Update the release date in the changelog Update the plugin version number and PMD version number in build.xml Update the plugin version number and PMD version number here ant dist rm -rf ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6/ mkdir -p ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6/ cp ../lib/pmd-3.7.jar ../lib/PMDOpenTool.jar ../lib/jaxen-1.1-beta-7.jar ../lib/jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6/ cp ../LICENSE.txt ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6/ cp ../lib/ReadMe.txt ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6/ cd ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6 zip -q -r ../pmd-jbuilder-bin-1.6.zip * cd - CVSROOT=:ext:tomcopeland@pmd.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pmd && export CVSROOT cd ../../ cvs -q tag -D tomorrow "pmd_jbuilder_release_1_6" pmd-jbuilder Create the src release: rm -rf ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6 rm -rf ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6.zip cd pmd-jbuilder/etc/ ant jarsrc cd ../../ rm -rf tmp/ mkdir tmp cd tmp cvs -q export -r pmd_jbuilder_release_1_6 pmd-jbuilder mv pmd-jbuilder/ pmd-jbuilder-1.6 cd .. cp pmd-jbuilder/lib/pmd-jbuilder-src-1.6.jar tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6/lib/ mv tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6/ ~/tmp/ cp pmd-jbuilder/lib/PMDOpenTool.jar ~/tmp/pmd-jbuilder-1.6/lib cd ~/tmp/ zip -q -r pmd-jbuilder-src-1.6.zip pmd-jbuilder-1.6/ Unzip binary release into the JBuilder lib/ext directory TESTS: 1) Can you run jbuilder ok? 2) Can you run it it on a file and find some unused code? if you see a bug and fix it, you can delete the release using: cvs rtag -d pmd_jbuilder_release_1_5 pmd-jbuilder and then retag everything ncftpput upload.sourceforge.net incoming/ pmd-jbuilder-src-1.6.zip pmd-jbuilder-bin-1.6.zip Go to Admin, Edit/Release Files, click on Add new release Paste stuff into the changelog/readme boxes Add the files and then classify them Submit some news saying "hey, new release of the JBuilder plugin!" to http://codecentral.borland.com and borland.public.jbuilder.thirdpartytools news group If you don't plan on posting/reading regularly, you can post via the web: http://newsgroups.borland.com/cgi-bin/dnewsweb?cmd=xover&group=borland.public.jbuilder.thirdpartytools&utag= ==================================================================== Fixed in CVS, and you can download an updated PMDOpenTool.jar file here: http://infoether.com/~tom/PMDOpenTool.jar that fixes this bug. To use the file, stop JBuilder, place PMDOpenTool.jar in your jbuilder/lib/ext directory, and restart JBuilder. Thanks for the report! Yours, Tom