# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # from mathutils import Vector import bpy from bpy.types import Operator from bpy.props import (BoolProperty, EnumProperty, IntProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, ) def object_ensure_material(obj, mat_name): """ Use an existing material or add a new one. """ mat = mat_slot = None for mat_slot in obj.material_slots: mat = mat_slot.material if mat: break if mat is None: mat = bpy.data.materials.new(mat_name) if mat_slot: mat_slot.material = mat else: obj.data.materials.append(mat) return mat class QuickFur(Operator): bl_idname = "object.quick_fur" bl_label = "Quick Fur" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} density = EnumProperty( name="Fur Density", items=(('LIGHT', "Light", ""), ('MEDIUM', "Medium", ""), ('HEAVY', "Heavy", "")), default='MEDIUM', ) view_percentage = IntProperty( name="View %", min=1, max=100, soft_min=1, soft_max=100, default=10, ) length = FloatProperty( name="Length", min=0.001, max=100, soft_min=0.01, soft_max=10, default=0.1, ) def execute(self, context): fake_context = context.copy() mesh_objects = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type == 'MESH'] if not mesh_objects: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Select at least one mesh object") return {'CANCELLED'} mat = bpy.data.materials.new("Fur Material") mat.strand.tip_size = 0.25 mat.strand.blend_distance = 0.5 for obj in mesh_objects: fake_context["object"] = obj bpy.ops.object.particle_system_add(fake_context) psys = obj.particle_systems[-1] psys.settings.type = 'HAIR' if self.density == 'LIGHT': psys.settings.count = 100 elif self.density == 'MEDIUM': psys.settings.count = 1000 elif self.density == 'HEAVY': psys.settings.count = 10000 psys.settings.child_nbr = self.view_percentage psys.settings.hair_length = self.length psys.settings.use_strand_primitive = True psys.settings.use_hair_bspline = True psys.settings.child_type = 'INTERPOLATED' obj.data.materials.append(mat) psys.settings.material = len(obj.data.materials) return {'FINISHED'} class QuickExplode(Operator): bl_idname = "object.quick_explode" bl_label = "Quick Explode" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} style = EnumProperty( name="Explode Style", items=(('EXPLODE', "Explode", ""), ('BLEND', "Blend", "")), default='EXPLODE', ) amount = IntProperty( name="Amount of pieces", min=2, max=10000, soft_min=2, soft_max=10000, default=100, ) frame_duration = IntProperty( name="Duration", min=1, max=300000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=50, ) frame_start = IntProperty( name="Start Frame", min=1, max=300000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=1, ) frame_end = IntProperty( name="End Frame", min=1, max=300000, soft_min=1, soft_max=10000, default=10, ) velocity = FloatProperty( name="Outwards Velocity", min=0, max=300000, soft_min=0, soft_max=10, default=1, ) fade = BoolProperty( name="Fade", description="Fade the pieces over time", default=True, ) def execute(self, context): fake_context = context.copy() obj_act = context.active_object if obj_act is None or obj_act.type != 'MESH': self.report({'ERROR'}, "Active object is not a mesh") return {'CANCELLED'} mesh_objects = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type == 'MESH' and obj != obj_act] mesh_objects.insert(0, obj_act) if self.style == 'BLEND' and len(mesh_objects) != 2: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Select two mesh objects") self.style = 'EXPLODE' return {'CANCELLED'} elif not mesh_objects: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Select at least one mesh object") return {'CANCELLED'} for obj in mesh_objects: if obj.particle_systems: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Object %r already has a " "particle system" % obj.name) return {'CANCELLED'} if self.fade: tex = bpy.data.textures.new("Explode fade", 'BLEND') tex.use_color_ramp = True if self.style == 'BLEND': tex.color_ramp.elements[0].position = 0.333 tex.color_ramp.elements[1].position = 0.666 tex.color_ramp.elements[0].color[3] = 1.0 tex.color_ramp.elements[1].color[3] = 0.0 if self.style == 'BLEND': from_obj = mesh_objects[1] to_obj = mesh_objects[0] for obj in mesh_objects: fake_context["object"] = obj bpy.ops.object.particle_system_add(fake_context) settings = obj.particle_systems[-1].settings settings.count = self.amount settings.frame_start = self.frame_start settings.frame_end = self.frame_end - self.frame_duration settings.lifetime = self.frame_duration settings.normal_factor = self.velocity settings.render_type = 'NONE' explode = obj.modifiers.new(name='Explode', type='EXPLODE') explode.use_edge_cut = True if self.fade: explode.show_dead = False uv = obj.data.uv_textures.new("Explode fade") explode.particle_uv = uv.name mat = object_ensure_material(obj, "Explode Fade") mat.use_transparency = True mat.use_transparent_shadows = True mat.alpha = 0.0 mat.specular_alpha = 0.0 tex_slot = mat.texture_slots.add() tex_slot.texture = tex tex_slot.texture_coords = 'UV' tex_slot.uv_layer = uv.name tex_slot.use_map_alpha = True if self.style == 'BLEND': if obj == to_obj: tex_slot.alpha_factor = -1.0 elem = tex.color_ramp.elements[1] else: elem = tex.color_ramp.elements[0] # Keep already defined alpha! elem.color[:3] = mat.diffuse_color else: tex_slot.use_map_color_diffuse = False if self.style == 'BLEND': settings.physics_type = 'KEYED' settings.use_emit_random = False settings.rotation_mode = 'NOR' psys = obj.particle_systems[-1] fake_context["particle_system"] = obj.particle_systems[-1] bpy.ops.particle.new_target(fake_context) bpy.ops.particle.new_target(fake_context) if obj == from_obj: psys.targets[1].object = to_obj else: psys.targets[0].object = from_obj settings.normal_factor = -self.velocity explode.show_unborn = False explode.show_dead = True else: settings.factor_random = self.velocity settings.angular_velocity_factor = self.velocity / 10.0 return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): self.frame_start = context.scene.frame_current self.frame_end = self.frame_start + self.frame_duration return self.execute(context) def obj_bb_minmax(obj, min_co, max_co): for i in range(0, 8): bb_vec = obj.matrix_world * Vector(obj.bound_box[i]) min_co[0] = min(bb_vec[0], min_co[0]) min_co[1] = min(bb_vec[1], min_co[1]) min_co[2] = min(bb_vec[2], min_co[2]) max_co[0] = max(bb_vec[0], max_co[0]) max_co[1] = max(bb_vec[1], max_co[1]) max_co[2] = max(bb_vec[2], max_co[2]) def grid_location(x, y): return (x * 200, y * 150) class QuickSmoke(Operator): bl_idname = "object.quick_smoke" bl_label = "Quick Smoke" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} style = EnumProperty( name="Smoke Style", items=(('STREAM', "Stream", ""), ('FIRE', "Fire", ""), ), default='STREAM', ) show_flows = BoolProperty( name="Render Smoke Objects", description="Keep the smoke objects visible during rendering", default=False, ) def execute(self, context): fake_context = context.copy() mesh_objects = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type == 'MESH'] min_co = Vector((100000.0, 100000.0, 100000.0)) max_co = -min_co if not mesh_objects: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Select at least one mesh object") return {'CANCELLED'} for obj in mesh_objects: fake_context["object"] = obj # make each selected object a smoke flow bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(fake_context, type='SMOKE') obj.modifiers[-1].smoke_type = 'FLOW' if self.style == 'FIRE': obj.modifiers[-1].flow_settings.smoke_flow_type = 'FIRE' if not self.show_flows: obj.draw_type = 'WIRE' # store bounding box min/max for the domain object obj_bb_minmax(obj, min_co, max_co) # add the smoke domain object bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add() obj = context.active_object obj.name = "Smoke Domain" # give the smoke some room above the flows obj.location = 0.5 * (max_co + min_co) + Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) obj.scale = 0.5 * (max_co - min_co) + Vector((1.0, 1.0, 2.0)) # setup smoke domain bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SMOKE') obj.modifiers[-1].smoke_type = 'DOMAIN' if self.style == 'FIRE': obj.modifiers[-1].domain_settings.use_high_resolution = True # Setup material # Cycles if context.scene.render.use_shading_nodes: bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add() mat = bpy.data.materials.new("Smoke Domain Material") obj.material_slots[0].material = mat # Make sure we use nodes mat.use_nodes = True # Set node variables and clear the default nodes tree = mat.node_tree nodes = tree.nodes links = tree.links nodes.clear() # Create shader nodes # Material output node_out = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') node_out.location = grid_location(6, 1) # Add shader 1 node_add_shader_1 = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeAddShader') node_add_shader_1.location = grid_location(5, 1) links.new(node_add_shader_1.outputs["Shader"], node_out.inputs["Volume"]) # Smoke # Add shader 2 node_add_shader_2 = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeAddShader') node_add_shader_2.location = grid_location(4, 2) links.new(node_add_shader_2.outputs["Shader"], node_add_shader_1.inputs[0]) # Volume scatter node_scatter = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeVolumeScatter') node_scatter.location = grid_location(3, 3) links.new(node_scatter.outputs["Volume"], node_add_shader_2.inputs[0]) # Volume absorption node_absorption = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeVolumeAbsorption') node_absorption.location = grid_location(3, 2) links.new(node_absorption.outputs["Volume"], node_add_shader_2.inputs[1]) # Attribute "density" node_attrib_density = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeAttribute') node_attrib_density.attribute_name = "density" node_attrib_density.location = grid_location(2, 2) links.new(node_attrib_density.outputs["Fac"], node_scatter.inputs["Density"]) links.new(node_attrib_density.outputs["Fac"], node_absorption.inputs["Density"]) # Fire # Emission node_emission = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeEmission') node_emission.inputs["Color"].default_value = (0.8, 0.1, 0.01, 1.0) node_emission.location = grid_location(4, 1) links.new(node_emission.outputs["Emission"], node_add_shader_1.inputs[1]) # Attribute "flame" node_attrib_flame = nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeAttribute') node_attrib_flame.attribute_name = "flame" node_attrib_flame.location = grid_location(3, 1) links.new(node_attrib_flame.outputs["Fac"], node_emission.inputs["Strength"]) # Blender Internal else: # create a volume material with a voxel data texture for the domain bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add() mat = bpy.data.materials.new("Smoke Domain Material") obj.material_slots[0].material = mat mat.type = 'VOLUME' mat.volume.density = 0 mat.volume.density_scale = 5 mat.volume.step_size = 0.1 tex = bpy.data.textures.new("Smoke Density", 'VOXEL_DATA') tex.voxel_data.domain_object = obj tex.voxel_data.interpolation = 'TRICUBIC_BSPLINE' tex_slot = mat.texture_slots.add() tex_slot.texture = tex tex_slot.texture_coords = 'ORCO' tex_slot.use_map_color_emission = False tex_slot.use_map_density = True tex_slot.use_map_color_reflection = True # for fire add a second texture for flame emission mat.volume.emission_color = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) tex = bpy.data.textures.new("Flame", 'VOXEL_DATA') tex.voxel_data.domain_object = obj tex.voxel_data.smoke_data_type = 'SMOKEFLAME' tex.voxel_data.interpolation = 'TRICUBIC_BSPLINE' tex.use_color_ramp = True tex_slot = mat.texture_slots.add() tex_slot.texture = tex tex_slot.texture_coords = 'ORCO' # add color ramp for flame color ramp = tex.color_ramp # dark orange elem = ramp.elements.new(0.333) elem.color[0] = 0.2 elem.color[1] = 0.03 elem.color[2] = 0 elem.color[3] = 1 # yellow glow elem = ramp.elements.new(0.666) elem.color[0] = elem.color[3] = 1 elem.color[1] = 0.65 elem.color[2] = 0.25 mat.texture_slots[1].use_map_density = True mat.texture_slots[1].use_map_emission = True mat.texture_slots[1].emission_factor = 5 return {'FINISHED'} class QuickFluid(Operator): bl_idname = "object.quick_fluid" bl_label = "Quick Fluid" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} style = EnumProperty( name="Fluid Style", items=(('INFLOW', "Inflow", ""), ('BASIC', "Basic", "")), default='BASIC', ) initial_velocity = FloatVectorProperty( name="Initial Velocity", description="Initial velocity of the fluid", min=-100.0, max=100.0, default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), subtype='VELOCITY', ) show_flows = BoolProperty( name="Render Fluid Objects", description="Keep the fluid objects visible during rendering", default=False, ) start_baking = BoolProperty( name="Start Fluid Bake", description=("Start baking the fluid immediately " "after creating the domain object"), default=False, ) def execute(self, context): fake_context = context.copy() mesh_objects = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if (obj.type == 'MESH' and 0.0 not in obj.dimensions)] min_co = Vector((100000.0, 100000.0, 100000.0)) max_co = -min_co if not mesh_objects: self.report({'ERROR'}, "Select at least one mesh object") return {'CANCELLED'} for obj in mesh_objects: fake_context["object"] = obj # make each selected object a fluid bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(fake_context, type='FLUID_SIMULATION') # fluid has to be before constructive modifiers, # so it might not be the last modifier for mod in obj.modifiers: if mod.type == 'FLUID_SIMULATION': break if self.style == 'INFLOW': mod.settings.type = 'INFLOW' mod.settings.inflow_velocity = self.initial_velocity else: mod.settings.type = 'FLUID' mod.settings.initial_velocity = self.initial_velocity obj.hide_render = not self.show_flows if not self.show_flows: obj.draw_type = 'WIRE' # store bounding box min/max for the domain object obj_bb_minmax(obj, min_co, max_co) # add the fluid domain object bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add() obj = context.active_object obj.name = "Fluid Domain" # give the fluid some room below the flows # and scale with initial velocity v = 0.5 * self.initial_velocity obj.location = 0.5 * (max_co + min_co) + Vector((0.0, 0.0, -1.0)) + v obj.scale = (0.5 * (max_co - min_co) + Vector((1.0, 1.0, 2.0)) + Vector((abs(v[0]), abs(v[1]), abs(v[2]))) ) # setup smoke domain bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='FLUID_SIMULATION') obj.modifiers[-1].settings.type = 'DOMAIN' # make the domain smooth so it renders nicely bpy.ops.object.shade_smooth() # create a ray-transparent material for the domain bpy.ops.object.material_slot_add() mat = bpy.data.materials.new("Fluid Domain Material") obj.material_slots[0].material = mat mat.specular_intensity = 1 mat.specular_hardness = 100 mat.use_transparency = True mat.alpha = 0.0 mat.transparency_method = 'RAYTRACE' mat.raytrace_transparency.ior = 1.33 mat.raytrace_transparency.depth = 4 if self.start_baking: bpy.ops.fluid.bake('INVOKE_DEFAULT') return {'FINISHED'}