#!/usr/bin/env bash source $(dirname $0)/inc/logger.inc source $(dirname $0)/inc/setup-secrets.inc source $(dirname $0)/inc/sourceforge-api.inc source $(dirname $0)/inc/pmd-doc.inc source $(dirname $0)/inc/pmd-code-api.inc source $(dirname $0)/inc/regression-tester.inc source $(dirname $0)/inc/github-releases-api.inc source $(dirname $0)/inc/maven-dependencies.inc source $(dirname $0)/inc/install-openjdk.inc set -e function pmd_ci_build_main() { log_group_start "Setting up private secrets" pmd_ci_setup_private_env pmd_ci_setup_gpg_key pmd_ci_setup_ssh log_group_end log_group_start "Prepare Java 7+11, Maven, Bundler" install_openjdk_setdefault 11 install_oraclejdk7 pmd_ci_build_setup_maven pmd_ci_build_setup_bundler pmd_ci_build_setup_env log_group_end log_group_start "Downloading maven dependencies" maven_dependencies_resolve log_group_end log_group_start "Build and Deploy" pmd_ci_build_run pmd_ci_deploy_build_artifacts log_group_end log_group_start "Build and Upload documentation" pmd_ci_build_and_upload_doc log_group_end if pmd_ci_build_isRelease; then log_group_start "Publishing Release" gh_release_publishRelease "$GH_RELEASE" sourceforge_selectDefault "${VERSION}" log_group_end fi log_group_start "Creating new baseline for regression tester" regression_tester_setup_ci regression_tester_uploadBaseline log_group_end exit 0 } # # Configures maven. # Needed for deploy to central (both snapshots and releases) # and for signing the artifacts. # function pmd_ci_build_setup_maven() { mkdir -p ${HOME}/.m2 cp .ci/files/maven-settings.xml ${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml } # # Installs bundler, which is needed for doc generation and regression tester # function pmd_ci_build_setup_bundler() { log_info "Installing bundler..." gem install bundler } # # Setups common build parameters: # * Determines the VERSION of PMD, that is being built # * Determines the PMD_CI_BRANCH or PMD_CI_TAG, that is being built # function pmd_ci_build_setup_env() { VERSION=$(pmd_ci_build_get_pom_version) if [[ "${PMD_CI_GIT_REF}" == refs/heads/* ]]; then PMD_CI_BRANCH=${PMD_CI_GIT_REF##refs/heads/} unset PMD_CI_TAG log_info "Building PMD ${VERSION} on branch ${PMD_CI_BRANCH}" elif [[ "${PMD_CI_GIT_REF}" == refs/tags/* ]]; then unset PMD_CI_BRANCH PMD_CI_TAG=${PMD_CI_GIT_REF##refs/tags/} log_info "Building PMD ${VERSION} on tag ${PMD_CI_TAG}" else log_error "Unknown branch/tag: PMD_CI_GIT_REF=${PMD_CI_GIT_REF}" exit 1 fi if [[ "${VERSION}" == *-SNAPSHOT && -z "$PMD_CI_BRANCH" ]]; then log_error "Invalid combination: snapshot version ${VERSION} but no branch in PMD_CI_GIT_REF=${PMD_CI_GIT_REF}" exit 1 fi if [[ "${VERSION}" != *-SNAPSHOT && -z "$PMD_CI_TAG" ]]; then log_error "Invalid combination: non-snapshot version ${VERSION} but no tag in PMD_CI_GIT_REF=${PMD_CI_GIT_REF}" exit 1 fi } # # Performs the actual build. # Deploys the artifacts to maven central. # Also generates rule documentation. # function pmd_ci_build_run() { local mvn_profiles="ossrh,sign,generate-rule-docs" if pmd_ci_build_isRelease; then log_info "This is a release build" mvn_profiles="${mvn_profiles},pmd-release" else log_info "This is a snapshot build" fi ./mvnw clean deploy -P${mvn_profiles} -e -V -Djava7.home=${HOME}/oraclejdk7 } # # Deploys the binary distribution # function pmd_ci_deploy_build_artifacts() { # Deploy to sourceforge files sourceforge_uploadFile "${VERSION}" "pmd-dist/target/pmd-bin-${VERSION}.zip" sourceforge_uploadFile "${VERSION}" "pmd-dist/target/pmd-src-${VERSION}.zip" if pmd_ci_build_isRelease; then # create a draft github release gh_releases_createDraftRelease "${PMD_CI_TAG}" "$(git rev-list -n 1 ${PMD_CI_TAG})" GH_RELEASE="$RESULT" # Deploy to github releases gh_release_uploadAsset "$GH_RELEASE" "pmd-dist/target/pmd-bin-${VERSION}.zip" gh_release_uploadAsset "$GH_RELEASE" "pmd-dist/target/pmd-src-${VERSION}.zip" fi } # # Builds and uploads the documentation site # function pmd_ci_build_and_upload_doc() { pmd_doc_generate_jekyll_site pmd_doc_create_archive sourceforge_uploadFile "${VERSION}" "docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}.zip" if pmd_ci_build_isRelease; then gh_release_uploadAsset "$GH_RELEASE" "docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}.zip" fi # Deploy doc to https://docs.pmd-code.org/pmd-doc-${VERSION}/ pmd_code_uploadDocumentation "${VERSION}" "docs/pmd-doc-${VERSION}.zip" # Deploy javadoc to https://docs.pmd-code.org/apidocs/*/${VERSION}/ pmd_code_uploadJavadoc "${VERSION}" "$(pwd)" if [[ "${VERSION}" == *-SNAPSHOT && "${PMD_CI_BRANCH}" == "master" ]]; then # only for snapshot builds from branch master pmd_code_createSymlink "${VERSION}" "snapshot" # update github pages https://pmd.github.io/pmd/ pmd_doc_publish_to_github_pages # rsync site to https://pmd.sourceforge.io/snapshot sourceforge_rsyncSnapshotDocumentation "${VERSION}" "snapshot" fi if pmd_ci_build_isRelease; then # documentation is already uploaded to https://docs.pmd-code.org/pmd-doc-${VERSION} # we only need to setup symlinks for the released version pmd_code_createSymlink "${VERSION}" "latest" # remove old doc and point to the new version pmd_code_removeDocumentation "${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT" pmd_code_createSymlink "${VERSION}" "${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT" # remove old javadoc pmd_code_removeJavadoc "${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT" # updating github release text rm -f .bundle/config bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle bundle config set --local with release_notes_preprocessing bundle install # renders, and skips the first 6 lines - the Jekyll front-matter local rendered_release_notes=$(bundle exec .ci/render_release_notes.rb docs/pages/release_notes.md | tail -n +6) local release_name="PMD ${VERSION} ($(date -u +%d-%B-%Y))" gh_release_updateRelease "$GH_RELEASE" "$release_name" "$rendered_release_notes" sourceforge_uploadReleaseNotes "${VERSION}" "${rendered_release_notes}" # updates https://pmd.github.io/latest/ and https://pmd.github.io/pmd-${VERSION} publish_release_documentation_github sourceforge_rsyncSnapshotDocumentation "${VERSION}" "pmd-${VERSION}" fi } function pmd_ci_build_isRelease() { if [[ "${VERSION}" != *-SNAPSHOT && -n "${PMD_CI_TAG}" && -z "${PMD_CI_BRANCH}" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function pmd_ci_build_get_pom_version() { echo $(./mvnw -q -Dexec.executable="echo" -Dexec.args='${project.version}' --non-recursive org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.0.0:exec) } pmd_ci_build_main