/* * Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "device.h" #include "graph.h" #include "light.h" #include "osl.h" #include "scene.h" #include "shader.h" #ifdef WITH_OSL #include "osl_globals.h" #include "osl_services.h" #include "osl_shader.h" #include "util_foreach.h" #include "util_md5.h" #include "util_path.h" #include "util_progress.h" #endif CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #ifdef WITH_OSL /* Shared Texture and Shading System */ OSL::TextureSystem *OSLShaderManager::ts_shared = NULL; int OSLShaderManager::ts_shared_users = 0; thread_mutex OSLShaderManager::ts_shared_mutex; OSL::ShadingSystem *OSLShaderManager::ss_shared = NULL; OSLRenderServices *OSLShaderManager::services_shared = NULL; int OSLShaderManager::ss_shared_users = 0; thread_mutex OSLShaderManager::ss_shared_mutex; thread_mutex OSLShaderManager::ss_mutex; /* Shader Manager */ OSLShaderManager::OSLShaderManager() { texture_system_init(); shading_system_init(); } OSLShaderManager::~OSLShaderManager() { shading_system_free(); texture_system_free(); } void OSLShaderManager::reset(Scene *scene) { shading_system_free(); shading_system_init(); } void OSLShaderManager::device_update(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene, Progress& progress) { if(!need_update) return; device_free(device, dscene, scene); /* determine which shaders are in use */ device_update_shaders_used(scene); /* create shaders */ OSLGlobals *og = (OSLGlobals*)device->osl_memory(); foreach(Shader *shader, scene->shaders) { assert(shader->graph); if(progress.get_cancel()) return; /* we can only compile one shader at the time as the OSL ShadingSytem * has a single state, but we put the lock here so different renders can * compile shaders alternating */ thread_scoped_lock lock(ss_mutex); OSLCompiler compiler((void*)this, (void*)ss, scene->image_manager); compiler.background = (shader == scene->shaders[scene->default_background]); compiler.compile(og, shader); if(shader->use_mis && shader->has_surface_emission) scene->light_manager->need_update = true; } /* setup shader engine */ og->ss = ss; og->ts = ts; og->services = services; int background_id = scene->shader_manager->get_shader_id(scene->default_background); og->background_state = og->surface_state[background_id & SHADER_MASK]; og->use = true; foreach(Shader *shader, scene->shaders) shader->need_update = false; need_update = false; /* set texture system */ scene->image_manager->set_osl_texture_system((void*)ts); device_update_common(device, dscene, scene, progress); } void OSLShaderManager::device_free(Device *device, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene) { OSLGlobals *og = (OSLGlobals*)device->osl_memory(); device_free_common(device, dscene, scene); /* clear shader engine */ og->use = false; og->ss = NULL; og->ts = NULL; og->surface_state.clear(); og->volume_state.clear(); og->displacement_state.clear(); og->background_state.reset(); } void OSLShaderManager::texture_system_init() { /* create texture system, shared between different renders to reduce memory usage */ thread_scoped_lock lock(ts_shared_mutex); if(ts_shared_users == 0) { ts_shared = TextureSystem::create(true); ts_shared->attribute("automip", 1); ts_shared->attribute("autotile", 64); ts_shared->attribute("gray_to_rgb", 1); /* effectively unlimited for now, until we support proper mipmap lookups */ ts_shared->attribute("max_memory_MB", 16384); } ts = ts_shared; ts_shared_users++; } void OSLShaderManager::texture_system_free() { /* shared texture system decrease users and destroy if no longer used */ thread_scoped_lock lock(ts_shared_mutex); ts_shared_users--; if(ts_shared_users == 0) { OSL::TextureSystem::destroy(ts_shared); ts_shared = NULL; } ts = NULL; } void OSLShaderManager::shading_system_init() { /* create shading system, shared between different renders to reduce memory usage */ thread_scoped_lock lock(ss_shared_mutex); if(ss_shared_users == 0) { services_shared = new OSLRenderServices(); ss_shared = OSL::ShadingSystem::create(services_shared, ts_shared, &errhandler); ss_shared->attribute("lockgeom", 1); ss_shared->attribute("commonspace", "world"); ss_shared->attribute("searchpath:shader", path_get("shader")); /* our own ray types */ static const char *raytypes[] = { "camera", /* PATH_RAY_CAMERA */ "reflection", /* PATH_RAY_REFLECT */ "refraction", /* PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT */ "diffuse", /* PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE */ "gloss_sharedy", /* PATH_RAY_GLOSSY */ "singular", /* PATH_RAY_SINGULAR */ "transparent", /* PATH_RAY_TRANSPARENT */ "shadow", /* PATH_RAY_SHADOW_OPAQUE */ "shadow", /* PATH_RAY_SHADOW_TRANSPARENT */ }; const int nraytypes = sizeof(raytypes)/sizeof(raytypes[0]); ss_shared->attribute("raytypes", TypeDesc(TypeDesc::STRING, nraytypes), raytypes); OSLShader::register_closures((OSLShadingSystem*)ss_shared); loaded_shaders.clear(); } ss = ss_shared; services = services_shared; ss_shared_users++; } void OSLShaderManager::shading_system_free() { /* shared shading system decrease users and destroy if no longer used */ thread_scoped_lock lock(ss_shared_mutex); ss_shared_users--; if(ss_shared_users == 0) { OSL::ShadingSystem::destroy(ss_shared); ss_shared = NULL; delete services_shared; services_shared = NULL; } ss = NULL; services = NULL; } bool OSLShaderManager::osl_compile(const string& inputfile, const string& outputfile) { vector options; string stdosl_path; /* specify output file name */ options.push_back("-o"); options.push_back(outputfile); /* specify standard include path */ options.push_back("-I" + path_get("shader")); stdosl_path = path_get("shader/stdosl.h"); /* compile */ OSL::OSLCompiler *compiler = OSL::OSLCompiler::create(); bool ok = compiler->compile(inputfile, options, stdosl_path); delete compiler; return ok; } bool OSLShaderManager::osl_query(OSL::OSLQuery& query, const string& filepath) { string searchpath = path_user_get("shaders"); return query.open(filepath, searchpath); } static string shader_filepath_hash(const string& filepath, uint64_t modified_time) { /* compute a hash from filepath and modified time to detect changes */ MD5Hash md5; md5.append((const uint8_t*)filepath.c_str(), filepath.size()); md5.append((const uint8_t*)&modified_time, sizeof(modified_time)); return md5.get_hex(); } const char *OSLShaderManager::shader_test_loaded(const string& hash) { map::iterator it = loaded_shaders.find(hash); return (it == loaded_shaders.end())? NULL: it->first.c_str(); } OSLShaderInfo *OSLShaderManager::shader_loaded_info(const string& hash) { map::iterator it = loaded_shaders.find(hash); return (it == loaded_shaders.end())? NULL: &it->second; } const char *OSLShaderManager::shader_load_filepath(string filepath) { size_t len = filepath.size(); string extension = filepath.substr(len - 4); uint64_t modified_time = path_modified_time(filepath); if(extension == ".osl") { /* .OSL File */ string osopath = filepath.substr(0, len - 4) + ".oso"; uint64_t oso_modified_time = path_modified_time(osopath); /* test if we have loaded the corresponding .OSO already */ if(oso_modified_time != 0) { const char *hash = shader_test_loaded(shader_filepath_hash(osopath, oso_modified_time)); if(hash) return hash; } /* autocompile .OSL to .OSO if needed */ if(oso_modified_time == 0 || (oso_modified_time < modified_time)) { OSLShaderManager::osl_compile(filepath, osopath); modified_time = path_modified_time(osopath); } else modified_time = oso_modified_time; filepath = osopath; } else { if(extension == ".oso") { /* .OSO File, nothing to do */ } else if(path_dirname(filepath) == "") { /* .OSO File in search path */ filepath = path_join(path_user_get("shaders"), filepath + ".oso"); } else { /* unknown file */ return NULL; } /* test if we have loaded this .OSO already */ const char *hash = shader_test_loaded(shader_filepath_hash(filepath, modified_time)); if(hash) return hash; } /* read oso bytecode from file */ string bytecode_hash = shader_filepath_hash(filepath, modified_time); string bytecode; if(!path_read_text(filepath, bytecode)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cycles shader graph: failed to read file %s\n", filepath.c_str()); OSLShaderInfo info; loaded_shaders[bytecode_hash] = info; /* to avoid repeat tries */ return NULL; } return shader_load_bytecode(bytecode_hash, bytecode); } const char *OSLShaderManager::shader_load_bytecode(const string& hash, const string& bytecode) { ss->LoadMemoryCompiledShader(hash.c_str(), bytecode.c_str()); /* this is a bit weak, but works */ OSLShaderInfo info; info.has_surface_emission = (bytecode.find("\"emission\"") != string::npos); info.has_surface_transparent = (bytecode.find("\"transparent\"") != string::npos); info.has_surface_bssrdf = (bytecode.find("\"bssrdf\"") != string::npos); loaded_shaders[hash] = info; return loaded_shaders.find(hash)->first.c_str(); } /* Graph Compiler */ OSLCompiler::OSLCompiler(void *manager_, void *shadingsys_, ImageManager *image_manager_) { manager = manager_; shadingsys = shadingsys_; image_manager = image_manager_; current_type = SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE; current_shader = NULL; background = false; } string OSLCompiler::id(ShaderNode *node) { /* assign layer unique name based on pointer address + bump mode */ stringstream stream; stream << "node_" << node->name << "_" << node; return stream.str(); } string OSLCompiler::compatible_name(ShaderNode *node, ShaderInput *input) { string sname(input->name); size_t i; /* strip whitespace */ while((i = sname.find(" ")) != string::npos) sname.replace(i, 1, ""); /* if output exists with the same name, add "In" suffix */ foreach(ShaderOutput *output, node->outputs) { if (strcmp(input->name, output->name)==0) { sname += "In"; break; } } return sname; } string OSLCompiler::compatible_name(ShaderNode *node, ShaderOutput *output) { string sname(output->name); size_t i; /* strip whitespace */ while((i = sname.find(" ")) != string::npos) sname.replace(i, 1, ""); /* if input exists with the same name, add "Out" suffix */ foreach(ShaderInput *input, node->inputs) { if (strcmp(input->name, output->name)==0) { sname += "Out"; break; } } return sname; } bool OSLCompiler::node_skip_input(ShaderNode *node, ShaderInput *input) { /* exception for output node, only one input is actually used * depending on the current shader type */ if(!(input->usage & ShaderInput::USE_OSL)) return true; if(node->name == ustring("output")) { if(strcmp(input->name, "Surface") == 0 && current_type != SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE) return true; if(strcmp(input->name, "Volume") == 0 && current_type != SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME) return true; if(strcmp(input->name, "Displacement") == 0 && current_type != SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT) return true; if(strcmp(input->name, "Normal") == 0) return true; } else if(node->name == ustring("bump")) { if(strcmp(input->name, "Height") == 0) return true; } else if(current_type == SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT && input->link && input->link->parent->name == ustring("bump")) return true; return false; } void OSLCompiler::add(ShaderNode *node, const char *name, bool isfilepath) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; /* load filepath */ if(isfilepath) { name = ((OSLShaderManager*)manager)->shader_load_filepath(name); if(name == NULL) return; } /* pass in fixed parameter values */ foreach(ShaderInput *input, node->inputs) { if(!input->link) { /* checks to untangle graphs */ if(node_skip_input(node, input)) continue; /* already has default value assigned */ else if(input->default_value != ShaderInput::NONE) continue; string param_name = compatible_name(node, input); switch(input->type) { case SHADER_SOCKET_COLOR: parameter_color(param_name.c_str(), input->value); break; case SHADER_SOCKET_POINT: parameter_point(param_name.c_str(), input->value); break; case SHADER_SOCKET_VECTOR: parameter_vector(param_name.c_str(), input->value); break; case SHADER_SOCKET_NORMAL: parameter_normal(param_name.c_str(), input->value); break; case SHADER_SOCKET_FLOAT: parameter(param_name.c_str(), input->value.x); break; case SHADER_SOCKET_INT: parameter(param_name.c_str(), (int)input->value.x); break; case SHADER_SOCKET_STRING: parameter(param_name.c_str(), input->value_string); break; case SHADER_SOCKET_CLOSURE: case SHADER_SOCKET_UNDEFINED: break; } } } /* create shader of the appropriate type. we pass "surface" to all shaders, * because "volume" and "displacement" don't work yet in OSL. the shaders * work fine, but presumably these values would be used for more strict * checking, so when that is fixed, we should update the code here too. */ if(current_type == SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE) ss->Shader("surface", name, id(node).c_str()); else if(current_type == SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME) ss->Shader("surface", name, id(node).c_str()); else if(current_type == SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT) ss->Shader("surface", name, id(node).c_str()); else assert(0); /* link inputs to other nodes */ foreach(ShaderInput *input, node->inputs) { if(input->link) { if(node_skip_input(node, input)) continue; /* connect shaders */ string id_from = id(input->link->parent); string id_to = id(node); string param_from = compatible_name(input->link->parent, input->link); string param_to = compatible_name(node, input); ss->ConnectShaders(id_from.c_str(), param_from.c_str(), id_to.c_str(), param_to.c_str()); } } /* test if we shader contains specific closures */ OSLShaderInfo *info = ((OSLShaderManager*)manager)->shader_loaded_info(name); if(info) { if(info->has_surface_emission) current_shader->has_surface_emission = true; if(info->has_surface_transparent) current_shader->has_surface_transparent = true; if(info->has_surface_bssrdf) current_shader->has_surface_bssrdf = true; } } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, float f) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypeFloat, &f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_color(const char *name, float3 f) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypeColor, &f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_point(const char *name, float3 f) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypePoint, &f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_normal(const char *name, float3 f) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypeNormal, &f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_vector(const char *name, float3 f) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypeVector, &f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, int f) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypeInt, &f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, const char *s) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypeString, &s); } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, ustring s) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; const char *str = s.c_str(); ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypeString, &str); } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, const Transform& tfm) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ss->Parameter(name, TypeDesc::TypeMatrix, (float*)&tfm); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_array(const char *name, const float f[], int arraylen) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; TypeDesc type = TypeDesc::TypeFloat; type.arraylen = arraylen; ss->Parameter(name, type, f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_color_array(const char *name, const float f[][3], int arraylen) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; TypeDesc type = TypeDesc::TypeColor; type.arraylen = arraylen; ss->Parameter(name, type, f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_vector_array(const char *name, const float f[][3], int arraylen) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; TypeDesc type = TypeDesc::TypeVector; type.arraylen = arraylen; ss->Parameter(name, type, f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_normal_array(const char *name, const float f[][3], int arraylen) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; TypeDesc type = TypeDesc::TypeNormal; type.arraylen = arraylen; ss->Parameter(name, type, f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_point_array(const char *name, const float f[][3], int arraylen) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; TypeDesc type = TypeDesc::TypePoint; type.arraylen = arraylen; ss->Parameter(name, type, f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_array(const char *name, const int f[], int arraylen) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; TypeDesc type = TypeDesc::TypeInt; type.arraylen = arraylen; ss->Parameter(name, type, f); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_array(const char *name, const char * const s[], int arraylen) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; TypeDesc type = TypeDesc::TypeString; type.arraylen = arraylen; ss->Parameter(name, type, s); } void OSLCompiler::parameter_array(const char *name, const Transform tfm[], int arraylen) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; TypeDesc type = TypeDesc::TypeMatrix; type.arraylen = arraylen; ss->Parameter(name, type, (const float *)tfm); } void OSLCompiler::find_dependencies(set& dependencies, ShaderInput *input) { ShaderNode *node = (input->link)? input->link->parent: NULL; if(node) { foreach(ShaderInput *in, node->inputs) if(!node_skip_input(node, in)) find_dependencies(dependencies, in); dependencies.insert(node); } } void OSLCompiler::generate_nodes(const set& nodes) { set done; bool nodes_done; do { nodes_done = true; foreach(ShaderNode *node, nodes) { if(done.find(node) == done.end()) { bool inputs_done = true; foreach(ShaderInput *input, node->inputs) if(!node_skip_input(node, input)) if(input->link && done.find(input->link->parent) == done.end()) inputs_done = false; if(inputs_done) { node->compile(*this); done.insert(node); if(node->has_surface_emission()) current_shader->has_surface_emission = true; if(node->has_surface_transparent()) current_shader->has_surface_transparent = true; if(node->has_surface_bssrdf()) current_shader->has_surface_bssrdf = true; } else nodes_done = false; } } } while(!nodes_done); } void OSLCompiler::compile_type(Shader *shader, ShaderGraph *graph, ShaderType type) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; current_type = type; ss->ShaderGroupBegin(); ShaderNode *output = graph->output(); set dependencies; if(type == SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE) { /* generate surface shader */ find_dependencies(dependencies, output->input("Surface")); generate_nodes(dependencies); output->compile(*this); } else if(type == SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME) { /* generate volume shader */ find_dependencies(dependencies, output->input("Volume")); generate_nodes(dependencies); output->compile(*this); } else if(type == SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT) { /* generate displacement shader */ find_dependencies(dependencies, output->input("Displacement")); generate_nodes(dependencies); output->compile(*this); } else assert(0); ss->ShaderGroupEnd(); } void OSLCompiler::compile(OSLGlobals *og, Shader *shader) { if(shader->need_update) { OSL::ShadingSystem *ss = (OSL::ShadingSystem*)shadingsys; ShaderGraph *graph = shader->graph; ShaderNode *output = (graph)? graph->output(): NULL; /* copy graph for shader with bump mapping */ if(output->input("Surface")->link && output->input("Displacement")->link) if(!shader->graph_bump) shader->graph_bump = shader->graph->copy(); /* finalize */ shader->graph->finalize(false, true); if(shader->graph_bump) shader->graph_bump->finalize(true, true); current_shader = shader; shader->has_surface = false; shader->has_surface_emission = false; shader->has_surface_transparent = false; shader->has_surface_bssrdf = false; shader->has_volume = false; shader->has_displacement = false; /* generate surface shader */ if(shader->used && graph && output->input("Surface")->link) { compile_type(shader, shader->graph, SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE); shader->osl_surface_ref = ss->state(); if(shader->graph_bump) { ss->clear_state(); compile_type(shader, shader->graph_bump, SHADER_TYPE_SURFACE); } shader->osl_surface_bump_ref = ss->state(); ss->clear_state(); shader->has_surface = true; } else { shader->osl_surface_ref = OSL::ShadingAttribStateRef(); shader->osl_surface_bump_ref = OSL::ShadingAttribStateRef(); } /* generate volume shader */ if(shader->used && graph && output->input("Volume")->link) { compile_type(shader, shader->graph, SHADER_TYPE_VOLUME); shader->has_volume = true; shader->osl_volume_ref = ss->state(); ss->clear_state(); } else shader->osl_volume_ref = OSL::ShadingAttribStateRef(); /* generate displacement shader */ if(shader->used && graph && output->input("Displacement")->link) { compile_type(shader, shader->graph, SHADER_TYPE_DISPLACEMENT); shader->has_displacement = true; shader->osl_displacement_ref = ss->state(); ss->clear_state(); } else shader->osl_displacement_ref = OSL::ShadingAttribStateRef(); } /* push state to array for lookup */ og->surface_state.push_back(shader->osl_surface_ref); og->surface_state.push_back(shader->osl_surface_bump_ref); og->volume_state.push_back(shader->osl_volume_ref); og->volume_state.push_back(shader->osl_volume_ref); og->displacement_state.push_back(shader->osl_displacement_ref); og->displacement_state.push_back(shader->osl_displacement_ref); } #else void OSLCompiler::add(ShaderNode *node, const char *name, bool isfilepath) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, float f) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_color(const char *name, float3 f) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_vector(const char *name, float3 f) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_point(const char *name, float3 f) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_normal(const char *name, float3 f) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, int f) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, const char *s) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, ustring s) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter(const char *name, const Transform& tfm) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_array(const char *name, const float f[], int arraylen) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_color_array(const char *name, const float f[][3], int arraylen) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_vector_array(const char *name, const float f[][3], int arraylen) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_normal_array(const char *name, const float f[][3], int arraylen) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_point_array(const char *name, const float f[][3], int arraylen) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_array(const char *name, const int f[], int arraylen) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_array(const char *name, const char * const s[], int arraylen) { } void OSLCompiler::parameter_array(const char *name, const Transform tfm[], int arraylen) { } #endif /* WITH_OSL */ CCL_NAMESPACE_END