#!BPY """ Registration info for Blender menus: Name: 'X3D Extensible 3D (.x3d)...' Blender: 235 Group: 'Export' Submenu: 'All Objects...' all Submenu: 'All Objects compressed...' comp Submenu: 'Selected Objects...' selected Tooltip: 'Export to Extensible 3D file (.x3d)' """ __author__ = ("Bart") __email__ = ["Bart, bart:neeneenee*de"] __url__ = ["Author's (Bart) homepage, http://www.neeneenee.de/vrml"] __version__ = "2006/01/17" __bpydoc__ = """\ This script exports to X3D format. Usage: Run this script from "File->Export" menu. A pop-up will ask whether you want to export only selected or all relevant objects. Known issues:
Doesn't handle multiple materials (don't use material indices);
Doesn't handle multiple UV textures on a single mesh (create a mesh for each texture);
Can't get the texture array associated with material * not the UV ones; """ # $Id$ # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # X3D exporter for blender 2.36 or above # # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** # #################################### # Library dependancies #################################### import Blender from Blender import Object, NMesh, Lamp, Draw, Image, Text, sys from Blender.Scene import Render import math #################################### # Global Variables #################################### scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() world = Blender.World.GetCurrent() worldmat = Blender.Texture.Get() filename = Blender.Get('filename') _safeOverwrite = True ARG='' extension = '' class DrawTypes: """Object DrawTypes enum values BOUNDS - draw only the bounding box of the object WIRE - draw object as a wire frame SOLID - draw object with flat shading SHADED - draw object with OpenGL shading """ BOUNDBOX = 1 WIRE = 2 SOLID = 3 SHADED = 4 TEXTURE = 5 if not hasattr(Blender.Object,'DrawTypes'): Blender.Object.DrawTypes = DrawTypes() ########################################################## # Functions for writing output file ########################################################## class VRML2Export: def __init__(self, filename): #--- public you can change these --- self.writingcolor = 0 self.writingtexture = 0 self.writingcoords = 0 self.wire = 0 self.proto = 1 self.matonly = 0 self.share = 0 self.billnode = 0 self.halonode = 0 self.collnode = 0 self.tilenode = 0 self.verbose=2 # level of verbosity in console 0-none, 1-some, 2-most self.cp=3 # decimals for material color values 0.000 - 1.000 self.vp=3 # decimals for vertex coordinate values 0.000 - n.000 self.tp=3 # decimals for texture coordinate values 0.000 - 1.000 self.it=3 #--- class private don't touch --- self.texNames={} # dictionary of textureNames self.matNames={} # dictionary of materiaNames self.meshNames={} # dictionary of meshNames self.indentLevel=0 # keeps track of current indenting self.filename=filename self.file = open(filename, "w") self.bNav=0 self.nodeID=0 self.namesReserved=[ "Anchor","Appearance","Arc2D","ArcClose2D","AudioClip","Background","Billboard", "BooleanFilter","BooleanSequencer","BooleanToggle","BooleanTrigger","Box","Circle2D", "Collision","Color","ColorInterpolator","ColorRGBA","component","Cone","connect", "Contour2D","ContourPolyline2D","Coordinate","CoordinateDouble","CoordinateInterpolator", "CoordinateInterpolator2D","Cylinder","CylinderSensor","DirectionalLight","Disk2D", "ElevationGrid","EspduTransform","EXPORT","ExternProtoDeclare","Extrusion","field", "fieldValue","FillProperties","Fog","FontStyle","GeoCoordinate","GeoElevationGrid", "GeoLocationLocation","GeoLOD","GeoMetadata","GeoOrigin","GeoPositionInterpolator", "GeoTouchSensor","GeoViewpoint","Group","HAnimDisplacer","HAnimHumanoid","HAnimJoint", "HAnimSegment","HAnimSite","head","ImageTexture","IMPORT","IndexedFaceSet", "IndexedLineSet","IndexedTriangleFanSet","IndexedTriangleSet","IndexedTriangleStripSet", "Inline","IntegerSequencer","IntegerTrigger","IS","KeySensor","LineProperties","LineSet", "LoadSensor","LOD","Material","meta","MetadataDouble","MetadataFloat","MetadataInteger", "MetadataSet","MetadataString","MovieTexture","MultiTexture","MultiTextureCoordinate", "MultiTextureTransform","NavigationInfo","Normal","NormalInterpolator","NurbsCurve", "NurbsCurve2D","NurbsOrientationInterpolator","NurbsPatchSurface", "NurbsPositionInterpolator","NurbsSet","NurbsSurfaceInterpolator","NurbsSweptSurface", "NurbsSwungSurface","NurbsTextureCoordinate","NurbsTrimmedSurface","OrientationInterpolator", "PixelTexture","PlaneSensor","PointLight","PointSet","Polyline2D","Polypoint2D", "PositionInterpolator","PositionInterpolator2D","ProtoBody","ProtoDeclare","ProtoInstance", "ProtoInterface","ProximitySensor","ReceiverPdu","Rectangle2D","ROUTE","ScalarInterpolator", "Scene","Script","Shape","SignalPdu","Sound","Sphere","SphereSensor","SpotLight","StaticGroup", "StringSensor","Switch","Text","TextureBackground","TextureCoordinate","TextureCoordinateGenerator", "TextureTransform","TimeSensor","TimeTrigger","TouchSensor","Transform","TransmitterPdu", "TriangleFanSet","TriangleSet","TriangleSet2D","TriangleStripSet","Viewpoint","VisibilitySensor", "WorldInfo","X3D","XvlShell","VertexShader","FragmentShader","MultiShaderAppearance","ShaderAppearance" ] self.namesStandard=[ "Empty","Empty.000","Empty.001","Empty.002","Empty.003","Empty.004","Empty.005", "Empty.006","Empty.007","Empty.008","Empty.009","Empty.010","Empty.011","Empty.012", "Scene.001","Scene.002","Scene.003","Scene.004","Scene.005","Scene.06","Scene.013", "Scene.006","Scene.007","Scene.008","Scene.009","Scene.010","Scene.011","Scene.012", "World","World.000","World.001","World.002","World.003","World.004","World.005" ] self.namesFog=[ "","LINEAR","EXPONENTIAL","" ] ########################################################## # Writing nodes routines ########################################################## def writeHeader(self): #bfile = sys.expandpath( Blender.Get('filename') ).replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') bfile = self.filename.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') # use outfile name self.file.write("\n") self.file.write("\n") self.file.write("\n") self.file.write("\n") self.file.write("\t\n" % sys.basename(bfile)) self.file.write("\t\n" % Blender.Get('version')) self.file.write("\t\n") self.file.write("\n") self.file.write("\n") def writeInline(self): inlines = Blender.Scene.Get() allinlines = len(inlines) if scene != inlines[0]: return else: for i in xrange(allinlines): nameinline=inlines[i].name if (nameinline not in self.namesStandard) and (i > 0): self.file.write("" % nameinline) self.file.write("\n\n") def writeScript(self): textEditor = Blender.Text.Get() alltext = len(textEditor) for i in xrange(alltext): nametext = textEditor[i].getName() nlines = textEditor[i].getNLines() if (self.proto == 1): if (nametext == "proto" or nametext == "proto.js" or nametext == "proto.txt") and (nlines != None): nalllines = len(textEditor[i].asLines()) alllines = textEditor[i].asLines() for j in xrange(nalllines): self.writeIndented(alllines[j] + "\n") elif (self.proto == 0): if (nametext == "route" or nametext == "route.js" or nametext == "route.txt") and (nlines != None): nalllines = len(textEditor[i].asLines()) alllines = textEditor[i].asLines() for j in xrange(nalllines): self.writeIndented(alllines[j] + "\n") self.writeIndented("\n") def writeViewpoint(self, thisObj): context = scene.getRenderingContext() ratio = float(context.imageSizeY())/float(context.imageSizeX()) lens = (360* (math.atan(ratio *16 / thisObj.data.getLens()) / math.pi))*(math.pi/180) lens = min(lens, math.pi) # get the camera location, subtract 90 degress from X to orient like X3D does loc = self.rotatePointForVRML(thisObj.loc) rot = [thisObj.RotX - 1.57, thisObj.RotY, thisObj.RotZ] nRot = self.rotatePointForVRML(rot) # convert to Quaternion and to Angle Axis Q = self.eulerToQuaternions(nRot[0], nRot[1], nRot[2]) Q1 = self.multiplyQuaternions(Q[0], Q[1]) Qf = self.multiplyQuaternions(Q1, Q[2]) angleAxis = self.quaternionToAngleAxis(Qf) self.file.write("\n\n" % (lens)) def writeFog(self): if world: mtype = world.getMistype() mparam = world.getMist() grd = world.getHor() grd0, grd1, grd2 = grd[0], grd[1], grd[2] else: return if (mtype == 1 or mtype == 2): self.file.write("\n\n" % round(mparam[2],self.cp)) else: return def writeNavigationInfo(self, scene): allObj = [] allObj = list(scene.objects) headlight = "true" vislimit = 0.0 for thisObj in allObj: objType=thisObj.type if objType == "Camera": vislimit = thisObj.data.clipEnd elif objType == "Lamp": headlight = "false" self.file.write("\n\n") def writeSpotLight(self, ob, lamp): safeName = self.cleanStr(ob.name) if world: ambi = world.amb ambientIntensity = ((float(ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2]))/3)/2.5 else: ambi = 0 ambientIntensity = 0 # compute cutoff and beamwidth intensity=min(lamp.energy/1.75,1.0) beamWidth=((lamp.spotSize*math.pi)/180.0)*.37; cutOffAngle=beamWidth*1.3 dx,dy,dz=self.computeDirection(ob) # note -dx seems to equal om[3][0] # note -dz seems to equal om[3][1] # note dy seems to equal om[3][2] location=ob.getLocation('worldspace') radius = lamp.dist*math.cos(beamWidth) self.file.write("\n\n" % (round(location[0],3), round(location[1],3), round(location[2],3))) def writeDirectionalLight(self, ob, lamp): safeName = self.cleanStr(ob.name) if world: ambi = world.amb ambientIntensity = ((float(ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2]))/3)/2.5 else: ambi = 0 ambientIntensity = 0 intensity=min(lamp.energy/1.75,1.0) (dx,dy,dz)=self.computeDirection(ob) self.file.write("\n\n" % (round(dx,4),round(dy,4),round(dz,4))) def writePointLight(self, ob, lamp): safeName = self.cleanStr(ob.name) if world: ambi = world.amb ambientIntensity = ((float(ambi[0] + ambi[1] + ambi[2]))/3)/2.5 else: ambi = 0 ambientIntensity = 0 location=ob.getLocation('worldspace') intensity=min(lamp.energy/1.75,1.0) radius = lamp.dist self.file.write("\n\n" % (round(location[0],3), round(location[1],3), round(location[2],3))) def writeNode(self, thisObj): obname=str(thisObj.getName()) if obname in self.namesStandard: return else: dx,dy,dz = self.computeDirection(thisObj) location = thisObj.getLocation('worldspace') self.writeIndented("<%s\n" % obname,1) self.writeIndented("# direction %s %s %s\n" % (round(dx,3),round(dy,3),round(dz,3))) self.writeIndented("# location %s %s %s\n" % (round(location[0],3), round(location[1],3), round(location[2],3))) self.writeIndented("/>\n",-1) self.writeIndented("\n") def secureName(self, name): name = name + str(self.nodeID) self.nodeID=self.nodeID+1 if len(name) <= 3: newname = "_" + str(self.nodeID) return "%s" % (newname) else: for bad in ['"','#',"'",',','.','[','\\',']','{','}']: name=name.replace(bad,'_') if name in self.namesReserved: newname = name[0:3] + "_" + str(self.nodeID) return "%s" % (newname) elif name[0].isdigit(): newname = "_" + name + str(self.nodeID) return "%s" % (newname) else: newname = name return "%s" % (newname) def writeIndexedFaceSet(self, ob, normals = 0): imageMap={} # set of used images sided={} # 'one':cnt , 'two':cnt vColors={} # 'multi':1 meshName = self.cleanStr(ob.name) mesh=ob.data meshME = self.cleanStr(mesh.name) if len(mesh.faces) == 0: return for face in mesh.faces: if face.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['HALO'] and self.halonode == 0: self.writeIndented("\n",1) self.halonode = 1 elif face.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['BILLBOARD'] and self.billnode == 0: self.writeIndented("\n",1) self.billnode = 1 elif face.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['OBCOL'] and self.matonly == 0: self.matonly = 1 elif face.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['SHAREDCOL'] and self.share == 0: self.share = 1 elif face.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['TILES'] and self.tilenode == 0: self.tilenode = 1 elif not face.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes['DYNAMIC'] and self.collnode == 0: self.writeIndented("\n",1) self.collnode = 1 nIFSCnt=self.countIFSSetsNeeded(mesh, imageMap, sided, vColors) if nIFSCnt > 1: self.writeIndented("\n" % ("G_", meshName),1) if sided.has_key('two') and sided['two'] > 0: bTwoSided=1 else: bTwoSided=0 location= ob.getLocation('worldspace') self.writeIndented("\n" % (meshName, round(location[0],3), round(location[1],3), round(location[2],3)),1) self.writeIndented("\n",1) maters=mesh.materials hasImageTexture=0 issmooth=0 if len(maters) > 0 or mesh.hasFaceUV(): self.writeIndented("\n", 1) # right now this script can only handle a single material per mesh. if len(maters) >= 1: mat=maters[0] matFlags = mat.getMode() if not matFlags & Blender.Material.Modes['TEXFACE']: self.writeMaterial(mat, self.cleanStr(maters[0].name,'')) if len(maters) > 1: print "Warning: mesh named %s has multiple materials" % meshName print "Warning: only one material per object handled" #-- textures if mesh.hasFaceUV(): for face in mesh.faces: if (hasImageTexture == 0) and (face.image): self.writeImageTexture(face.image) hasImageTexture=1 # keep track of face texture if self.tilenode == 1: self.writeIndented("\n" % (face.image.xrep, face.image.yrep)) self.tilenode = 0 self.writeIndented("\n", -1) #-- IndexedFaceSet or IndexedLineSet # check if object is wireframe only if ob.drawType == Blender.Object.DrawTypes.WIRE: # user selected WIRE=2 on the Drawtype=Wire on (F9) Edit page ifStyle="IndexedLineSet" self.wire = 1 else: # user selected BOUNDS=1, SOLID=3, SHARED=4, or TEXTURE=5 ifStyle="IndexedFaceSet" # look up mesh name, use it if available if self.meshNames.has_key(meshME): self.writeIndented("<%s USE=\"ME_%s\">" % (ifStyle, meshME), 1) self.meshNames[meshME]+=1 else: if int(mesh.users) > 1: self.writeIndented("<%s DEF=\"ME_%s\" " % (ifStyle, meshME), 1) self.meshNames[meshME]=1 else: self.writeIndented("<%s " % ifStyle, 1) if ob.drawType != Blender.Object.DrawTypes.WIRE: if bTwoSided == 1: self.file.write("solid=\"false\" ") else: self.file.write("solid=\"true\" ") for face in mesh.faces: if face.smooth: issmooth=1 break if issmooth==1 and self.wire == 0: creaseAngle=(mesh.getMaxSmoothAngle())*(math.pi/180.0) self.file.write("creaseAngle=\"%s\" " % (round(creaseAngle,self.cp))) #--- output vertexColors if self.share == 1 and self.matonly == 0: self.writeVertexColors(mesh) if ob.drawType != Blender.Object.DrawTypes.WIRE: #--- output textureCoordinates if UV texture used if mesh.hasFaceUV(): if self.matonly == 1 and self.share == 1: self.writeFaceColors(mesh) elif hasImageTexture == 1: self.writeTextureCoordinates(mesh) #--- output coordinates self.writeCoordinates(ob, mesh, meshName) self.writingcoords = 1 self.writingtexture = 1 self.writingcolor = 1 self.writeCoordinates(ob, mesh, meshName) if ob.drawType != Blender.Object.DrawTypes.WIRE: #--- output textureCoordinates if UV texture used if mesh.hasFaceUV(): if hasImageTexture == 1: self.writeTextureCoordinates(mesh) elif self.matonly == 1 and self.share == 1: self.writeFaceColors(mesh) #--- output vertexColors if self.share == 1 and self.matonly == 0: self.writeVertexColors(mesh) self.matonly = 0 self.share = 0 self.wire = 0 self.writingcoords = 0 self.writingtexture = 0 self.writingcolor = 0 #--- output closing braces self.writeIndented("\n" % ifStyle, -1) self.writeIndented("\n", -1) self.writeIndented("\n", -1) if self.halonode == 1: self.writeIndented("\n", -1) self.halonode = 0 if self.billnode == 1: self.writeIndented("\n", -1) self.billnode = 0 if self.collnode == 1: self.writeIndented("\n", -1) self.collnode = 0 if nIFSCnt > 1: self.writeIndented("\n", -1) self.file.write("\n") def writeCoordinates(self, ob, mesh, meshName): meshVertexList = mesh.verts # create vertex list and pre rotate -90 degrees X for VRML location= ob.getLocation('worldspace') if self.writingcoords == 0: self.file.write('coordIndex="') for face in mesh.faces: for i in xrange(len(face)): indx=face[i].index self.file.write("%s " % indx) self.file.write("-1, ") self.file.write("\">\n") else: #-- vertices mesh.transform(ob.matrixWorld) self.writeIndented("") self.writeIndented("\n", -1) def writeTextureCoordinates(self, mesh): texCoordList=[] texIndexList=[] j=0 for face in mesh.faces: for i in xrange(len(face)): texIndexList.append(j) texCoordList.append(face.uv[i]) j=j+1 texIndexList.append(-1) if self.writingtexture == 0: self.file.write("\n\t\t\ttexCoordIndex=\"") texIndxStr="" for i in xrange(len(texIndexList)): texIndxStr = texIndxStr + "%d, " % texIndexList[i] if texIndexList[i]==-1: self.file.write(texIndxStr) texIndxStr="" self.file.write("\"\n\t\t\t") else: self.writeIndented("") self.writeIndented("\n", -1) def writeFaceColors(self, mesh): if self.writingcolor == 0: self.file.write("colorPerVertex=\"false\" ") else: self.writeIndented(" 2: print "Debug: face.col r=%d g=%d b=%d" % (c.r, c.g, c.b) aColor = self.rgbToFS(c) self.file.write("%s, " % aColor) self.file.write("\" />") self.writeIndented("\n",-1) def writeVertexColors(self, mesh): if self.writingcolor == 0: self.file.write("colorPerVertex=\"false\" ") else: self.writeIndented(" 2: print "Debug: vertex[%d].col r=%d g=%d b=%d" % (i, c.r, c.g, c.b) aColor = self.rgbToFS(c) self.file.write("%s, " % aColor) self.file.write("\" />") self.writeIndented("\n",-1) def writeMaterial(self, mat, matName): # look up material name, use it if available if self.matNames.has_key(matName): self.writeIndented("\n" % matName) self.matNames[matName]+=1 return; self.matNames[matName]=1 ambient = mat.amb/3 diffuseR, diffuseG, diffuseB = mat.rgbCol[0], mat.rgbCol[1],mat.rgbCol[2] if world: ambi = world.getAmb() ambi0, ambi1, ambi2 = (ambi[0]*mat.amb)*2, (ambi[1]*mat.amb)*2, (ambi[2]*mat.amb)*2 else: ambi0, ambi1, ambi2 = 0, 0, 0 emisR, emisG, emisB = (diffuseR*mat.emit+ambi0)/2, (diffuseG*mat.emit+ambi1)/2, (diffuseB*mat.emit+ambi2)/2 shininess = mat.hard/512.0 specR = (mat.specCol[0]+0.001)/(1.25/(mat.getSpec()+0.001)) specG = (mat.specCol[1]+0.001)/(1.25/(mat.getSpec()+0.001)) specB = (mat.specCol[2]+0.001)/(1.25/(mat.getSpec()+0.001)) transp = 1-mat.alpha matFlags = mat.getMode() if matFlags & Blender.Material.Modes['SHADELESS']: ambient = 1 shine = 1 specR = emitR = diffuseR specG = emitG = diffuseG specB = emitB = diffuseB self.writeIndented("" % (round(transp,self.cp))) self.writeIndented("\n",-1) def writeImageTexture(self, image): name = image.name filename = image.filename.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] if self.texNames.has_key(name): self.writeIndented("\n" % self.cleanStr(name)) self.texNames[name] += 1 return else: self.writeIndented("" % name) self.writeIndented("\n",-1) self.texNames[name] = 1 def writeBackground(self): if world: worldname = world.name else: return blending = world.getSkytype() grd = world.getHor() grd0, grd1, grd2 = grd[0], grd[1], grd[2] sky = world.getZen() sky0, sky1, sky2 = sky[0], sky[1], sky[2] mix0, mix1, mix2 = grd[0]+sky[0], grd[1]+sky[1], grd[2]+sky[2] mix0, mix1, mix2 = mix0/2, mix1/2, mix2/2 self.file.write("\n\n") ########################################################## # export routine ########################################################## def export(self, scene, world, worldmat): print "Info: starting X3D export to " + self.filename + "..." self.writeHeader() self.writeScript() self.writeNavigationInfo(scene) self.writeBackground() self.writeFog() self.proto = 0 allObj = [] if ARG == 'selected': allObj = list(scene.objects.context) else: allObj = list(scene.objects) self.writeInline() for thisObj in allObj: try: objType=thisObj.type objName=thisObj.name self.matonly = 0 if objType == "Camera": self.writeViewpoint(thisObj) elif objType == "Mesh": self.writeIndexedFaceSet(thisObj, normals = 0) elif objType == "Lamp": lmpName= thisObj.data lmpType=lmpName.getType() if lmpType == Lamp.Types.Lamp: self.writePointLight(thisObj, lmpName) elif lmpType == Lamp.Types.Spot: self.writeSpotLight(thisObj, lmpName) elif lmpType == Lamp.Types.Sun: self.writeDirectionalLight(thisObj, lmpName) else: self.writeDirectionalLight(thisObj, lmpName) elif objType == "Empty" and objName != "Empty": self.writeNode(thisObj) else: #print "Info: Ignoring [%s], object type [%s] not handle yet" % (object.name,object.getType()) print "" except AttributeError: print "Error: Unable to get type info for %s" % thisObj.getName() if ARG != 'selected': self.writeScript() self.file.write("\n\n") self.cleanup() ########################################################## # Utility methods ########################################################## def cleanup(self): self.file.close() self.texNames={} self.matNames={} self.indentLevel=0 print "Info: finished X3D export to %s\n" % self.filename def cleanStr(self, name, prefix='rsvd_'): """cleanStr(name,prefix) - try to create a valid VRML DEF name from object name""" newName=name[:] if len(newName) == 0: self.nNodeID+=1 return "%s%d" % (prefix, self.nNodeID) if newName in self.namesReserved: newName='%s%s' % (prefix,newName) if newName[0].isdigit(): newName='%s%s' % ('_',newName) for bad in [' ','"','#',"'",',','.','[','\\',']','{','}']: newName=newName.replace(bad,'_') return newName def countIFSSetsNeeded(self, mesh, imageMap, sided, vColors): """ countIFFSetsNeeded() - should look at a blender mesh to determine how many VRML IndexFaceSets or IndexLineSets are needed. A new mesh created under the following conditions: o - split by UV Textures / one per mesh o - split by face, one sided and two sided o - split by smooth and flat faces o - split when faces only have 2 vertices * needs to be an IndexLineSet """ imageNameMap={} faceMap={} nFaceIndx=0 for face in mesh.faces: sidename=''; if (face.mode & NMesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE) == NMesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE: sidename='two' else: sidename='one' if sided.has_key(sidename): sided[sidename]+=1 else: sided[sidename]=1 if face.image: faceName="%s_%s" % (face.image.name, sidename); try: imageMap[faceName].append(face) except: imageMap[faceName]=[face.image.name,sidename,face] if self.verbose > 2: for faceName in imageMap.iterkeys(): ifs=imageMap[faceName] print "Debug: faceName=%s image=%s, solid=%s facecnt=%d" % \ (faceName, ifs[0], ifs[1], len(ifs)-2) return len(imageMap) def faceToString(self,face): print "Debug: face.flag=0x%x (bitflags)" % face.flag if face.sel: print "Debug: face.sel=true" print "Debug: face.mode=0x%x (bitflags)" % face.mode if (face.mode & NMesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE) == NMesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE: print "Debug: face.mode twosided" print "Debug: face.transp=0x%x (enum)" % face.transp if face.transp == NMesh.FaceTranspModes.SOLID: print "Debug: face.transp.SOLID" if face.image: print "Debug: face.image=%s" % face.image.name print "Debug: face.materialIndex=%d" % face.materialIndex def getVertexColorByIndx(self, mesh, indx): c = None for face in mesh.faces: j=0 for vertex in face.v: if vertex.index == indx: c=face.col[j] break j=j+1 if c: break return c def meshToString(self,mesh): print "Debug: mesh.hasVertexUV=%d" % mesh.hasVertexUV() print "Debug: mesh.hasFaceUV=%d" % mesh.hasFaceUV() print "Debug: mesh.hasVertexColours=%d" % mesh.hasVertexColours() print "Debug: mesh.verts=%d" % len(mesh.verts) print "Debug: mesh.faces=%d" % len(mesh.faces) print "Debug: mesh.materials=%d" % len(mesh.materials) def rgbToFS(self, c): s="%s %s %s" % ( round(c.r/255.0,self.cp), round(c.g/255.0,self.cp), round(c.b/255.0,self.cp)) return s def computeDirection(self, ob): x,y,z=(0,-1.0,0) # point down ax,ay,az = (ob.RotX,ob.RotZ,ob.RotY) # rot X x1=x y1=y*math.cos(ax)-z*math.sin(ax) z1=y*math.sin(ax)+z*math.cos(ax) # rot Y x2=x1*math.cos(ay)+z1*math.sin(ay) y2=y1 z2=z1*math.cos(ay)-x1*math.sin(ay) # rot Z x3=x2*math.cos(az)-y2*math.sin(az) y3=x2*math.sin(az)+y2*math.cos(az) z3=z2 return [x3,y3,z3] # swap Y and Z to handle axis difference between Blender and VRML #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def rotatePointForVRML(self, v): x = v[0] y = v[2] z = -v[1] vrmlPoint=[x, y, z] return vrmlPoint # For writing well formed VRML code #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def writeIndented(self, s, inc=0): if inc < 1: self.indentLevel = self.indentLevel + inc spaces="" for x in xrange(self.indentLevel): spaces = spaces + "\t" self.file.write(spaces + s) if inc > 0: self.indentLevel = self.indentLevel + inc # Converts a Euler to three new Quaternions # Angles of Euler are passed in as radians #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def eulerToQuaternions(self, x, y, z): Qx = [math.cos(x/2), math.sin(x/2), 0, 0] Qy = [math.cos(y/2), 0, math.sin(y/2), 0] Qz = [math.cos(z/2), 0, 0, math.sin(z/2)] quaternionVec=[Qx,Qy,Qz] return quaternionVec # Multiply two Quaternions together to get a new Quaternion #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def multiplyQuaternions(self, Q1, Q2): result = [((Q1[0] * Q2[0]) - (Q1[1] * Q2[1]) - (Q1[2] * Q2[2]) - (Q1[3] * Q2[3])), ((Q1[0] * Q2[1]) + (Q1[1] * Q2[0]) + (Q1[2] * Q2[3]) - (Q1[3] * Q2[2])), ((Q1[0] * Q2[2]) + (Q1[2] * Q2[0]) + (Q1[3] * Q2[1]) - (Q1[1] * Q2[3])), ((Q1[0] * Q2[3]) + (Q1[3] * Q2[0]) + (Q1[1] * Q2[2]) - (Q1[2] * Q2[1]))] return result # Convert a Quaternion to an Angle Axis (ax, ay, az, angle) # angle is in radians #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def quaternionToAngleAxis(self, Qf): scale = math.pow(Qf[1],2) + math.pow(Qf[2],2) + math.pow(Qf[3],2) ax = Qf[1] ay = Qf[2] az = Qf[3] if scale > .0001: ax/=scale ay/=scale az/=scale angle = 2 * math.acos(Qf[0]) result = [ax, ay, az, angle] return result ########################################################## # Callbacks, needed before Main ########################################################## def select_file(filename): if not filename.endswith(extension): filename += extension if _safeOverwrite and sys.exists(filename): result = Draw.PupMenu("File Already Exists, Overwrite?%t|Yes%x1|No%x0") if(result != 1): return wrlexport=VRML2Export(filename) wrlexport.export(scene, world, worldmat) def createWRLPath(): filename = Blender.Get('filename') print filename if filename.find('.') != -1: filename = filename.split('.')[0] filename += extension print filename return filename ######################################################### # main routine ######################################################### try: ARG = __script__['arg'] # user selected argument except: print "older version" if Blender.Get('version') < 235: print "Warning: X3D export failed, wrong blender version!" print " You aren't running blender version 2.35 or greater" print " download a newer version from http://blender3d.org/" else: if ARG == 'comp': from gzip import * extension=".x3dz" else: extension=".x3d" Blender.Window.FileSelector(select_file,"Export X3D",createWRLPath())