#!/usr/bin/env bash MODULE="pmd-doc" SCRIPT_INCLUDES="log.bash openjdk.bash" # shellcheck source=inc/fetch_ci_scripts.bash source "$(dirname "$0")/inc/fetch_ci_scripts.bash" && fetch_ci_scripts # # The functions here require the following environment variables: # PMD_CI_BRANCH # # GITHUB_TOKEN # PMD_CI_CHUNK_TOKEN function regression_tester_setup_ci() { gpg --batch --yes --decrypt --passphrase="GnxdjywUEPveyCD1RLiTd7t8CImnefYr" \ --output .ci/files/public-env .ci/files/public-env.gpg # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source .ci/files/public-env >/dev/null 2>&1 rm .ci/files/public-env if hash "bundler" 2>/dev/null; then pmd_ci_log_debug "Bundler is already installed" else pmd_ci_log_info "Installing bundler..." gem install bundler fi rm -f .bundle/config bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle bundle config set --local with release_notes_preprocessing bundle install } # # Generate a new baseline and upload it to pmd-code.org # function regression_tester_uploadBaseline() { local pmdcodeUrl="https://pmd-code.org/pmd-regression-tester/" local baseline_branch="${PMD_CI_BRANCH:-$PMD_CI_TAG}" pmd_ci_log_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]} branch=${baseline_branch}" pmd_ci_log_info "Generating and uploading baseline for pmdtester (${baseline_branch})..." pushd .. rm -f .bundle/config bundle config set --local gemfile pmd/Gemfile bundle exec pmdtester \ --mode single \ --local-git-repo ./pmd \ --patch-branch "${baseline_branch}" \ --patch-config ./pmd/.ci/files/all-regression-rules.xml \ --list-of-project ./pmd/.ci/files/project-list.xml --html-flag \ --error-recovery pushd target/reports || { echo "Directory 'target/reports' doesn't exist"; exit 1; } BRANCH_FILENAME="${baseline_branch/\//_}" zip -q -r "${BRANCH_FILENAME}-baseline.zip" "${BRANCH_FILENAME}/" # ssh-key for pmd-code.org is setup already by pmd_ci_setup_secrets_ssh scp "${BRANCH_FILENAME}-baseline.zip" pmd@pmd-code.org:/httpdocs/pmd-regression-tester/ pmd_ci_log_success "Successfully uploaded ${BRANCH_FILENAME}-baseline.zip to ${pmdcodeUrl}" popd || exit 1 popd || exit 1 } # # Execute danger, which executes pmd-regression-tester (via Dangerfile). # function regression_tester_executeDanger() { pmd_ci_log_debug "${FUNCNAME[0]}" # git clone initially only fetched with depth 2. Danger and regression tester # need more history, so we'll fetch more here # and create local branches as well (${PMD_CI_BRANCH} and pr-fetch) pmd_ci_log_info "Fetching 25 commits for ${PMD_CI_BRANCH} and pull/${PMD_CI_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}/head" git fetch --no-tags --depth=25 origin "${PMD_CI_BRANCH}:${PMD_CI_BRANCH}" "pull/${PMD_CI_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}/head:pr-fetch" # if the PR is older, base might have advanced more than 25 commits... fetch more, up to 150 for i in $(seq 1 3); do if [ -z "$( git merge-base "${PMD_CI_BRANCH}" "pr-fetch" )" ]; then pmd_ci_log_info "No merge-base yet - fetching more commits... (try $i)" git fetch --no-tags --deepen=50 origin "${PMD_CI_BRANCH}:" "pull/${PMD_CI_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}/head:pr-fetch" fi done pmd_ci_log_info "Merge base is: $( git merge-base "${PMD_CI_BRANCH}" "pr-fetch" )" pmd_ci_log_info "Running danger on branch ${PMD_CI_BRANCH}" bundle exec danger --verbose pmd_ci_log_success "Executed danger successfully" }