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Ant Task Usage Page PMD Description Runs a set of static code analysis rules on some source code files and generates a list of problems found. Installation Before you can use the pmd task in your ant build.xml file, you need to install PMD and its libraries into ant’s...
Continuous Integrations plugins Page Introduction PMD can be integrate through some of the Continuous Integration tools that exist now. Here is a list of known (to us) plugin to do so. Hudson Plugin Hafner Ullrich has developed a PMD plugin for Hudson. Please check the plugin homepage for more info. <h2...
Maven PMD Plugin Page Maven 2 and 3 Running the pmd plugin Generating a project report To include the PMD report in the project reports section add the following lines under the reports element in your pom.xml: <project> ... <reporting> <plugins> <plugin> <span...
Tools / Integrations Page ## Automated Code Review ### Codacy [Codacy](https://www.codacy.com/) automates code reviews and monitors code quality on every commit and pull request. It gives visibility into the technical debt and it can track code style and security issues, code coverage, code duplication, cyclomatic complexity and enforce best practices. Codacy is static analysis...