$( document ).ready(function() { $('#mysidebar').height($(".nav").height()); // this script says, if the height of the viewport is greater than 800px, then insert position-fixed class, // which makes the nav bar float in a fixed position as your scroll. If you have a lot of nav items, // this height may not work for you. var h = $(window).height(); //console.log (h); if (h > 800) { $( "#mysidebar" ).attr("class", "nav position-fixed"); } // activate tooltips. although this is a bootstrap js function, it must be activated this way in your theme. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ placement : 'top' }); /** * AnchorJS */ anchors.add('h2,h3,h4,h5'); // This highlights the active parent class in the navgoco sidebar. This is critical so that the parent expands // when you're viewing a page. // Note: the class needs to be added before navgoco is initialized. Navgoco uses then this information // to expand the menus. $("li.active").parents('li').toggleClass("active"); // Initialize navgoco with default options $("#mysidebar").navgoco({ caretHtml: '', accordion: true, openClass: 'active', save: false, slide: { duration: 400, easing: 'swing' } }); // This handles the automatic toc. Use ## for subheads to auto-generate the on-page minitoc. // If you use html tags, you must supply an ID for the heading element in order for it to appear in the minitoc. $('#toc').toc({ minimumHeaders: 0, listType: 'ul', showSpeed: 0, headers: 'h2,h3,h4' }); // Initialize jekyll search in topnav. SimpleJekyllSearch.init({ searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'), resultsContainer: document.getElementById('results-container'), json: 'search.json', searchResultTemplate: '
  • {title}
  • ', noResultsText: '{{site.data.strings.search_no_results_text}}', limit: 10, fuzzy: true, }); // Make sure to close and empty the search results after clicking one result item. // This is necessary, if we don't switch the page but only jump to a anchor on the // same page. $('#results-container').click(function() { $('#search-input').val(''); $(this).empty(); }); // Topnav toggle button for displaying/hiding nav sidebar $("#tg-sb-link").click(function(event) { $("#tg-sb-sidebar").toggle(); $("#tg-sb-content").toggleClass('col-md-9'); $("#tg-sb-content").toggleClass('col-md-12'); $("#tg-sb-icon").toggleClass('fa-toggle-on'); $("#tg-sb-icon").toggleClass('fa-toggle-off'); event.preventDefault(); }); });