// #include #include "RAS_ListRasterizer.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif // WIN32 #include "GL/glew.h" #include "RAS_MaterialBucket.h" #include "RAS_TexVert.h" #include "MT_assert.h" //#ifndef NDEBUG //#ifdef WIN32 //#define spit(x) std::cout << x << std::endl; //#endif //WIN32 //#else #define spit(x) //#endif RAS_ListSlot::RAS_ListSlot(RAS_ListRasterizer* rasty) : KX_ListSlot(), m_list(0), m_flag(LIST_MODIFY|LIST_CREATE), m_rasty(rasty) { } int RAS_ListSlot::Release() { if (--m_refcount > 0) return m_refcount; m_rasty->RemoveListSlot(this); delete this; return 0; } RAS_ListSlot::~RAS_ListSlot() { RemoveList(); } void RAS_ListSlot::RemoveList() { if(m_list != 0) { spit("Releasing display list (" << m_list << ")"); glDeleteLists((GLuint)m_list, 1); m_list =0; } } void RAS_ListSlot::DrawList() { if(m_flag &LIST_STREAM || m_flag& LIST_NOCREATE) { RemoveList(); return; } if(m_flag &LIST_MODIFY) { if(m_flag &LIST_CREATE) { if(m_list == 0) { m_list = (unsigned int)glGenLists(1); m_flag = m_flag &~ LIST_CREATE; spit("Created display list (" << m_list << ")"); } } if(m_list != 0) glNewList((GLuint)m_list, GL_COMPILE); m_flag |= LIST_BEGIN; return; } glCallList(m_list); } void RAS_ListSlot::EndList() { if(m_flag & LIST_BEGIN) { glEndList(); m_flag = m_flag &~(LIST_BEGIN|LIST_MODIFY); m_flag |= LIST_END; glCallList(m_list); } } void RAS_ListSlot::SetModified(bool mod) { if(mod && !(m_flag & LIST_MODIFY)) { spit("Modifying list (" << m_list << ")"); m_flag = m_flag &~ LIST_END; m_flag |= LIST_STREAM; } } bool RAS_ListSlot::End() { return (m_flag &LIST_END)!=0; } RAS_ListRasterizer::RAS_ListRasterizer(RAS_ICanvas* canvas, bool useVertexArrays, bool lock) : RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer(canvas, lock), mUseVertexArrays(useVertexArrays), mATI(false) { if (!strcmp((const char*)glGetString(GL_VENDOR), "ATI Technologies Inc.")) mATI = true; } RAS_ListRasterizer::~RAS_ListRasterizer() { ReleaseAlloc(); } void RAS_ListRasterizer::RemoveListSlot(RAS_ListSlot* list) { if (list->m_flag & LIST_STANDALONE) return ; RAS_ArrayLists::iterator it = mArrayLists.begin(); while(it != mArrayLists.end()) { if (it->second == list) { mArrayLists.erase(it); break; } it++; } } RAS_ListSlot* RAS_ListRasterizer::FindOrAdd(RAS_MeshSlot& ms) { /* Keep a copy of constant lists submitted for rendering, this guards against (replicated)new...delete every frame, and we can reuse lists! :: sorted by mesh slot */ RAS_ListSlot* localSlot = (RAS_ListSlot*)ms.m_DisplayList; if(!localSlot) { if (ms.m_pDerivedMesh) { // that means that we draw based on derived mesh, a display list is possible // but it's unique to this mesh slot localSlot = new RAS_ListSlot(this); localSlot->m_flag |= LIST_STANDALONE; } else { RAS_ArrayLists::iterator it = mArrayLists.find(ms.m_displayArrays); if(it == mArrayLists.end()) { localSlot = new RAS_ListSlot(this); mArrayLists.insert(std::pair(ms.m_displayArrays, localSlot)); } else { localSlot = static_cast(it->second->AddRef()); } } } MT_assert(localSlot); return localSlot; } void RAS_ListRasterizer::ReleaseAlloc() { RAS_ArrayLists::iterator it = mArrayLists.begin(); while(it != mArrayLists.end()) { delete it->second; it++; } mArrayLists.clear(); } void RAS_ListRasterizer::IndexPrimitives(RAS_MeshSlot& ms) { RAS_ListSlot* localSlot =0; if(ms.m_bDisplayList) { localSlot = FindOrAdd(ms); localSlot->DrawList(); if(localSlot->End()) { // save slot here too, needed for replicas and object using same mesh // => they have the same vertexarray but different mesh slot ms.m_DisplayList = localSlot; return; } } // derived mesh cannot use vertex array if (mUseVertexArrays && !ms.m_pDerivedMesh) RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer::IndexPrimitives(ms); else RAS_OpenGLRasterizer::IndexPrimitives(ms); if(ms.m_bDisplayList) { localSlot->EndList(); ms.m_DisplayList = localSlot; } } void RAS_ListRasterizer::IndexPrimitivesMulti(RAS_MeshSlot& ms) { RAS_ListSlot* localSlot =0; if(ms.m_bDisplayList) { localSlot = FindOrAdd(ms); localSlot->DrawList(); if(localSlot->End()) { // save slot here too, needed for replicas and object using same mesh // => they have the same vertexarray but different mesh slot ms.m_DisplayList = localSlot; return; } } // workaround: note how we do not use vertex arrays for making display // lists, since glVertexAttribPointerARB doesn't seem to work correct // in display lists on ATI? either a bug in the driver or in Blender .. if (mUseVertexArrays && !mATI && !ms.m_pDerivedMesh) RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer::IndexPrimitivesMulti(ms); else RAS_OpenGLRasterizer::IndexPrimitivesMulti(ms); if(ms.m_bDisplayList) { localSlot->EndList(); ms.m_DisplayList = localSlot; } } bool RAS_ListRasterizer::Init(void) { if (mUseVertexArrays) { return RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer::Init(); } else { return RAS_OpenGLRasterizer::Init(); } } void RAS_ListRasterizer::SetDrawingMode(int drawingmode) { if (mUseVertexArrays) { RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer::SetDrawingMode(drawingmode); } else { RAS_OpenGLRasterizer::SetDrawingMode(drawingmode); } } void RAS_ListRasterizer::Exit() { if (mUseVertexArrays) { RAS_VAOpenGLRasterizer::Exit(); } else { RAS_OpenGLRasterizer::Exit(); } } // eof