of keys for this fragment.
- #
- # return:: [Array] Array of keys as Strings.
- #
- def keys
- result = []
- @tags.each {|tag| result.push(tag.key)}
- result
- end
- end #end ICE::Util::Fragment
- ##
- # A class representing a parsed fragment tag
- #
- class FragmentTag
- # The key of the fragment
- attr_reader :key
- @@pattern = /\s?([\w\-_]+)="([^"]*)"/
- ##
- # Initialize the fragment tag from the supplied tag string
- #
- # tag:: [String] The tag (prefix="...", etc) to parse
- #
- def initialize(tag)
- @empty=""
- @suffix_last=true
- while not tag==""
- m = @@pattern.match(tag)
- value = m[2]
- value = true if value=="true"
- value = false if value=="false"
- eval "@#{m[1]}=value"
- tag = m.post_match
- end
- end
- ##
- # Composes a key replacment based on the supplied hash
- #
- # values:: [Hash] The values of the keys {key => value(.to_s)}
- # defaults:: [Hash] The default values for keys
- # return :: [String] A composite of the fragment key's value
- #
- def fill(values, defaults)
- return @empty unless (values and values[key]) or (defaults and defaults[key])
- value = values[key] if values
- value = defaults[key] unless value
- if value.kind_of? Array
- result = ""
- value.length.times do |i|
- result += @prefix if @prefix
- result += value[i]
- if @suffix and i!=(value.length-1)
- result += @suffix
- elsif @suffix and i==(value.length-1) and @suffix_last
- result += @suffix
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- value = value.to_s
- value = @prefix + value if @prefix
- value += @suffix if @suffix
- return value
- end
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- fm = Ikko::FragmentManager.new
- puts fm["test.frag", {"message"=>"test", "message2"=>["one", "two", "three"]}]
diff --git a/pmd-web/src/processor.rb b/pmd-web/src/processor.rb
index 5e798e6f41..23d5ee6490 100644
--- a/pmd-web/src/processor.rb
+++ b/pmd-web/src/processor.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-require '/home/tom/data/pmd/pmd-web/src/ikko.rb'
+require 'rubygems'
+require_gem 'ikko'
require '/home/tom/data/ruby-doom/src/ruby/doom.rb'
# add timeout thingy to the Thread class, thx to Rich Kilmer for the code