/* $Id: CopyPose.cpp 20622 2009-06-04 12:47:59Z ben2610 $ * CopyPose.cpp * * Created on: Mar 17, 2009 * Author: benoit bolsee */ #include "CopyPose.hpp" #include "kdl/kinfam_io.hpp" #include #include #include namespace iTaSC { const unsigned int maxPoseCacheSize = (2*(3+3*2)); CopyPose::CopyPose(unsigned int control_output, unsigned int dynamic_output, double armlength, double accuracy, unsigned int maximum_iterations): ConstraintSet(), m_cache(NULL), m_poseCCh(-1),m_poseCTs(0) { m_maxerror = armlength/2.0; m_outputControl = (control_output & CTL_ALL); int _nc = nBitsOn(m_outputControl); if (!_nc) return; // reset the constraint set reset(_nc, accuracy, maximum_iterations); _nc = 0; m_nvalues = 0; int nrot = 0, npos = 0; int nposCache = 0, nrotCache = 0; m_outputDynamic = (dynamic_output & m_outputControl); memset(m_values, 0, sizeof(m_values)); memset(m_posData, 0, sizeof(m_posData)); memset(m_rotData, 0, sizeof(m_rotData)); memset(&m_rot, 0, sizeof(m_rot)); memset(&m_pos, 0, sizeof(m_pos)); if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) { m_pos.alpha = 1.0; m_pos.K = 20.0; m_pos.tolerance = 0.05; m_values[m_nvalues].alpha = m_pos.alpha; m_values[m_nvalues].feedback = m_pos.K; m_values[m_nvalues].tolerance = m_pos.tolerance; m_values[m_nvalues].id = ID_POSITION; if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITIONX) { m_Wy(_nc) = m_pos.alpha/*/(m_pos.tolerance*m_pos.K)*/; m_Cf(_nc++,0)=1.0; m_posData[npos++].id = ID_POSITIONX; if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITIONX) nposCache++; } if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITIONY) { m_Wy(_nc) = m_pos.alpha/*/(m_pos.tolerance*m_pos.K)*/; m_Cf(_nc++,1)=1.0; m_posData[npos++].id = ID_POSITIONY; if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITIONY) nposCache++; } if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITIONZ) { m_Wy(_nc) = m_pos.alpha/*/(m_pos.tolerance*m_pos.K)*/; m_Cf(_nc++,2)=1.0; m_posData[npos++].id = ID_POSITIONZ; if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITIONZ) nposCache++; } m_values[m_nvalues].number = npos; m_values[m_nvalues++].values = m_posData; m_pos.firsty = 0; m_pos.ny = npos; } if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) { m_rot.alpha = 1.0; m_rot.K = 20.0; m_rot.tolerance = 0.05; m_values[m_nvalues].alpha = m_rot.alpha; m_values[m_nvalues].feedback = m_rot.K; m_values[m_nvalues].tolerance = m_rot.tolerance; m_values[m_nvalues].id = ID_ROTATION; if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATIONX) { m_Wy(_nc) = m_rot.alpha/*/(m_rot.tolerance*m_rot.K)*/; m_Cf(_nc++,3)=1.0; m_rotData[nrot++].id = ID_ROTATIONX; if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATIONX) nrotCache++; } if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATIONY) { m_Wy(_nc) = m_rot.alpha/*/(m_rot.tolerance*m_rot.K)*/; m_Cf(_nc++,4)=1.0; m_rotData[nrot++].id = ID_ROTATIONY; if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATIONY) nrotCache++; } if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATIONZ) { m_Wy(_nc) = m_rot.alpha/*/(m_rot.tolerance*m_rot.K)*/; m_Cf(_nc++,5)=1.0; m_rotData[nrot++].id = ID_ROTATIONZ; if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATIONZ) nrotCache++; } m_values[m_nvalues].number = nrot; m_values[m_nvalues++].values = m_rotData; m_rot.firsty = npos; m_rot.ny = nrot; } assert(_nc == m_nc); m_Jf=e_identity_matrix(6,6); m_poseCacheSize = ((nrotCache)?(3+nrotCache*2):0)+((nposCache)?(3+nposCache*2):0); } CopyPose::~CopyPose() { } bool CopyPose::initialise(Frame& init_pose) { m_externalPose = m_internalPose = init_pose; updateJacobian(); return true; } void CopyPose::modelUpdate(Frame& _external_pose,const Timestamp& timestamp) { m_internalPose = m_externalPose = _external_pose; updateJacobian(); } void CopyPose::initCache(Cache *_cache) { m_cache = _cache; m_poseCCh = -1; if (m_cache) { // create one channel for the coordinates m_poseCCh = m_cache->addChannel(this, "Xf", m_poseCacheSize*sizeof(double)); // don't save initial value, it will be recomputed from external pose //pushPose(0); } } double* CopyPose::pushValues(double* item, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask) { ControlState::ControlValue* _yval; int i; *item++ = _state->alpha; *item++ = _state->K; *item++ = _state->tolerance; for (i=0, _yval=_state->output; i<_state->ny; mask<<=1) { if (m_outputControl & mask) { if (m_outputDynamic & mask) { *item++ = _yval->yd; *item++ = _yval->yddot; } _yval++; i++; } } return item; } void CopyPose::pushPose(CacheTS timestamp) { if (m_poseCCh >= 0) { if (m_poseCacheSize) { double buf[maxPoseCacheSize]; double *item = buf; if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITION) item = pushValues(item, &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX); if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATION) item = pushValues(item, &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX); m_cache->addCacheVectorIfDifferent(this, m_poseCCh, timestamp, buf, m_poseCacheSize, KDL::epsilon); } else m_cache->addCacheVectorIfDifferent(this, m_poseCCh, timestamp, NULL, 0, KDL::epsilon); m_poseCTs = timestamp; } } double* CopyPose::restoreValues(double* item, ConstraintValues* _values, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask) { ConstraintSingleValue* _data; ControlState::ControlValue* _yval; int i, j; _values->alpha = _state->alpha = *item++; _values->feedback = _state->K = *item++; _values->tolerance = _state->tolerance = *item++; for (i=_state->firsty, j=i+_state->ny, _yval=_state->output, _data=_values->values; ialpha/*/(_state->tolerance*_state->K)*/; if (m_outputDynamic & mask) { _data->yd = _yval->yd = *item++; _data->yddot = _yval->yddot = *item++; } _data++; _yval++; i++; } } return item; } bool CopyPose::popPose(CacheTS timestamp) { bool found = false; if (m_poseCCh >= 0) { double *item = (double*)m_cache->getPreviousCacheItem(this, m_poseCCh, ×tamp); if (item) { found = true; if (timestamp != m_poseCTs) { int i=0; if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) { if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITION) { item = restoreValues(item, &m_values[i], &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX); } i++; } if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) { if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATION) { item = restoreValues(item, &m_values[i], &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX); } i++; } m_poseCTs = timestamp; item = NULL; } } } return found; } void CopyPose::interpolateOutput(ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask, const Timestamp& timestamp) { ControlState::ControlValue* _yval; int i; for (i=0, _yval=_state->output; i<_state->ny; mask <<= 1) { if (m_outputControl & mask) { if (m_outputDynamic & mask) { if (timestamp.substep && timestamp.interpolate) { _yval->yd += _yval->yddot*timestamp.realTimestep; } else { _yval->yd = _yval->nextyd; _yval->yddot = _yval->nextyddot; } } i++; _yval++; } } } void CopyPose::pushCache(const Timestamp& timestamp) { if (!timestamp.substep && timestamp.cache) { pushPose(timestamp.cacheTimestamp); } } void CopyPose::updateKinematics(const Timestamp& timestamp) { if (timestamp.interpolate) { if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_POSITION) interpolateOutput(&m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX, timestamp); if (m_outputDynamic & CTL_ROTATION) interpolateOutput(&m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX, timestamp); } pushCache(timestamp); } void CopyPose::updateJacobian() { //Jacobian is always identity at the start of the constraint chain //instead of going through complicated jacobian operation, implemented direct formula //m_Jf(1,3) = m_internalPose.p.z(); //m_Jf(2,3) = -m_internalPose.p.y(); //m_Jf(0,4) = -m_internalPose.p.z(); //m_Jf(2,4) = m_internalPose.p.x(); //m_Jf(0,5) = m_internalPose.p.y(); //m_Jf(1,5) = -m_internalPose.p.x(); } void CopyPose::updateState(ConstraintValues* _values, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask, double timestep) { int id = (mask == CTL_ROTATIONX) ? ID_ROTATIONX : ID_POSITIONX; ControlState::ControlValue* _yval; ConstraintSingleValue* _data; int i, j, k; int action = 0; if ((_values->action & ACT_ALPHA) && _values->alpha >= 0.0) { _state->alpha = _values->alpha; action |= ACT_ALPHA; } if ((_values->action & ACT_TOLERANCE) && _values->tolerance > KDL::epsilon) { _state->tolerance = _values->tolerance; action |= ACT_TOLERANCE; } if ((_values->action & ACT_FEEDBACK) && _values->feedback > KDL::epsilon) { _state->K = _values->feedback; action |= ACT_FEEDBACK; } for (i=_state->firsty, j=_state->firsty+_state->ny, _yval=_state->output; ialpha/*/(_state->tolerance*_state->K)*/; // check if this controlled output is provided for (k=0, _data=_values->values; k<_values->number; k++, _data++) { if (_data->id == id) { switch (_data->action & (ACT_VALUE|ACT_VELOCITY)) { case 0: // no indication, keep current values break; case ACT_VELOCITY: // only the velocity is given estimate the new value by integration _data->yd = _yval->yd+_data->yddot*timestep; // walkthrough case ACT_VALUE: _yval->nextyd = _data->yd; // if the user sets the value, we assume future velocity is zero // (until the user changes the value again) _yval->nextyddot = (_data->action & ACT_VALUE) ? 0.0 : _data->yddot; if (timestep>0.0) { _yval->yddot = (_data->yd-_yval->yd)/timestep; } else { // allow the user to change target instantenously when this function // if called from setControlParameter with timestep = 0 _yval->yd = _yval->nextyd; _yval->yddot = _yval->nextyddot; } break; case (ACT_VALUE|ACT_VELOCITY): // the user should not set the value and velocity at the same time. // In this case, we will assume that he wants to set the future value // and we compute the current value to match the velocity _yval->yd = _data->yd - _data->yddot*timestep; _yval->nextyd = _data->yd; _yval->nextyddot = _data->yddot; if (timestep>0.0) { _yval->yddot = (_data->yd-_yval->yd)/timestep; } else { _yval->yd = _yval->nextyd; _yval->yddot = _yval->nextyddot; } break; } } } _yval++; i++; } } } bool CopyPose::setControlParameters(struct ConstraintValues* _values, unsigned int _nvalues, double timestep) { while (_nvalues > 0) { if (_values->id >= ID_POSITION && _values->id <= ID_POSITIONZ && (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION)) { updateState(_values, &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX, timestep); } if (_values->id >= ID_ROTATION && _values->id <= ID_ROTATIONZ && (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION)) { updateState(_values, &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX, timestep); } _values++; _nvalues--; } return true; } void CopyPose::updateValues(Vector& vel, ConstraintValues* _values, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask) { ConstraintSingleValue* _data; ControlState::ControlValue* _yval; int i, j; _values->action = 0; for (i=_state->firsty, j=0, _yval=_state->output, _data=_values->values; j<3; j++, mask<<=1) { if (m_outputControl & mask) { *(double*)&_data->y = vel(j); *(double*)&_data->ydot = m_ydot(i); _data->yd = _yval->yd; _data->yddot = _yval->yddot; _data->action = 0; i++; _data++; _yval++; } } } void CopyPose::updateOutput(Vector& vel, ControlState* _state, unsigned int mask) { ControlState::ControlValue* _yval; int i, j; double coef=1.0; if (mask & CTL_POSITION) { // put a limit on position error double len=0.0; for (j=0, _yval=_state->output; j<3; j++) { if (m_outputControl & (mask<yd-vel(j)); _yval++; } } len = KDL::sqrt(len); if (len > m_maxerror) coef = m_maxerror/len; } for (i=_state->firsty, j=0, _yval=_state->output; j<3; j++) { if (m_outputControl & (mask<yddot+_state->K*coef*(_yval->yd-vel(j)); _yval++; i++; } } } void CopyPose::updateControlOutput(const Timestamp& timestamp) { //IMO this should be done, no idea if it is enough (wrt Distance impl) Twist y = diff(F_identity, m_internalPose); bool found = true; if (!timestamp.substep) { if (!timestamp.reiterate) { found = popPose(timestamp.cacheTimestamp); } } if (m_constraintCallback && (m_substep || (!timestamp.reiterate && !timestamp.substep))) { // initialize first callback the application to get the current values int i=0; if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) { updateValues(y.vel, &m_values[i++], &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX); } if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) { updateValues(y.rot, &m_values[i++], &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX); } if ((*m_constraintCallback)(timestamp, m_values, m_nvalues, m_constraintParam)) { setControlParameters(m_values, m_nvalues, (found && timestamp.interpolate)?timestamp.realTimestep:0.0); } } if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) { updateOutput(y.vel, &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX); } if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) { updateOutput(y.rot, &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX); } } const ConstraintValues* CopyPose::getControlParameters(unsigned int* _nvalues) { Twist y = diff(m_internalPose,F_identity); int i=0; if (m_outputControl & CTL_POSITION) { updateValues(y.vel, &m_values[i++], &m_pos, CTL_POSITIONX); } if (m_outputControl & CTL_ROTATION) { updateValues(y.rot, &m_values[i++], &m_rot, CTL_ROTATIONX); } if (_nvalues) *_nvalues=m_nvalues; return m_values; } double CopyPose::getMaxTimestep(double& timestep) { // CopyPose should not have any limit on linear velocity: // in case the target is out of reach, this can be very high. // We will simply limit on rotation e_scalar maxChidot = m_chidot.block(3,0,3,1).cwise().abs().maxCoeff(); if (timestep*maxChidot > m_maxDeltaChi) { timestep = m_maxDeltaChi/maxChidot; } return timestep; } }