#!BPY """ Name: 'Mesh Editing' Blender: 243 Group: 'ScriptTemplate' Tooltip: 'Add a new text for editing a mesh' """ from Blender import Text, Window script_data = ''' #!BPY """ Name: 'My Mesh Script' Blender: 243 Group: 'Mesh' Tooltip: 'Put some useful info here' """ # Add a licence here if you wish to re-distribute, we recommend the GPL from Blender import Scene, Mesh, Window, sys import BPyMessages def my_mesh_util(me): # This function runs out of editmode with a mesh # error cases are alredy checked for # Remove these when writing your own tool print me.name print 'vert count', len(me.verts) print 'edge count', len(me.edges) print 'face count', len(me.faces) # Examples # Move selected verts on the x axis """ for v in me.verts: if v.sel: v.co.x += 1.0 """ # Shrink selected faces """ for f in me.faces: if f.sel: c = f.cent for v in f: v.co = (c+v.co)/2 """ def main(): # Gets the current scene, there can be many scenes in 1 blend file. sce = Scene.GetCurrent() # Get the active object, there can only ever be 1 # and the active object is always the editmode object. ob_act = sce.objects.active if not ob_act or ob_act.type != 'Mesh': BPyMessages.Error_NoMeshActive() return # Saves the editmode state and go's out of # editmode if its enabled, we cant make # changes to the mesh data while in editmode. is_editmode = Window.EditMode() if is_editmode: Window.EditMode(1) Window.WaitCursor(1) me = ob_act.getData(mesh=1) t = sys.time() # Run the mesh editing function my_mesh_util(me) # Timing the script is a good way to be aware on any speed hits when scripting print 'My Script finished in %.2f seconds' % (sys.time()-t) Window.WaitCursor(0) # This lets you can import the script without running it if __name__ == '__main__': main() ''' new_text = bpy.texts.new('mesh_template.py') new_text.write(script_data) bpy.texts.active = new_text Window.RedrawAll()