Update the release date in the changelog Update the version number in build.xml. ant dist rm -rf ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4/ mkdir -p ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4/ cp ../lib/pmd-3.3.jar ../lib/PMDOpenTool.jar ../lib/jaxen-1.1-beta-7.jar ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4/ cp ../LICENSE.txt ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4/ cp ../lib/ReadMe.txt ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4/ cd ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4 zip -q -r ../pmd-jbuilder-bin-1.4.zip * cd - CVSROOT=:ext:tomcopeland@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pmd && export CVSROOT cd ../../ cvs -q tag -D tomorrow "pmd_jbuilder_release_1_4" pmd-jbuilder Create the src release: rm -rf ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4 rm -rf ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4.zip cd pmd-jbuilder/etc/ ant jarsrc cd ../../ rm -rf tmp/ mkdir tmp cd tmp cvs -q export -r pmd_jbuilder_release_1_4 pmd-jbuilder mv pmd-jbuilder/ pmd-jbuilder-1.4/ cd .. cp pmd-jbuilder/lib/pmd-jbuilder-src-1.4.jar tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4/lib/ mv tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4/ ~/tmp/ cp pmd-jbuilder/lib/PMDOpenTool.jar ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.4/lib cd ~/tmp/ zip -q -r pmd-jbuilder-src-1.4.zip pmd-jbuilder-1.4/ Unzip binary release into the JBuilder lib/ext directory TESTS: 1) Can you run jbuilder ok? 2) Can you run it it on a file and find some unused code? if you see a bug and fix it, you can delete the release using: cvs rtag -d pmd_jbuilder_release_1_4 pmd-jbuilder and then retag everything ncftpput upload.sourceforge.net incoming/ pmd-jbuilder-src-1.4.zip pmd-jbuilder-bin-1.4.zip Go to Admin, Edit/Release Files, click on Add new release Paste stuff into the changelog/readme boxes Add the files and then classify them Submit some news saying "hey, new release of the JBuilder plugin!" to http://codecentral.borland.com and borland.public.jbuilder.thirdpartytools news group If you don't plan on posting/reading regularly, you can post via the web: http://newsgroups.borland.com/cgi-bin/dnewsweb?cmd=xover&group=borland.public.jbuilder.thirdpartytools&utag= ==================================================================== Fixed in CVS, and you can download an updated PMDOpenTool.jar file here: http://infoether.com/~tom/PMDOpenTool.jar that fixes this bug. To use the file, stop JBuilder, place PMDOpenTool.jar in your jbuilder/lib/ext directory, and restart JBuilder. Thanks for the report! Yours, Tom