/* * Copyright (c) 2005 Erwin Coumans http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/ * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. * Erwin Coumans makes no representations about the suitability * of this software for any purpose. * It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ #include "CylinderShape.h" #include "SimdPoint3.h" CylinderShape::CylinderShape (const SimdVector3& halfExtents) :BoxShape(halfExtents) { } CylinderShapeX::CylinderShapeX (const SimdVector3& halfExtents) :CylinderShape(halfExtents) { } CylinderShapeZ::CylinderShapeZ (const SimdVector3& halfExtents) :CylinderShape(halfExtents) { } SimdVector3 CylinderLocalSupportX(const SimdVector3& halfExtents,const SimdVector3& v) { const int cylinderUpAxis = 0; const int XX = 1; const int YY = 0; const int ZZ = 2; //mapping depends on how cylinder local orientation is // extents of the cylinder is: X,Y is for radius, and Z for height float radius = halfExtents[XX]; float halfHeight = halfExtents[cylinderUpAxis]; SimdVector3 tmp; SimdScalar d ; SimdScalar s = SimdSqrt(v[XX] * v[XX] + v[ZZ] * v[ZZ]); if (s != SimdScalar(0.0)) { d = radius / s; tmp[XX] = v[XX] * d; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = v[ZZ] * d; return tmp; } else { tmp[XX] = radius; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = SimdScalar(0.0); return tmp; } } SimdVector3 CylinderLocalSupportY(const SimdVector3& halfExtents,const SimdVector3& v) { const int cylinderUpAxis = 1; const int XX = 0; const int YY = 1; const int ZZ = 2; float radius = halfExtents[XX]; float halfHeight = halfExtents[cylinderUpAxis]; SimdVector3 tmp; SimdScalar d ; SimdScalar s = SimdSqrt(v[XX] * v[XX] + v[ZZ] * v[ZZ]); if (s != SimdScalar(0.0)) { d = radius / s; tmp[XX] = v[XX] * d; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = v[ZZ] * d; return tmp; } else { tmp[XX] = radius; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = SimdScalar(0.0); return tmp; } } SimdVector3 CylinderLocalSupportZ(const SimdVector3& halfExtents,const SimdVector3& v) { const int cylinderUpAxis = 2; const int XX = 0; const int YY = 2; const int ZZ = 1; //mapping depends on how cylinder local orientation is // extents of the cylinder is: X,Y is for radius, and Z for height float radius = halfExtents[XX]; float halfHeight = halfExtents[cylinderUpAxis]; SimdVector3 tmp; SimdScalar d ; SimdScalar s = SimdSqrt(v[XX] * v[XX] + v[ZZ] * v[ZZ]); if (s != SimdScalar(0.0)) { d = radius / s; tmp[XX] = v[XX] * d; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = v[ZZ] * d; return tmp; } else { tmp[XX] = radius; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = SimdScalar(0.0); return tmp; } } SimdVector3 CylinderShapeX::LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const SimdVector3& vec)const { return CylinderLocalSupportX(GetHalfExtents(),vec); } SimdVector3 CylinderShapeZ::LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const SimdVector3& vec)const { return CylinderLocalSupportZ(GetHalfExtents(),vec); } SimdVector3 CylinderShape::LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const SimdVector3& vec)const { return CylinderLocalSupportY(GetHalfExtents(),vec); }