/** * Remove support for Java 13 preview language features. * Promote text blocks as a permanent language features with Java 15. * Support Pattern Matching for instanceof with Java 15 Preview. * Support Records with Java 15 Preview. * Support Local Records with Java 15 Preview. * Support Sealed Classes with Java 15 Preview. * Andreas Dangel 08/2020 *==================================================================== * Add support for record types introduced as a preview language * feature with Java 14. See JEP 359. * Andreas Dangel 02/2020 *==================================================================== * Add support for pattern matching for instance of introduced * as a preview language feature with Java 14. See JEP 305. * Clément Fournier 02/2020 *==================================================================== * Switch Expressions are now a standard feature of Java 14. * Andreas Dangel 02/2020 *==================================================================== * Add support for the yield statement introduced as a preview language * feature with Java 13. See JEP 354. * Add support for text block literals introduces as a preview language * feature with Java 13. See JEP 355. * Andreas Dangel 08/2019 *==================================================================== * Fix #1848 Local classes should preserve their modifiers * Clément Fournier 05/2019 *==================================================================== * Add support for Java 12 switch expressions and switch rules. * Andreas Dangel, Clément Fournier 03/2019 *==================================================================== * Add support for Java 10 Local Variable Type Inference * See #743. In Java 10 mode, "var" as local variable type is handled special. * Andreas Dangel 04/2018 *==================================================================== * Fixes #888 [java] ParseException occurs with valid '<>' in Java 1.8 mode * Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 01/2018 *==================================================================== * Fixes #793 [java] Parser error with private method in nested classes in interfaces * Andreas Dangel 12/2017 *==================================================================== * Add support for Java 9 changes: * Private interface methods are only allowed with java9. * A single underscore "_" is an invalid identifier in java9. * Diamond operator for anonymous classes is only allowed with java9. * Add support for module-info.java. * Allow more concise try-with-resources statements with java9. * Andreas Dangel 09/2017 *==================================================================== * Add support for new Java 8 annotation locations. * Bugs #414, #415, #417 * @Snap252 06/2017 *==================================================================== * Allow empty statements (";") between package, import * and type declarations. * Bug #378 * Andreas Dangel 05/2017 *==================================================================== * Allow method references to specify generics also for * constructor references ("new"). * Bug #309 * Andreas Dangel 03/2017 *==================================================================== * Provide a better fix for CastExpression, getting rid of most hacks. * Bug #257 * * Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 02/2017 *==================================================================== * Allow local classes to carry more than one annotation. * Bug #208 * * Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 01/2017 *==================================================================== * Change lookahead for AnnotationMethodDeclaration in AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration. * Bug #206 * * Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 01/2017 *==================================================================== * Allow method references to specify generics. * Bug #207 * * Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 01/2017 *==================================================================== * Simplify VariableDeclaratorId, forbidding illegal sequences such as * this[] and MyClass.this[] * * Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 10/2016 *==================================================================== * Improve lambda detection in PrimaryPrefix to improve parsing performance. * * Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 10/2016 *==================================================================== * Fix for regression introduced in previous changeset. * The syntactic lookahead was not properly handled by javacc, * so it was converted to a semantic one * Bug #1530 * * Juan Martin Sotuyo Dodero 10/2016 *==================================================================== * Fix for an expression within an additive expression that was * wrongly taken as a cast expression. * Bug #1484 * * Andreas Dangel 05/2016 *==================================================================== * Fix for Lambda expression with one variable * Bug #1470 * * Andreas Dangel 04/2016 *==================================================================== * Added support for explicit receiver parameters. * Bug #1455 * * Andreas Dangel 01/2016 *==================================================================== * Added capability for Tracking Tokens. * * Amit Kumar Prasad 10/2015 *==================================================================== * Fix for Cast Expression not detected properly in Return statements * Bug #1429 * * Andreas Dangel 10/2015 *==================================================================== * Fix for Lambda expressions without variables. * * Andreas Dangel 11/2014 *==================================================================== * Fix for Lambda expressions with two or three variables. * * Andreas Dangel 07/2014 *==================================================================== * Added support for Java 8 language constructs. * * Andreas Dangel 01/2014 * =================================================================== * Fix ForStatement to allow Annotations within the initializer. * * Andreas Dangel 01/2013 * =================================================================== * Fix wrong consumption of modifiers (e.g. "final") in a for-each loop. * Check for wrong java usage when catching multiple exceptions. * * Andreas Dangel 12/2012 * =================================================================== * Enhance grammar to use LocalVariableDeclaration in a for-each loop. * This enhances the symbol table to recognize variables declared in such * a for-each loop. * * Andreas Dangel 10/2012 * =================================================================== * Fix parser problem #3530124 with generics * * Modified the grammar, so that the different usages of generics work. * Adjusted the rules, that use "super", as super is no longer a PrimarySuffix. * It's now either a ExplicitConstructorInvocation or a PrimaryPrefix. * See also test case ParserCornersTest/testParsersCases * * Andreas Dangel 05/2012 * =================================================================== * Added support for Java 7 language constructs * * Dinesh Bolkensteyn (SonarSource), 10/2011 * =================================================================== * Changed the CastLookahead production to use 3 lookaheads for primitive types as suggested by Andreas Dangel * * Brian Remedios 07/2011 * =================================================================== * Added in support for assert as a name using lookaheads * * Tom Copeland, 09/03 * =================================================================== * Copied over the changes made by Andrea Gini and Marco Savard to * support JDK 1.4 language constructs, i.e., asserts. * See the java1_4c.jj distributed in the javacc2.1/examples/JavaGrammers directory. * Made numerous other modifications to support PMD. * * Tom Copeland, 6/02 * =================================================================== * This file is a modified version of one originally found in the * VTransformer Examples directory of JavaCC1_1. It has been * modified to accept Java source code for Java 1.2. Basically, * this means a new key word was added, 'strictfp', and that keyword * added to the appropriate productions and LOOKAHEADs (where other, * similar keywords are listed as possible choices). This involved * changing 11 lines. * * Some other minor changes were made, which can be found by doing * a search on 'DW, 7/99'. * * The goal of this effort was for the grammar to be able to parse * any legal Java 1.2 source code. It does not reject all illegal * cases, but neither did the original. Plus, when it comes to * the new 'strictfp' keyword, the Java Compiler from Sun (JDK1.2.1) * also does not reject all illegal cases, as defined by the * "Updates" document found at * http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/strictfp-changes.pdf * (see the testcases.txt file for details). * * David Williams, 7/99 * =================================================================== * * * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems Inc. * * Use of this file and the system it is part of is constrained by the * file COPYRIGHT in the root directory of this system. You may, however, * make any modifications you wish to this file. * * Java files generated by running JavaCC on this file (or modified versions * of this file) may be used in exactly the same manner as Java files * generated from any grammar developed by you. * * Author: Sriram Sankar * Date: 3/5/97 * * This file contains a Java grammar and actions that implement a front-end. */ options { JAVA_UNICODE_ESCAPE = true; CACHE_TOKENS = true; STATIC = false; USER_CHAR_STREAM = true; JDK_VERSION = "1.5"; MULTI = true; VISITOR = true; NODE_USES_PARSER = true; TRACK_TOKENS = true; NODE_PACKAGE="net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast"; //DEBUG_PARSER = true; //DEBUG_LOOKAHEAD = true; //DEBUG_TOKEN_MANAGER = true; } PARSER_BEGIN(JavaParser) package net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.CharStream; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.TokenMgrError; public class JavaParser { private int jdkVersion = 0; private boolean preview = false; public void setJdkVersion(int jdkVersion) { this.jdkVersion = jdkVersion; } public void setPreview(boolean preview) { this.preview = preview; } private void throwParseException(String message) { int line = -1; int col = -1; if (jj_lastpos != null) { line = jj_lastpos.beginLine; col = jj_lastpos.beginColumn; } throw new ParseException("Line " + line + ", Column " + col + ": " + message); } private void checkForBadAssertUsage(String in, String usage) { if (jdkVersion > 3 && in.equals("assert")) { throwParseException("Can't use 'assert' as " + usage + " when running in JDK 1.4 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadStaticImportUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 5) { throwParseException("Can't use static imports when running in JDK 1.4 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadAnnotationUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 5) { throwParseException("Can't use annotations when running in JDK 1.4 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadGenericsUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 5) { throwParseException("Can't use generics unless running in JDK 1.5 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadVariableArgumentsUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 5) { throwParseException("Can't use variable arguments (varargs) when running in JDK 1.4 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadJDK15ForLoopSyntaxArgumentsUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 5) { throwParseException("Can't use JDK 1.5 for loop syntax when running in JDK 1.4 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadEnumUsage(String in, String usage) { if (jdkVersion >= 5 && in.equals("enum")) { throwParseException("Can't use 'enum' as " + usage + " when running in JDK 1.5 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadHexFloatingPointLiteral() { if (jdkVersion < 5) { throwParseException("Can't use hexadecimal floating point literals in pre-JDK 1.5 target"); } } private void checkForBadNumericalLiteralslUsage(Token token) { if (jdkVersion < 7) { if (token.image.contains("_")) { throwParseException("Can't use underscores in numerical literals when running in JDK inferior to 1.7 mode!"); } if (token.image.startsWith("0b") || token.image.startsWith("0B")) { throwParseException("Can't use binary numerical literals when running in JDK inferior to 1.7 mode!"); } } } private void checkForBadDiamondUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 7) { throwParseException("Cannot use the diamond generic notation when running in JDK inferior to 1.7 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadTryWithResourcesUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 7) { throwParseException("Cannot use the try-with-resources notation when running in JDK inferior to 1.7 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadMultipleExceptionsCatching() { if (jdkVersion < 7) { throwParseException("Cannot catch multiple exceptions when running in JDK inferior to 1.7 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadLambdaUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 8) { throwParseException("Cannot use lambda expressions when running in JDK inferior to 1.8 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadMethodReferenceUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 8) { throwParseException("Cannot use method references when running in JDK inferior to 1.8 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadDefaultImplementationUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 8) { throwParseException("Cannot use default implementations in interfaces when running in JDK inferior to 1.8 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadIntersectionTypesInCasts() { if (jdkVersion < 8) { throwParseException("Cannot use intersection types in casts when running in JDK inferior to 1.8 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadTypeAnnotations() { if (jdkVersion < 8) { throwParseException("Cannot use type annotations when running in JDK inferior to 1.8 mode!"); } } private void checkforBadExplicitReceiverParameter() { if (jdkVersion < 8) { throwParseException("Cannot use explicit receiver parameters when running in JDK inferior to 1.8 mode!"); } } private void checkforBadInstanceOfPattern() { if (jdkVersion != 14 && jdkVersion != 15 || !preview) { throwParseException("Pattern Matching for instanceof is only supported with Java 14 Preview and Java 15 Preview"); } } private void checkForBadAnonymousDiamondUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 9) { ASTAllocationExpression node = (ASTAllocationExpression)jjtree.peekNode(); ASTTypeArguments types = node.getFirstChildOfType(ASTClassOrInterfaceType.class).getFirstChildOfType(ASTTypeArguments.class); if (node.isAnonymousClass() && types != null && types.isDiamond()) { throwParseException("Cannot use '<>' with anonymous inner classes when running in JDK inferior to 9 mode!"); } } } /** * Keeps track whether we are dealing with an interface or not. Needed since the tree is * is not fully constructed yet, when we check for private interface methods. * The flag is updated, if entering ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration and reset when leaving. * The flag is also reset, if entering a anonymous inner class or enums. */ private boolean inInterface = false; private void checkForBadPrivateInterfaceMethod(ASTMethodDeclaration node) { if (jdkVersion < 9 && inInterface && node.isPrivate()) { throwParseException("Cannot use private interface methods when running in JDK inferior to 9 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadIdentifier(String image) { if (jdkVersion >= 9 && "_".equals(image)) { throwParseException("With JDK 9, '_' is a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier!"); } } private void checkForBadModuleUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 9) { throwParseException("Cannot use module declaration when running in JDK inferior to 9 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadConciseTryWithResourcesUsage() { if (jdkVersion < 9) { throwParseException("Cannot use concise try-with-resources when running in JDK inferior to 9 mode!"); } } private void checkForBadTypeIdentifierUsage(String image) { if (jdkVersion >= 10 && "var".equals(image)) { throwParseException("With JDK 10, 'var' is a restricted local variable type and cannot be used for type declarations!"); } if (jdkVersion >= 14 && "yield".equals(image)) { throwParseException("With JDK 14, 'yield' is a restricted local variable type and cannot be used for type declarations!"); } if (jdkVersion >= 14 && preview && "record".equals(image)) { throwParseException("With JDK 14 Preview and JDK 15 Preview, 'record' is a restricted identifier and cannot be used for type declarations!"); } if (jdkVersion >= 15 && preview && "sealed".equals(image)) { throwParseException("With JDK 15 Preview, 'sealed' is a restricted identifier and cannot be used for type declarations!"); } if (jdkVersion >= 15 && preview && "permits".equals(image)) { throwParseException("With JDK 15 Preview, 'permits' is a restricted identifier and cannot be used for type declarations!"); } } private void checkForMultipleCaseLabels() { if (jdkVersion < 14) { throwParseException("Multiple case labels in switch statements are only supported with Java >= 14"); } } /** * Keeps track during tree construction, whether we are currently building a switch label. * A switch label must not contain a LambdaExpression. * Unfortunately, we have added LambdaExpression as part of PrimaryPrefix, which is wrong. * To keep compatibility, this flag is used, whether a LambdaExpression should be parsed * in PrimaryPrefix. * See also comment at #Expression(). */ private boolean inSwitchLabel = false; private void checkForSwitchRules() { if (jdkVersion < 14) { throwParseException("Switch rules in switch statements are only supported with Java >= 14"); } } private void checkForSwitchExpression() { if (jdkVersion < 14) { throwParseException("Switch expressions are only supported with Java >= 14"); } } private void checkForYieldStatement() { if (jdkVersion < 14) { throwParseException("Yield statements are only supported with Java >= 14"); } } private void checkForTextBlockLiteral() { if (jdkVersion < 15 && !preview) { throwParseException("Text block literals are only supported with Java 14 Preview and Java >= 15"); } } private void checkForNewStringSpaceEscape(String s) { if ((jdkVersion < 15 && !preview) && s.contains("\\s") && !s.contains("\\\\s")) { throwParseException("The escape sequence \"\\s\" is only supported with Java 14 Preview and Java >= 15"); } } private void checkForRecordType() { if (!isRecordTypeSupported()) { throwParseException("Records are only supported with Java 14 Preview and Java 15 Preview"); } } private void checkForLocalInterfaceOrEnumType() { if (!isRecordTypeSupported()) { throwParseException("Local interfaces and enums are only supported with Java 14 Preview and Java 15 Preview"); } } private boolean isRecordTypeSupported() { return (jdkVersion == 14 || jdkVersion == 15) && preview; } private boolean isSealedClassSupported() { return jdkVersion == 15 && preview; } private void checkForSealedClassUsage() { if (!isSealedClassSupported()) { throwParseException("Sealed Classes are only supported with Java 15 Preview"); } } // This is a semantic LOOKAHEAD to determine if we're dealing with an assert // Note that this can't be replaced with a syntactic lookahead // since "assert" isn't a string literal token private boolean isNextTokenAnAssert() { if (jdkVersion <= 3) { return false; } return getToken(1).image.equals("assert"); } private boolean isPrecededByComment(Token tok) { boolean res = false; while (!res && tok.specialToken != null) { tok = tok.specialToken; res = tok.kind == SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT || tok.kind == FORMAL_COMMENT || tok.kind == MULTI_LINE_COMMENT; } return res; } /** * Semantic lookahead to check if the next identifier is a * specific restricted keyword. * *

Restricted keywords are: * var, yield, record, sealed, permits, "non" + "-" + "sealed" * *

enum and assert is used like restricted keywords, as they were not keywords * in the early java versions. */ private boolean isKeyword(String image) { return isKeyword(1, image); } private boolean isKeyword(int index, String image) { Token token = getToken(index); return token.kind == IDENTIFIER && token.image.equals(image); } private boolean isToken(int index, int kind) { return getToken(index).kind == kind; } /** * Semantic lookahead which matches "non-sealed". * *

"non-sealed" cannot be a token, for several reasons: * It is only a keyword with java15 preview+, it consists actually * of several separate tokens, which are valid on their own. */ private boolean isNonSealedModifier() { if (isKeyword(1, "non") && isToken(2, MINUS) && isKeyword(3, "sealed")) { Token nonToken = getToken(1); Token minusToken = getToken(2); Token sealedToken = getToken(3); return nonToken.endColumn + 1 == minusToken.beginColumn && minusToken.endColumn + 1 == sealedToken.beginColumn; } return false; } private boolean classModifierLookahead() { Token next = getToken(1); return next.kind == AT || next.kind == PUBLIC || next.kind == PROTECTED || next.kind == PRIVATE || next.kind == ABSTRACT || next.kind == STATIC || next.kind == FINAL || next.kind == STRICTFP || isSealedClassSupported() && isKeyword("sealed") || isSealedClassSupported() && isNonSealedModifier(); } private boolean localTypeDeclLookahead() { Token next = getToken(1); return next.kind == CLASS || isRecordTypeSupported() && next.kind == INTERFACE || isRecordTypeSupported() && next.kind == AT && isToken(2, INTERFACE) || isRecordTypeSupported() && next.kind == IDENTIFIER && next.image.equals("enum") || isRecordTypeSupported() && next.kind == IDENTIFIER && next.image.equals("record"); } /** * True if we're in a switch block, one precondition for parsing a yield * statement. */ private boolean inSwitchExprBlock = false; private boolean isYieldStart() { return inSwitchExprBlock && jdkVersion >= 14 && isKeyword("yield") && mayStartExprAfterYield(2); } private boolean mayStartExprAfterYield(final int offset) { // based off of https://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/bc3da0226ffa/src/jdk.compiler/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/parser/JavacParser.java#l2580 // please don't sue me Token token = getToken(offset); if (token == null) return false; // eof switch (token.kind) { case PLUS: case MINUS: case STRING_LITERAL: case CHARACTER_LITERAL: case INTEGER_LITERAL: case FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: case HEX_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: case NULL: case IDENTIFIER: case TRUE: case FALSE: case NEW: case SWITCH: case THIS: case SUPER: return true; case INCR: case DECR: return getToken(offset + 1).kind != SEMICOLON; // eg yield++; case LPAREN: int lookahead = offset + 1; int balance = 1; Token t; while ((t = getToken(lookahead)) != null && balance > 0) { switch (t.kind) { case LPAREN: balance++; break; case RPAREN: balance--; break; case COMMA: if (balance == 1) return false; // a method call, eg yield(1, 2); } lookahead++; } // lambda: yield () -> {}; // method call: yield (); return t != null && (lookahead != offset + 2 // ie () || t.kind == LAMBDA); default: return false; } } private boolean shouldStartStatementInSwitch() { switch (getToken(1).kind) { case _DEFAULT: case CASE: case RBRACE: return false; default: return true; } } public Map getSuppressMap() { return token_source.getSuppressMap(); } public void setSuppressMarker(String marker) { token_source.setSuppressMarker(marker); } } PARSER_END(JavaParser) TOKEN_MGR_DECLS : { protected List comments = new ArrayList(); } /* WHITE SPACE */ SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < HORIZONTAL_WHITESPACE: [" ", "\t", "\f"] > | < LINE_TERMINATOR: "\n" | "\r" | "\r\n" > } SPECIAL_TOKEN : { < SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: "//"(~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")? > { int startOfNOPMD = matchedToken.image.indexOf(suppressMarker); if (startOfNOPMD != -1) { suppressMap.put(matchedToken.beginLine, matchedToken.image.substring(startOfNOPMD + suppressMarker.length())); } comments.add(new SingleLineComment(matchedToken)); } } /* COMMENTS */ MORE : { <"/**" ~["/"]> { input_stream.backup(1); } : IN_FORMAL_COMMENT | "/*" : IN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT } SPECIAL_TOKEN : { { comments.add(new FormalComment(matchedToken)); } : DEFAULT } SPECIAL_TOKEN : { { comments.add(new MultiLineComment(matchedToken)); } : DEFAULT } MORE : { < ~[] > } /* RESERVED WORDS AND LITERALS */ TOKEN : { < ABSTRACT: "abstract" > | < BOOLEAN: "boolean" > | < BREAK: "break" > | < BYTE: "byte" > | < CASE: "case" > | < CATCH: "catch" > | < CHAR: "char" > | < CLASS: "class" > | < CONST: "const" > | < CONTINUE: "continue" > | < _DEFAULT: "default" > | < DO: "do" > | < DOUBLE: "double" > | < ELSE: "else" > | < EXTENDS: "extends" > | < FALSE: "false" > | < FINAL: "final" > | < FINALLY: "finally" > | < FLOAT: "float" > | < FOR: "for" > | < GOTO: "goto" > | < IF: "if" > | < IMPLEMENTS: "implements" > | < IMPORT: "import" > | < INSTANCEOF: "instanceof" > | < INT: "int" > | < INTERFACE: "interface" > | < LONG: "long" > | < NATIVE: "native" > | < NEW: "new" > | < NULL: "null" > | < PACKAGE: "package"> | < PRIVATE: "private" > | < PROTECTED: "protected" > | < PUBLIC: "public" > | < RETURN: "return" > | < SHORT: "short" > | < STATIC: "static" > | < SUPER: "super" > | < SWITCH: "switch" > | < SYNCHRONIZED: "synchronized" > | < THIS: "this" > | < THROW: "throw" > | < THROWS: "throws" > | < TRANSIENT: "transient" > | < TRUE: "true" > | < TRY: "try" > | < VOID: "void" > | < VOLATILE: "volatile" > | < WHILE: "while" > | < STRICTFP: "strictfp" > } /* Restricted Keywords */ // Note: These are commented out, since these keywords // can still be used as identifiers. // see isKeyword() semantic lookup /* TOKEN : { < OPEN: "open" > | < MODULE: "module" > | < REQUIRES: "requires" > | < TRANSITIVE: "transitive" > | < EXPORTS: "exports" > | < OPENS: "opens" > | < TO: "to" > | < USES: "uses" > | < PROVIDES: "provides" > | < WITH: "with" > } */ /* LITERALS */ TOKEN : { < INTEGER_LITERAL: (["l","L"])? | (["l","L"])? | (["l","L"])? | (["l","L"])? > | < #DECIMAL_LITERAL: (["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])?) > | < #HEX_LITERAL: "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"]((["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F","_"])*["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])?) > | < #BINARY_LITERAL: "0" ["b","B"] (["0","1"]((["0","1","_"])*["0","1"])?) > | < #OCTAL_LITERAL: "0" (["0"-"7"]((["0"-"7","_"])*["0"-"7"])?) > | < FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: (["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])?) "." (["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])?)? ()? (["f","F","d","D"])? | "." (["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])?) ()? (["f","F","d","D"])? | (["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])?) (["f","F","d","D"])? | (["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])?) ()? ["f","F","d","D"] > | < HEX_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: ( (".")? | "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"]((["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F","_"])*["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])?)? "." (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"]((["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F","_"])*["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])?)) ["p","P"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])?) (["f","F","d","D"])? > | < #EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])?) > | < CHARACTER_LITERAL: "'" ( (~["'","\\","\n","\r"]) | ("\\" ( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"] ) ) ) "'" > | < #STRING_ESCAPE: "\\" ( ["n","t","b","r","f", "s", "\\","'","\""] // octal escapes | ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"] ) > | < STRING_LITERAL: "\"" ( (~["\"","\\","\n","\r"]) | )* "\"" > | < TEXT_BLOCK_LITERAL: "\"\"\"" ()* ( ~["\"", "\\"] | "\"" ~["\""] | "\"\"" ~["\""] | | "\\" )* "\"\"\"" > } /* IDENTIFIERS */ TOKEN : { < IDENTIFIER : ( )* > // all chars for which Character.isJavaIdentifierStart is true | < #LETTER : ["$","A"-"Z","_","a"-"z","\u00a2"-"\u00a5","\u00aa","\u00b5","\u00ba", "\u00c0"-"\u00d6","\u00d8"-"\u00f6","\u00f8"-"\u021f","\u0222"-"\u0233","\u0250"-"\u02ad", "\u02b0"-"\u02b8","\u02bb"-"\u02c1","\u02d0"-"\u02d1","\u02e0"-"\u02e4","\u02ee","\u037a", "\u0386","\u0388"-"\u038a","\u038c","\u038e"-"\u03a1","\u03a3"-"\u03ce","\u03d0"-"\u03d7", "\u03da"-"\u03f3","\u0400"-"\u0481","\u048c"-"\u04c4","\u04c7"-"\u04c8","\u04cb"-"\u04cc", "\u04d0"-"\u04f5","\u04f8"-"\u04f9","\u0531"-"\u0556","\u0559","\u0561"-"\u0587", "\u05d0"-"\u05ea","\u05f0"-"\u05f2","\u0621"-"\u063a","\u0640"-"\u064a","\u0671"-"\u06d3", "\u06d5","\u06e5"-"\u06e6","\u06fa"-"\u06fc","\u0710","\u0712"-"\u072c","\u0780"-"\u07a5", "\u0905"-"\u0939","\u093d","\u0950","\u0958"-"\u0961","\u0985"-"\u098c","\u098f"-"\u0990", "\u0993"-"\u09a8","\u09aa"-"\u09b0","\u09b2","\u09b6"-"\u09b9","\u09dc"-"\u09dd", "\u09df"-"\u09e1","\u09f0"-"\u09f3","\u0a05"-"\u0a0a","\u0a0f"-"\u0a10","\u0a13"-"\u0a28", "\u0a2a"-"\u0a30","\u0a32"-"\u0a33","\u0a35"-"\u0a36","\u0a38"-"\u0a39","\u0a59"-"\u0a5c", "\u0a5e","\u0a72"-"\u0a74","\u0a85"-"\u0a8b","\u0a8d","\u0a8f"-"\u0a91","\u0a93"-"\u0aa8", "\u0aaa"-"\u0ab0","\u0ab2"-"\u0ab3","\u0ab5"-"\u0ab9","\u0abd","\u0ad0","\u0ae0", "\u0b05"-"\u0b0c","\u0b0f"-"\u0b10","\u0b13"-"\u0b28","\u0b2a"-"\u0b30","\u0b32"-"\u0b33", "\u0b36"-"\u0b39","\u0b3d","\u0b5c"-"\u0b5d","\u0b5f"-"\u0b61","\u0b85"-"\u0b8a", "\u0b8e"-"\u0b90","\u0b92"-"\u0b95","\u0b99"-"\u0b9a","\u0b9c","\u0b9e"-"\u0b9f", "\u0ba3"-"\u0ba4","\u0ba8"-"\u0baa","\u0bae"-"\u0bb5","\u0bb7"-"\u0bb9","\u0c05"-"\u0c0c", "\u0c0e"-"\u0c10","\u0c12"-"\u0c28","\u0c2a"-"\u0c33","\u0c35"-"\u0c39","\u0c60"-"\u0c61", "\u0c85"-"\u0c8c","\u0c8e"-"\u0c90","\u0c92"-"\u0ca8","\u0caa"-"\u0cb3","\u0cb5"-"\u0cb9", "\u0cde","\u0ce0"-"\u0ce1","\u0d05"-"\u0d0c","\u0d0e"-"\u0d10","\u0d12"-"\u0d28", "\u0d2a"-"\u0d39","\u0d60"-"\u0d61","\u0d85"-"\u0d96","\u0d9a"-"\u0db1","\u0db3"-"\u0dbb", "\u0dbd","\u0dc0"-"\u0dc6","\u0e01"-"\u0e30","\u0e32"-"\u0e33","\u0e3f"-"\u0e46", "\u0e81"-"\u0e82","\u0e84","\u0e87"-"\u0e88","\u0e8a","\u0e8d","\u0e94"-"\u0e97", "\u0e99"-"\u0e9f","\u0ea1"-"\u0ea3","\u0ea5","\u0ea7","\u0eaa"-"\u0eab","\u0ead"-"\u0eb0", "\u0eb2"-"\u0eb3","\u0ebd","\u0ec0"-"\u0ec4","\u0ec6","\u0edc"-"\u0edd","\u0f00", "\u0f40"-"\u0f47","\u0f49"-"\u0f6a","\u0f88"-"\u0f8b","\u1000"-"\u1021","\u1023"-"\u1027", "\u1029"-"\u102a","\u1050"-"\u1055","\u10a0"-"\u10c5","\u10d0"-"\u10f6","\u1100"-"\u1159", "\u115f"-"\u11a2","\u11a8"-"\u11f9","\u1200"-"\u1206","\u1208"-"\u1246","\u1248", "\u124a"-"\u124d","\u1250"-"\u1256","\u1258","\u125a"-"\u125d","\u1260"-"\u1286","\u1288", "\u128a"-"\u128d","\u1290"-"\u12ae","\u12b0","\u12b2"-"\u12b5","\u12b8"-"\u12be","\u12c0", "\u12c2"-"\u12c5","\u12c8"-"\u12ce","\u12d0"-"\u12d6","\u12d8"-"\u12ee","\u12f0"-"\u130e", "\u1310","\u1312"-"\u1315","\u1318"-"\u131e","\u1320"-"\u1346","\u1348"-"\u135a", "\u13a0"-"\u13f4","\u1401"-"\u166c","\u166f"-"\u1676","\u1681"-"\u169a","\u16a0"-"\u16ea", "\u1780"-"\u17b3","\u17db","\u1820"-"\u1877","\u1880"-"\u18a8","\u1e00"-"\u1e9b", "\u1ea0"-"\u1ef9","\u1f00"-"\u1f15","\u1f18"-"\u1f1d","\u1f20"-"\u1f45","\u1f48"-"\u1f4d", "\u1f50"-"\u1f57","\u1f59","\u1f5b","\u1f5d","\u1f5f"-"\u1f7d","\u1f80"-"\u1fb4", "\u1fb6"-"\u1fbc","\u1fbe","\u1fc2"-"\u1fc4","\u1fc6"-"\u1fcc","\u1fd0"-"\u1fd3", "\u1fd6"-"\u1fdb","\u1fe0"-"\u1fec","\u1ff2"-"\u1ff4","\u1ff6"-"\u1ffc","\u203f"-"\u2040", "\u207f","\u20a0"-"\u20af","\u2102","\u2107","\u210a"-"\u2113","\u2115","\u2119"-"\u211d", "\u2124","\u2126","\u2128","\u212a"-"\u212d","\u212f"-"\u2131","\u2133"-"\u2139", "\u2160"-"\u2183","\u3005"-"\u3007","\u3021"-"\u3029","\u3031"-"\u3035","\u3038"-"\u303a", "\u3041"-"\u3094","\u309d"-"\u309e","\u30a1"-"\u30fe","\u3105"-"\u312c","\u3131"-"\u318e", "\u31a0"-"\u31b7","\u3400"-"\u4db5","\u4e00"-"\u9fa5","\ua000"-"\ua48c","\uac00"-"\ud7a3", "\uf900"-"\ufa2d","\ufb00"-"\ufb06","\ufb13"-"\ufb17","\ufb1d","\ufb1f"-"\ufb28", "\ufb2a"-"\ufb36","\ufb38"-"\ufb3c","\ufb3e","\ufb40"-"\ufb41","\ufb43"-"\ufb44", "\ufb46"-"\ufbb1","\ufbd3"-"\ufd3d","\ufd50"-"\ufd8f","\ufd92"-"\ufdc7","\ufdf0"-"\ufdfb", "\ufe33"-"\ufe34","\ufe4d"-"\ufe4f","\ufe69","\ufe70"-"\ufe72","\ufe74","\ufe76"-"\ufefc", "\uff04","\uff21"-"\uff3a","\uff3f","\uff41"-"\uff5a","\uff65"-"\uffbe","\uffc2"-"\uffc7", "\uffca"-"\uffcf","\uffd2"-"\uffd7","\uffda"-"\uffdc","\uffe0"-"\uffe1","\uffe5"-"\uffe6"]> // all chars for which Character.isJavaIdentifierPart is true | < #PART_LETTER: ["\u0000"-"\b","\u000e"-"\u001b","$","0"-"9","A"-"Z","_","a"-"z", "\u007f"-"\u009f","\u00a2"-"\u00a5","\u00aa","\u00b5","\u00ba","\u00c0"-"\u00d6", "\u00d8"-"\u00f6","\u00f8"-"\u021f","\u0222"-"\u0233","\u0250"-"\u02ad","\u02b0"-"\u02b8", "\u02bb"-"\u02c1","\u02d0"-"\u02d1","\u02e0"-"\u02e4","\u02ee","\u0300"-"\u034e", "\u0360"-"\u0362","\u037a","\u0386","\u0388"-"\u038a","\u038c","\u038e"-"\u03a1", "\u03a3"-"\u03ce","\u03d0"-"\u03d7","\u03da"-"\u03f3","\u0400"-"\u0481","\u0483"-"\u0486", "\u048c"-"\u04c4","\u04c7"-"\u04c8","\u04cb"-"\u04cc","\u04d0"-"\u04f5","\u04f8"-"\u04f9", "\u0531"-"\u0556","\u0559","\u0561"-"\u0587","\u0591"-"\u05a1","\u05a3"-"\u05b9", "\u05bb"-"\u05bd","\u05bf","\u05c1"-"\u05c2","\u05c4","\u05d0"-"\u05ea","\u05f0"-"\u05f2", "\u0621"-"\u063a","\u0640"-"\u0655","\u0660"-"\u0669","\u0670"-"\u06d3","\u06d5"-"\u06dc", "\u06df"-"\u06e8","\u06ea"-"\u06ed","\u06f0"-"\u06fc","\u070f"-"\u072c","\u0730"-"\u074a", "\u0780"-"\u07b0","\u0901"-"\u0903","\u0905"-"\u0939","\u093c"-"\u094d","\u0950"-"\u0954", "\u0958"-"\u0963","\u0966"-"\u096f","\u0981"-"\u0983","\u0985"-"\u098c","\u098f"-"\u0990", "\u0993"-"\u09a8","\u09aa"-"\u09b0","\u09b2","\u09b6"-"\u09b9","\u09bc","\u09be"-"\u09c4", "\u09c7"-"\u09c8","\u09cb"-"\u09cd","\u09d7","\u09dc"-"\u09dd","\u09df"-"\u09e3", "\u09e6"-"\u09f3","\u0a02","\u0a05"-"\u0a0a","\u0a0f"-"\u0a10","\u0a13"-"\u0a28", "\u0a2a"-"\u0a30","\u0a32"-"\u0a33","\u0a35"-"\u0a36","\u0a38"-"\u0a39","\u0a3c", "\u0a3e"-"\u0a42","\u0a47"-"\u0a48","\u0a4b"-"\u0a4d","\u0a59"-"\u0a5c","\u0a5e", "\u0a66"-"\u0a74","\u0a81"-"\u0a83","\u0a85"-"\u0a8b","\u0a8d","\u0a8f"-"\u0a91", "\u0a93"-"\u0aa8","\u0aaa"-"\u0ab0","\u0ab2"-"\u0ab3","\u0ab5"-"\u0ab9","\u0abc"-"\u0ac5", "\u0ac7"-"\u0ac9","\u0acb"-"\u0acd","\u0ad0","\u0ae0","\u0ae6"-"\u0aef","\u0b01"-"\u0b03", "\u0b05"-"\u0b0c","\u0b0f"-"\u0b10","\u0b13"-"\u0b28","\u0b2a"-"\u0b30","\u0b32"-"\u0b33", "\u0b36"-"\u0b39","\u0b3c"-"\u0b43","\u0b47"-"\u0b48","\u0b4b"-"\u0b4d","\u0b56"-"\u0b57", "\u0b5c"-"\u0b5d","\u0b5f"-"\u0b61","\u0b66"-"\u0b6f","\u0b82"-"\u0b83","\u0b85"-"\u0b8a", "\u0b8e"-"\u0b90","\u0b92"-"\u0b95","\u0b99"-"\u0b9a","\u0b9c","\u0b9e"-"\u0b9f", "\u0ba3"-"\u0ba4","\u0ba8"-"\u0baa","\u0bae"-"\u0bb5","\u0bb7"-"\u0bb9","\u0bbe"-"\u0bc2", "\u0bc6"-"\u0bc8","\u0bca"-"\u0bcd","\u0bd7","\u0be7"-"\u0bef","\u0c01"-"\u0c03", "\u0c05"-"\u0c0c","\u0c0e"-"\u0c10","\u0c12"-"\u0c28","\u0c2a"-"\u0c33","\u0c35"-"\u0c39", "\u0c3e"-"\u0c44","\u0c46"-"\u0c48","\u0c4a"-"\u0c4d","\u0c55"-"\u0c56","\u0c60"-"\u0c61", "\u0c66"-"\u0c6f","\u0c82"-"\u0c83","\u0c85"-"\u0c8c","\u0c8e"-"\u0c90","\u0c92"-"\u0ca8", "\u0caa"-"\u0cb3","\u0cb5"-"\u0cb9","\u0cbe"-"\u0cc4","\u0cc6"-"\u0cc8","\u0cca"-"\u0ccd", "\u0cd5"-"\u0cd6","\u0cde","\u0ce0"-"\u0ce1","\u0ce6"-"\u0cef","\u0d02"-"\u0d03", "\u0d05"-"\u0d0c","\u0d0e"-"\u0d10","\u0d12"-"\u0d28","\u0d2a"-"\u0d39","\u0d3e"-"\u0d43", "\u0d46"-"\u0d48","\u0d4a"-"\u0d4d","\u0d57","\u0d60"-"\u0d61","\u0d66"-"\u0d6f", "\u0d82"-"\u0d83","\u0d85"-"\u0d96","\u0d9a"-"\u0db1","\u0db3"-"\u0dbb","\u0dbd", "\u0dc0"-"\u0dc6","\u0dca","\u0dcf"-"\u0dd4","\u0dd6","\u0dd8"-"\u0ddf","\u0df2"-"\u0df3", "\u0e01"-"\u0e3a","\u0e3f"-"\u0e4e","\u0e50"-"\u0e59","\u0e81"-"\u0e82","\u0e84", "\u0e87"-"\u0e88","\u0e8a","\u0e8d","\u0e94"-"\u0e97","\u0e99"-"\u0e9f","\u0ea1"-"\u0ea3", "\u0ea5","\u0ea7","\u0eaa"-"\u0eab","\u0ead"-"\u0eb9","\u0ebb"-"\u0ebd","\u0ec0"-"\u0ec4", "\u0ec6","\u0ec8"-"\u0ecd","\u0ed0"-"\u0ed9","\u0edc"-"\u0edd","\u0f00","\u0f18"-"\u0f19", "\u0f20"-"\u0f29","\u0f35","\u0f37","\u0f39","\u0f3e"-"\u0f47","\u0f49"-"\u0f6a", "\u0f71"-"\u0f84","\u0f86"-"\u0f8b","\u0f90"-"\u0f97","\u0f99"-"\u0fbc","\u0fc6", "\u1000"-"\u1021","\u1023"-"\u1027","\u1029"-"\u102a","\u102c"-"\u1032","\u1036"-"\u1039", "\u1040"-"\u1049","\u1050"-"\u1059","\u10a0"-"\u10c5","\u10d0"-"\u10f6","\u1100"-"\u1159", "\u115f"-"\u11a2","\u11a8"-"\u11f9","\u1200"-"\u1206","\u1208"-"\u1246","\u1248", "\u124a"-"\u124d","\u1250"-"\u1256","\u1258","\u125a"-"\u125d","\u1260"-"\u1286", "\u1288","\u128a"-"\u128d","\u1290"-"\u12ae","\u12b0","\u12b2"-"\u12b5","\u12b8"-"\u12be", "\u12c0","\u12c2"-"\u12c5","\u12c8"-"\u12ce","\u12d0"-"\u12d6","\u12d8"-"\u12ee", "\u12f0"-"\u130e","\u1310","\u1312"-"\u1315","\u1318"-"\u131e","\u1320"-"\u1346", "\u1348"-"\u135a","\u1369"-"\u1371","\u13a0"-"\u13f4","\u1401"-"\u166c","\u166f"-"\u1676", "\u1681"-"\u169a","\u16a0"-"\u16ea","\u1780"-"\u17d3","\u17db","\u17e0"-"\u17e9", "\u180b"-"\u180e","\u1810"-"\u1819","\u1820"-"\u1877","\u1880"-"\u18a9","\u1e00"-"\u1e9b", "\u1ea0"-"\u1ef9","\u1f00"-"\u1f15","\u1f18"-"\u1f1d","\u1f20"-"\u1f45","\u1f48"-"\u1f4d", "\u1f50"-"\u1f57","\u1f59","\u1f5b","\u1f5d","\u1f5f"-"\u1f7d","\u1f80"-"\u1fb4", "\u1fb6"-"\u1fbc","\u1fbe","\u1fc2"-"\u1fc4","\u1fc6"-"\u1fcc","\u1fd0"-"\u1fd3", "\u1fd6"-"\u1fdb","\u1fe0"-"\u1fec","\u1ff2"-"\u1ff4","\u1ff6"-"\u1ffc","\u200c"-"\u200f", "\u202a"-"\u202e","\u203f"-"\u2040","\u206a"-"\u206f","\u207f","\u20a0"-"\u20af", "\u20d0"-"\u20dc","\u20e1","\u2102","\u2107","\u210a"-"\u2113","\u2115","\u2119"-"\u211d", "\u2124","\u2126","\u2128","\u212a"-"\u212d","\u212f"-"\u2131","\u2133"-"\u2139", "\u2160"-"\u2183","\u3005"-"\u3007","\u3021"-"\u302f","\u3031"-"\u3035","\u3038"-"\u303a", "\u3041"-"\u3094","\u3099"-"\u309a","\u309d"-"\u309e","\u30a1"-"\u30fe","\u3105"-"\u312c", "\u3131"-"\u318e","\u31a0"-"\u31b7","\u3400"-"\u4db5","\u4e00"-"\u9fa5","\ua000"-"\ua48c", "\uac00"-"\ud7a3","\uf900"-"\ufa2d","\ufb00"-"\ufb06","\ufb13"-"\ufb17","\ufb1d"-"\ufb28", "\ufb2a"-"\ufb36","\ufb38"-"\ufb3c","\ufb3e","\ufb40"-"\ufb41","\ufb43"-"\ufb44", "\ufb46"-"\ufbb1","\ufbd3"-"\ufd3d","\ufd50"-"\ufd8f","\ufd92"-"\ufdc7","\ufdf0"-"\ufdfb", "\ufe20"-"\ufe23","\ufe33"-"\ufe34","\ufe4d"-"\ufe4f","\ufe69","\ufe70"-"\ufe72","\ufe74", "\ufe76"-"\ufefc","\ufeff","\uff04","\uff10"-"\uff19","\uff21"-"\uff3a","\uff3f", "\uff41"-"\uff5a","\uff65"-"\uffbe","\uffc2"-"\uffc7","\uffca"-"\uffcf","\uffd2"-"\uffd7", "\uffda"-"\uffdc","\uffe0"-"\uffe1","\uffe5"-"\uffe6","\ufff9"-"\ufffb"]> } /* SEPARATORS */ TOKEN : { < LPAREN: "(" > | < RPAREN: ")" > | < LBRACE: "{" > | < RBRACE: "}" > | < LBRACKET: "[" > | < RBRACKET: "]" > | < SEMICOLON: ";" > | < COMMA: "," > | < DOT: "." > | < AT: "@" > } /* OPERATORS */ TOKEN : { < ASSIGN: "=" > | < LT: "<" > | < BANG: "!" > | < TILDE: "~" > | < HOOK: "?" > | < COLON: ":" > | < EQ: "==" > | < LE: "<=" > | < GE: ">=" > | < NE: "!=" > | < SC_OR: "||" > | < SC_AND: "&&" > | < INCR: "++" > | < DECR: "--" > | < PLUS: "+" > | < MINUS: "-" > | < STAR: "*" > | < SLASH: "/" > | < BIT_AND: "&" > | < BIT_OR: "|" > | < XOR: "^" > | < REM: "%" > | < LSHIFT: "<<" > // Notice the absence of >> or >>>, to not conflict with generics | < PLUSASSIGN: "+=" > | < MINUSASSIGN: "-=" > | < STARASSIGN: "*=" > | < SLASHASSIGN: "/=" > | < ANDASSIGN: "&=" > | < ORASSIGN: "|=" > | < XORASSIGN: "^=" > | < REMASSIGN: "%=" > | < LSHIFTASSIGN: "<<=" > | < RSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN: ">>=" > | < RUNSIGNEDSHIFTASSIGN: ">>>=" > | < ELLIPSIS: "..." > | < LAMBDA: "->" > | < METHOD_REF: "::" > } /* >'s need special attention due to generics syntax. */ TOKEN : { < RUNSIGNEDSHIFT: ">>>" > { matchedToken.kind = GT; ((Token.GTToken)matchedToken).realKind = RUNSIGNEDSHIFT; input_stream.backup(2); matchedToken.image = ">"; } | < RSIGNEDSHIFT: ">>" > { matchedToken.kind = GT; ((Token.GTToken)matchedToken).realKind = RSIGNEDSHIFT; input_stream.backup(1); matchedToken.image = ">"; } | < GT: ">" > } /***************************************** * THE JAVA LANGUAGE GRAMMAR STARTS HERE * *****************************************/ /* * Program structuring syntax follows. */ ASTCompilationUnit CompilationUnit() : {} { [ LOOKAHEAD( ( Annotation() )* "package" ) PackageDeclaration() ( EmptyStatement() )* ] ( ImportDeclaration() ( EmptyStatement() )* )* // the module decl lookahead needs to be before the type declaration branch, // looking for annotations + "open" | "module" will fail faster if it's *not* // a module (most common case) [ LOOKAHEAD(ModuleDeclLahead()) ModuleDeclaration() ( EmptyStatement() )* ] ( TypeDeclaration() ( EmptyStatement() )* )* ( < "\u001a" > )? ( < "~[]" > )? // what's this for? Do you mean ( < ~[] > )*, i.e. "any character"? { jjtThis.setComments(token_source.comments); return jjtThis; } } private void ModuleDeclLahead() #void: {} { (Annotation())* LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("open") || isKeyword("module")}) } void PackageDeclaration() : {} { ( Annotation() )* "package" Name() ";" } void ImportDeclaration() : {} { "import" [ "static" {checkForBadStaticImportUsage();jjtThis.setStatic();} ] Name() [ "." "*" {jjtThis.setImportOnDemand();} ] ";" } /* * Modifiers. We match all modifiers in a single rule to reduce the chances of * syntax errors for simple modifier mistakes. It will also enable us to give * better error messages. */ int Modifiers() #void: { int modifiers = 0; } { ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "public" { modifiers |= AccessNode.PUBLIC; } | "static" { modifiers |= AccessNode.STATIC; } | "protected" { modifiers |= AccessNode.PROTECTED; } | "private" { modifiers |= AccessNode.PRIVATE; } | "final" { modifiers |= AccessNode.FINAL; } | "abstract" { modifiers |= AccessNode.ABSTRACT; } | "synchronized" { modifiers |= AccessNode.SYNCHRONIZED; } | "native" { modifiers |= AccessNode.NATIVE; } | "transient" { modifiers |= AccessNode.TRANSIENT; } | "volatile" { modifiers |= AccessNode.VOLATILE; } | "strictfp" { modifiers |= AccessNode.STRICTFP; } | "default" { modifiers |= AccessNode.DEFAULT; checkForBadDefaultImplementationUsage(); } | LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("sealed")}) { modifiers |= AccessNode.SEALED; checkForSealedClassUsage(); } | LOOKAHEAD({isNonSealedModifier()}) { modifiers |= AccessNode.NON_SEALED; checkForSealedClassUsage(); } | Annotation() ) )* { return modifiers; } } /* * Declaration syntax follows. */ void TypeDeclaration(): { int modifiers; } { modifiers = Modifiers() ( ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("enum")}) EnumDeclaration(modifiers) | AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("record")}) RecordDeclaration(modifiers) ) } void ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(int modifiers): { Token t = null; jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers); boolean inInterfaceOld = inInterface; inInterface = false; } { ( "class" | "interface" { jjtThis.setInterface(); inInterface = true; } ) t= { checkForBadTypeIdentifierUsage(t.image); jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } [ TypeParameters() ] [ ExtendsList() ] [ ImplementsList() ] [ LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("permits")}) PermittedSubclasses() ] ClassOrInterfaceBody() { inInterface = inInterfaceOld; } // always restore the flag after leaving the node } void ExtendsList(): { boolean extendsMoreThanOne = false; } { "extends" (TypeAnnotation())* ClassOrInterfaceType() ( "," (TypeAnnotation())* ClassOrInterfaceType() { extendsMoreThanOne = true; } )* } void ImplementsList(): {} { "implements" (TypeAnnotation())* ClassOrInterfaceType() ( "," (TypeAnnotation())* ClassOrInterfaceType() )* } void PermittedSubclasses() #PermitsList: { Token t; checkForSealedClassUsage(); } { t = { if (!"permits".equals(t.image)) { throw new ParseException("ERROR: expecting permits"); } } (TypeAnnotation())* ClassOrInterfaceType() ( "," (TypeAnnotation())* ClassOrInterfaceType() )* } void EnumDeclaration(int modifiers): { Token t; jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers); } { t = { if (!"enum".equals(t.image)) { throw new ParseException("ERROR: expecting enum"); } if (jdkVersion < 5) { throw new ParseException("ERROR: Can't use enum as a keyword in pre-JDK 1.5 target"); } } t= {checkForBadTypeIdentifierUsage(t.image); jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} [ ImplementsList() ] EnumBody() } void EnumBody(): { boolean inInterfaceOld = inInterface; inInterface = false; } { "{" [( Annotation() )* EnumConstant() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," ( Annotation() )* EnumConstant() )* ] [ "," ] [ ";" ( ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration() )* ] "}" { inInterface = inInterfaceOld; } // always restore the flag after leaving the node } void EnumConstant(): {Token t;} { t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} [ Arguments() ] [ ClassOrInterfaceBody() ] } void RecordDeclaration(int modifiers): { Token t; jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers); checkForRecordType(); } { t = { if (!"record".equals(t.image)) { throw new ParseException("ERROR: expecting record"); } } t= {checkForBadTypeIdentifierUsage(t.image); jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} [ TypeParameters() ] RecordComponentList() [ ImplementsList() ] RecordBody() } void RecordComponentList() : {} { "(" [ RecordComponent() ("," RecordComponent())* ] ")" } void RecordComponent(): {} { (Annotation())* Type() [ "..." {jjtThis.setVarargs();} ] VariableDeclaratorId() } void RecordBody(): {} { "{" ( RecordBodyDeclaration() )* "}" } void RecordBodyDeclaration() #void : {} { LOOKAHEAD(RecordCtorLookahead()) RecordConstructorDeclaration() | ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration() } private void RecordCtorLookahead() #void: {} { Modifiers() "{" } void RecordConstructorDeclaration(): { int modifiers; } { modifiers = Modifiers() { jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers); } { jjtThis.setImage(token.image); } Block() } void TypeParameters(): {} { "<" {checkForBadGenericsUsage();} TypeParameter() ( "," TypeParameter() )* ">" } void TypeParameter(): {Token t;} { (TypeAnnotation())* t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} [ TypeBound() ] } void TypeBound(): {} { "extends" (TypeAnnotation())* ClassOrInterfaceType() ( "&" (TypeAnnotation())* ClassOrInterfaceType() )* } void ClassOrInterfaceBody(): {} { "{" ( ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration() )* "}" } void ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration(): { int modifiers; } { LOOKAHEAD(["static"] "{" ) Initializer() | modifiers = Modifiers() ( LOOKAHEAD(3) ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("enum")}) EnumDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("record")}) RecordDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD( [ TypeParameters() ] "(" ) ConstructorDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD( Type() ( "[" "]" )* ( "," | "=" | ";" ) ) FieldDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD(2) MethodDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD(2) AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifiers) ) | ";" } void FieldDeclaration(int modifiers) : {jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers);} { Type() VariableDeclarator() ( "," VariableDeclarator() )* ";" } void VariableDeclarator() : {} { VariableDeclaratorId() [ "=" VariableInitializer() ] } void VariableDeclaratorId() : { Token t; String image; } { (LOOKAHEAD(2) t= "." { checkforBadExplicitReceiverParameter(); jjtThis.setExplicitReceiverParameter(); image=t.image + ".this"; } | t= { checkforBadExplicitReceiverParameter(); jjtThis.setExplicitReceiverParameter(); image = t.image;} | t= { image = t.image; } ( "[" "]" { jjtThis.bumpArrayDepth(); })* ) { checkForBadAssertUsage(image, "a variable name"); checkForBadEnumUsage(image, "a variable name"); checkForBadIdentifier(image); jjtThis.setImage( image ); } } void VariableInitializer() : {} { ArrayInitializer() | Expression() } void ArrayInitializer() : {} { "{" [ VariableInitializer() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," VariableInitializer() )* ] [ "," ] "}" } void MethodDeclaration(int modifiers) : { jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers); { checkForBadPrivateInterfaceMethod(jjtThis); } } { [ TypeParameters() ] (TypeAnnotation())* ResultType() MethodDeclarator() [ "throws" NameList() ] ( Block() | ";" ) } void MethodDeclarator() : {Token t;} { t= { checkForBadAssertUsage(t.image, "a method name"); checkForBadEnumUsage(t.image, "a method name"); jjtThis.setImage( t.image ); } FormalParameters() ( "[" "]" )* } void FormalParameters() : {} { "(" [ FormalParameter() ( "," FormalParameter() )* ] ")" } void FormalParameter() : { } { ( "final" {jjtThis.setFinal(true);} | Annotation() )* Type() ("|" {checkForBadMultipleExceptionsCatching();} Type())* [ "..." {checkForBadVariableArgumentsUsage();} {jjtThis.setVarargs();} ] VariableDeclaratorId() } void ConstructorDeclaration(int modifiers) : {jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers); Token t;} { [ TypeParameters() ] {jjtThis.setImage(getToken(0).getImage());} FormalParameters() [ "throws" NameList() ] "{" [ LOOKAHEAD(ExplicitConstructorInvocation()) ExplicitConstructorInvocation() ] ( BlockStatement() )* t = "}" { if (isPrecededByComment(t)) { jjtThis.setContainsComment(); } } } void ExplicitConstructorInvocation() : {} { LOOKAHEAD("this" Arguments() ";") "this" {jjtThis.setIsThis();} Arguments() ";" | LOOKAHEAD(TypeArguments() "this" Arguments() ";") TypeArguments() "this" {jjtThis.setIsThis();} Arguments() ";" | [ LOOKAHEAD(PrimaryExpression() ".") PrimaryExpression() "." ] [ TypeArguments() ] "super" {jjtThis.setIsSuper();} Arguments() ";" } void Initializer() : {} { [ "static" {jjtThis.setStatic();} ] Block() } /* * Type, name and expression syntax follows. * Type is the same as "UnannType" in JLS * * See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se10/html/jls-8.html#jls-UnannType */ void Type(): { Token t; } { LOOKAHEAD(2) ReferenceType() | PrimitiveType() } void ReferenceType(): {} { // The grammar here is mildly wrong, the annotations can be before each [] // This will wait for #997 PrimitiveType() (TypeAnnotation())* ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "[" "]" { jjtThis.bumpArrayDepth(); })+ | ( ClassOrInterfaceType()) (TypeAnnotation())* ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "[" "]" { jjtThis.bumpArrayDepth(); })* } void ClassOrInterfaceType(): { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Token t; } { t= {s.append(t.image);} [ LOOKAHEAD(2) TypeArguments() ] ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "." t= {s.append('.').append(t.image);} [ LOOKAHEAD(2) TypeArguments() ] )* {jjtThis.setImage(s.toString());} } void TypeArguments(): {} { LOOKAHEAD(2) "<" {checkForBadGenericsUsage();} TypeArgument() ( "," TypeArgument() )* ">" | "<" {checkForBadDiamondUsage();} ">" } void TypeArgument(): {} { (TypeAnnotation())* (ReferenceType() | "?" [ WildcardBounds() ]) } void WildcardBounds(): {} { ("extends" | "super") (TypeAnnotation())* ReferenceType() } void PrimitiveType() : {} { "boolean" {jjtThis.setImage("boolean");} | "char" {jjtThis.setImage("char");} | "byte" {jjtThis.setImage("byte");} | "short" {jjtThis.setImage("short");} | "int" {jjtThis.setImage("int");} | "long" {jjtThis.setImage("long");} | "float" {jjtThis.setImage("float");} | "double" {jjtThis.setImage("double");} } void ResultType() : {} { "void" | Type() } void Name() : /* * A lookahead of 2 is required below since "Name" can be followed * by a ".*" when used in the context of an "ImportDeclaration". */ { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Token t; } { t= { s.append(t.image); } ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "." t= {s.append('.').append(t.image);} )* {jjtThis.setImage(s.toString());} } void NameList() : {} { (TypeAnnotation())* Name() ( "," (TypeAnnotation())* Name() )* } /* * Expression syntax follows. */ void Expression() : /* * This expansion has been written this way instead of: * Assignment() | ConditionalExpression() * for performance reasons. * However, it is a weakening of the grammar for it allows the LHS of * assignments to be any conditional expression whereas it can only be * a primary expression. Consider adding a semantic predicate to work * around this. */ // It also allows lambda expressions in many more contexts as allowed by the JLS. // Lambda expressions are not a PrimaryExpression in the JLS, instead they're // separated from the AssignmentExpression production. Their use is restricted // to method and constructor argument, cast operand, and the RHS of assignments. // https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se9/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.27 // // To prevent LambdaExpressions in switch labels, the field #inSwitchLabel is used // as a workaround. {} { ConditionalExpression() [ LOOKAHEAD(2) AssignmentOperator() Expression() ] } void AssignmentOperator() : {} { "=" {jjtThis.setImage("=");} | "*=" {jjtThis.setImage("*="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | "/=" {jjtThis.setImage("/="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | "%=" {jjtThis.setImage("%="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | "+=" {jjtThis.setImage("+="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | "-=" {jjtThis.setImage("-="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | "<<=" {jjtThis.setImage("<<="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | ">>=" {jjtThis.setImage(">>="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | ">>>=" {jjtThis.setImage(">>>="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | "&=" {jjtThis.setImage("&="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | "^=" {jjtThis.setImage("^="); jjtThis.setCompound();} | "|=" {jjtThis.setImage("|="); jjtThis.setCompound();} } // TODO Setting isTernary is unnecessary, since the node is only pushed on the stack if there is at least one child, // ie if it's a ternary void ConditionalExpression() #ConditionalExpression(>1) : {} { ConditionalOrExpression() [ LOOKAHEAD(2) "?" Expression() ":" ConditionalExpression() ] } void ConditionalOrExpression() #ConditionalOrExpression(>1): {} { ConditionalAndExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "||" ConditionalAndExpression() )* } void ConditionalAndExpression() #ConditionalAndExpression(>1): {} { InclusiveOrExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "&&" InclusiveOrExpression() )* } void InclusiveOrExpression() #InclusiveOrExpression(>1) : {} { ExclusiveOrExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "|" ExclusiveOrExpression() )* } void ExclusiveOrExpression() #ExclusiveOrExpression(>1) : {} { AndExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "^" AndExpression() )* } void AndExpression() #AndExpression(>1): {} { EqualityExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "&" EqualityExpression() )* } void EqualityExpression() #EqualityExpression(>1): {} { InstanceOfExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "==" {jjtThis.setImage("==");} | "!=" {jjtThis.setImage("!=");} ) InstanceOfExpression() )* } void InstanceOfExpression() #InstanceOfExpression(>1): {} { RelationalExpression() [ LOOKAHEAD(2) "instanceof" Type() [ {checkforBadInstanceOfPattern();} VariableDeclaratorId() #TypeTestPattern(2) ] ] } void RelationalExpression() #RelationalExpression(>1): {} { ShiftExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "<" {jjtThis.setImage("<");} | ">" {jjtThis.setImage(">");} | "<=" {jjtThis.setImage("<=");} | ">=" {jjtThis.setImage(">=");} ) ShiftExpression() )* } void ShiftExpression() #ShiftExpression(>1): {} { AdditiveExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "<<" { jjtThis.setImage("<<");} | RSIGNEDSHIFT() { jjtThis.setImage(">>"); } | RUNSIGNEDSHIFT() { jjtThis.setImage(">>>"); } ) AdditiveExpression() )* } void AdditiveExpression() #AdditiveExpression(>1): {} { MultiplicativeExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "+" {jjtThis.setImage("+");} | "-" {jjtThis.setImage("-");} ) MultiplicativeExpression() )* } void MultiplicativeExpression() #MultiplicativeExpression(>1): {} { UnaryExpression() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ( "*" {jjtThis.setImage("*");} | "/" {jjtThis.setImage("/");} | "%" {jjtThis.setImage("%");}) UnaryExpression() )* } void UnaryExpression() #UnaryExpression((jjtn000.getImage() != null)): {} { ("+" {jjtThis.setImage("+");} | "-" {jjtThis.setImage("-");}) UnaryExpression() | PreIncrementExpression() | PreDecrementExpression() | UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus() } void PreIncrementExpression() : {} { "++" PrimaryExpression() } void PreDecrementExpression() : {} { "--" PrimaryExpression() } void UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus() #UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus((jjtn000.getImage() != null)): {} { ( "~" {jjtThis.setImage("~");} | "!" {jjtThis.setImage("!");} ) UnaryExpression() /* * This is really ugly... we are repeating the CastExpression lookahead and full expression... * If we don't the lookahead within CastExpression is ignored, and it simply looks for the expression, * meaning we can't be explicit as to what can be casted depending on the cast type (primitive or otherwise) */ | LOOKAHEAD("(" (Annotation())* PrimitiveType() ")") CastExpression() | LOOKAHEAD("(" (Annotation())* Type() ( "&" ReferenceType() )* ")" UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus()) CastExpression() | PostfixExpression() | SwitchExpression() } void PostfixExpression() #PostfixExpression((jjtn000.getImage() != null)): {} { PrimaryExpression() [ "++" {jjtThis.setImage("++");} | "--" {jjtThis.setImage("--");} ] } void CastExpression() : {} { LOOKAHEAD( "(" (Annotation())* PrimitiveType() ")" ) "(" (TypeAnnotation())* Type() ")" UnaryExpression() | "(" (TypeAnnotation())* Type() ( "&" {checkForBadIntersectionTypesInCasts(); jjtThis.setIntersectionTypes(true);} ReferenceType() )* ")" UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus() } void SwitchExpression() : {boolean prevInSwitchBlock = inSwitchExprBlock;} { {checkForSwitchExpression();} "switch" "(" Expression() ")" {inSwitchExprBlock = true;} SwitchBlock() {inSwitchExprBlock = prevInSwitchBlock;} } void PrimaryExpression() : {} { PrimaryPrefix() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) PrimarySuffix() )* } void MemberSelector(): { Token t; } { "." TypeArguments() t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} | MethodReference() } void MethodReference() : {Token t; checkForBadMethodReferenceUsage();} { "::" [TypeArguments()] ( "new" {jjtThis.setImage("new");} | t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} ) } void PrimaryPrefix() : {Token t;} { Literal() | LOOKAHEAD(2) "this" {jjtThis.setUsesThisModifier();} | "super" {jjtThis.setUsesSuperModifier();} | LOOKAHEAD( "->", {!inSwitchLabel} ) LambdaExpression() | LOOKAHEAD( "(" VariableDeclaratorId() ( "," VariableDeclaratorId() )* ")" "->", {!inSwitchLabel} ) LambdaExpression() | LOOKAHEAD( FormalParameters() "->", {!inSwitchLabel} ) LambdaExpression() | LOOKAHEAD(3) "(" Expression() ")" | AllocationExpression() | LOOKAHEAD( ResultType() "." "class" ) ResultType() "." "class" | LOOKAHEAD( Name() "::" ) Name() | LOOKAHEAD( ReferenceType() MethodReference() ) ReferenceType() MethodReference() | Name() } void LambdaExpression() : { checkForBadLambdaUsage(); } { VariableDeclaratorId() "->" ( Expression() | Block() ) | LOOKAHEAD(3) LambdaParameters() "->" ( Expression() | Block() ) | LOOKAHEAD(3) "(" VariableDeclaratorId() ( "," VariableDeclaratorId() )* ")" "->" ( Expression() | Block() ) } void LambdaParameters() #FormalParameters : {} { "(" [ LambdaParameterList() ] ")" } void LambdaParameterList() #void : {} { LambdaParameter() ( "," LambdaParameter() )* } void LambdaParameter() #FormalParameter : {} { ( "final" {jjtThis.setFinal(true);} | Annotation() )* LambdaParameterType() [ "..." {checkForBadVariableArgumentsUsage();} {jjtThis.setVarargs();} ] VariableDeclaratorId() } void LambdaParameterType() #void : {} { LOOKAHEAD( { jdkVersion >= 11 && isKeyword("var") } ) | Type() } void PrimarySuffix() : {Token t;} { LOOKAHEAD(2) "." "this" | LOOKAHEAD(2) "." "super" | LOOKAHEAD(2) "." AllocationExpression() | LOOKAHEAD(3) MemberSelector() | "[" Expression() "]" {jjtThis.setIsArrayDereference();} | "." t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} | Arguments() {jjtThis.setIsArguments();} } void Literal() : { Token t;} { t= { checkForBadNumericalLiteralslUsage(t); jjtThis.setImage(t.image); jjtThis.setIntLiteral();} | t= { checkForBadNumericalLiteralslUsage(t); jjtThis.setImage(t.image); jjtThis.setFloatLiteral();} | t= { checkForBadHexFloatingPointLiteral(); checkForBadNumericalLiteralslUsage(t); jjtThis.setImage(t.image); jjtThis.setFloatLiteral();} | t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image); jjtThis.setCharLiteral();} | t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image); checkForNewStringSpaceEscape(t.image); jjtThis.setStringLiteral(); } | t= { checkForTextBlockLiteral(); checkForNewStringSpaceEscape(t.image); jjtThis.setImage(t.image); jjtThis.setStringLiteral();} | BooleanLiteral() | NullLiteral() } void BooleanLiteral() : {} { "true" { jjtThis.setTrue(); } | "false" } void NullLiteral() : {} { "null" } void Arguments() : {} { "(" [ ArgumentList() ] ")" } void ArgumentList() : {} { Expression() ( "," Expression() )* } void AllocationExpression(): {} { "new" (TypeAnnotation())* (LOOKAHEAD(2) PrimitiveType() ArrayDimsAndInits() | ClassOrInterfaceType() ( ArrayDimsAndInits() | Arguments() [ { boolean inInterfaceOld = inInterface; inInterface = false; /* a anonymous class is not a interface */ } ClassOrInterfaceBody() { inInterface = inInterfaceOld; } // always restore the flag after leaving the node ] ) { checkForBadAnonymousDiamondUsage(); } ) } /* * The second LOOKAHEAD specification below is to parse to PrimarySuffix * if there is an expression between the "[...]". */ void ArrayDimsAndInits() : {} { LOOKAHEAD(2) ( LOOKAHEAD(2) (TypeAnnotation())* "[" Expression() "]" {jjtThis.bumpArrayDepth();})+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "[" "]" {jjtThis.bumpArrayDepth();} )* | ( "[" "]" {jjtThis.bumpArrayDepth();})+ ArrayInitializer() } /* * Statement syntax follows. */ void Statement() : {} { LOOKAHEAD( { isNextTokenAnAssert() } ) AssertStatement() | LOOKAHEAD( { isYieldStart() } ) YieldStatement() | LOOKAHEAD(2) LabeledStatement() | Block() | EmptyStatement() | StatementExpression() ";" | SwitchStatement() | IfStatement() | WhileStatement() | DoStatement() | ForStatement() | BreakStatement() | ContinueStatement() | ReturnStatement() | ThrowStatement() | SynchronizedStatement() | TryStatement() } void LabeledStatement() : {Token t;} { t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} ":" Statement() } void Block() : {Token t;} { "{" ( BlockStatement() )* t = "}" { if (isPrecededByComment(t)) { jjtThis.setContainsComment(); } } } void BlockStatement(): {int mods = 0;} { LOOKAHEAD( { isNextTokenAnAssert() } ) AssertStatement() | LOOKAHEAD( { isYieldStart() } ) YieldStatement() | LOOKAHEAD( "@" | "final" ) // this eagerly parses all modifiers and annotations. After that, either a local type declaration // or a local variable declaration follows. // This allows more modifiers for local variables than actually allowed // and the annotations for local variables need to be moved in the AST down again. mods=Modifiers() ( LOOKAHEAD({localTypeDeclLookahead()}) LocalTypeDecl(mods) | { List annotationsAndChildren = new ArrayList(); while (jjtree.peekNode() instanceof ASTAnnotation) { annotationsAndChildren.add(jjtree.popNode()); } } LocalVariableDeclaration() { ASTLocalVariableDeclaration localVarDecl = (ASTLocalVariableDeclaration) jjtree.peekNode(); if ((mods & AccessNode.FINAL) == AccessNode.FINAL) { localVarDecl.setFinal(true); } if (!annotationsAndChildren.isEmpty()) { Collections.reverse(annotationsAndChildren); for (int i = 0; i < localVarDecl.getNumChildren(); i++) { annotationsAndChildren.add(localVarDecl.getChild(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < annotationsAndChildren.size(); i++) { Node child = annotationsAndChildren.get(i); child.jjtSetParent(localVarDecl); localVarDecl.jjtAddChild(child, i); } } } ";" ) | LOOKAHEAD({classModifierLookahead() || localTypeDeclLookahead()}) mods=Modifiers() LocalTypeDecl(mods) | LOOKAHEAD(Type() ) LocalVariableDeclaration() ";" | Statement() } void LocalTypeDecl(int mods) #void: {} { ( LOOKAHEAD() ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(mods) | LOOKAHEAD() ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(mods) { checkForLocalInterfaceOrEnumType(); } | LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("record")}) RecordDeclaration(mods) { checkForLocalInterfaceOrEnumType(); } | LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("enum")}) EnumDeclaration(mods) { checkForLocalInterfaceOrEnumType(); } | AnnotationTypeDeclaration(mods) { checkForLocalInterfaceOrEnumType(); } ) } /* * See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se10/html/jls-14.html#jls-14.4 */ void LocalVariableDeclaration() : {} { ( "final" {jjtThis.setFinal(true);} | Annotation() )* LocalVariableType() VariableDeclarator() ( "," VariableDeclarator() )* } void LocalVariableType() #void : {} { LOOKAHEAD( { jdkVersion >= 10 && isKeyword("var") } ) | Type() } void EmptyStatement() : {} { ";" } void StatementExpression() : {} { PreIncrementExpression() | PreDecrementExpression() | LOOKAHEAD( PrimaryExpression() AssignmentOperator() ) PrimaryExpression() AssignmentOperator() Expression() | PostfixExpression() } void SwitchStatement(): {} { "switch" "(" Expression() ")" SwitchBlock() } void SwitchBlock() #void : {} { "{" ( SwitchLabel() ( "->" SwitchLabeledRulePart() (SwitchLabeledRule())* | ":" (LOOKAHEAD(2) SwitchLabel() ":")* // the lookahead is to prevent choosing BlockStatement when the token is "default", // which could happen as local class declarations accept the "default" modifier. (LOOKAHEAD({shouldStartStatementInSwitch()}) BlockStatement())* (SwitchLabeledStatementGroup())* ) )? "}" } void SwitchLabeledRule() #void : {checkForSwitchRules();} { SwitchLabel() "->" SwitchLabeledRulePart() } void SwitchLabeledRulePart() #void: {checkForSwitchRules();} { ( ( Expression() ";" ) #SwitchLabeledExpression(2) | ( Block() ) #SwitchLabeledBlock(2) | ( ThrowStatement() ) #SwitchLabeledThrowStatement(2) ) } // For PMD 7, make this a real node to group the labels + statements void SwitchLabeledStatementGroup() #void: {} { (LOOKAHEAD(2) SwitchLabel() ":")+ // the lookahead is to prevent choosing BlockStatement when the token is "default", // which could happen as local class declarations accept the "default" modifier. (LOOKAHEAD({shouldStartStatementInSwitch()}) BlockStatement() )* } void SwitchLabel() : {} { { inSwitchLabel = true; } ( "case" ( ConditionalExpression() #Expression ) ({checkForMultipleCaseLabels();} "," ( ConditionalExpression() #Expression ) )* | "default" {jjtThis.setDefault();} ) { inSwitchLabel = false; } } void YieldStatement() : { checkForYieldStatement(); } { Expression() ";" } void IfStatement() : /* * The disambiguating algorithm of JavaCC automatically binds dangling * else's to the innermost if statement. The LOOKAHEAD specification * is to tell JavaCC that we know what we are doing. */ {} { "if" "(" Expression() ")" Statement() [ LOOKAHEAD(1) "else" {jjtThis.setHasElse();} Statement() ] } void WhileStatement() : {} { "while" "(" Expression() ")" Statement() } void DoStatement() : {} { "do" Statement() "while" "(" Expression() ")" ";" } void ForStatement() : {} { "for" "(" ( LOOKAHEAD(LocalVariableDeclaration() ":") {checkForBadJDK15ForLoopSyntaxArgumentsUsage();} LocalVariableDeclaration() ":" Expression() | [ ForInit() ] ";" [ Expression() ] ";" [ ForUpdate() ] ) ")" Statement() } void ForInit() : {} { LOOKAHEAD( LocalVariableDeclaration() ) LocalVariableDeclaration() | StatementExpressionList() } void StatementExpressionList() : {} { StatementExpression() ( "," StatementExpression() )* } void ForUpdate() : {} { StatementExpressionList() } void BreakStatement() : {Token t;} { "break" [ t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} ] ";" } void ContinueStatement() : {Token t;} { "continue" [ t= {jjtThis.setImage(t.image);} ] ";" } void ReturnStatement() : {} { "return" [ Expression() ] ";" } void ThrowStatement() : {} { "throw" Expression() ";" } void SynchronizedStatement() : {} { "synchronized" "(" Expression() ")" Block() } void TryStatement() : /* * Semantic check required here to make sure that at least one * resource/finally/catch is present. */ {} { "try" (ResourceSpecification())? Block() ( CatchStatement() )* [ FinallyStatement() ] } void ResourceSpecification() : {} { {checkForBadTryWithResourcesUsage();} "(" Resources() (LOOKAHEAD(2) ";")? ")" } void Resources() : {} { Resource() (LOOKAHEAD(2) ";" Resource())* } void Resource() : {} { LOOKAHEAD(2) ( ( "final" {jjtThis.setFinal(true);} | Annotation() )* LocalVariableType() VariableDeclaratorId() "=" Expression() ) | Name() {checkForBadConciseTryWithResourcesUsage();} } void CatchStatement() : {} { "catch" "(" FormalParameter() ")" Block() } void FinallyStatement() : {} { "finally" Block() } void AssertStatement() : { if (jdkVersion <= 3) { throw new ParseException("Can't use 'assert' as a keyword when running in JDK 1.3 mode!"); } } { Expression() [ ":" Expression() ] ";" } /* We use productions to match >>>, >> and > so that we can keep the * type declaration syntax with generics clean */ void RUNSIGNEDSHIFT(): // TODO 7.0.0 make #void {} { ( LOOKAHEAD({ getToken(1).kind == GT && ((Token.GTToken)getToken(1)).realKind == RUNSIGNEDSHIFT} ) ">" ">" ">" ) } void RSIGNEDSHIFT(): // TODO 7.0.0 make #void {} { ( LOOKAHEAD({ getToken(1).kind == GT && ((Token.GTToken)getToken(1)).realKind == RSIGNEDSHIFT} ) ">" ">" ) } /* Annotation syntax follows. */ void Annotation(): {} { LOOKAHEAD( "@" Name() "(" ( "=" | ")" )) NormalAnnotation() | LOOKAHEAD( "@" Name() "(" ) SingleMemberAnnotation() | MarkerAnnotation() } void NormalAnnotation(): {} { "@" Name() "(" [ MemberValuePairs() ] ")" {checkForBadAnnotationUsage();} } void MarkerAnnotation(): {} { "@" Name() {checkForBadAnnotationUsage();} } void SingleMemberAnnotation(): {} { "@" Name() "(" MemberValue() ")" {checkForBadAnnotationUsage();} } void MemberValuePairs(): {} { MemberValuePair() ( "," MemberValuePair() )* } void MemberValuePair(): {Token t;} { t= { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } "=" MemberValue() } void MemberValue(): {} { Annotation() | MemberValueArrayInitializer() | ConditionalExpression() } void MemberValueArrayInitializer(): {} { "{" (MemberValue() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," MemberValue() )* [ "," ])? "}" } /* * We use that ghost production to factorise the check for JDK >= 1.8. */ void TypeAnnotation() #void: {} { Annotation() {checkForBadTypeAnnotations();} } /* Annotation Types. */ void AnnotationTypeDeclaration(int modifiers): { Token t; jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers); } { "@" "interface" t= { checkForBadAnnotationUsage(); checkForBadTypeIdentifierUsage(t.image); jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } AnnotationTypeBody() } void AnnotationTypeBody(): {} { "{" ( AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration() )* "}" } void AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(): { int modifiers; } { modifiers = Modifiers() ( LOOKAHEAD(Type() "(") AnnotationMethodDeclaration(modifiers) | ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifiers) | LOOKAHEAD(3) EnumDeclaration(modifiers) | AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifiers) | FieldDeclaration(modifiers) ) | ( ";" ) } void AnnotationMethodDeclaration(int modifiers): { Token t; jjtThis.setModifiers(modifiers); } { Type() t= "(" ")" [ DefaultValue() ] ";" { jjtThis.setImage(t.image); } } void DefaultValue(): {} { "default" MemberValue() } void ModuleDeclaration(): { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Token t; checkForBadModuleUsage(); } { ( Annotation() )* [LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("open")}) {jjtThis.setOpen(true);}] LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("module")}) t= { s.append(t.image); } ( "." t= { s.append('.').append(t.image); } )* { jjtThis.setImage(s.toString()); } "{" (ModuleDirective())* "}" } void ModuleDirective(): {} { ( LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("requires")}) { jjtThis.setType(ASTModuleDirective.DirectiveType.REQUIRES); } (LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("transitive")}) { jjtThis.setRequiresModifier(ASTModuleDirective.RequiresModifier.TRANSITIVE); } | "static" { jjtThis.setRequiresModifier(ASTModuleDirective.RequiresModifier.STATIC); } )? ModuleName() ";" ) | ( LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("exports")}) { jjtThis.setType(ASTModuleDirective.DirectiveType.EXPORTS); } Name() [ LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("to")}) ModuleName() ("," ModuleName())*] ";" ) | ( LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("opens")}) { jjtThis.setType(ASTModuleDirective.DirectiveType.OPENS); } Name() [ LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("to")}) ModuleName() ("," ModuleName())*] ";" ) | ( LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("uses")}) { jjtThis.setType(ASTModuleDirective.DirectiveType.USES); } Name() ";" ) | ( LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("provides")}) { jjtThis.setType(ASTModuleDirective.DirectiveType.PROVIDES); } Name() LOOKAHEAD({isKeyword("with")}) Name() ("," Name() )* ";" ) } // Similar to Name() void ModuleName(): { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Token t; } { t= { s.append(t.image); } ( "." t= {s.append('.').append(t.image);} )* {jjtThis.setImage(s.toString());} }