diff --git a/docs/pages/pmd/rules/apex/empty.md b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/apex/empty.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4153209bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pages/pmd/rules/apex/empty.md
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+title: Empty Code
+summary: The Empty Code ruleset contains rules that find empty statements of any kind (empty method, empty block statement, empty try or catch block,...).
+permalink: pmd_rules_apex_empty.html
+folder: pmd/rules/apex
+sidebaractiveurl: /pmd_rules_apex.html
+editmepath: ../pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/empty.xml
+keywords: Empty Code, EmptyCatchBlock, EmptyIfStmt, EmptyWhileStmt, EmptyTryBlock, EmptyFinallyBlock, EmptyStaticInitializer
+## EmptyCatchBlock
+**Since:** PMD 5.8.2
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Empty Catch Block finds instances where an exception is caught, but nothing is done.
+In most circumstances, this swallows an exception which should either be acted on
+or reported.
+ [count(Block/BlockStatement) = 0 and ($allowCommentedBlocks != 'true' or Block/@containsComment = 'false')]
+ [FormalParameter/Type/ReferenceType
+ /ClassOrInterfaceType[@Image != 'InterruptedException' and @Image != 'CloneNotSupportedException']
+ ]
+ [FormalParameter/VariableDeclaratorId[not(matches(@Image, $allowExceptionNameRegex))]]
+``` java
+public void doSomething() {
+ ...
+ try {
+ insert accounts;
+ } catch (DmlException dmle) {
+ // not good
+ }
+**This rule has the following properties:**
+|Name|Default Value|Description|
+|allowCommentedBlocks|false|Empty blocks containing comments will be skipped|
+|allowExceptionNameRegex|^$|Empty blocks catching exceptions with names matching this regular expression will be skipped|
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## EmptyFinallyBlock
+**Since:** PMD 5.8.2
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Empty finally blocks serve no purpose and should be removed.
+//FinallyStatement[count(Block/BlockStatement) = 0]
+``` java
+public class Foo {
+ public void bar() {
+ try {
+ Integer x=2;
+ } finally {
+ // empty!
+ }
+ }
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## EmptyIfStmt
+**Since:** PMD 5.8.2
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Empty If Statement finds instances where a condition is checked but nothing is done about it.
+ [EmptyStatement or Block[count(*) = 0]]
+``` java
+public class Foo {
+ void bar(Integer x) {
+ if (x == 0) {
+ // empty!
+ }
+ }
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## EmptyStaticInitializer
+**Since:** PMD 5.8.2
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+An empty static initializer serve no purpose and should be removed.
+``` java
+public class Foo {
+ static {
+ // empty
+ }
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## EmptyTryBlock
+**Since:** PMD 5.8.2
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Avoid empty try blocks - what's the point?
+//TryStatement[not(ResourceSpecification)]/Block[1][count(*) = 0]
+``` java
+public class Foo {
+ public void bar() {
+ try {
+ // this has no use
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
+## EmptyWhileStmt
+**Since:** PMD 5.8.2
+**Priority:** Medium (3)
+Empty While Statement finds all instances where a while statement does nothing.
+If it is a timing loop, then you should use Thread.sleep() for it; if it is
+a while loop that does a lot in the exit expression, rewrite it to make it clearer.
+//WhileStatement/Statement[./Block[count(*) = 0] or ./EmptyStatement]
+``` java
+public class Foo {
+ public void bar(Integer a, Integer b) {
+ while (a == b) {
+ // empty!
+ }
+ }
+**Use this rule by referencing it:**
+``` xml
diff --git a/pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/empty.xml b/pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/empty.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f85efb703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/empty.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+The Empty Code ruleset contains rules that find empty statements of any kind (empty method,
+empty block statement, empty try or catch block,...).
+Empty Catch Block finds instances where an exception is caught, but nothing is done.
+In most circumstances, this swallows an exception which should either be acted on
+or reported.
+ 3
+Empty If Statement finds instances where a condition is checked but nothing is done about it.
+ 3
+Empty While Statement finds all instances where a while statement does nothing.
+If it is a timing loop, then you should use Thread.sleep() for it; if it is
+a while loop that does a lot in the exit expression, rewrite it to make it clearer.
+ 3
+Avoid empty try blocks - what's the point?
+ 3
+Empty finally blocks serve no purpose and should be removed.
+ 3
+An empty static initializer serve no purpose and should be removed.
+ 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/rulesets.properties b/pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/rulesets.properties
index 879f524f1d..61d607e55d 100644
--- a/pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/rulesets.properties
+++ b/pmd-apex/src/main/resources/rulesets/apex/rulesets.properties
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ rulesets.filenames=\
+ rulesets/apex/empty.xml,\