/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file RAS_IRasterizer.h * \ingroup bgerast */ #ifndef __RAS_IRASTERIZER_H__ #define __RAS_IRASTERIZER_H__ #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning (disable:4786) #endif #include "STR_HashedString.h" #include "MT_CmMatrix4x4.h" #include "MT_Matrix4x4.h" #include "RAS_TexVert.h" #include using namespace std; #ifdef WITH_CXX_GUARDEDALLOC #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #endif class RAS_ICanvas; class RAS_IPolyMaterial; class RAS_MeshSlot; typedef vector KX_IndexArray; typedef vector KX_VertexArray; typedef vector vecVertexArray; typedef vector vecIndexArrays; /** * 3D rendering device context interface. */ class RAS_IRasterizer { public: enum RAS_TEXT_RENDER_MODE { RAS_TEXT_RENDER_NODEF = 0, RAS_TEXT_NORMAL, RAS_TEXT_PADDED, RAS_TEXT_MAX, }; RAS_IRasterizer(RAS_ICanvas* canv) {}; virtual ~RAS_IRasterizer() {}; /** * Drawing types */ enum DrawType { KX_BOUNDINGBOX = 1, KX_WIREFRAME, KX_SOLID, KX_SHADED, KX_TEXTURED, KX_SHADOW, }; /** * Drawing modes */ enum DrawMode { KX_MODE_LINES = 1, KX_MODE_TRIANGLES, KX_MODE_QUADS, }; /** * Valid SetDepthMask parameters */ enum DepthMask { KX_DEPTHMASK_ENABLED = 1, KX_DEPTHMASK_DISABLED, }; /** */ enum { RAS_RENDER_3DPOLYGON_TEXT = 64, /* GEMAT_TEXT */ KX_BACKCULL = 16, /* GEMAT_BACKCULL */ KX_TEX = 4096, /* GEMAT_TEX */ KX_LINES = 32768, }; /** * Stereo mode types */ enum StereoMode { RAS_STEREO_NOSTEREO = 1, RAS_STEREO_QUADBUFFERED, RAS_STEREO_ABOVEBELOW, RAS_STEREO_INTERLACED, RAS_STEREO_ANAGLYPH, RAS_STEREO_SIDEBYSIDE, RAS_STEREO_VINTERLACE, RAS_STEREO_DOME, RAS_STEREO_MAXSTEREO }; /** * Texture gen modes. */ enum TexCoGen { RAS_TEXCO_GEN, /* < GPU will generate texture coordinates */ RAS_TEXCO_ORCO, /* < Vertex coordinates (object space) */ RAS_TEXCO_GLOB, /* < Vertex coordinates (world space) */ RAS_TEXCO_UV, /* < UV coordinates */ RAS_TEXCO_OBJECT, /* < Use another object's position as coordinates */ RAS_TEXCO_LAVECTOR, /* < Light vector as coordinates */ RAS_TEXCO_VIEW, /* < View vector as coordinates */ RAS_TEXCO_STICKY, /* < Sticky coordinates */ RAS_TEXCO_WINDOW, /* < Window coordinates */ RAS_TEXCO_NORM, /* < Normal coordinates */ RAS_TEXTANGENT, /* < */ RAS_TEXCO_VCOL, /* < Vertex Color */ RAS_TEXCO_DISABLE, /* < Disable this texture unit (cached) */ }; /** * Render pass identifiers for stereo. */ enum StereoEye { RAS_STEREO_LEFTEYE = 1, RAS_STEREO_RIGHTEYE, }; /** * Mipmap options */ enum MipmapOption { RAS_MIPMAP_NONE, RAS_MIPMAP_NEAREST, RAS_MIPMAP_LINEAR, RAS_MIPMAP_MAX, /* Should always be last */ }; /** * SetDepthMask enables or disables writing a fragment's depth value * to the Z buffer. */ virtual void SetDepthMask(DepthMask depthmask) = 0; /** * SetMaterial sets the material settings for subsequent primitives * to be rendered with. * The material will be cached. */ virtual bool SetMaterial(const RAS_IPolyMaterial &mat) = 0; /** * Init initializes the renderer. */ virtual bool Init() = 0; /** * Exit cleans up the renderer. */ virtual void Exit() = 0; /** * BeginFrame is called at the start of each frame. */ virtual bool BeginFrame(int drawingmode, double time) = 0; /** * ClearColorBuffer clears the color buffer. */ virtual void ClearColorBuffer() = 0; /** * ClearDepthBuffer clears the depth buffer. */ virtual void ClearDepthBuffer() = 0; /** * ClearCachingInfo clears the currently cached material. */ virtual void ClearCachingInfo(void) = 0; /** * EndFrame is called at the end of each frame. */ virtual void EndFrame() = 0; /** * SetRenderArea sets the render area from the 2d canvas. * Returns true if only of subset of the canvas is used. */ virtual void SetRenderArea() = 0; // Stereo Functions /** * SetStereoMode will set the stereo mode */ virtual void SetStereoMode(const StereoMode stereomode) = 0; /** * Stereo can be used to query if the rasterizer is in stereo mode. * \return true if stereo mode is enabled. */ virtual bool Stereo() = 0; virtual StereoMode GetStereoMode() = 0; virtual bool InterlacedStereo() = 0; /** * Sets which eye buffer subsequent primitives will be rendered to. */ virtual void SetEye(const StereoEye eye) = 0; virtual StereoEye GetEye() = 0; /** * Sets the distance between eyes for stereo mode. */ virtual void SetEyeSeparation(const float eyeseparation) = 0; virtual float GetEyeSeparation() = 0; /** * Sets the focal length for stereo mode. */ virtual void SetFocalLength(const float focallength) = 0; virtual float GetFocalLength() = 0; /** * SwapBuffers swaps the back buffer with the front buffer. */ virtual void SwapBuffers() = 0; // Drawing Functions /** * IndexPrimitives: Renders primitives from mesh slot. */ virtual void IndexPrimitives(class RAS_MeshSlot &ms) = 0; virtual void IndexPrimitivesMulti(class RAS_MeshSlot &ms) = 0; /** * IndexPrimitives_3DText will render text into the polygons. */ virtual void IndexPrimitives_3DText(class RAS_MeshSlot &ms, class RAS_IPolyMaterial *polymat) = 0; virtual void SetProjectionMatrix(MT_CmMatrix4x4 &mat) = 0; /* This one should become our final version, methinks. */ /** * Set the projection matrix for the rasterizer. This projects * from camera coordinates to window coordinates. * \param mat The projection matrix. */ virtual void SetProjectionMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 &mat) = 0; /** * Sets the modelview matrix. */ virtual void SetViewMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 &mat, const MT_Matrix3x3 &ori, const MT_Point3 &pos, bool perspective) = 0; /** */ virtual const MT_Point3& GetCameraPosition() = 0; virtual bool GetCameraOrtho() = 0; /** * Fog */ virtual void SetFog(float start, float dist, float r, float g, float b) = 0; virtual void SetFogColor(float r, float g,float b) = 0; virtual void SetFogStart(float start) = 0; virtual void SetFogEnd(float end) = 0; virtual void DisplayFog() = 0; virtual void DisableFog() = 0; virtual bool IsFogEnabled() = 0; virtual void SetBackColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) = 0; /** * \param drawingmode = KX_BOUNDINGBOX, KX_WIREFRAME, KX_SOLID, KX_SHADED or KX_TEXTURED. */ virtual void SetDrawingMode(int drawingmode) = 0; /** * \return the current drawing mode: KX_BOUNDINGBOX, KX_WIREFRAME, KX_SOLID, KX_SHADED or KX_TEXTURED. */ virtual int GetDrawingMode() = 0; /** * Sets face culling */ virtual void SetCullFace(bool enable) = 0; /** * Sets wireframe mode. */ virtual void SetLines(bool enable) = 0; /** */ virtual double GetTime() = 0; /** * Generates a projection matrix from the specified frustum. * \param left the left clipping plane * \param right the right clipping plane * \param bottom the bottom clipping plane * \param top the top clipping plane * \param frustnear the near clipping plane * \param frustfar the far clipping plane * \return a 4x4 matrix representing the projection transform. */ virtual MT_Matrix4x4 GetFrustumMatrix( float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float frustnear, float frustfar, float focallength = 0.0f, bool perspective = true) = 0; /** * Generates a orthographic projection matrix from the specified frustum. * \param left the left clipping plane * \param right the right clipping plane * \param bottom the bottom clipping plane * \param top the top clipping plane * \param frustnear the near clipping plane * \param frustfar the far clipping plane * \return a 4x4 matrix representing the projection transform. */ virtual MT_Matrix4x4 GetOrthoMatrix( float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float frustnear, float frustfar) = 0; /** * Sets the specular color component of the lighting equation. */ virtual void SetSpecularity(float specX, float specY, float specZ, float specval) = 0; /** * Sets the specular exponent component of the lighting equation. */ virtual void SetShinyness(float shiny) = 0; /** * Sets the diffuse color component of the lighting equation. */ virtual void SetDiffuse(float difX,float difY, float difZ, float diffuse) = 0; /** * Sets the emissive color component of the lighting equation. */ virtual void SetEmissive(float eX, float eY, float eZ, float e) = 0; virtual void SetAmbientColor(float red, float green, float blue) = 0; virtual void SetAmbient(float factor) = 0; /** * Sets a polygon offset. z depth will be: z1 = mult*z0 + add */ virtual void SetPolygonOffset(float mult, float add) = 0; virtual void DrawDebugLine(const MT_Vector3 &from, const MT_Vector3 &to, const MT_Vector3& color) = 0; virtual void DrawDebugCircle(const MT_Vector3 ¢er, const MT_Scalar radius, const MT_Vector3 &color, const MT_Vector3 &normal, int nsector) = 0; virtual void FlushDebugShapes() = 0; virtual void SetTexCoordNum(int num) = 0; virtual void SetAttribNum(int num) = 0; virtual void SetTexCoord(TexCoGen coords, int unit) = 0; virtual void SetAttrib(TexCoGen coords, int unit, int layer = 0) = 0; virtual const MT_Matrix4x4 &GetViewMatrix() const = 0; virtual const MT_Matrix4x4 &GetViewInvMatrix() const = 0; virtual bool QueryLists() { return false; } virtual bool QueryArrays() { return false; } virtual void EnableMotionBlur(float motionblurvalue) = 0; virtual void DisableMotionBlur() = 0; virtual float GetMotionBlurValue() = 0; virtual int GetMotionBlurState() = 0; virtual void SetMotionBlurState(int newstate) = 0; virtual void SetAlphaBlend(int alphablend) = 0; virtual void SetFrontFace(bool ccw) = 0; virtual void SetAnisotropicFiltering(short level) = 0; virtual short GetAnisotropicFiltering() = 0; virtual void SetMipmapping(MipmapOption val) = 0; virtual MipmapOption GetMipmapping() = 0; virtual void SetUsingOverrideShader(bool val) = 0; virtual bool GetUsingOverrideShader() = 0; /** * Render Tools */ virtual void applyTransform(double *oglmatrix, int drawingmode) = 0; /** * Renders 2D boxes. * \param xco Position on the screen (origin in lower left corner). * \param yco Position on the screen (origin in lower left corner). * \param width Width of the canvas to draw to. * \param height Height of the canvas to draw to. * \param percentage Percentage of bar. */ virtual void RenderBox2D(int xco, int yco, int width, int height, float percentage) = 0; /** * Renders 3D text string using BFL. * \param fontid The id of the font. * \param text The string to render. * \param size The size of the text. * \param dpi The resolution of the text. * \param color The color of the object. * \param mat The Matrix of the text object. * \param aspect A scaling factor to compensate for the size. */ virtual void RenderText3D( int fontid, const char *text, int size, int dpi, const float color[4], const double mat[16], float aspect) = 0; /** * Renders 2D text string. * \param mode The type of text * \param text The string to render. * \param xco Position on the screen (origin in lower left corner). * \param yco Position on the screen (origin in lower left corner). * \param width Width of the canvas to draw to. * \param height Height of the canvas to draw to. */ virtual void RenderText2D( RAS_TEXT_RENDER_MODE mode, const char *text, int xco, int yco, int width, int height) = 0; virtual void ProcessLighting(bool uselights, const MT_Transform &trans) = 0; virtual void PushMatrix() = 0; virtual void PopMatrix() = 0; virtual void AddLight(struct RAS_LightObject *lightobject) = 0; virtual void RemoveLight(struct RAS_LightObject *lightobject) = 0; virtual void MotionBlur() = 0; virtual void SetClientObject(void *obj) = 0; virtual void SetAuxilaryClientInfo(void *inf) = 0; #ifdef WITH_CXX_GUARDEDALLOC MEM_CXX_CLASS_ALLOC_FUNCS("GE:RAS_IRasterizer") #endif }; #endif /* __RAS_IRASTERIZER_H__ */