#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e source .travis/logger.sh source .travis/common-functions.sh source .travis/github-releases-api.sh source .travis/sourceforge-api.sh source .travis/pmd-code-api.sh function main() { VERSION=$(./mvnw -q -Dexec.executable="echo" -Dexec.args='${project.version}' --non-recursive org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.5.0:exec) log_info "Building PMD Documentation ${VERSION} on branch ${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" # # First step: build pmd with profile "generate-rule-docs" # The docs should appear under "docs/pages/rules/..." for each language # With this profile, also the checks are executed (e.g. DeadLinksChecker). # ./mvnw clean verify -Dmaven.test.skip=true -P generate-rule-docs if ! travis_isPush; then log_info "Not publishing site, since this is not a push!" exit 0 fi # # For pushes, we'll update the online documentation # generate_jekyll_doc create_pmd-doc_archive # Deploy to sourceforge files sourceforge_uploadFile "${VERSION}" "docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}.zip" # Deploy doc to https://docs.pmd-code.org/pmd-doc-${VERSION}/ pmd_code_uploadDocumentation "${VERSION}" "docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}.zip" # Deploy javadoc to https://docs.pmd-code.org/apidocs/*/${VERSION}/ pmd_code_uploadJavadoc "${VERSION}" "$(pwd)" if [[ "${VERSION}" == *-SNAPSHOT && "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" == "master" ]]; then # only for snapshot builds from branch master pmd_code_createSymlink "${VERSION}" "snapshot" # update github pages https://pmd.github.io/pmd/ publish_to_github_pages # rsync site to https://pmd.sourceforge.io/snapshot sourceforge_rsyncSnapshotDocumentation "${VERSION}" "snapshot" fi if [[ "${VERSION}" != *-SNAPSHOT && "${TRAVIS_TAG}" != "" ]]; then log_info "This is a release documentation build for pmd ${VERSION}" # documentation is already uploaded to https://docs.pmd-code.org/pmd-doc-${VERSION} pmd_code_createSymlink "${VERSION}" "latest" # remove old doc and point to the new version pmd_code_removeDocumentation "${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT" pmd_code_createSymlink "${VERSION}" "${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT" # remove old javadoc pmd_code_removeJavadoc "${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT" # Deploy to github releases gh_releases_getLatestDraftRelease GH_RELEASE="$RESULT" gh_release_uploadAsset "$GH_RELEASE" "docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}.zip" # updating github release text # renders, and skips the first 6 lines - the Jekyll front-matter RENDERED_RELEASE_NOTES=$(bundle exec .travis/render_release_notes.rb docs/pages/release_notes.md | tail -n +6) RELEASE_NAME="PMD ${VERSION} ($(date -u +%d-%B-%Y))" gh_release_updateRelease "$GH_RELEASE" "$RELEASE_NAME" "$RENDERED_RELEASE_NOTES" sourceforge_uploadReleaseNotes "${VERSION}" "${RENDERED_RELEASE_NOTES}" publish_release_documentation_github sourceforge_rsyncSnapshotDocumentation "${VERSION}" "pmd-${VERSION}" fi } # # Executes jekyll and generates the documentation # The documentation will be generated in the directory "docs/_site". # function generate_jekyll_doc() { pushd docs echo -e "\n\n" log_info "Building documentation using jekyll..." bundle install bundle exec jekyll build popd } # # Creates the pmd-doc.zip archive. It will be placed in "docs/". # function create_pmd-doc_archive() { pushd docs echo -e "\n\n" log_info "Creating pmd-doc archive..." mv _site pmd-doc-${VERSION} zip -qr pmd-doc-${VERSION}.zip pmd-doc-${VERSION}/ log_success "Successfully created pmd-doc-${VERSION}.zip" popd } # # Publishes the site to https://pmd.github.io/pmd-${VERSION} and # https://pmd.github.io/latest/ # function publish_release_documentation_github() { echo -e "\n\n" log_info "Adding the new doc to pmd.github.io..." # clone pmd.github.io. Note: This uses the ssh key setup earlier # In order to speed things up, we use a sparse checkout - no need to checkout all directories here mkdir pmd.github.io ( cd pmd.github.io git init git config user.name "Travis CI (pmd-bot)" git config user.email "andreas.dangel+pmd-bot@adangel.org" git config core.sparsecheckout true git remote add origin git@github.com:pmd/pmd.github.io.git echo "/latest/" > .git/info/sparse-checkout echo "/sitemap.xml" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout git pull --depth=1 origin master log_info "Copying documentation from ../docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}/ to pmd-${VERSION}/ ..." rsync -ah --stats ../docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}/ pmd-${VERSION}/ git status echo "Executing: git add pmd-${VERSION}" git add pmd-${VERSION} echo "Executing: git commit..." git commit -q -m "Added pmd-${VERSION}" log_info "Copying pmd-${VERSION} to latest ..." git rm -qr latest cp -a pmd-${VERSION} latest echo "Executing: git add latest" git add latest echo "Executing: git commit..." git commit -q -m "Copying pmd-${VERSION} to latest" log_info "Generating sitemap.xml" ../.travis/sitemap_generator.sh > sitemap.xml echo "Executing: git add sitemap.xml" git add sitemap.xml echo "Executing: git commit..." git commit -q -m "Generated sitemap.xml" echo "Executing: git push origin master" git push origin master ) } # # Updates github pages of the main repository, # so that https://pmd.github.io/pmd/ has the latest (snapshot) content # function publish_to_github_pages() { echo -e "\n\n" log_info "Pushing the new site to github pages..." git clone --branch gh-pages --depth 1 git@github.com:pmd/pmd.git pmd-gh-pages # clear the files first rm -rf pmd-gh-pages/* # copy the new site cp -a docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}/* pmd-gh-pages/ ( cd pmd-gh-pages git config user.name "Travis CI (pmd-bot)" git config user.email "andreas.dangel+pmd-bot@adangel.org" git add -A MSG="Update documentation TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER=${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER} TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE=${TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE}" git commit -q -m "$MSG" git push git@github.com:pmd/pmd.git HEAD:gh-pages log_success "Successfully pushed site to https://pmd.github.io/pmd/" ) } main