/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment.h * \ingroup phys */ #ifndef __PHY_IPHYSICSENVIRONMENT_H__ #define __PHY_IPHYSICSENVIRONMENT_H__ #include "PHY_DynamicTypes.h" #include "MT_Vector2.h" #include "MT_Vector3.h" #include "MT_Vector4.h" #ifdef WITH_CXX_GUARDEDALLOC #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #endif class PHY_IVehicle; class PHY_ICharacter; class RAS_MeshObject; class PHY_IPhysicsController; /** * pass back information from rayTest */ struct PHY_RayCastResult { PHY_IPhysicsController* m_controller; MT_Vector3 m_hitPoint; MT_Vector3 m_hitNormal; const RAS_MeshObject* m_meshObject; // !=NULL for mesh object (only for Bullet controllers) int m_polygon; // index of the polygon hit by the ray, // only if m_meshObject != NULL int m_hitUVOK; // !=0 if UV coordinate in m_hitUV is valid MT_Vector2 m_hitUV; // UV coordinates of hit point }; /** * This class replaces the ignoreController parameter of rayTest function. * It allows more sophisticated filtering on the physics controller before computing the ray intersection to save CPU. * It is only used to its full extend by the Ccd physics environment (Bullet). */ class PHY_IRayCastFilterCallback { public: PHY_IPhysicsController* m_ignoreController; bool m_faceNormal; bool m_faceUV; virtual ~PHY_IRayCastFilterCallback() { } virtual bool needBroadphaseRayCast(PHY_IPhysicsController* controller) { return true; } virtual void reportHit(PHY_RayCastResult* result) = 0; PHY_IRayCastFilterCallback(PHY_IPhysicsController* ignoreController, bool faceNormal=false, bool faceUV=false) :m_ignoreController(ignoreController), m_faceNormal(faceNormal), m_faceUV(faceUV) { } #ifdef WITH_CXX_GUARDEDALLOC MEM_CXX_CLASS_ALLOC_FUNCS("GE:PHY_IRayCastFilterCallback") #endif }; /** * Physics Environment takes care of stepping the simulation and is a container for physics entities * (rigidbodies,constraints, materials etc.) * A derived class may be able to 'construct' entities by loading and/or converting */ class PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment { public: virtual ~PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment(){}; virtual void beginFrame() = 0; virtual void endFrame() = 0; /// Perform an integration step of duration 'timeStep'. virtual bool proceedDeltaTime(double curTime,float timeStep,float interval)=0; ///draw debug lines (make sure to call this during the render phase, otherwise lines are not drawn properly) virtual void debugDrawWorld() {} virtual void setFixedTimeStep(bool useFixedTimeStep,float fixedTimeStep)=0; //returns 0.f if no fixed timestep is used virtual float getFixedTimeStep()=0; ///setDebugMode is used to support several ways of debug lines, contact point visualization virtual void setDebugMode(int debugMode) {} ///setNumIterations set the number of iterations for iterative solvers virtual void setNumIterations(int numIter) {} ///setNumTimeSubSteps set the number of divisions of the timestep. Tradeoff quality versus performance. virtual void setNumTimeSubSteps(int numTimeSubSteps) {} ///setDeactivationTime sets the minimum time that an objects has to stay within the velocity tresholds until it gets fully deactivated virtual void setDeactivationTime(float dTime) {} ///setDeactivationLinearTreshold sets the linear velocity treshold, see setDeactivationTime virtual void setDeactivationLinearTreshold(float linTresh) {} ///setDeactivationAngularTreshold sets the angular velocity treshold, see setDeactivationTime virtual void setDeactivationAngularTreshold(float angTresh) {} ///setContactBreakingTreshold sets tresholds to do with contact point management virtual void setContactBreakingTreshold(float contactBreakingTreshold) {} ///continuous collision detection mode, very experimental for Bullet virtual void setCcdMode(int ccdMode) {} ///successive overrelaxation constant, in case PSOR is used, values in between 1 and 2 guarantee converging behavior virtual void setSolverSorConstant(float sor) {} ///setSolverType, internal setting, chooses solvertype, PSOR, Dantzig, impulse based, penalty based virtual void setSolverType(int solverType) {} ///setTau sets the spring constant of a penalty based solver virtual void setSolverTau(float tau) {} ///setDamping sets the damper constant of a penalty based solver virtual void setSolverDamping(float damping) {} ///linear air damping for rigidbodies virtual void setLinearAirDamping(float damping) {} /// penetrationdepth setting virtual void setUseEpa(bool epa) {} virtual void setGravity(float x,float y,float z)=0; virtual void getGravity(MT_Vector3& grav) = 0; virtual int createConstraint(class PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl,class PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl2,PHY_ConstraintType type, float pivotX,float pivotY,float pivotZ, float axis0X,float axis0Y,float axis0Z, float axis1X=0,float axis1Y=0,float axis1Z=0, float axis2X=0,float axis2Y=0,float axis2Z=0,int flag=0 )=0; virtual void removeConstraint(int constraintid)=0; virtual float getAppliedImpulse(int constraintid) { return 0.0f; } //complex constraint for vehicles virtual PHY_IVehicle* getVehicleConstraint(int constraintId) =0; // Character physics wrapper virtual PHY_ICharacter* getCharacterController(class KX_GameObject* ob) =0; virtual PHY_IPhysicsController* rayTest(PHY_IRayCastFilterCallback &filterCallback, float fromX,float fromY,float fromZ, float toX,float toY,float toZ)=0; //culling based on physical broad phase // the plane number must be set as follow: near, far, left, right, top, botton // the near plane must be the first one and must always be present, it is used to get the direction of the view virtual bool cullingTest(PHY_CullingCallback callback, void *userData, MT_Vector4* planeNormals, int planeNumber, int occlusionRes, const int *viewport, double modelview[16], double projection[16]) = 0; //Methods for gamelogic collision/physics callbacks //todo: virtual void addSensor(PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl)=0; virtual void removeSensor(PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl)=0; virtual void addTouchCallback(int response_class, PHY_ResponseCallback callback, void *user)=0; virtual bool requestCollisionCallback(PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl)=0; virtual bool removeCollisionCallback(PHY_IPhysicsController* ctrl)=0; //These two methods are *solely* used to create controllers for sensor! Don't use for anything else virtual PHY_IPhysicsController* CreateSphereController(float radius,const MT_Vector3& position) =0; virtual PHY_IPhysicsController* CreateConeController(float coneradius,float coneheight)=0; virtual void setConstraintParam(int constraintId,int param,float value,float value1) = 0; virtual float getConstraintParam(int constraintId,int param) = 0; virtual void exportFile(const char* filename) {}; #ifdef WITH_CXX_GUARDEDALLOC MEM_CXX_CLASS_ALLOC_FUNCS("GE:PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment") #endif }; #endif /* __PHY_IPHYSICSENVIRONMENT_H__ */