/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "SCA_JoystickManager.h" #include "SCA_JoystickSensor.h" #include "SCA_EventManager.h" #include "SCA_LogicManager.h" #include "PyObjectPlus.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif SCA_JoystickSensor::SCA_JoystickSensor(class SCA_JoystickManager* eventmgr, SCA_IObject* gameobj, short int joyindex, short int joymode, int axis, int axisf,int prec, int button, int hat, int hatf, bool allevents, PyTypeObject* T ) :SCA_ISensor(gameobj,eventmgr,T), m_pJoystickMgr(eventmgr), m_axis(axis), m_axisf(axisf), m_button(button), m_hat(hat), m_hatf(hatf), m_precision(prec), m_joymode(joymode), m_joyindex(joyindex), m_bAllEvents(allevents) { /* std::cout << " axis " << m_axis << std::endl; std::cout << " axis flag " << m_axisf << std::endl; std::cout << " precision " << m_precision << std::endl; std::cout << " button " << m_button << std::endl; std::cout << " hat " << m_hat << std::endl; std::cout << " hat flag " << m_hatf << std::endl; */ Init(); } void SCA_JoystickSensor::Init() { m_istrig=(m_invert)?1:0; m_istrig_prev=0; m_reset = true; } SCA_JoystickSensor::~SCA_JoystickSensor() { } CValue* SCA_JoystickSensor::GetReplica() { SCA_JoystickSensor* replica = new SCA_JoystickSensor(*this); // this will copy properties and so on... replica->ProcessReplica(); replica->Init(); return replica; } bool SCA_JoystickSensor::IsPositiveTrigger() { bool result = m_istrig; if (m_invert) result = !result; return result; } bool SCA_JoystickSensor::Evaluate() { SCA_Joystick *js = m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(m_joyindex); bool result = false; bool reset = m_reset && m_level; if(js==NULL) /* no joystick - dont do anything */ return false; m_reset = false; switch(m_joymode) { case KX_JOYSENSORMODE_AXIS: { /* what is what! m_axisf == JOYAXIS_RIGHT, JOYAXIS_UP, JOYAXIS_DOWN, JOYAXIS_LEFT m_axisf == 1 == up m_axisf == 2 == left m_axisf == 3 == down numberof== m_axis (1-4), range is half of JOYAXIS_MAX since it assumes the axis joysticks are axis parirs (0,1), (2,3), etc also note that this starts at 1 where functions its used with expect a zero index. */ if (!js->IsTrigAxis() && !reset) /* No events from SDL? - dont bother */ return false; js->cSetPrecision(m_precision); if (m_bAllEvents) { if(js->aAxisPairIsPositive(m_axis-1)){ /* use zero based axis index internally */ m_istrig = 1; result = true; }else{ if(m_istrig){ m_istrig = 0; result = true; } } } else { if(js->aAxisPairDirectionIsPositive(m_axis-1, m_axisf)){ /* use zero based axis index internally */ m_istrig = 1; result = true; }else{ if(m_istrig){ m_istrig = 0; result = true; } } } break; } case KX_JOYSENSORMODE_AXIS_SINGLE: { /* Like KX_JOYSENSORMODE_AXIS but dont pair up axis */ if (!js->IsTrigAxis() && !reset) /* No events from SDL? - dont bother */ return false; /* No need for 'm_bAllEvents' check here since were only checking 1 axis */ js->cSetPrecision(m_precision); if(js->aAxisIsPositive(m_axis-1)){ /* use zero based axis index internally */ m_istrig = 1; result = true; }else{ if(m_istrig){ m_istrig = 0; result = true; } } break; } case KX_JOYSENSORMODE_BUTTON: { /* what is what! m_button = the actual button in question */ if (!js->IsTrigButton() && !reset) /* No events from SDL? - dont bother */ return false; if(( m_bAllEvents && js->aAnyButtonPressIsPositive()) || (!m_bAllEvents && js->aButtonPressIsPositive(m_button))) { m_istrig = 1; result = true; }else { if(m_istrig){ m_istrig = 0; result = true; } } break; } case KX_JOYSENSORMODE_HAT: { /* what is what! numberof = m_hat -- max 2 direction= m_hatf -- max 12 */ if (!js->IsTrigHat() && !reset) /* No events from SDL? - dont bother */ return false; if(m_hat == 1){ if(js->aHatIsPositive(m_hatf)){ m_istrig = 1; result = true; }else{ if(m_istrig){ m_istrig = 0; result = true; } } } if(m_hat == 2){ if(js->aHatIsPositive(m_hatf)){ m_istrig = 1; result = true; }else{ if(m_istrig){ m_istrig = 0; result = true; } } } break; } /* test for ball anyone ?*/ default: printf("Error invalid switch statement\n"); break; } /* if not all events are enabled, only send a positive pulse when * the button state changes */ if (!m_bAllEvents) { if (m_istrig_prev == m_istrig) { result = false; } else { m_istrig_prev = m_istrig; } } if (reset) result = true; return result; } bool SCA_JoystickSensor::isValid(SCA_JoystickSensor::KX_JOYSENSORMODE m) { bool res = false; res = ((m > KX_JOYSENSORMODE_NODEF) && (m < KX_JOYSENSORMODE_MAX)); return res; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Python functions */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Integration hooks ------------------------------------------------------- */ PyTypeObject SCA_JoystickSensor::Type = { #if (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000) PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) #else /* python 2.5 and below */ PyObject_HEAD_INIT( NULL ) /* required py macro */ 0, /* ob_size */ #endif "SCA_JoystickSensor", sizeof(PyObjectPlus_Proxy), 0, py_base_dealloc, 0, 0, 0, 0, py_base_repr, 0,0,0,0,0,0, py_base_getattro, py_base_setattro, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, Methods }; PyParentObject SCA_JoystickSensor::Parents[] = { &SCA_JoystickSensor::Type, &SCA_ISensor::Type, &SCA_ILogicBrick::Type, &CValue::Type, NULL }; PyMethodDef SCA_JoystickSensor::Methods[] = { //Deprecated functions ------> {"getIndex", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetIndex, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetIndex_doc}, {"setIndex", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPySetIndex, METH_O, (PY_METHODCHAR)SetIndex_doc}, {"getAxis", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetAxis, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetAxis_doc}, {"setAxis", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPySetAxis, METH_VARARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)SetAxis_doc}, {"getAxisValue", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetAxisValue, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetAxisValue_doc}, {"getThreshold", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetThreshold, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetThreshold_doc}, {"setThreshold", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPySetThreshold, METH_VARARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)SetThreshold_doc}, {"getButton", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetButton, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetButton_doc}, {"setButton", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPySetButton, METH_O, (PY_METHODCHAR)SetButton_doc}, {"getHat", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetHat, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)GetHat_doc}, {"setHat", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPySetHat, METH_VARARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)SetHat_doc}, {"getNumAxes", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyNumberOfAxes, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)NumberOfAxes_doc}, {"getNumButtons",(PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyNumberOfButtons,METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)NumberOfButtons_doc}, {"getNumHats", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyNumberOfHats, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)NumberOfHats_doc}, {"isConnected", (PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyConnected, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)Connected_doc}, {"getButtonValue",(PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetButtonValue, METH_NOARGS,(PY_METHODCHAR)GetButtonValue_doc}, //<----- Deprecated {"getButtonActiveList",(PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetButtonActiveList, METH_NOARGS,(PY_METHODCHAR)GetButtonActiveList_doc}, {"getButtonStatus",(PyCFunction) SCA_JoystickSensor::sPyGetButtonStatus, METH_VARARGS,(PY_METHODCHAR)GetButtonStatus_doc}, {NULL,NULL} //Sentinel }; PyAttributeDef SCA_JoystickSensor::Attributes[] = { KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_RW("index",0,JOYINDEX_MAX-1,true,SCA_JoystickSensor,m_joyindex), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_RW("threshold",0,32768,true,SCA_JoystickSensor,m_precision), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_RW("button",0,100,false,SCA_JoystickSensor,m_button), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_LIST_RW_CHECK("axis",0,3,true,SCA_JoystickSensor,m_axis,2,CheckAxis), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_LIST_RW_CHECK("hat",0,12,true,SCA_JoystickSensor,m_hat,2,CheckHat), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("axisValues", SCA_JoystickSensor, pyattr_get_axis_values), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("axisSingle", SCA_JoystickSensor, pyattr_get_axis_single), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("numAxis", SCA_JoystickSensor, pyattr_get_num_axis), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("numButtons", SCA_JoystickSensor, pyattr_get_num_buttons), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("numHats", SCA_JoystickSensor, pyattr_get_num_hats), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("connected", SCA_JoystickSensor, pyattr_get_connected), //KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TODO("events"), { NULL } //Sentinel }; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::py_getattro(PyObject *attr) { py_getattro_up(SCA_ISensor); } PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::py_getattro_dict() { py_getattro_dict_up(SCA_ISensor); } int SCA_JoystickSensor::py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject *value) { py_setattro_up(SCA_ISensor); } /* get index ---------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetIndex_doc[] = "getIndex\n" "\tReturns the joystick index to use.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetIndex( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getIndex()", "the index property"); return PyInt_FromLong(m_joyindex); } /* set index ---------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::SetIndex_doc[] = "setIndex\n" "\tSets the joystick index to use.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PySetIndex( PyObject* value ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("setIndex()", "the index property"); int index = PyInt_AsLong( value ); /* -1 on error, will raise an error in this case */ if (index < 0 || index >= JOYINDEX_MAX) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "joystick index out of range or not an int"); return NULL; } m_joyindex = index; Py_RETURN_NONE; } /* get axis ---------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetAxis_doc[] = "getAxis\n" "\tReturns the current axis this sensor reacts to.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetAxis( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getAxis()", "the axis property"); return Py_BuildValue("[ii]",m_axis, m_axisf); } /* set axis ---------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::SetAxis_doc[] = "setAxis\n" "\tSets the current axis this sensor reacts to.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PySetAxis( PyObject* args ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("setAxis()", "the axis property"); int axis,axisflag; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii:setAxis", &axis, &axisflag)){ return NULL; } m_axis = axis; m_axisf = axisflag; Py_RETURN_NONE; } /* get axis value ----------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetAxisValue_doc[] = "getAxisValue\n" "\tReturns a list of the values for the current state of each axis.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetAxisValue( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getAxisValue()", "the axisPosition property"); SCA_Joystick *joy = m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(m_joyindex); int axis_index= joy->GetNumberOfAxes(); PyObject *list= PyList_New(axis_index); while(axis_index--) { PyList_SET_ITEM(list, axis_index, PyInt_FromLong(joy->GetAxisPosition(axis_index))); } return list; } /* get threshold ----------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetThreshold_doc[] = "getThreshold\n" "\tReturns the threshold of the axis.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetThreshold( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getThreshold()", "the threshold property"); return PyInt_FromLong(m_precision); } /* set threshold ----------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::SetThreshold_doc[] = "setThreshold\n" "\tSets the threshold of the axis.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PySetThreshold( PyObject* args ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("setThreshold()", "the threshold property"); int thresh; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:setThreshold", &thresh)){ return NULL; } m_precision = thresh; Py_RETURN_NONE; } /* get button -------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetButton_doc[] = "getButton\n" "\tReturns the current button this sensor is checking.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetButton( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getButton()", "the button property"); return PyInt_FromLong(m_button); } /* set button -------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::SetButton_doc[] = "setButton\n" "\tSets the button the sensor reacts to.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PySetButton( PyObject* value ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("setButton()", "the button property"); int button = PyInt_AsLong(value); if(button==-1 && PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "expected an int"); return NULL; } m_button = button; Py_RETURN_NONE; } /* get button value -------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetButtonValue_doc[] = "getButtonValue\n" "\tReturns a list containing the indicies of the current pressed state of each button.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetButtonValue( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getButtonValue()", "getButtonActiveList"); return PyGetButtonActiveList( ); } /* get button active list -------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetButtonActiveList_doc[] = "getButtonActiveList\n" "\tReturns a list containing the indicies of the button currently pressed.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetButtonActiveList( ) { SCA_Joystick *joy = m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(m_joyindex); PyObject *ls = PyList_New(0); PyObject *value; int i; if(joy) { for (i=0; i < joy->GetNumberOfButtons(); i++) { if (joy->aButtonPressIsPositive(i)) { value = PyInt_FromLong(i); PyList_Append(ls, value); Py_DECREF(value); } } } return ls; } /* get button status -------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetButtonStatus_doc[] = "getButtonStatus(buttonIndex)\n" "\tReturns a bool of the current pressed state of the specified button.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetButtonStatus( PyObject* args ) { SCA_Joystick *joy = m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(m_joyindex); int index; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:getButtonStatus", &index)){ return NULL; } if(joy && index >= 0 && index < joy->GetNumberOfButtons()) { return PyBool_FromLong(joy->aButtonPressIsPositive(index) ? 1 : 0); } return PyBool_FromLong(0); } /* get hat ----------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::GetHat_doc[] = "getHat\n" "\tReturns the current direction of the hat.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyGetHat( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getHat()", "the hat property"); return Py_BuildValue("[ii]",m_hat, m_hatf); } /* set hat ----------------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::SetHat_doc[] = "setHat\n" "\tSets the hat the sensor reacts to.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PySetHat( PyObject* args ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("setHat()", "the hat property"); int hat,hatflag; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii:setHat", &hat, &hatflag)){ return NULL; } m_hat = hat; m_hatf = hatflag; Py_RETURN_NONE; } /* get # of ----------------------------------------------------- */ const char SCA_JoystickSensor::NumberOfAxes_doc[] = "getNumAxes\n" "\tReturns the number of axes .\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyNumberOfAxes( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getNumAxes()", "the numAxis property"); SCA_Joystick *joy = m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(m_joyindex); // when the joystick is null their is 0 exis still. dumb but scripters should use isConnected() return PyInt_FromLong( joy ? joy->GetNumberOfAxes() : 0 ); } const char SCA_JoystickSensor::NumberOfButtons_doc[] = "getNumButtons\n" "\tReturns the number of buttons .\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyNumberOfButtons( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getNumButtons()", "the numButtons property"); SCA_Joystick *joy = m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(m_joyindex); return PyInt_FromLong( joy ? joy->GetNumberOfButtons() : 0 ); } const char SCA_JoystickSensor::NumberOfHats_doc[] = "getNumHats\n" "\tReturns the number of hats .\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyNumberOfHats( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getNumHats()", "the numHats property"); SCA_Joystick *joy = m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(m_joyindex); return PyInt_FromLong( joy ? joy->GetNumberOfHats() : 0 ); } const char SCA_JoystickSensor::Connected_doc[] = "getConnected\n" "\tReturns True if a joystick is connected at this joysticks index.\n"; PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::PyConnected( ) { ShowDeprecationWarning("getConnected()", "the connected property"); SCA_Joystick *joy = m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(m_joyindex); return PyBool_FromLong( joy ? joy->Connected() : 0 ); } PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::pyattr_get_axis_values(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef) { SCA_JoystickSensor* self= static_cast(self_v); SCA_Joystick *joy = self->m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(self->m_joyindex); int axis_index= joy->GetNumberOfAxes(); PyObject *list= PyList_New(axis_index); while(axis_index--) { PyList_SET_ITEM(list, axis_index, PyInt_FromLong(joy->GetAxisPosition(axis_index))); } return list; } PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::pyattr_get_axis_single(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef) { SCA_JoystickSensor* self= static_cast(self_v); SCA_Joystick *joy = self->m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(self->m_joyindex); if(self->m_joymode != KX_JOYSENSORMODE_AXIS_SINGLE) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "val = sensor.axisSingle: Joystick Sensor, not 'Single Axis' type"); return NULL; } return PyInt_FromLong(joy->GetAxisPosition(self->m_axis-1)); } PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::pyattr_get_num_axis(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef) { SCA_JoystickSensor* self= static_cast(self_v); SCA_Joystick *joy = self->m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(self->m_joyindex); return PyInt_FromLong( joy ? joy->GetNumberOfAxes() : 0 ); } PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::pyattr_get_num_buttons(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef) { SCA_JoystickSensor* self= static_cast(self_v); SCA_Joystick *joy = self->m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(self->m_joyindex); return PyInt_FromLong( joy ? joy->GetNumberOfButtons() : 0 ); } PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::pyattr_get_num_hats(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef) { SCA_JoystickSensor* self= static_cast(self_v); SCA_Joystick *joy = self->m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(self->m_joyindex); return PyInt_FromLong( joy ? joy->GetNumberOfHats() : 0 ); } PyObject* SCA_JoystickSensor::pyattr_get_connected(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef) { SCA_JoystickSensor* self= static_cast(self_v); SCA_Joystick *joy = self->m_pJoystickMgr->GetJoystickDevice(self->m_joyindex); return PyBool_FromLong( joy ? joy->Connected() : 0 ); }