# PMD Eclipse Plugin externalized strings marker.pmd = PMD Marker marker.task = PMD Task Marker marker.dfa = PMD DFA Marker builder.name = PMD Builder nature.name = PMD Nature # PMD Eclipse Plugin externalized strings plugin.name = PMD UI Plugin plugin.provider = PMD Team preferences.pmd = PMD preferences.rulesets = Rules Configuration preferences.cpd = CPD Preferences properties.pmd = PMD menu.pmd = PMD action.checkcpd = Find Suspect Cut And Paste... action.checkpmd = Check Code With PMD action.clearpmd = Clear PMD Violations action.clearall = Clear All PMD Violations action.ast = Generate Abstract Syntax Tree action.clearreviews = Clear violations reviews action.generatereport = Generate reports action.showdataflow = Show Method Dataflow view.category = PMD view.perspective = PMD view.violation = PMD Violations view.outline = Violations Outline view.overview = Violations Overview view.dataflowview = Dataflow View view.cpd = CPD View Bundle-Vendor.0 = PMD Development Team Bundle-Name.0 = PMD For Eclipse