Table of Contents
The PMD JEdit Plug-in requires at least JEdit 4.0final.
Refer to the PMD user manual for the basic requirements to run PMD (You may find the latest version on the PMD website,
The Plug-in comes as a single .zip file. Unzipping this file into a directory of your choice (referred to as <HOME_DIR>) will produce two subdirectories /bin and /docs.
Further installation is simple: just copy the file <HOME_DIR>/bin/PMD-jedit-bundle-<version>.jar into the /jars directory of your JEdit distribution. JEdit will then need to be restarted before PMD begins working.
The software adds a new menu item group into the Plugins menu of the editor view. Available is a new menu item:
Plugins->PMD->Check active buffer (Ctrl-Shift-F11).
Checks the contents of the active text area.