/** * $Id$ * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning (disable : 4786) #endif #include "KX_Light.h" #include "KX_Camera.h" #include "RAS_IRasterizer.h" #include "RAS_IRenderTools.h" #include "KX_PyMath.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "GPU_material.h" KX_LightObject::KX_LightObject(void* sgReplicationInfo,SG_Callbacks callbacks, class RAS_IRenderTools* rendertools, const RAS_LightObject& lightobj, bool glsl, PyTypeObject* T ) : KX_GameObject(sgReplicationInfo,callbacks,T), m_rendertools(rendertools) { m_lightobj = lightobj; m_lightobj.m_worldmatrix = GetOpenGLMatrixPtr(); m_lightobj.m_scene = sgReplicationInfo; m_rendertools->AddLight(&m_lightobj); m_glsl = glsl; m_blenderscene = ((KX_Scene*)sgReplicationInfo)->GetBlenderScene(); }; KX_LightObject::~KX_LightObject() { GPULamp *lamp; if((lamp = GetGPULamp())) { float obmat[4][4] = {{0}}; GPU_lamp_update(lamp, 0, obmat); } m_rendertools->RemoveLight(&m_lightobj); } CValue* KX_LightObject::GetReplica() { KX_LightObject* replica = new KX_LightObject(*this); // this will copy properties and so on... CValue::AddDataToReplica(replica); ProcessReplica(replica); replica->m_lightobj.m_worldmatrix = replica->GetOpenGLMatrixPtr(); m_rendertools->AddLight(&replica->m_lightobj); return replica; } GPULamp *KX_LightObject::GetGPULamp() { if(m_glsl) return GPU_lamp_from_blender(m_blenderscene, GetBlenderObject(), GetBlenderGroupObject()); else return false; } void KX_LightObject::Update() { GPULamp *lamp; if((lamp = GetGPULamp())) { float obmat[4][4]; double *dobmat = GetOpenGLMatrixPtr()->getPointer(); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) for(int j=0; j<4; j++, dobmat++) obmat[i][j] = (float)*dobmat; GPU_lamp_update(lamp, m_lightobj.m_layer, obmat); } } bool KX_LightObject::HasShadowBuffer() { GPULamp *lamp; if((lamp = GetGPULamp())) return GPU_lamp_has_shadow_buffer(lamp); else return false; } int KX_LightObject::GetShadowLayer() { GPULamp *lamp; if((lamp = GetGPULamp())) return GPU_lamp_shadow_layer(lamp); else return 0; } void KX_LightObject::BindShadowBuffer(RAS_IRasterizer *ras, KX_Camera *cam, MT_Transform& camtrans) { GPULamp *lamp; float viewmat[4][4], winmat[4][4]; int winsize; /* bind framebuffer */ lamp = GetGPULamp(); GPU_lamp_shadow_buffer_bind(lamp, viewmat, &winsize, winmat); /* setup camera transformation */ MT_Matrix4x4 modelviewmat((float*)viewmat); MT_Matrix4x4 projectionmat((float*)winmat); MT_Transform trans = MT_Transform((float*)viewmat); camtrans.invert(trans); cam->SetModelviewMatrix(modelviewmat); cam->SetProjectionMatrix(projectionmat); cam->NodeSetLocalPosition(camtrans.getOrigin()); cam->NodeSetLocalOrientation(camtrans.getBasis()); cam->NodeUpdateGS(0); /* setup rasterizer transformations */ ras->SetProjectionMatrix(projectionmat); ras->SetViewMatrix(modelviewmat, cam->NodeGetWorldPosition(), cam->GetCameraLocation(), cam->GetCameraOrientation()); } void KX_LightObject::UnbindShadowBuffer(RAS_IRasterizer *ras) { GPULamp *lamp = GetGPULamp(); GPU_lamp_shadow_buffer_unbind(lamp); } PyObject* KX_LightObject::py_getattro(PyObject *attr) { char *attr_str= PyString_AsString(attr); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "layer")) return PyInt_FromLong(m_lightobj.m_layer); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "energy")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_lightobj.m_energy); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "distance")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_lightobj.m_distance); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "colour") || !strcmp(attr_str, "color")) return Py_BuildValue("[fff]", m_lightobj.m_red, m_lightobj.m_green, m_lightobj.m_blue); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "lin_attenuation")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_lightobj.m_att1); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "quad_attenuation")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_lightobj.m_att2); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "spotsize")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_lightobj.m_spotsize); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "spotblend")) return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_lightobj.m_spotblend); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "SPOT")) return PyInt_FromLong(RAS_LightObject::LIGHT_SPOT); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "SUN")) return PyInt_FromLong(RAS_LightObject::LIGHT_SUN); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "NORMAL")) return PyInt_FromLong(RAS_LightObject::LIGHT_NORMAL); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "type")) return PyInt_FromLong(m_lightobj.m_type); py_getattro_up(KX_GameObject); } int KX_LightObject::py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject *pyvalue) { char *attr_str= PyString_AsString(attr); if (PyInt_Check(pyvalue)) { int value = PyInt_AsLong(pyvalue); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "layer")) { m_lightobj.m_layer = value; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "type")) { if (value >= RAS_LightObject::LIGHT_SPOT && value <= RAS_LightObject::LIGHT_NORMAL) m_lightobj.m_type = (RAS_LightObject::LightType) value; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } } if (PyFloat_Check(pyvalue) || PyInt_Check(pyvalue)) { float value = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyvalue); if (!strcmp(attr_str, "energy")) { m_lightobj.m_energy = value; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "distance")) { m_lightobj.m_distance = value; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "lin_attenuation")) { m_lightobj.m_att1 = value; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "quad_attenuation")) { m_lightobj.m_att2 = value; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "spotsize")) { m_lightobj.m_spotsize = value; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "spotblend")) { m_lightobj.m_spotblend = value; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } } if (PySequence_Check(pyvalue)) { if (!strcmp(attr_str, "colour") || !strcmp(attr_str, "color")) { MT_Vector3 color; if (PyVecTo(pyvalue, color)) { m_lightobj.m_red = color[0]; m_lightobj.m_green = color[1]; m_lightobj.m_blue = color[2]; return PY_SET_ATTR_SUCCESS; } return PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; } } if (!strcmp(attr_str, "SPOT") || !strcmp(attr_str, "SUN") || !strcmp(attr_str, "NORMAL")) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Attribute %s is read only.", attr_str); return PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; } return KX_GameObject::py_setattro(attr, pyvalue); } PyMethodDef KX_LightObject::Methods[] = { {NULL,NULL} //Sentinel }; PyAttributeDef KX_LightObject::Attributes[] = { KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("layer"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("energy"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("distance"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("colour"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("color"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("lin_attenuation"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("quad_attenuation"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("spotsize"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("spotblend"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("SPOT"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("SUN"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("NORMAL"), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY("type"), { NULL } //Sentinel }; PyTypeObject KX_LightObject::Type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) 0, "KX_LightObject", sizeof(KX_LightObject), 0, PyDestructor, 0, 0, 0, 0, py_base_repr, 0,0,0,0,0,0, py_base_getattro, py_base_setattro, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, Methods }; PyParentObject KX_LightObject::Parents[] = { &KX_LightObject::Type, &KX_GameObject::Type, &SCA_IObject::Type, &CValue::Type, NULL };