#!/usr/bin/env python # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2011, Blender Foundation # All rights reserved. # # The Original Code is: all of this file. # # Contributor(s): Nathan Letwory. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** from os import path Import('env') cycles = env.Clone() cycles.Depends('../../source/blender/makesrna/intern/RNA_blender_cpp.h', 'makesrna') sources = cycles.Glob('bvh/*.cpp') + cycles.Glob('device/*.cpp') + cycles.Glob('kernel/*.cpp') + cycles.Glob('render/*.cpp') + cycles.Glob('subd/*.cpp') + cycles.Glob('util/*.cpp') + cycles.Glob('blender/*.cpp') sources.remove(path.join('util', 'util_view.cpp')) sources.remove(path.join('kernel', 'kernel_sse2.cpp')) sources.remove(path.join('kernel', 'kernel_sse3.cpp')) sources.remove(path.join('kernel', 'kernel_sse41.cpp')) sources.remove(path.join('kernel', 'kernel_avx.cpp')) sources.remove(path.join('kernel', 'kernel_avx2.cpp')) incs = [] defs = [] cxxflags = Split(env['CXXFLAGS']) defs.append('GLEW_STATIC') defs.append('CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN=namespace ccl {') defs.append('CCL_NAMESPACE_END=}') defs.append('WITH_OPENCL') defs.append('WITH_MULTI') defs.append('WITH_CUDA') if env['WITH_BF_CYCLES_OSL']: defs.append('WITH_OSL') defs.append('OSL_STATIC_LIBRARY') incs.append(cycles['BF_OSL_INC']) incs.extend('. bvh render device kernel kernel/osl kernel/svm util subd'.split()) incs.extend('#intern/guardedalloc #source/blender/makesrna #source/blender/makesdna #source/blender/blenlib'.split()) incs.extend('#source/blender/blenloader ../../source/blender/makesrna/intern'.split()) incs.extend('#extern/glew/include #intern/mikktspace'.split()) incs.append(cycles['BF_OIIO_INC']) incs.append(cycles['BF_BOOST_INC']) incs.append(cycles['BF_OPENEXR_INC'].split()) incs.extend(cycles['BF_PYTHON_INC'].split()) if env['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win64-vc'): cxxflags.append('-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /fp:fast /EHsc'.split()) else: cxxflags.append('-ffast-math'.split()) # Warnings # XXX Not supported by gcc < 4.9, since we do not have any 'supported flags' test as in cmake, # simpler to comment for now. #if env['C_COMPILER_ID'] == 'gcc': # cxxflags.append(['-Werror=float-conversion']) if env['OURPLATFORM'] in ('win32-vc', 'win32-mingw', 'linuxcross', 'win64-vc', 'win64-mingw'): incs.append(env['BF_PTHREADS_INC']) # optimized kernel. we compile the kernel multiple times with different # optimization flags, at runtime it will choose the optimal kernel kernel_flags = {} if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'win32-vc': # there is no /arch:SSE3, but intrinsics are available anyway kernel_flags['sse2'] = '/arch:SSE /arch:SSE2 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /fp:fast /Ox /GS-' kernel_flags['sse3'] = kernel_flags['sse2'] elif env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'win64-vc': # /arch:AVX only available from visual studio 2012 kernel_flags['sse2'] = '-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /fp:fast /Ox /GS-' kernel_flags['sse3'] = kernel_flags['sse2'] if env['MSVC_VERSION'] >= '12.0': kernel_flags['sse41'] = kernel_flags['sse3'] kernel_flags['avx'] = kernel_flags['sse41'] + ' /arch:AVX' kernel_flags['avx2'] = kernel_flags['sse41'] + ' /arch:AVX /arch:AVX2' else: # -mavx only available with relatively new gcc/clang kernel_flags['sse2'] = '-ffast-math -msse -msse2 -mfpmath=sse' kernel_flags['sse3'] = kernel_flags['sse2'] + ' -msse3 -mssse3' kernel_flags['sse41'] = kernel_flags['sse3'] + ' -msse4.1' if (env['C_COMPILER_ID'] == 'gcc' and env['CCVERSION'] >= '4.6') or (env['C_COMPILER_ID'] == 'clang' and env['CCVERSION'] >= '3.1'): kernel_flags['avx'] = kernel_flags['sse41'] + ' -mavx' kernel_flags['avx2'] = kernel_flags['avx'] + ' -mavx2 -mfma -mbmi -mbmi2' for kernel_type in kernel_flags.keys(): defs.append('WITH_KERNEL_' + kernel_type.upper()) for kernel_type in kernel_flags.keys(): kernel_source = path.join('kernel', 'kernel_' + kernel_type + '.cpp') kernel_cxxflags = Split(env['CXXFLAGS']) kernel_cxxflags.append(kernel_flags[kernel_type].split()) kernel_defs = defs[:] kernel_env = cycles.Clone() if env['OURPLATFORM'] == 'darwin' and env['C_COMPILER_ID'] == 'gcc' and env['CCVERSION'] >= '4.6': # use Apple assembler for avx , gnu-compilers do not support it ( gnu gcc-4.6 or higher case ) kernel_env.BlenderLib('bf_intern_cycles_' + kernel_type, [kernel_source], incs, kernel_defs, libtype=['intern'], priority=[10], cxx_compileflags=kernel_cxxflags, cc_compilerchange='/usr/bin/clang', cxx_compilerchange='/usr/bin/clang++') else: kernel_env.BlenderLib('bf_intern_cycles_' + kernel_type, [kernel_source], incs, kernel_defs, libtype=['intern'], priority=[10], cxx_compileflags=kernel_cxxflags) cycles.BlenderLib('bf_intern_cycles', sources, incs, defs, libtype=['intern'], priority=[0], cxx_compileflags=cxxflags) # OSL shaders if env['WITH_BF_CYCLES_OSL']: oso_files = SConscript(['kernel/shaders/SConscript']) cycles.Depends("kernel/osl/osl_shader.o", oso_files) SConscript(['kernel/osl/SConscript']) # cuda kernel binaries if env['WITH_BF_CYCLES_CUDA_BINARIES']: kernel_binaries = SConscript(['kernel/SConscript']) cycles.Depends("device/device_cuda.o", kernel_binaries)