/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "render/colorspace.h" #include "util/util_color.h" #include "util/util_image.h" #include "util/util_half.h" #include "util/util_logging.h" #include "util/util_math.h" #include "util/util_thread.h" #include "util/util_vector.h" #ifdef WITH_OCIO # include namespace OCIO = OCIO_NAMESPACE; #endif CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Builtin colorspaces. */ ustring u_colorspace_auto; ustring u_colorspace_raw("__builtin_raw"); ustring u_colorspace_srgb("__builtin_srgb"); /* Cached data. */ #ifdef WITH_OCIO static thread_mutex cache_mutex; static unordered_map cached_colorspaces; static unordered_map cached_processors; #endif ColorSpaceProcessor *ColorSpaceManager::get_processor(ustring colorspace) { #ifdef WITH_OCIO /* Only use this for OpenColorIO color spaces, not the builtin ones. */ assert(colorspace != u_colorspace_srgb && colorspace != u_colorspace_auto); if (colorspace == u_colorspace_raw) { return NULL; } OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::GetCurrentConfig(); if (!config) { return NULL; } /* Cache processor until free_memory(), memory overhead is expected to be * small and the processor is likely to be reused. */ thread_scoped_lock cache_lock(cache_mutex); if (cached_processors.find(colorspace) == cached_processors.end()) { try { cached_processors[colorspace] = config->getProcessor(colorspace.c_str(), "scene_linear"); } catch (OCIO::Exception &exception) { cached_processors[colorspace] = OCIO::ConstProcessorRcPtr(); VLOG(1) << "Colorspace " << colorspace.c_str() << " can't be converted to scene_linear: " << exception.what(); } } const OCIO::Processor *processor = cached_processors[colorspace].get(); return (ColorSpaceProcessor *)processor; #else /* No OpenColorIO. */ (void)colorspace; return NULL; #endif } ustring ColorSpaceManager::detect_known_colorspace(ustring colorspace, const char *file_format, bool is_float) { if (colorspace == u_colorspace_auto) { /* Auto detect sRGB or raw if none specified. */ if (is_float) { bool srgb = (colorspace == "sRGB" || colorspace == "GammaCorrected" || (colorspace.empty() && (strcmp(file_format, "png") == 0 || strcmp(file_format, "tiff") == 0 || strcmp(file_format, "dpx") == 0 || strcmp(file_format, "jpeg2000") == 0))); return srgb ? u_colorspace_srgb : u_colorspace_raw; } else { return u_colorspace_srgb; } } else if (colorspace == u_colorspace_srgb || colorspace == u_colorspace_raw) { /* Builtin colorspaces. */ return colorspace; } else { /* Use OpenColorIO. */ #ifdef WITH_OCIO { thread_scoped_lock cache_lock(cache_mutex); /* Cached lookup. */ if (cached_colorspaces.find(colorspace) != cached_colorspaces.end()) { return cached_colorspaces[colorspace]; } } /* Detect if it matches a simple builtin colorspace. */ bool is_scene_linear, is_srgb; is_builtin_colorspace(colorspace, is_scene_linear, is_srgb); thread_scoped_lock cache_lock(cache_mutex); if (is_scene_linear) { VLOG(1) << "Colorspace " << colorspace.string() << " is no-op"; cached_colorspaces[colorspace] = u_colorspace_raw; return u_colorspace_raw; } else if (is_srgb) { VLOG(1) << "Colorspace " << colorspace.string() << " is sRGB"; cached_colorspaces[colorspace] = u_colorspace_srgb; return u_colorspace_srgb; } /* Verify if we can convert from the requested color space. */ if (!get_processor(colorspace)) { OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config = OCIO::GetCurrentConfig(); if (!config || !config->getColorSpace(colorspace.c_str())) { VLOG(1) << "Colorspace " << colorspace.c_str() << " not found, using raw instead"; } else { VLOG(1) << "Colorspace " << colorspace.c_str() << " can't be converted to scene_linear, using raw instead"; } cached_colorspaces[colorspace] = u_colorspace_raw; return u_colorspace_raw; } /* Convert to/from colorspace with OpenColorIO. */ VLOG(1) << "Colorspace " << colorspace.string() << " handled through OpenColorIO"; cached_colorspaces[colorspace] = colorspace; return colorspace; #else VLOG(1) << "Colorspace " << colorspace.c_str() << " not available, built without OpenColorIO"; return u_colorspace_raw; #endif } } void ColorSpaceManager::is_builtin_colorspace(ustring colorspace, bool &is_scene_linear, bool &is_srgb) { #ifdef WITH_OCIO const OCIO::Processor *processor = (const OCIO::Processor *)get_processor(colorspace); if (!processor) { is_scene_linear = false; is_srgb = false; return; } is_scene_linear = true; is_srgb = true; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { float v = i / 255.0f; float cR[3] = {v, 0, 0}; float cG[3] = {0, v, 0}; float cB[3] = {0, 0, v}; float cW[3] = {v, v, v}; processor->applyRGB(cR); processor->applyRGB(cG); processor->applyRGB(cB); processor->applyRGB(cW); /* Make sure that there is no channel crosstalk. */ if (fabsf(cR[1]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cR[2]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cG[0]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cG[2]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cB[0]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cB[1]) > 1e-5f) { is_scene_linear = false; is_srgb = false; break; } /* Make sure that the three primaries combine linearly. */ if (!compare_floats(cR[0], cW[0], 1e-6f, 64) || !compare_floats(cG[1], cW[1], 1e-6f, 64) || !compare_floats(cB[2], cW[2], 1e-6f, 64)) { is_scene_linear = false; is_srgb = false; break; } /* Make sure that the three channels behave identically. */ if (!compare_floats(cW[0], cW[1], 1e-6f, 64) || !compare_floats(cW[1], cW[2], 1e-6f, 64)) { is_scene_linear = false; is_srgb = false; break; } float out_v = average(make_float3(cW[0], cW[1], cW[2])); if (!compare_floats(v, out_v, 1e-6f, 64)) { is_scene_linear = false; } if (!compare_floats(color_srgb_to_linear(v), out_v, 1e-6f, 64)) { is_srgb = false; } } #else (void)colorspace; is_scene_linear = false; is_srgb = false; #endif } #ifdef WITH_OCIO template inline float4 cast_to_float4(T *data) { return make_float4(util_image_cast_to_float(data[0]), util_image_cast_to_float(data[1]), util_image_cast_to_float(data[2]), util_image_cast_to_float(data[3])); } template inline void cast_from_float4(T *data, float4 value) { data[0] = util_image_cast_from_float(value.x); data[1] = util_image_cast_from_float(value.y); data[2] = util_image_cast_from_float(value.z); data[3] = util_image_cast_from_float(value.w); } /* Slower versions for other all data types, which needs to convert to float and back. */ template inline void processor_apply_pixels(const OCIO::Processor *processor, T *pixels, size_t width, size_t height) { /* Process large images in chunks to keep temporary memory requirement down. */ size_t y_chunk_size = max(1, 16 * 1024 * 1024 / (sizeof(float4) * width)); vector float_pixels(y_chunk_size * width); for (size_t y0 = 0; y0 < height; y0 += y_chunk_size) { size_t y1 = std::min(y0 + y_chunk_size, height); size_t i = 0; for (size_t y = y0; y < y1; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++, i++) { float_pixels[i] = cast_to_float4(pixels + 4 * (y * width + x)); } } OCIO::PackedImageDesc desc((float *)float_pixels.data(), width, y_chunk_size, 4); processor->apply(desc); i = 0; for (size_t y = y0; y < y1; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++, i++) { float4 value = float_pixels[i]; if (compress_as_srgb) { value = color_linear_to_srgb_v4(value); } cast_from_float4(pixels + 4 * (y * width + x), value); } } } } /* Fast version for float images, which OpenColorIO can handle natively. */ template<> inline void processor_apply_pixels(const OCIO::Processor *processor, float *pixels, size_t width, size_t height) { OCIO::PackedImageDesc desc(pixels, width, height, 4); processor->apply(desc); } #endif template void ColorSpaceManager::to_scene_linear(ustring colorspace, T *pixels, size_t width, size_t height, size_t depth, bool compress_as_srgb) { #ifdef WITH_OCIO const OCIO::Processor *processor = (const OCIO::Processor *)get_processor(colorspace); if (processor) { if (compress_as_srgb) { /* Compress output as sRGB. */ for (size_t z = 0; z < depth; z++) { processor_apply_pixels(processor, &pixels[z * width * height], width, height); } } else { /* Write output as scene linear directly. */ for (size_t z = 0; z < depth; z++) { processor_apply_pixels(processor, &pixels[z * width * height], width, height); } } } #else (void)colorspace; (void)pixels; (void)width; (void)height; (void)depth; (void)compress_as_srgb; #endif } void ColorSpaceManager::to_scene_linear(ColorSpaceProcessor *processor_, float *pixel, int channels) { #ifdef WITH_OCIO const OCIO::Processor *processor = (const OCIO::Processor *)processor_; if (processor) { if (channels == 3) { processor->applyRGB(pixel); } else if (channels == 4) { if (pixel[3] == 1.0f || pixel[3] == 0.0f) { /* Fast path for RGBA. */ processor->applyRGB(pixel); } else { /* Unassociate and associate alpha since color management should not * be affected by transparency. */ float alpha = pixel[3]; float inv_alpha = 1.0f / alpha; pixel[0] *= inv_alpha; pixel[1] *= inv_alpha; pixel[2] *= inv_alpha; processor->applyRGB(pixel); pixel[0] *= alpha; pixel[1] *= alpha; pixel[2] *= alpha; } } } #else (void)processor_; (void)pixel; (void)channels; #endif } void ColorSpaceManager::free_memory() { #ifdef WITH_OCIO map_free_memory(cached_colorspaces); map_free_memory(cached_colorspaces); #endif } /* Template instanstations so we don't have to inline functions. */ template void ColorSpaceManager::to_scene_linear(ustring, uchar *, size_t, size_t, size_t, bool); template void ColorSpaceManager::to_scene_linear(ustring, ushort *, size_t, size_t, size_t, bool); template void ColorSpaceManager::to_scene_linear(ustring, half *, size_t, size_t, size_t, bool); template void ColorSpaceManager::to_scene_linear(ustring, float *, size_t, size_t, size_t, bool); CCL_NAMESPACE_END